Unveiling your mutant abilities during a sentinel attack prompted a rescue by a squad of X-Men. Now, as you arrive at the Xavier Institute in the early evening, hope begins to stir. The promise of a new home amid the challenges faced by mutants since Apocalypse's fall sounds like a promising deal. Despite the tough journey, the prospect of sanctuary and camaraderie under the X-Men's wing feels like a welcomed opportunity. Stepping through the institute doors, you enter a potentially brighter future, where acceptance and belonging await in this haven for those with extraordinary gifts. Heck yeah, it sounds like a good deal!
Awesome game, one problem tho, once you romanced multiple girls they keep approaching you every day to have fun with them, this gets very annoying after a while personally. Maybe I'm just blind and you can turn this off somewhere in the interactions but so far I have unsuccessful. Anyone knows?
Like ReplyLava, talk to xavier
Like ReplyAndroid APK doesn't work, please fix it.
Like Replythe game has a lot of bugs as an EXEPTION i have all girls but the gme bug
Like Replyadd more tampon,period,girls piss
Like Replyyoungwicky2k6, First 2 rather not, buuut I wouldn't mind the 3rd suggestion
Like Replyplease improve this games to fuck wounda
Like ReplyWtf is this emscripten stuff and how do u even export the saves to be used on the actual desktop version of the game it always shows some error and I can't even continue progress on the actual game which is sad. Any genius out there who knows how this pickle stuff works and if I can use the saves on here on the actual game will be appreciated
Like Replywhy do i keep getting this error Downloading engine... failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: CompileError: AsyncCompile: Wasm decoding failed: The Exception section must appear before the Export section @+63126 The game aborted unexpectedly. More information may be available in the browser console or contained in the log. Aborted(CompileError: AsyncCompile: Wasm decoding failed: The Exception section must appear before the Export section @+63126)
Like ReplySoulSlicer, i've had the same a while back and with me helped to get on a different browser, i used to do it on the app of them and now i use opera and it works again. i hope that could help
Like Replygame doesnt work since 1.6e update
Like Replysecretcharacter, ok delete old saves data seems to work. like delete browser history and need to start over
Like Reply@admin new version is out <3
Like ReplyIt says we can be a female MC? So why can't we romance any of the guy X-Men?
Like ReplyCurtiss, That would be cool. Maybe in another update ?
Like ReplyFor some time the versions of this game on gamcore worked pretty well, with quick loading time and no memory leak. The last update brought back the insanely long loading screen, and memory leak (the game gets slower the more you play, and eventually you cannot play properly). I do not know what was done to make it work properly previously, but please do that again.
Like ReplyI wonder if Jean can auto find out someone's real name and really give them a scare. Trever look out for your kids fairy princess castle Legos.
Like ReplyUpdate game new update
Like ReplyCould the admins update the APK version of the game to represent the current version of the game? Seems like the APK build is older.
Like ReplyDeleted my save after update dont waste your time
Like ReplyJust reposting so people don't have to scroll to the bottom I'm going to leave this here. Press Shift + O Player.Cash=9999 Player.StatPoints=99 Player.Lvl=99 Player.Semen=5 Player.Focus=99 Replace Rogue with any other girls name: RogueX.Love=999 RogueX.Obed=999 RogueX.Inbt=999 RogueX.StatPoints=99 RogueX.Lvl=99 RogueX.Lust=999
Like Replycharlsprodude, How exactly do you do this and where you type?
Like Replycharlsprodude, +9+8 can you give a step by step guide please
Like ReplyTo get Ms Frost go back into her class after the class is over and find her masturbating at the desk to "break the ice"
Like ReplyWhats new?
Like ReplyMyMother, there is a new girl, Betsy (Psylocke). You cannot have actual sex with her yet (it stops at handjobs, or you licking her).
Like ReplyNewest update broke every place image, now its black everywhere
Like ReplyOk, after restarting the game, i discovered that is the "travel mode" that messes up everything, without it the games works fine
Like ReplyPlease upload game to Games of Desire again gamcore keeps deleting my saves.
Like Replywhen sexual acts are performed. they are pixilated. Could something be done about this?
Like Replyall pixel out
Like ReplyI hate this update already, all the charecters are now pixel out
Like ReplyGeez, i can't get to play this game at all, all i ever get is a message that says this is a beta version blah blah blah, but after that it simply crashed!, is there a problem with this version or what?
Like ReplyGame crashes on sex scence?
Like ReplyThe background's a black screen now instead of showing the environment. Also, honestly the game is pretty repetitive. Perhaps a skip button for the story would be better. Of course I know this isn't the place to suggest that but still...
Like ReplyWhats the easiest way to build relationship with jean?
Like ReplyRiok, I found it easiest to build up her obedience first. Let her know she isn't top dog, the player is. then you should be able to build up her love and inhibitions after with little effort.
Like ReplyCan someone fix the apk
Like Replythis game is like nirvana to my nerdness, so addictive! I want the developer to add more responses other than the same old static ones, add at least Psylock and Mystique, but more women, and fix 'betweek' to between! :) other than those few criticisms this game is awesome!
Like ReplyADDENDUM: forgot to mention, add some options to give oral sex to the girls, kycking them in certain places would be nice! And Gwen and Jean are my favorites so far, til you add the scarlet witch or black widow (who would make about as much sense as Gwenpoole)
Like ReplyWhats new in 1.3a?
Like ReplyNwlo, também tô querendo saber
Like ReplyHello. The new version adds a little few things and is works a little better. But why adding this Gwen ? She has nothing to do with X-men Evolution. There's so much characters we can have here: Scarlet Witch, Magma, Boom-Boom, Wolfsbane, Mystique. And why not some male characters to interact with: Iceman, Nightcrawler, Angel, Havoc ? That would bring some diversity and a new public here. Also, some actions link to superpowers would be great, so much could be done with it.
Like ReplyTitlove, Oh and btw, can we have the super-hero costumes available too (the tv show ones and the classic ones) ?
Like ReplyI remember when Burger King had the X-Men adventure mini dvd's comics and i thought this exact game with the Rogue cover back in the late 90s.
Like ReplyError: Script error. (see JavaScript console for details) ???
Like ReplySHADOWS, you can hit ignore a bunch of times and it should work ok
Like ReplyTHE GAME DONT WORK Error: Script error. (see JavaScript console for details) ???
Like Replykeep getting a script error about checking the javascript console
Like ReplyThe game is nice and I want to used the game
Like ReplyNew update is out
Like ReplyTOP G ARMY, I would but I need to get my surgery first
Like ReplyWhat do you do is your progession is like... gone
Like ReplyWhere did all my save files go??
Like ReplyNew update version E please
Like ReplyWhere can i find the offline version?
Like ReplyWhere can i DL the offline version?
Like ReplyPut a cheat option to get into the fucking porn
Like Replylove the game, but it slows my pc down and just randomly lost all my progress
Like Replycan't save anymore
Like ReplyGame is great. definitely a memory leak somewhere, game slows down so bad. Needs sound? Need some way to knock the chicks up.
Like ReplyI like this game
Like ReplyGwenpoole showing up nearly made me laugh out loud. Didn't expect her out of the blue like that
Like Replythere is cheats or cheat code ?
Like ReplyDoesn't hold a save.
Like ReplyBro, some punishment options and more BDSM actions with slaves would be awesome
Like ReplyY can't I play this game anymore?
Like Replymy computer becomes slow when im playing this game, normal?
Like ReplyBeautiful game
Like Replyis it just me, or is the game constantly frozen, leaving message behind saying *bye* everytime?.
Like ReplyWhisper, accept all cookies
Like ReplyAnyone have a savefile for this :)) i always forget tto save it :(
Like ReplyJoeyxxx01, to save it if you are using a chromebook, press the mousepad with two fingers and it will open the save points, I know how hard it is to find a savepoint, i hope that i can help the best way i can.
Like ReplyHaw to get Xavier in problems? i get i hawe to bring Kitty, but she dont know what i want from her? what do i hawe to do? By the way great game, it just nide more girls, and show some girl to girl action.
Like Replywe need mystique in this game
Like Replycheckout the artists patreon for latest updates
Like ReplyI love this game, but damn... I hate always losing my saved files and starting all over again.
Like ReplyTEKA, dude chill. The game is completely fine, I've never had a crash and I've played multiple times. Maybe your hardware is just shit
Like ReplyRoidy, yeah probably. i dont have any money for a good pc. all i have is an acer laptop
Like Replydo NOT touch the display option.
Like Replythis needs the crucial updates for it to work
Like Replydoesnt ever seem 2 work
Like ReplyYES. Been waiting so long for an update.
Like Replywhat's in the update?
Like Replyyeezaa, This added new position to emma, and filled out Storms actions
Like ReplyUPDATE PLZ! This is such a good game!
Like ReplySo any chance an update is coming ? Been awhile.
Like ReplyAdd some avengers girls please
Like ReplyPlease add sound
Like ReplyFor the student girls such as Laura how do you succeed at doing like plan chi cause whenever I've done them the only person to succeed with the plan idk what it was called was rogue
Like ReplyJackofftohentai, You need a high Control stat with a girl to "threaten" Xavier. It works with all giris, including Laura. Kitty however requires both a high control stat, and a photograph of Mystique in your inventory for her to threaten Xavier. That photo can be found in Xavier's office during night hours - you will need to break in.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, do you mean by control do you mean obedience stat
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, how can I break in xavier's office?
Like ReplyNew version out, please update
Like Replygame is perma broken wont load up no matter what
Like ReplyWhat an amazing game!!! I always was so in love with the show when I was a kid and I loved Rogue's style. Ilove the game, full of details and options. ROgue and Kitty are so sexy and Emma Frost is drooling as fuck!!! I just wish there was more clothes options for the girls and also some solo sex stuff (like masturbation or anal playing). I wouldn't mind male characters too like Iceman and Nightcrawler. Anyway, I give it 5 stars out of 5 <3<3<3
Like ReplyWere can i download this game?
Like ReplyGame could use some music but other than that not to bad.
Like Replygood game just needs more content
Like Replythere is this thing where their eyes roll but i dont know how to keep it like that help
Like ReplyI wish the creator would make Jean look more like she in the and fix her behavior and personality.
Like ReplyGrimm, *look more like she did in the show*.
Like ReplyGrimm, Jean is more of a spoiled princess type of girl. Her personality isn't broken; just part of a variety.
Like Replywhen will the next update on this site will be down can not wait to see storm sences or new girls to addded
Like Replyv0.994c Why? Why? Why haven't you fixed the fucking save function? It says that I saved my progress, loads from it, etc. But when I turn off my computer, the save is deleted. Why do you fix stupid, inconsequential bugs and not important ones such as saving?
Like ReplyNazi-bitch, save the game, then choose to export the save in the top left. When playing again, Import the save and load from the main menu.
Like ReplyGuest, by sleep with her do you mean sex or stay the nght
Like ReplyCan someone get a hold of the dev and see if this game can be made to work on windows browser
Like ReplyHere are all 25 exploits, bugs, and glitches of gamcore's v 0.0994c patch of Rogue-Like: Evolution. See "View Replies" to view each one. MC means Main Character, or Zero. "Addict" refers to girls that go to MC's room requesting to touch him. LOI is the Love/Obedience/Inhibitions stat.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 0. (Game Ruining, Bug) Saves are broken on patch v 0.0994c. It will only save 5 to 13 in-game days of work. It says it saved, but it will vanish when the page is refreshed. WORK-AROUND: If you are on PC, save, then click on the three line icon at the upper left of the game screen, click "Export saves" to get a zip file. Whenever you are ready to play again, click "Import saves". If you don't want to export the file, you're out of luck.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 1. (Game Ruining, Bug) v 0.0994c has a higher frequency of crashing when compared to it's previous patch. Save (and Export save if PC) your game every 15 in-game days, or every 30 minutes real-world.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 2A. (Game Ruining, Bug) Addiction Level 2 will break your playthrough. It is not advised to have MC's Addiction at Level 2 if you are going for a Love route, as the game will not only priortize an Addict Cut-scene, but completely eradicate all other Love cut-scenes ever from happening with ALL girls even if Addiction Level 2 is deactivated later. Solution: Turn off Addiction Level 2 once a girl's Love stat reaches 700.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 2b. (Bug) Even if MC doesn't have Addiction Level 2; Rogue's "I love you" cut-scene won't trigger at all. As a result, she will be soft-capped at 900 Love. HOW TO FIX: Bring her to her room, and then keep clicking the "Talk with her" and "I just want to talk" over and over. It might take all day, but she will eventually initiate her love cut-scene.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 2c. (Oversight, Game Ruining) If "So?" or "I don't think of you like that." is selected during Rogue's "I love you" cut-scene speech, the option to change Rogue's name to Anna, Marie, and Anna-Marie will be permanently gone for the rest of the playthrough.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 3. (Exploit, Oversight) The "Sex Menu - Dance for me? - Strip" action will ignore the hidden Exhibition stat check. As a result, this action can be used to strip any girl with a moderate LOI while in public.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 4. (Exploit, Bug) Charles will never bust MC or the girl if the action "Dance for me? - Strip" is initiated in public.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 5. (Exploit, Oversight) After MC and a girl is busted by Charles, she normally refuses a chat and says she wants to lay low. But there is a work around that will still allow MC to enter her chat menu. First, find another girl and add her to MC's party. Then find the girl that got busted. Then chat with the girl that is currently in the party, and choose "Switch to..." and pick the girl that was busted. Enjoy this now, as it will likely be patched in the future.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 6. (Funny, Bug, Exploit) If an Addict has a low LOI and "How about you let me touch your breasts?" is picked, the game will priortize her top removal options first even if she doesn't want her boobs touched. As a result, the MC can get her shirt off, only for said girl to say no to both the persuasive and aggressive actions after. She will keep her shirt off until she leaves the room.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 7. (Exploit, Bug) When taking a shower with another girl; if she play or rubs MC's cock and get's him to cum, no sperm points will be lost.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 8. (Oversight, Exploit) After too many "Sex Menu" options wear a girl out; choosing the "Study" option allows player to get back into a "Kiss" makeout session. The girl will also suggest strip studying.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 9. (Bug, Exploit) A girl can strip dance and blowjob while MC jackoff at the same time during a Threesome. First, initiate any sex action that isn't "Could you put on a show for me?", then through the Other Options - Threesome menu have the secondary girl give MC a lick. Then choose to do something else, and then pick "Could you put on a show for me? - Dance for me?". The secondary girl will still be licking MC's dick while strip dancing.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 10. (Oversight, Funny) If a girl with a moderate Inhibitions Stat cums at any time during a "Sex Menu" action from MC; 3 days or later, they will pull MC aside and initiate the "Sex Menu" automatically even if both their Lust and Addiction stat is 0.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 11. (Bug) When kissing an Addict with a high LOI; if the option "Back to Sex Menu" is picked, it will end the Sex Menu, and treat it as an Addict getting her touch request fulfilled even if the Addict herself is a Girlfriend with over 900 Love. It's supposed to continue but it doesn't.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 12. (Glitch, Funny) If MC approaches a girl's room at night while said girl is masturbating, her character sprite will be right at the front door despite her actually being in her room.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 13. (Oversight, Funny) Girls with moderate Inhibitions stat will pull MC aside and initiate the "Sex Menu" while in his room. One of the dialogue options that can be selected is "Lead you back towards your room.".
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 14. (Bug or Bad Grammer?) When MC wakes up to another girl slurping his dick, choosing "This feels great, keep going..." causes a -5 to her Love stat for unexplained reasons.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 15. (Bug) If an Addict Rogue with a high Addiction stat gives a blowjob, she cums during the blowjob (MC can cum or not, it's optional), and she still wants more after ending it; selecting "Nothing. Touch wherever you like." and then immediately ending the makeout she will be automatically be satisfied. This still happens even if her Addiction stat is above 50 upon makeout exit.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 16. (Exploit, Oversight) Kitty at L474/O400/I308 will get mad and leave the room if asked to join in a Threeway. But she will be okay with it if MC starts the "Sex Menu" starts with Kitty first, and then chooses the Threeway option towards the other girl present.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 17. (Glitch) If Kitty's Addiction Stat is high; and if "Sex Menu" is initiated without her Addict cut-scene, she will still have her Addict face after Sex Menu ends even if enough actions were used to lower her Addiction Stat to 0.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 18. (Bug) If Kitty has a low LOI, is kiss-tamed, in public, has 50 Lust or more; and if "Never mind (exit)" is picked, she will claim she isn't finished and want MC to do more. However, the only options that work are "Kiss." and "Touch her thighs." Because it's public; she will automatically reject all other options. MC can only exit and leave her unsatisfied, make her angry, or risk an option that Charles may catch during the day.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 19. (Glitch) When catching Emma fap for the first time in the classroom; if MC jacksoff and Emma catches him, and MC requests to touch her for discretion, MC's hand will still visually have his hand on his dick despite both of his hands being on her breast.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 20. (Bug, Exploit) If Emma has a high Inhibitions stat, and she cummed at least once through the Sex Menu actions by MC, and if MC is in anybody's room, Emma can and might Initiate the "Sex Menu" automatically with MC in front of other girls even if she hasn't been convinced yet to do it in public.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 21. (Glitch) Ororo's pussy will have multiple weird flashing white lines, almost like a tornado effect. It will still be present even if it's shaved.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 22. (Bug, Bad Grammer?) If Ororo walks in while MC is taking a shower, she will say "Oh. Goodbye then." but will stay and shower with him. Her stats were L406/O360/I441 at the time.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 23. (Glitch, Funny) While initiating "Sex Menu" in public with any girl while Ororo is the second girl; if Charles busts everyone, Ororo's sprite will be absent in his office, but the game will treat it as if she's there.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 24. (Bug, Funny) While initiating "Sex Menu" in public with any girl while Ororo is present but hasn't noticed what is going on yet; if Charles busts everyone, he will still bust Ororo too and scold her despite her lack of participation.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 25a. (Glitch, Funny) After a date with Rogue and Emma; if you kiss Emma goodnight, a message pops saying Rogue will wink and doesn't get involved. But Rogue's sprite will humorously be kissing MC too, and overtop of Emma. If "Keep going." is selected, Rogue will notice and join in despite her sprite already kissing.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 25b. (Bug, Glitch) A Followup to the Emma-Rogue kissing sprite glitch: If the "Sex Menu - Threesome" is selected while Emma is the primary girl, it offers both options to let Rogue and Emma join in, when it should only be the one Rogue option.
Like ReplyBreaks every time i try to load now, used to work fine
Like ReplyOh! A new update! And a new set of bugs to find! This is gonna be fun! Give me 2 weeks...
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, x.0994c here I come!
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, what new bug? so ik watch out for?
Like ReplyJoshuablood, Check the comments in a day or two. I'll be posting them under a new comment.
Like ReplyJoshuablood, It's up! The posting date of the comment is 2021-06-12. Enjoy reading the whole dictionary's worth.
Like Replywould love it more if it had voice ovr char but as well update that fix any typglich it be one best games
Like ReplyWhen rogue asked to touch me and I chose footjob why did my game just say bye? Is there any fix?
Like ReplyDaddy, Thanks for the info! Find any more bugs, let everyone know in the comments.
Like ReplyDaddy, Tested the footjob through an addicted Rogue, and it worked fine. Could you tell me what your Rogue's LOI was, if you've made her cum to any action prior, and if she's exhibition tamed?
Like Replycan you get caught cheating?
Like Replyyeezaa, If your girlfriend's Obedience stat isn't high enough (seems to be different threshold for each girl), and they walk in on you doing anything from the "Sex Menu" with another girl, they will get furious and leave. The next time you talk to them involves you apologising, or breaking up. If you cheat a second time, they will instant break up with you. Finally, Laura will instantly know you cheated if you brought another girl to your room due to her mutant scent ability.
Like Replyyeezaa, Message #2, Kitty Pryde can still enter Zero's room and catch him cheating even if the door is locked. Though she won't enter other girl's rooms. Once a girl reaches 800 Obedience they all wanna be part of Zero's harem collection - relationship or not.
Like Replyqueria poder baixar o jogo sem ser patreon
Like ReplyProbably one of my favorite games on here. While it sucks that it does not get consistent updates, overall it has good content. I see that some people think that their are not enough characters, i believe more will be added as updates come in but who know how long that will take.
Like Replyis good game.
Like Replyhmmmm any uppdates?
Like Replykox, idk just got here
Like Replykox, As far as updates for Gamecore goes, it tends to get an update once every 4 months on average.
Like Replykox, this is the most recent stable version
Like Replykox, Yes the game has been updated. To keep up follow OniArtist (the creator) page on kemonoparty, where they frequently post about the game
Like Replyokay few thing to get the keys you can find a set of keyrings in the professors desk also a lockbox in the bookcase need kitty to open it about 500 in cash. to get Emma more comfortable with the girls add her to your party then do study sessions or other like danger room after a few times or so you got your three-way. as for the r-b-y buttons in lab there for oni to do trouble shoots you find a problem tell him on forums he gets info from you thru those so it a bit faster for him.
Like Replyfry, so what do the buttons do?
Like ReplyRogothePogo, not quite sure but what I've been able to gather is things like have you made a harem or not which girls you met or affected as I said its for oni to troubleshoot so its honestly a guess since I not been able to find the post where he explained what it was for again
Like Replyfry, which desk drawer are the keys in and do you need one of the girls to get them cause one of the drwers keeps sayion need a more thorough search
Like ReplyJackofftohentai, The keyring should be in the center drawer, the left should have the picture, and the right I believe doesn't have anything for this update or I did not progress far enough in the game for that one
Like Replyokay so for the right drawer you need Storm she uses the wind to open the secret panel in that drawer
Like Replyhow do you get kitty to fuck
Like Replycoper, Easiest way to sex Kitty is for Zero to level up to get Addiction Level 2, and then initiate "Romance Flirt: Touch her face" on Kitty. Anytime she visits his room requesting to touch him, just choose "Nothing, touch wherever you like" or "How about a kiss?" for +4 to +6 Love points. Ask her on date once her Love stat is 500. And be sure to spank her a few times when making out. When ready, touch her boobs first and make her cum. The rest is a gamble.
Like Replycoper, With Addiction Level 2; if you're willing to be a mean jerk, you can touch her boobs through addition. She will dislike it, and might resist the first time and storm out. But she will eventually come to you begging for a touch later. Touch her boobs through addiction again. She will dislike it, but touch them anyway without persuading her. Her Love stat drop a lot for this, but Obedience will increase. Get her to cum from touching her. Getting high Obedience is key.
Like Replycoper, If you don't wanna go the Addiction route; Kitty's stats are a major grind. She won't date you unless her Love stat is 500. So a lot of "Flirt: Great Job in Class" and "Flirt: You nailed that exercise" to work the stats up. Swimming with her on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the afternoon also works for an easy +15 Love. Once you can date her, the grind becomes less painful.
Like Replyany new Update out?
Like Replywish it auto saved more
Like Replyso am i able to play the game without it slowing down my pc or?...
Like Replydoes anyone know how to get a key to kittys room
Like ReplyJackofftohentai, Sleep with her several times until she interrupts you at some point to give you her room key.
Like Replywhere is update?
Like Replyi figured out how to make the saving part work u cant play incognito mode
Like ReplyIs it just me, or does Laura's addiction rate go down faster then the other girls?
Like ReplyFor the people who have troubles saving and loading files: You have to Save your game and then EXPORT it to your computer so, the next time you load in you can IMPORT your saved file. Be aware, you need to abilitate (?) cookies in your browser.
Like ReplyGreat game with huge improvements since last year
Like ReplyCan you play on iPad?
Like Reply#3a. After MC cums while he is touching another girl with warning, it switches to the usual HJ animation, but visually stays on that animation even though MC is feeling up the other girl through text.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, #3b. A follow-up to #3: If the girl cums while this bugged animation is happening, she will be visually (but not textually) handjobbing the MC.
Like Reply#2. An exploit exists that allows players to prevent addicted girls from touching MC's face without said girl forcefully touching them out of anger.... Have them strip through addiction. If the girl refuses to strip during the Dance, and "You better" is picked, they storm out of the room with no consequence.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, This exploit bug is active as of Patch v.0992g.
Like ReplyPatch v.0992g - Bugs for Rogue-like Evolution on gamcore... See replies to view each one. I tried to put the more interesting ones closer to the top.... MC is main player character.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 0. Broken saves happen every patch. HOW TO FIX: Save your game. Then highlight the transparent lines on the upper-left, then "Export saves". Then click "Import saves" and select the downloaded file you exported when ready to play again.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, #1. If a particular girl asks MC to meet with them, and they return to their room to deal with it when asked; they'll arrive to find another girl waiting for them instead. This can lead to both humerus and frustrating encounters if MC has unlocked "Control Your Addiction" and it is maxed out.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, #4. If Xavier catches MC with a girl in public, punishes them, and then the same girl visits MC's room due to a cut-scene (the "Friends with Benefits" speech,"Daddy" speech, etc), they can't be asked to leave MC's room due to wanting to "lay low"..... How to Fix: Leave the room, then come back in.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, #5. The threshold for seeing Laura's pussy is lower than getting her to try on black panties. If MC sees Laura's pussy for the first time by walking in on her in the shower, visits her in her room, then requests her to remove her panties while changing her wardrobe, she will comply. But if requesting her to try on the black panties, she will want a dressing screen. Her stats were L333/O197/I376.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, #6a. The "Cum on Belly" option doesn't always work as intended. (2 followups)
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, #6b. Cumming on Rogue's belly while she's dancing has cum, but doesn't display itself at all. Rogue will still clean/eat it though as if it's there.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, #6c. Initiating "Dance:Strip:Jackoff:Cum on Belly" with Jean through Addiction causes it to completely skip the cum entirely, and only gives the message that she's "Licking her lips".
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, #7. If sex is initiated in the shower with a girl that has a high Obidence stat, but a low Love stat, they will ask MC if they want something off even if they're already naked.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, #8. If MC does "Flirt:Kiss Lips" with Jean, makes out with her, and then she pulls out MC's cock during the makeout, MC's cock will still be out even after the makeout session is over.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, #9. If Rogue get's embarrassed and leaves her own room, and she is texted to "Come over" while MC is still in Rogue's room, Rogue states that she is in her room and ask if MC wants to come over, despite not actually being present.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, #10. Rogue at L939/O326/I469 + Girlfriend refuses to leave MC's room even if "You can leave if you like" and "You can go now" is selected.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, End of report. #2 and #3 are on the comment below this one because "Mistakes Were Made".
Like ReplyOh boy! I didn't know 0.0992G was uploaded. Give me a few days to find the bugs.
Like Replyhow to export saved files
Like Replynikki, Upper left of the screen should have 3 weird looking lines. Click on that and "Export File". Once exported, you can then close the game, and return another day with all your progress. Select "Import File" wait until it notifies you. It should work without issue.
Like ReplyWhen the game finally started the word bye popped up and I wasn’t able to play anymore
Like ReplyAfter like 20 days it got super slow, crashed, and wont reopen. is there a place i can dowload this game?
Like Replyblu, yes, just search it online, it's pretty easy to find
Like ReplyAre there any cheats for this game so I don't have to lose all progress if I close the window?
Like ReplyPseudokin, you can save
Like ReplySo does the game still eat your pcs whole memory
Like Replyit's literally unplayable now, It won't load
Like ReplyBugs for gamcore's V 0.992F... See replies to view each one...
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 1. Rogue's "I love you" speech at 900+ Love will not work. When you return to your room to speak with her, she will not be there. As a result, players are softcapped to 900 Love stat with Rogue. FIX: Bring her to your room, then keep talking to her over and over again, and it should work...
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 2. You can get a low stat, untamed exhibitionist girl to strip for you in public. To do this; bring a tamed exhibitionist girl with you, find the girl you want to strip, then initiate "Sex: Dance For Me, Take Off Clothes" with the tamed girl. The untamed girl will act as if their stats are fully tamed with the other girl. by having a tamed high stat exhibitionist girl with you.... Additionally, Xavier won't interrupt any of it either.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 3. Kitty won't put on the purchasable cat bikini while hiding behind a screen, despite her agreeing to it... So the only way players can get her to try it on during the Wardrobe change is by having her comfortable with the player seeing her naked.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 4. Activating "Time Travel" mode on Day 1 will replace all backgrounds with a black screen.... How to Fix: You need to sleep on Day 1-Sunday, then leave your room Day 2-Monday morning. That will cause backgrounds to start working. You can now activate Time Travel Mode.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 5. A high stat exhibitionism tamed girl; changing the clothes of her in public, she refuses the "birthday suit" option, but can still be stripped of all her clothing if each piece is done individually.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, 6. A high stat exhibitionism tamed girl; Kitty Pride (and possibly other girls) will lose Inhibition (-4) when a crowd builds, but the stat doesn't actually go down despite it's warning.
Like Replyany downloadfile for this version?
Like Replywtf i saved the game but now my loads are gone
Like Replyfap-lad, Saves are broken on gamcore. Only way to save your game without losing the data is to export/import. You can do that at the top left of the screen. Otherwise, you're out of luck unless you support the patron.
Like Replyr e n p y l o a di n g
Like Reply9/10 : Good game, it has simple and funny mechanics, but a little grindy sometimes. Recommend: YES
Like Replywhat is going on >:(
Like Replywho the new charater
Like Replythe background is broken
Like Replymfgoat, only in the very beginning. It's fixed quite quickly.
Like ReplyWhen is the full version coming out for all to use. (without patreon)
Like Replythe background broken
Like Replymy bad didn't mean to reply to that but to answer your question, The full game isn't coming out for another few years
Like ReplySo here are the bugs with patch v 0.991h that are unrelated to saves on gamcore... 1. If MC cums while they are touching any girl, it will visually switch to the handjob/blowjob animation. 2. Setting the "Return to Room When Asked" as "No" doesn't always work and the game will ask anyway..... 3. When MC wakes up to a blowjob after sleeping with a girl, saying "Oh yeah! Keep doing that!" does -5 to the Love stat.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, As of patch V 0.992F, the first two bugs (the handjob animation staying after cumming, and the broken "Return to the Room When Asked?" ) still exist. The last one however has been edited in on purpose to no longer be a bug. Love stat no longer deceases for saying "Yeah Keep Doing That" when waking up to a blowjob if the girl's stats are high enough.
Like Replywassup bois, i'm in vietnam now. im not in nethterlands anymore.
Like Replyhow do i get qwen pool?
Like ReplyEhat do the buttons do?
Like ReplyIs it normal that everytime I play this game, my whole PC slows down? I even noticed that it fills up my storage, it kinda ate 20gb somehow??
Like Replyyea it happens to me too
Like Replygod, Check those drivers i had that problem with some other games last year . the out of date driver got an error and caused a small memory leak that over about 2 weeks ate up most my hard drive updating the driver fixed it .
Like ReplyEngrish, hi! How are you? Can you please elaborate about drivers? What drivers? For online or offline version? Thanks in advance!
Like Replywhen it asks for your name it freezes up
Like ReplyLost my save after getting all the girls to high stats. I'm blaming it on a continuity shift in the timeline.
Like ReplyCrimsonK, Blame the Flash
Like ReplyReverb Act 3, DC Flash?
Like ReplyThe game is good and all but it the pace is way too slow. like why do I have to date someone 30 times before anything starts to happen.
Like Replyi played this game for probaly 48 hours in total,is good and all but im heavily confused,why is gween pool in her
Like ReplyHow do I sleep with Jean Grey? I can't seem to get her levels up.
Like ReplyPlz fix the saving files
Like Replystill loading...
Like Replyi can not really get past the ren en play it toke 20 min to play once but good game kindaworth the wait
Like ReplyThe game needs more girls
Like ReplyBenjaMart, It does need more girls. This next suggestion isn't my cup of tea but it needs one guy too. Either Iceman, Spike or Beast.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, or logan
Like ReplyIs there going to be an update soon or something already completed everything
Like ReplyAnyone else getting a legion of "Warning: write error?"
Like Replyhm i enjoyed this game till my save files disappered
Like Replyhi is the game meant to just have a black background or is it a bug?
Like ReplyThe game is broken for me. The background is just a black screen.
Like ReplyPersonUnknown, same here
Like ReplyPersonUnknown, have you tried continuing to play? I find the backgrounds pop in after the first night.
Like Replywhat does the red, yellow, and blue buttons do
Like Replydonald, i think it gives you the keys to their rooms
Like Replydonald, i think it has to do with the stats
Like Replydonald, Red: Love Blue: Obedience Yellow: Inhibition (Comfortable in public)
Like ReplyI was on day 16 i then turned my laptop on and off again and I lost everything so I now have to start from scratch does anybody have any ideas:)
Like ReplyDoes the downloaded version slow down the pc? The web version keeps doing it
Like Replyis there even an ending?
Like Replyseriously tho bc idk what else to do
Like Replyhaha, this is still a beta so no, not yet
Like Replywhy i don't have background here??
Like ReplyGreat game !!! i'm at the begining and it's already good
Like Replyvery bugged game
Like ReplyDoes this work on mobile or just pc
Like ReplyAnoumous, it works on android
Like Replywhy is almost every good game run on Renpy? Like what happened to Html games? They load faster and typically run better then Renpy.
Like ReplyThe "Strip Studying" is broken on [v 0.990h]. Can only strip study with one girl. Strip studying with two girls however only causes one of them to strip, while the other one watches.
Like ReplyMore Suggestions: Having girls with high stats trying to initiate sex with [player] while in the shower without having to take a shower, 10% chance of a wardrobe malfunction with a girl training in the training room (not just Rogue's tights), walking in on two high-stat girls having sex with each other, and finally: Flowers/Chocolate/Jewelry that can be bought an infinite amount of times to be given as gifts to increase/decrease a girl's stats.
Like ReplySuggestions for next update: Magik, Mystique, add a rear view for all characters when groping ass or doing anal, heavier consequences for sleeping with other girls while in a confirmed relationship without seeking girlfriend's approval first, beach dates, park dates, and finally: The option to initiate sex with a girl in front of Xavier just to piss him off.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, dude if ur going to make suggestions, you will have to buy oni patereon and tell him yourself. pretty sure he doesnt know his game is here
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, surely you have a save file for this game xx
Like ReplyUse Rogue if your love or both is high use her to control Xavier for ( three wish's )
Like ReplyCool game, it's pretty entertaining.
Like Replyalright guys beaten the next updated game let me down in cause you need any help
Like Replymaster, when can i fuck rouge
Like ReplyAfter completing the [v 0990h] version, I can safely say that getting money got harder, it takes longer to have sex with them due to the -Control for each refusal that exists now + time-consuming massages, and it's almost impossible to go a day without one of the girls coming to your room to "touch" you once addiction is maxed. Kitty also has more interactions.
Like Replyi wanna see an option added to cum on their feet
Like ReplyWhat is wrong with the fucking save function? When I save, it doesn't register when I reload it. And even when I save, and then load the file, it's still a crapshoot.
Like ReplyWhen an update comes out for this game I'd love to play it so when that happens can someone contact oni the dev and artist
Like ReplyWTF Moment #2: (Suddenly, Kitty grabs your arm [Go along with it]) "Why haven't you been coming by? Wouldn't you enjoy some Kitty time?" (Immediately after) "No titties for you. I don't want to deal with you right now!" (Kitty storms off)
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, This WTF moment has been patched, as girls will no longer seek out players for sex if said girl is angry with the player.
Like Replyhello how can i save my game please? thanks
Like ReplyDue to issues, from RenPy / Gamcore servers(not sure which), RenPy saves saven't. After saving, EXPORT your saves to keep them. Then you can IMPORT them when your saves vanish.
Like ReplyGreat game I love it can't wait for the next update
Like ReplyIs it possible to save the game to the computer disk?
Like ReplyIt is not possible to leave "dirty talk" menu with Emma.
Like Replytr1ckster, Hit A on your keybord and adjust the text scale.
Like Replyhow in the fuck do i get closer with kitty
Like ReplyMaster coller, dude getting kitty was easy just use the same tactics with rouge
Like ReplyMaster coller, As of patch v 0.991h, getting with Kitty without going the Obedience or Addiction Abuse route (forcing yourself on her) is going to take time, as she refuses dates and makeouts. If you were nice to her during first encounter, you can ask for her number so that you can call and and enter her room to study. Otherwise, all you can do is swim on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, Flirt: Rub Shoulder, and Compliment: "Great Job in Class Today" to get her love up.
Like ReplyWTF moments. 1. Laura broke up with me even though I never agreed to be her boyfriend. (-100L). --- 2. Rogue & I saw Laura fap, we watched, Rogue took out my cock, Laura noticed my cock and got excited, they continued to fap, I slapped Laura's ass, "Oh? When did you get here?" -- 3. Rogue refused sex at pool even though all her stats are 1000L/1000O/1000I
Like ReplyDO NOT USE Q.SAVE. Q.Save doesn't always save properly. Do a manual save each time. One of the cutscenes with Laura or Emma (not sure which) is broken and will just crash the game. It automatically triggers when roaming around Campus, Danger Room, or when in your room with the door unlocked. There is no way to know when it will happen either so it can't be controlled. Save often.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, The update of the game [c 0.990h] fixed the autosaves, but now the manual save is broken.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, As of patch v 0.991h, both manual save and auto saves stop working after about 5 minutes of play. Attempting to save anytime after that time length causes save data to vanish after refreshing the gamcore webpage.
Like ReplyI can't seem to get Emma relaxed enough to to do anything. I've banged the other three over over and over again.
Like ReplyBBC Lover, You have to swim with Emma over and over again at the pool on Saturday and Sundays to build up her Love (and watch a lot of RNG top coming off scenes). She'll invite you to her room when she is ready. If not, check her room when her Love is +500.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, EDIT: As of 0.992f, Emma will no longer swim unless she has a bikini. So no more free topless scenes, but can still grind her Love stat by swimming. [to new players reading comments]
Like Replyshould i fap
Like ReplyBarack Obama, yes
Like ReplyBarack Obama, y are you black?
Like ReplyStick it out and this game is HOTT
Like Replyone of the best games I ever played but how do yo fuck Emma
Like ReplyLOLOLOL, Swim with Emma over and over again at the pool on Saturday and Sunday to increase her love. It takes a few in-game weeks, but it should auto play out.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, Visit the Classroom in the evening when classes should be over (dont be in class to begin with) and you should catch Emma masturbating.
Like ReplyI feel like the upgrades are pointless because the player starts off with all the need to satisfy the women.
Like ReplyPlayed in on Firefox browser works just fine.
Like Replyyou need to fix saving game when i load in my progress it doesn't seem to work
Like Replyren'py loads so slowly, its jsut horible
Like Replybeta version is interesting, crashes often, good story though, should make save and load menu options on bottom of screen in larger font.
Like ReplyDope game, but needs audio!
Like Replypants, I am hearing it in my head. Just like I don't mind the missing animations. I see them in my head. I spent at least... I dunno... nine hours playing? I don't even like dating sims. I haven't the slightest ideas why is this so entertaining...
Like Replyfantastic game
Like Replyhonestly seems like an awesome game but it crashes like every 5 choices
Like ReplyNeverLoved, bruh thats just you
Like Replyok, I get it too
Like Replycool, cool
Like Replyhow do I make screen big?
Like ReplyA shame that this game generally overloads Chrome. And way faster than other, bigger RenPy games.
Like ReplyDootstorm, Ye dude this game actually seems good but bad thing i got a chrome
Like ReplyDoes this game have console commands? If not, I'll download the game when it is completed.
Like ReplyDragon, there is a file you can get if you download the game that allows you to have whatever you want, and modify the girls' affection, lust, ect. You still have to go through some of the character interactions though. e.g. the cutscenes for ranking up your relationships with the different chicks. I unfortunately don't remember WHERE to get said file. I'll comment the link to the game and cheat file downloads respectively if I get around to it.
Like ReplyWolfe, The file you are talking about is unRev-dev (just google it). Just copy and paste on the game folder, run it and choose the option to enable the console.
Like ReplyCorrection, is UnRen-dev.
Like ReplyWolfe, where can I download it?
Like Replythis is a great game, has quite a bit of content and can keep you playing for hours upon hours. i recommend you actually download this from f95 though.
Like Replywest, also on apkgamer aswell
Like Replydixiwildboy, after clicking through 30 misleading pages of advertising..
Like Replyjc, true. but there are other apk game sites u can find it on like lewdzone and porno-apk as well
Like Replywest, Is that ironic? Because there is zero content. If you just wane fap, watch porn but this so called "content" ridiculous.
Like Replyd o w n l o a d i n g s to r y
Like ReplyAlias,
Like Replyskipper, could you uploaed v991 ?
Like ReplyWait are all the games here betas?! No wonder 20 of it is shit!
Like ReplyBilly, The ones with more hits and older comment age will be more developed. If you don't like the half finished ones hit those first.
Like ReplyBilly, there is at least 1 which was complete which is mozzoloh
Like Reply