This is a parody game that revolves around the universe of superhero comics. In this world, brave superheroes are the last line of defense against enemies from outer space looking to enslave humanity and even mad scientists who want to take over the world. Even when faced with imminent death, these superheroes will defend the earth until their last breath. However, they are also sexually deviants ready to fuck anytime or place. If you want a raw and uncensored glimpse into a world where heroes and villains tussle for control, hit play to go on several adventures that are bound to excite you as much as they will shock you.
| He done all of this to find out that he is in love with her?..what a lame main least try to subjugate her then to give players some sort of payback resemblance..when did the 'revenge' path he was on deterred to 'care' and 'love'...*yuck!!!
Like ReplyMarcos123, he got his revenge on Black Commando, which is what the point was. Plus he got a better girl in the end. Sure it'd have been nice to see him break Betty and Lola too, but que cera cera.
Like ReplyCheat codes
Like ReplyNot great porn, but great comedy. Confirm my impression that Russian People are kin spirits. Our artists imitate US the best they can, we consume US entertaining industry daily. Still, the self-deprecating but kind humor here feels more familiar to me than most jokes from Yankees. I wonder if has something to do with diferences between Catholicism and Protestantism, in the background of our national mindsets.
Like ReplyNot a NTR vn! It has a scene of it at the very beginning to set up the main characters motivation. So don't let that deter you from this fun story about revenge.
Like Replypassword to the cheats please
Like ReplySmallcockloser, themind
Like ReplyThis should have a major NTR and pathetic main character warning. Maybe it gets better but if you're not ok with that stuff (like myself) don't start this game.
Like Replyninja, it does get better. All of that set dressing is meant to be a super villain origin story and prove the world if f***ed up enough to justify fighting the system. But yes, it really should warn you how heavy the NTR is in the intro so as to let the player skip it without feeling like they missed something.
Like Replyninja, He gets his revenge big time!!!!
Like Replyhow do you get collaborator?
Like Replybigdogmark, depends on the target. the short version is to progress the few stories you can by default and look deep in all the menus for hints of lackeys and minions.
Like ReplyThe longer version is to look in contacts and research any new character name mentioned on the terminal. So far, i have found: minion pair, contact from the day job, someone who saves you from a super, and a super themselves. Like i said: progress available stories to make contacts.
Like ReplyWhy does Vincent looks like a discount Terry Crews,lol?..I wanted the fuck his wife as a revenge too for oursand he seems to have the only back chick in the entire game too..the game is super laggy because if you buy more then the needed components to craft items then the numbers gets all fucked patch this shit up men..anyways..Good work Dev(s)..will be looking forward to your next update
Like ReplyI like the game had no issues but wants everyone was upgraded to collsb there nothing else to do and nothing to tell you if this update completed or not
Like ReplyIts truly unbelievable state of RenPy powered games in here - accosianal crashes, allkind of errors, pre-saves erased aso aso.. too bad since most of games are very fun to play
Like ReplyArmas, Completely agree
Like ReplyArmas, gotta do the gamcore browser chrome breaks renpy games as they are meant to be dowloaded
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