Enter a thrilling world of parody inspired by Street Fighter, where sexual desire is as powerful as fighting! In this adventure, you'll battle through gritty city streets, face off against strong female opponents, and unravel a story full of intensity and allure. Each encounter is more than just a test of skill - it's also a chance to master seduction. From fierce brawls to passionate connections, every choice you make shapes your path towards becoming the ultimate champ, both inside and outside the ring! Meet a cast of fierce and formidable women, each with their own unique brand of seductive charm.
Pleasantly surprised. Not a bad game at all. Too bad it's only like an hour long though. I would keep updating and refining this, could be great tbh.
Like Replyhas too many errors, sometimes pressing ignore makes you press the do nothing button. Would be a good game if not for the errors.
Like Replybetter then it seemed, it has small problems with errors but you can still win the fights by simply once pressing ignore. Scenes are animated and they are not lagging even tho they are on gamcore. Length wise it is short but it doesn't waste your time.
Like ReplySurprisingly fun game, straight to the point with good variables, characterization and mechanics.
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