Really Hot Sand part 2
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Description: The first part ended with a hot blowjob, the man is satisfied and looks quietly at the sea. But the woman is a little frustrated to be forsaken. And now, she really wants sexual pleasures. In this second part, you play as the woman. Choose the action with the right-hand side buttons, maintain the left mouse button down to continue the action and look at the action efficiency on the bottom measuring device. Sure you will see cumshot at the end of the game. |
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biches always got too hate
Like Replywhen u say the babys coming what to you mean is she pregnant
Like ReplyWell friends, these are all the game hints. I hope that had been useful to you.
Like ReplyFinally, the boy suck the girl's breast. The rose bar fills up. After that, release the click and the girl will fuck her bfrnd till the end (he cums his sperm inside her hot and wet vagina!!!) enjoy!! but the baby is coming...
Like ReplyThen, click on mouth circle icon and after this do a click on boy's mouth to let the girl kiss him. Do that by 3 times. Now will start the hot action!! Click on the hand circle icon and then in the boy's balls or between the boy's legs just under the girl's ass. The girl insert the boy's dick in her pussy and start the action of bouncing on her boyfriend. You are near to the game end :( but you can play again. Well, now with the hand circle icon still active, click on the boy's face again.
Like ReplyDo that till the rose bar fills up. Now, the girl moves and sits on the boy's dick, but she still don't have put that thingie into her thingie. Now click on the boy's face to let him suck the girl's nipples.
Like ReplyNow, take the boy's right hand (click on it) to make the boy masturbate the girl's pussy. And then, the girl again: click on mouth icon, and the girl suck the boy's pennis again. Do that by 3 times, one after another. Now, click on hand circle icon and click in boy's dick to let the girl masturbate him.
Like ReplyNow click on the girl's blue bag and after that click in the circle icon that says: Honey Drink. the boy takes a bottle and puts their content on his...dick! Now, the girl must suck the dick. Then, click on mouth icon and enjoy how the girl suck the boy's cock! :P
Like ReplyDo that again (click on the boy's dick) Now, click on the boy's right hand. Now look what happens! The girl take the boy's hand and he masturbate the girl with a hand. Hot! Do that 2 more times.
Like ReplyDo that AGAIN, the boy's dick, the boy's chest and the boy's ear till the bar fills up. Yes, it's the third time. Well, maybe a bit boring, but now after that the girl turns and sits on the boy's feet. Now it's her turn to do oral sex to the boy. Then, click on hand icon and in girl's hand/boy's dick to masturbate. Do it till the rose bar grows up.
Like ReplyNow, click on hand circle icon again. Click on boy's ear again, then in boy's chest and then in boy's dick. Each one till the bar fills up. Click on mouth icon, then let the girl kiss the boy again (click on boy's mouth again).
Like ReplyAfter that, click on the boy's dick to let the girl masturbate him. Do that till the rose bar fills up. Now, click on the boy's right ear wtf? this sound a bit dumb, but whatever, that are the game rules. Next, click on mouth circle icon on the right. Now, click on boy's mouth. Then, girl kiss the boy. Do that till the bar grows.
Like ReplyNext: Click on the girl's blue bag in the middle left. Then, the girl turns to see the boy. Now, click on the boy's chest till the rose bar grows up.
Like Replylezzie, these are some helpful hints: first of all, click on hand circle on the top right corner. Then, click in the boy's right tight. Then, click on right boy's hand and pull that to the girl's pussy.
Like Replythis game is fuckin difficult part 1 is hard 2
Like Replyi dont how to play this eather
Like Replythey havent use condom
Like Replyi don't get how to play this game...
Like Replywwwwwwowwwwwwwwwwowwwwwwowwwww thes gooooooooooooooooooooooood
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