This is a hentai RPG that follows the main character who relocates to Dusuka city to enrol in Dusuka Academy, the most prestigious school in the whole country. Upon arrival, he discovers that things are not as they seem in this academy and some of the secrets and information he discovers even threaten to put his life in danger. He will also end up interacting with 12 different bishōjo such as Akira Ashikaga, who is a tsundere, Asuksa Ashikaga, a dandere, and even Hana Hirano, a kuudere. You must work to build relationships with each of them and if you play your cards right, you may get them to satisfy all your sexual desires. Hit play to see how this story unfolds!
the 2024-08-07 uptade cause the the game to not loading
Like ReplyI cant even select anything on the main menu. Not Start, Load, Preferences... nothing
Like Replythe 09/04 doesn't fix it /// failed to download the game
Like Replyi'm not sure but sometime the last save of a playtime don't save ?
Like ReplyHow do you trigger events, I keep grinding through the same senarios and nothing is happening?
Like ReplyBunkernaut, Affection and timing. The events follow a linear order, and require you to visit certain locations at certain times, sometimes being dependent on events from other girls' routes, and occasionally you get events that require you to have finished all other events up to that point. I honestly recommend googling the wiki, as you'll be spending a lot of time visiting locations at random if you're not following a guide.
Like Reply@TheMather1 — And that is why I hate Sandbox games. You can so easily miss shit by not knowing where to look, or when.
Like Replythat the reason why i download fandom app
Like ReplyNew patch and game crash please fix for the app
Like ReplyI’m 80 days in and still no sex scene ?
Like ReplyPatience young one
Like ReplyIt crashes
Like ReplyOne word. ren py
Like Reply