Lust Campus [C3 Final] [Restart]
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Description: Delve into an enticing game with captivating artwork and a unique style where your choices determine the outcomes. Assume the role of Alice, an architecture student adjusting to a new environment. Explore diverse locations like the campus and university, unlocking intriguing events along the way. Foster new friendships, manage academic responsibilities, and navigate the complexities of Alice's sex life. The visually appealing aesthetics and immersive storytelling promise a dynamic gaming experience, ensuring that every decision you make influences Alice's journey, relationships, and intimate encounters in this sexual adventure. This game made me think of Alice in wonderland. Yes, it's that good! |
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This game is incomplete and dead in the water. From what I could gather from the Discord the author's internet presence has vanished
Like ReplyHow do I get to the beach?
Like ReplyJB1986, Disregard. I put this question on the wrong game.
Like ReplyI cant click Yes. anybody help me plz
Like Replyidk why they changed this game. it was great the way it was before. so was the art style. and it was further along. what was the point of restarting it?
Like Replykarjito, the original artist left so the decision made was to restart the whole thing so the new art is consitstent and the chapters could be reworked.
Like ReplyNoahPeal, do you know the name of the previous artist? I do want to give support especially if appeared in other games.
Like ReplyIs the old version still available?
Like Replywhen your at the phone and the convo dose not start save it then load it it should work
Like Replyis this an update from last time?
Like ReplyThis game sucks, if you are going to present something for people to enjoy, make sure it actually works
Like Replygames does not work
Like ReplyIf you're stuck loading on some parts of the game, save where you get stuck and reload the game it usually unfreezes the game
Like Replyif you get stuck on a sms, try saving and loading the save
Like ReplyThe first demo of this game had more scenes and story than this, what happened? Did they delete their progress and restart?
Like Replylearn to code kid....
Like ReplyTelefon bug: i saved the game, than main menu, settings: skip after transitions, load the game and it worked for me.
Like ReplyRight game breaking phone bug is back. Do us a favour and dont upload your game until youve tested it.. tyvm
Like ReplyRavnen23, I had the same situation but I saved the game and then I loaded and it worked, try it out.
Like ReplyThe phone problem is the same from version to version. By the way, why does she have one of them in the hand and another in the pocket?
Like ReplyBruh, wtf happened yo the game, it became way worst
Like ReplyMD games, artist left for their own project so they're redrawing and reworking things to improve the game and make the art consistent.
Like ReplyWhen game crashed after marco leaves save and load so that you can continue
Like Replystuck because of the phone, i tried scrolling, it doesn't work. Any ideas ?
Like Replyboulot, rollback and swipe again
Like Replyboulot, i saved the Game and reloaded it. Then the messages appeared.
Like Replythis was a game i liked so much. I waited so long to see it updated but, as always, my old files are not avaible anymore. Plus im sad but i have to confirm the other players'es impressions about the game that stops workink after few scenes. Please fix it its very shameful. in the while ill go play it on other sites
Like ReplyTry scrolling down while on the phone.
Like ReplyMajor glitch. It's the first scene, I get a text from Sophie, and it freezes. I click all over the place, but it doesn't go any further... That's disappointing.
Like ReplyPhonescreen always block, just make a save file and load it then it starts the conversation :D
Like ReplyWhen you somehow get passed the two phone screens, it's a very short game with only one masturbation scene
Like ReplyOk game crashes when ever she looks at her phone. There is no going past this.
Like ReplyI don't know what happened, but the art style is significantly worse and 70% of the story is missing??? as of december 22 the story ends after the second day, wth happened???
Like Replyudi_baba1945, original artist left so all the art is being redone while the story and mechanics get revamped a bit.
Like ReplyGame blocks after Marco leaves the room. She picks up the phone to see the message but nothing shows and you're stuck there, nothing you can actually do. Meh.
Like ReplyLeScientist James, I had that too, but after scrolling back and forth a little, some random clicking and a few seconds it suddenly worked
Like ReplyPhonescreen always block, just make a save file and load it then it starts the conversation :D
Like Replysave, exit to main menu, load from start screen
Like Replyudi_baba1945, same for me, phone scene opens and nothing. go back and forward a couple of times and it works.
Like Replyworked for me. You go man
Like ReplyLeScientist James, Save the game. load it and it would work.
Like ReplySorry, but previous versions Alice face looked much more beautiful. Really liked the game earlier.
Like ReplyAnarchymaster, I cant even get past the first convo on the phone
Like ReplyGraphics look worse after each version...why changing the style everytime instead of fixing errors and adding new content? :(
Like Replyхалтура есть готовый матириал бля
Like Replythe game stopped working when marco first left her room
Like ReplyI love this game!
Like ReplyHOW TO FIX THIS GAME (AND MOST GAMES WITH SIMILAR ERROR): You'll need to open the "dev console" of your browser. You don't have to actually do anything in there, just keep it open while you play the game. Usually you can do that via Ctrl+Shift+I, but you can also right-click somewhere on the website (not any links or the game) and press "inspect" or something similar.
Like Reply1: This game is pure zZzZzZzZzZz... The MC is a totall dumbass... quite rare find a female MC wich put in place any guy/girl... but this?.. just pathetic. 2: The phone conversation.. HELL NO...Stupidity long and BORED... 3: Thi MC is lack of personality.. a random bitch told her a childish inslut and wanted to cry? Wtf.... 0/10.
Like ReplyNew design sucks but since people on the patreon seems to like the new design, it will prob never go back to what it was before... Such a shame.
Like Replyif there isn't a Lei femdom route when this game is finished i will be severely disappointed
Like ReplyI cant even get past the ren'py loading screen after it says the game has loaded in x amount of seconds it just freezes I downloaded the gamcore browser so I dont have the windows problem but this is the only ren'py game that I can't play I tried this game out on moble and it works fine
Like Replythere is only one sex scene, her masturbating, thats it.
Like Replyananonon, everything past day one is patreon locked
Like ReplyGame wont even load..
Like ReplyRavnen23, same i downloaded the gamcore browser so i can play ren"py games and i got the prompt saying the story was extacted witch means the story should work but iget stuck on the ren"py loading screen this game worked for me before this uptade a while ago it sucks it doesnt work now
Like ReplyPointless shit!
Like ReplyI like the new art, but I'm a little disappointed in the lack of content in the remakes first release. I thought at the very least we would have had the first 2 chapters remade with more content.
Like ReplyAzog1994, Totally i was like WTF
Like Replyerror asmconst[code] consult javascript console
Like ReplyError: TypeError: ASM_CONSTS[code] is undefined
Like Replyrenpy loading screen error
Like ReplyGreat Artwork. really looking forward to change her outfits
Like ReplyFor me is a boring game with to mutch texts and low number of sex scenes
Like ReplySalam, nhóc trẩu , địt nhau cái buồi
Like ReplyIs Charles intentional to wear a camouflage suit under his jacket? I mean he's practically a flying head with jacket sleeves and a briefcase.
Like ReplyGame could use a walkthrough on how to unlock the different scenes..
Like ReplyI'm not sure I see the point in this update because the game is currently being remade from the beginning with a different artist.
Like Replypls pls update 0.5
Like Replynot even 4 minutes in this game and I already love Darren
Like ReplyGood game, great game even...but when is the next update????
Like Replygee i wonder what the game looks like.
Like ReplyThe game works fine for me, I'm not sure what everyone else is talking about. But one, the uncanny valley has definitely hit every single one of these characters, they're so creepy and ugly. Every. Single. One. And the music? OH MY GOD, MAKE IT STOP. The only positive it has going for it, is the background images and the Accurate writing not usually seen in these games. But who's here for those, really?
Like ReplyAnon, You see you comment is about the game,,, i've really got nothing against you personnely, even gave u a like. The Fucking reCAPTCHA is beginning to piss me off why the fuck do i HAVE to do 25 different screen shots of Captcha to leave a simple comment???
Like ReplyWorks again, amazing so far! Cant wait for the next update!!
Like Replyse jeux est super , mais il manque des options : il faudrès un GSM cons puis consulter et envoier des mèssages , et un profil mes un faux (face book) pour draguai les sugad DADDY et avoir plus de relation sexuelle soit avec des élèves ou avec les prof et si possible mètre enceinte les jeune filles soit par un DADDY ou un prof ou un élève
Like ReplyGood game but omg that rich girl pisses me off so much it ruins the mood
Like Replygamne crashes after you leave for party but very good game up untill that point
Like ReplyDont waste your time in this game. your Save game is just gone when you refresh the site or to continue later.
Like ReplyIncredible game. Definitely added to favorites. The art is absolutely magnificent. (Favorite character? Rilke!) Whoever wrote it should realize that college classes don't meet every day, but them meeting every day here works plot-wise. (And there are no bells or principals in college, but those are minor points.) But, as is pretty common with these games, I couldn't finish it because it got too glitchy and crashed! I REALLY hope that gets fixed with the next update...
Like ReplyVERY disappointing that the photos are all so badly pixilated!
Like ReplySo, this Lei girl is a pain in the ass. As the protagonist, why don't I have the option to knock her the fuck out? I mean, if somebody treats you that way, you have to apply your fist to their face! Even if you're outmatched, you have to show the bullies that you're not an easy target. At least that's how I was raised. I don't know, is failing to stand up for yourself just a millennial thing that I'm too old to understand? Please help me...
Like ReplyBanjo, My dude, If you're old enough to be insulting millennials (Who are around 30) I am surprised you can still get it up.
Like ReplyMe, My point exactly. That's precisely the type of thing I would punch you in the face for saying to me if you had the courage to say it to my face. But you don't. Because your generation is a bunch of pussies raised to hide behind your keyboards. Thank you for illustrating my point.
Like ReplyBanjo, Sounds like someone has a little dick problem. It's a porn game, chill the fuck out. Not every option you can think of will be available and it's an interactive story, some things need to happen for the rest of the story to make sense.
Like ReplyI love the cat's facial expressions!
Like ReplyStill nothing has crashed for me yet :P that's odd
Like ReplyGreat game! Really wll done!!!
Like ReplyYeah, it finally opens cleanly for me.
Like Replygame stops after 5 seconds
Like Replylol alt and f4 it closes fixing nope
Like ReplyMake the font much more whiter I can't read it when it's to dark. Might as well make it clear.
Like Replyerror error error
Like ReplyThis game white text how am I suppose to read! Worst game so far
Like ReplyI, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream to play this game without it crashing
Like ReplyHi! I'm the dev, this isn't working because is a old version. If someone can actualice it I will send the new free version! (It is free in the patreon "About")
Like Replygame wont even play keeps crashing. im on a computer tried it 5 times, cant get past the first line of text
Like ReplyV 0.2A is unplayable and can't even start the game.
Like Replyis this wap?
Like ReplyThe game is still in production and they recently started on a update hence the error at the begining so you are going to have to wait until the next version is released.
Like Reply不能玩 你更新一下 好嗎?
Like Replygame doesn't work. Get to the language select screen then it crashes.
Like Replythe game bug at start every time ? help
Like ReplyThis game looks like me having sex. 5 seconds and it's over.
Like ReplyShe looks like my sister
Like Replyerror right off the bat
Like Replyit me or the game have a probl
Like Replyse jeux ne marche pas , il bug à chaque fois au dèbut du jeux
Like ReplyBrochei quando deu erro no jogo.
Like ReplyMan this is the closest thing to "Beeing a DIK we'll get on gamcore. Keep up the great work man, loving it!
Like ReplyLovesThemSquirt, How did you get it to work?
Like Replyunplayable. rollback error as soon as game starts. stop posting games if you have not tested whether they work.
Like ReplyThe game doesn't work, it works for like 5 seconds and then errors and you can't do anything after that.
Like ReplyDice, yeah still doing it for me too.
Like ReplyDice, Download the apk
Like Replyyeah Huston we have a problem ? stops after language selection.
Like ReplySo many people complain about errors on this website but I never get them. Until now, the game crashes literally after 1 second
Like ReplySadge, rozjebana ta gra
Like ReplySadge, Mam tak samo ziom
Like ReplyNice graphics! And Critical Error that happens at the very Beginning of the game! Definitely not a piece of shit game!
Like ReplyI fapped so hard i got an Error.
Like Replythen my balls fell off
Like ReplyIt is not an error of the game, it is an error from this website. Go to other websites, download the game and it will all work without an error.
Like ReplyMessage d'erreur juste apres le chargement de la premiere image du jeu :(
Like Replyyup a nother game they fuk d up
Like ReplyNew version is broken, do not waste your time on it.
Like ReplyCongratulations, getting an error before the first carriage return. Guess the latest version is the suckiest version known to man. Impressive feat of programming.
Like ReplyErrrroooou!
Like ReplyWell that blows. Right into a programming error on windows and firefox. cant play
Like ReplyTiny, Yeah tell me about it I get to see about a sentence.
Like ReplyTiny, Doesn't play on Safari either
Like ReplyTiny, Same on Chrome
Like Replydid not work
Like ReplyStart error ... after click play
Like ReplyIt gives me a rollback error the second I start the game. Any way to fix it?
Like Replyif you hit alt f4 it fixes the game guys
Like Replyalt f4 closes browser
Like ReplyRocky, you have to delete system 32 on your pc before so the alt f4 wont close the browser
Like ReplyAwesome graphics, not a bad story, but dialogs and choices aren't logical. Good potentional in this.
Like ReplyGame bugged out near the beginning.
Like ReplyBuggyGame, same
Like Replynice pussy
Like ReplyNo content at all. To summarise: Girl arrives in a town far from home. She is late for class on first day of college. She goes to class. Makes some friends and enemies. Then goes back to apartment. The End. Yeah, it's far from finished, but there's barely a prologue worth of content, if that.
Like Replyseems interesting depends on how much rang and option their will be. my only complainant is you cant roll back past options you have to re lode save witch is always annoying. and whats with the cat?
Like ReplyGraphics are pretty nice, but the translations are kinda cringe-worthy. Especially towards the end of what content there is.
Like Replythe game animation is INSANE if you make a story with a hero that is a guy that will be amazing
Like ReplyTHAT GUY, there are about twenty games with male protags for every game with a female
Like ReplyAnyway to change color of text, white on white not working to well
Like ReplyLuda, agreed. They REALLY need to get away from the all white color scheme.
Like ReplyGreat game, I'm glad there's something for us girls too... When will be next update???
Like ReplyAlex, I think it should be done by mid December.
Like ReplySissy, how do you know that
Like ReplyWish we could be play as a male
Like Replyhey man, trade for a hero (guy)
Like ReplyI really like this game from the art style to the cool mechanics and choices it gives you i'm really impressed
Like Replygood game, it's just a demo but promises
Like ReplyAbue, 3 years later it's a Demo and an intro . making progress by 2025 we might get to see more than flirting . maybe even hand holding
Like Replyhow has she not seen herself naked?
Like Replywhen its ready this will be the best game on this website
Like Replylagalaga, Fuck
Like Replythis game right here? Looks great af
Like ReplyYawn no sex COME ON GET IN THE SEX let there be some LOTS OF SEX!!!!!
Like ReplyThere is pretty much no content right now but story starts good with great graphics.
Like ReplyFor once gamcore was right with their descriptions, this looks promising :)
Like ReplyPretty Graphic and amazing
Like Replyfor 5 secs, and then error :D
Like ReplyLUL, yeah you right. I hope they'll fix it soon
Like ReplyLUL, Yeah, the 0.2a version is glitched...
Like Replyiloveflipflops, if you hit alt f4 the game fixes itself
Like Reply