In this over-18 game, you get to follow the story of a male protagonist who suddenly discovers that he is a werewolf. This is something that has been in his family for generations but now, he feels like a monster and struggles to accept his heritage. He then leaves his prestigious university to enrol in Monster College, a place to call home that's built to take in creatures like himself. It is there that he meets a couple of sexy ass females including a vampire, demon, zombie, gorgon, and even another werewolf. With so many chances for hot monster sex, study these sexy babes to see where this story takes you.
Too short uppdate
Like ReplyNice improvement. I like the ending even better.
Like ReplyCan't load saved games keeps giving me large error messages
Like ReplyThis game is awesome. Best I have seen in the genre 5 stars
Like Replylol I've never seen so much CHEAP CHEESE... especially the end, it almost made me throw up from the smell and taste of too much cheese.
Like ReplyWHY DID HE GOT BACK WITH ANNE !? she's ugly as fuck !!!
Like ReplyNo final sex scene with the harem??? It just ends?
Like Replyop game core ,tis game not work but up porngameshub it works ,how can that be ???
Like Replydamn please bring that demon bitch back, i want my olga back to life! also fun twist tho i was really disappointed we didnt see monica after she been mentioned so much in the begining
Like ReplyI keep the Harem with Anne, Lily, Rachael, Sofia, Maxine & Nina. Let Olga Die after pounding her last time and keep BDSM thing with Dragomira, maybe this the best ending i can get so far, after repeat try many variables, answer Sofia phone and go Orgy in Keiris Illusion with three of them, don't say "i love you" to Grace or special gonna be only for her. Can't wait for another update to Fight the Monster Hater, Great game overall.
Like ReplyMade one mistake with the mouse ended up with Grace. Wanted Rachael the vampire just to see if it brought Dragomira closer;)) and the look on Baron Olov's face;)))) Have to replay from a way earlier save due to Rachael not featuring past the Great Wolf reveal. And yes I too am bummed out by the lack of Harem. Only Sofia and Lilly are mentioned. Something seemed very rushed. Happens when Devs put an episode limit on a storyline. In the epilogue is this a human council or the monster council?
Like ReplyOkay went back to an old save and played through. Found I stuffed up with Sofia so now have to fix that too. However Changes at the party. Your choices are to accept the pack or hand it to Nina, Keep or reject the Harem, Also you can pick the alpha for the Harem in you partner. You choice from the harem. Dragomira is just a side piece. You can ask the question about the harem. She turns you down. With Suzie you can either take the peacefully route or aggressive killing her or exile(4 thumbs)
Like ReplyIn The end I dunno what's become of my Harem,He called up Everyone and they Agreed and seconds later he call one person and I had to choose only 'One' was like it was a glitch or the "harem" path was a patch on to the Finally of the game..Otherwise this was fucked up and I would rated down the game to a 7 for that..They should shown the girls behind them on that cliff or something at the END..that was a huge curveball from the Dev(s)
Like ReplySo in the end you just lose the harem anyway? I don't get it. Great game, but the ending left me confused about the supposed choices.
Like ReplyVraska, Yeah it was real wack. LMAO where's my harem ?!
Like ReplyGohan, Aparently you lose the harem if you have a relationship with the mermaid, wich is weird but that's how it is. To keep the harem you have to dump her.
Like ReplyGohan, i succed to have the herem you have to avoid to chose a love you each time you met the characters at the end
Like ReplyFirst of all I really love this game, thanks man you do a great job! I have a problem, since the last update, my save is corrupted, I tellmyself that it's no serious, I'm starting again but during the pool party I can't speak with anyone... Can you fix that?
Like ReplyReally liked this VN except for a couple of choices... Really, the choices with the ghost (sorry, her name eludes me at the moment) and the doll (Olga)... Especially Olga; chose her alone or she dies... These options make the MC appear to be a heartless a**h*** if he chooses to continue on the harem path vs. just staying with one.
Like ReplyTo the Dev as usual you string us along. Then rip our hearts out.....Olga.Who could have that coming.....Four thumbs up as usual ;)) Oh and another four .Lily and Sofia in the river:)))).Just saying;)
Like ReplyANONONONONON, yes right. I wonder, I wonder... if you step somewere else left insted of right, you can go on there....
Like ReplyI just lost 5 days worth of progress... fix the game please, it's great but I just lost so much.
Like Replydoes anybody know when the next update is cuz i can get past talking t sofia after i fought that dude and became the great wolf
Like Replyim at the part where im the great wolf but as soon as im talking to sofia it cuts out why i cant finnish this chapter?
Like ReplyI cannot get this game to work, along with any other game on the Renpy platform. All other games work just fine. Anyone have any ideas?
Like ReplyWhy is there a limitation to your options about dating girls or inviting them to you harem after chapter 6? Feels kind of stupid to me honestly. These games are supposed to be multiple choice but i was forced to tell emily that we cant be anything more than friends.
Like Replyanybody have any idea why all the renpy games quit working on my computer, but all the other games work?
Like ReplyYet another great update:)))
Like ReplyCan someone recommend some other game like this one
Like ReplyWhy is mine not updating 😭😭😭😭, who has found a solution to this problem
Like ReplyAnother smokingly good update:)))) As usual too short hahahhaha. Loving the stor telling from this Dev Team. Four thumbs up
Like ReplyGreat game, zero of the usual RenPy bugs and decent quality art with an engaging story. My one complaint is that if you are to name your character Alex (as I did) the dialogue becomes very confusing with such statements as "You're so sweet Alex... So different from Alex." popping up from time to time. If there could be some form of warning when the user inputs a name that is already taken, that would be great.
Like ReplyWow Bro ..All Hail the Great Wolf,the Dev(s) have done a FANTASTIC job at achievement the peak of the Lycanthropy form and I was mind blown away by it..holly hell..I'm glad to have wait up to 3 updates to play this,cause I wouldn't been able to contain myself if it had stopped at the Great wolf transformation..anyways..Great work Dev(s)..will be looking forward to your next update
Like ReplySeven Seal- Igmar Bergman CINEMA
Like ReplyWow a great game that actual tells a story and not just gratuitous sex. The monsters are very believable with well developed characters that make them seem very real.
Like ReplyWhy so many god dam bots praising this garbage. Takes 15 minutes to load then has nothing but endless text. The sex scenes are blurry and pixelated. Then the shit doesn't allow you any freedom to do anything. Its just endless un skippable mountains of worthless miss spelled garbage Bing translated text. Even Google doesn't fail translations that badly. There is no game at all. After if finally does get to a sex scene at all it crashes so hard it sends you back to desk top.
Like ReplySeems to me ur Internet isn't very good as what u are describing only happens with slow internet speed ad the game works fine tor me
Like Replyit was a grat game but i lost my progress, could not even load the autosaves
Like ReplyThe latest update is post fight not much action. However as usual full of good exposition and setting up for the next development. Time travel;)). Spoilers ahead. Dragomira is now the principal. Sharp is stepping down. MC's role and character is expanding (the pack - running of the Wolves). We have a visit from Ann(e). Four thumbs up Dev team. For me the big question is: Surely by now Baron Orlock has to know that MC is a "vermin" Werewolf who openly banged is Wife
Like ReplyAnd his daughter
Like ReplyIrishlad, I ran out of characters in the comments to add that;)))
Like ReplyAmazing great girls hot sexy
Like ReplyDecent new Update, yet a short one
Like ReplyGreat Wolf:) four thumbs up to the Dev team;))))
Like Replyit deleted my save files
Like Replylove this game , can't wait for next update . not sure why i can;t get Emily ,Maxine and other on the Haren , the choices are not avaiable ???
Like ReplyTexas12, same me too
Like ReplyOnly quick saves work
Like ReplyBruh, not only will my saves not load, when i start a new game all choices at the pool party are greyed out.
Like ReplyI am stuck on version 0.5.8
Like ReplyHave to say. Brutal twist in this update. Seems Mc had lost his spine. I can only speak for my version of the Mc. Had everything except the Great Wolf signed off. So to see Mc suddenly missing a step was off putting. However this does open up many ways the Dev team could take this forward. Keries ressurection, Time travel which my Mc had covered off. And also the meeting Mc had with the Werewolf Professor at the beging covering off the Great Wolf. You also have Sophia the Witch & Dragomira.
Like ReplyHi, If you are having issues with saves. Like I have. Try loading earlier save. I had to go back three saves to get this to run. Great game good story. We all have the same complaint:)))) updates are always too short:)))))
Like ReplyThis game is broken now.
Like ReplyCannot wait to see what the dev team is going to do to me for my choices:) Banged Rachel's mom and Rach at the vampire dinner. Also the favourite milf vampire Dragomira:)))) Great story every character has their time to shine with the MC. Great Dev team. My fav game at the moment;))) Till they make another one;))
Like ReplyIt runs in Chrome. Any issues with loading saves. Try another one at an earlier time. Short update yet important;))) Dragomira is not going to give up Joe that easy;)))
Like Replyslideshow looked promisong but it won't run :(
Like ReplyPlease fix the video scenes. I am getting blank screens whenever there is a video clip.
Like ReplyVisual Novel is good. Unfortunately, the video scenes and save files are not working. Please fix.
Like ReplyLoved this game had sex with my gf whilst playing it was unforgettable went so deep she got pregnan
Like ReplyBest novel, thanks! Waiting for new updates
Like ReplyWhy cant i update it. I am stuck on version 0.5.8.
Like ReplyBenko, did you find a solution
Like Replycan somone help me i need to read a book about that sea creacher i haf to fight but nouw ther are some option to klick on but non of them works . now im stuck
Like ReplyOzttrrro ooopo oooo oooo
Like ReplyGood game. Certainly some hotties there. Looking forward to the next update.
Like Replythis game is super buggy and has coding issues
Like ReplyOMG I love Dragomira so much!
Like ReplyTakes forever to load then there's an error "An exception has occurred" and it crashes
Like ReplyWhy does the APK never update properly for this game? Been stuck on like version 0.5.8 for forever.
Like Replygazdavephillips, same, did you found solution?
Like Reply@Hh yeah, i bought a new laptop lol. Was fed up of games not updating properly on my phone
Like ReplyGreat game, beautiful visuals. Hope the save error doesnt hit.
Like ReplyThe game nuked all my saves..restarted then it crashed a lot..killed all my automatic saves that send me hella back almost at the beginning..what's with all these new in game bugs though?
Like ReplyMarcos123, I can confirm that the latest update brings some problems with existing save games. Luckily, it only set me back about a chapter. Basically, at the beginning of the last update.
Like Replyso when the game makes me study all three of the book options are shaded in and I can't continue is there a way to fix this?
Like ReplyLonelyGuy18, same.
Like ReplyIt won't even load on the gamcore browser now
Like Replygame not loading for me can anyone help im using the app on my laptop says 'an exception has occured'
Like ReplyWhy do I have the game version 0.5.8 when I download it? Is there a solution?
Like ReplyGame is absolute garbage. Full of coding errors and game crashing bugs. Story line is absolute garbage. Anyone who believes this is good in anyway is going to hell for being an absolute moron.
Like Replywished the update were bigger the new update is still fine yet really short
Like ReplyPhynixFire, I wish a native English speaker could proof-read it. Keep getting thrown out by gender errors. He instead of she, she instead of you.
Like ReplyThe Wolf fucking Dragmora is near perfect,but I would implore the Dev(s) to at least look up "The Elder Scrolls "Skyrim'.." wolves and tries to replicate those models instead..but in all..Great work Dev(s)..will be looking forward to your next update
Like ReplyMarcos123, how did you get to that scene
Like ReplyDominating Dragomira was fucking insanely hot, excelent update.
Like ReplyAbsolute trash. Graphics suck. Its not even a real game. There is no exploration. Its a straight forward story that you have to know what exactly to press to get respect and if you click wrong thing game can crash. Game is full of errors to the point it constantly crashes. It takes 58 minutes load. If you morons think this is quality then your head will explode at any other game.
Like ReplyAs always it's great and I can't wait for the next version :D
Like ReplyThis is generally a fun story, and I'm going to check out all the updates. Though one thing that seems a bit incongruous is that the main character is very perceptive of other characters actions, but often oblivious to how his actions would be perceived by others. For instance, the scene with Olga where he talks about being disgusted would destroy the relationship. So there are points in the story that could perhaps be reexamined to make it even more enjoyable.
Like ReplyWait what..but this update was really really short..I'm just gonna go cry into a corner..*sobbing..Anyways..Great work Dev(s)..will be looking forward to your next update
Like Replyupdates are always too short for this game but are very regular so that makes up for it .Always an enjoyable experience
Like ReplyI Got so fucking far and then none of my saves worked not my auto saves not my quick saves none of them so sad....
Like Replyrf3fr, If you go through google no saves really save, Gotta use the gaamecore app to be confident in saves.
Like ReplyGood I almost missed that update,though the Halloween update is a bit cringe with that "dance" show up with that zombie..then I realize it was an homage from the Dev(s) to Michael Jackson triller..and so *umm this is how you fuck a ghost girl humm..neat..anyways..Great work Dev(s)..will be looking forward to your next update
Like ReplyHello, I had noticed this before in another game and wrote it in the comments. The fact that some sequences are viewed as a whole, even though there were various choices in between, makes it difficult.
Like ReplyIf you then save to take a break or the game freezes, script errors can occur after loading, because with each selection there are other possible options. You sometimes have to jump to a save point at the beginning of the chain, which sometimes sets you back completely for an hour or two of the game.
Like Replynow you can´t even get into the game, since it crash in the stupid download scene in the beginning
Like Replydon't even waste your time! good game broken saves
Like ReplyEzkilly, Mine are just fine, idk what issue you had
Like ReplyGame has potential, I was enjoying it but there are so many errors and it keeps freezing up its not worth the time it takes having to keep reload it. Now my last save every time I do try and load it, it loads into an error screen so all my progress is lost. Hopefully the bugs and errors get cleaned up it has potential to be a good game.
Like ReplyThe Dev of this game is an example to others of how to code. Smick upgradeswithout losing saves. FOUR THUMBS UP:))))
Like ReplyThese game is awesome
Like ReplyThe update won't continue where I left off
Like ReplyCome on default is English and it shows Spanish? What kind of an idiot is this developer?
Like ReplyThis game is so full of bugs that it won’t even start now. How bad can a Developer get if every update adds bugs instead of fixes them?
Like ReplyWhats the point in playing these games when hours of progress is just fucked off in an instant because of errors. I love playing these games as time wasters but if this shit gonna keep happening i cant say ill be coming back any time soon
Like ReplyDelvoi, there are no "many hours" at all to play in this so called "game", so don´t worry.
Like ReplyDelvoi, this site is used to alpha test a lot of games. most of the games you see here are still being developed. Errors are part of development. that like feedback so that they can fix them. they might not get to yours first, but they'll look at it. they have to balance fixes to finishing the story/game itself. I get your frustration, but sometimes they have to retcon something in the game, which makes your saves and whatnot incompatible. Sorry for your loss.
Like ReplyGame doesn't work anymore. You people who make games clearly don't fix the errors. And that's why people wh love the game. Stop playing.
Like ReplyDoes anyone else have an issue where none of the games on gamecore will load on google chrome unless it is in incognito mode
Like ReplyBugs are now appearing. With each new update You failed to actually fix the bug. Nows there are errors.
Like ReplyIts a great game, but I'm not starting from scratch again. Fix the saves.
Like ReplyThe thought of Anne becoming a werewolf, Eighter by or family or the scratch comes to mind.
Like Reply..many games get an error when loading, or it freezes and the screen turns gray.. the gamecore app doesn't work that well anymore
Like Replygreat games plz keep going
Like ReplyUsing the Gamcore browser downloaded to windows 10 and getting this error below: Downloading engine... failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: CompileError: AsyncCompile: Wasm decoding failed: The Exception section must appear before the Export section @+58328 The game aborted unexpectedly. More information may be available in the browser console or contained in the log. Aborted(CompileError: AsyncCompile: Wasm decoding failed: The Exception section must appear before the Export section @+58328)
Like ReplyEven though I had to re-play this from the very beginning cause the saves were broken on "auto",chapter 3 was still AWESOME and I can't get enough..*spoilers anyone else tried to fuck the ghost girl or so if that's even possible..Anyways..Great work Dev(s)..will be looking forward to your next update..(#fix the saves)
Like ReplyFuck Update, all my saves are gone!
Like ReplyDamian, You firefox browser. To keep saves going.
Like ReplyWhat I really don't like is, that you can not avoid some girls. Kind of lame when your choices won't get acceptet. The only way is not to play the game.
Like ReplyIt's actually crazy... more then 50% people on gamcore just instantly crying about games, for me everything works almost fine, maybe buy new pc LOL and if yall not satisfied with this game then move onto the next one, simple as that
Like ReplyErinnxx, Arrogant asshole, how about sitting on your computer and fly behind the moon where your comming from.
Like ReplyErinnxx, wow you are right thank you for what you say was in my heart
Like ReplyErinnxx, problem not in computer but in browser. For some reason google chrome gives ERROR jave script in 50% of the games. Firefox has no such problem.
Like ReplyPokymon, Actually firefox has the same problem now.
Like ReplyIt won't load saved progress, seemed interesting, oh well I guess I'll never know.
Like ReplyThis is one of the most unplayable games I've seen in months. I rarely have many issues aside from the standard Renply ones like saves no longer working after an update, but I had error messages/exceptions every few pages and had to just hammer "ignore, ignore, ignore" constantly. I barely got past the first choice in the game and already had around 20 exceptions occur.
Like ReplyCan you only play the rest on Steam??
Like Replyto bad but I am not going to install Steam to my computer just to continue play good game so far just to bad
Like Replywell done, nice animations, good story, keep it up :)
Like ReplyOK. What a shitty game. It's nothing for me. Just stupid, worth it. I have to give 0 stars for this. END, OFF, Boring. BYE!
Like ReplyFails before it begins. Not even loading
Like ReplyHaving downloading engine error messages.
Like ReplySavageMoon, The solution is to use Google Chrome not Gamcore Browser. Newer Ren'Py games are affected by this.
Like ReplySavageMoon, Shortly after I made this comment, it got fixed. Now, I can use the Gamcore Browser to play this game instead of only Google Chrome. I wonder if a dev was listening.
Like Replywilltrekkie, just inspect the download screen
Like ReplyWay too mutch texts. boring for me
Like ReplyFINALLY a GODDANM WEREWOLF GAME! WOOHOO..I may be a bit biased about what I'm bout to say so please take it with a grain of salt..The game is AWESOME,I been waiting! for this for Too long..*spoilers although for his first transformation,I expected him to be more SAVAGE then that and get found by his dad in the woods or something hunting and eating an animal..not having a casual convo on their couch about it
Like ReplyAlso more Hair on the Wolf form too and fiery fierce looks in its eyes..I wanna Feel Like a GODDANM ALPHA!!!! not a third generated pup Wolf..Thanks Gamcore Overlords for finding this game..and Great Work Dev(s)..Will be looking forward to your next update(With much anticipations)
Like Replythis game is great not shit just great
Like ReplyWOW, great game, good quality images and women and great story!
Like Reply