This is a 3D animated comic that celebrates the Merry Christmas spirit and is loosely based on the World of Warcraft franchise. The game follows a sexy Christmas elf with red eyes like a demon who is none other than Sylvanas Windrunner from Warcraft. This holiday-themed adventure sees her having sex with two horny snow guys in multiple positions. There’s not much that needs to be done in this game, as all you need to do is watch the story unfold by clicking on the arrow keys. Find out what perverted fate awaits the Banshee Queen here!
Ok wtf is going on with this shit im not masturbating ever again
Like ReplyKinda Dumb but whatever
Like ReplyUwU her ass cheeks am I right or am I right lads
Like ReplyOp game.sexul enjoy
Like ReplyWhy? Just.. Why?
Like ReplyHow fuckin weird but... not bad
Like Replythis is the weirdest thing i've ever masturbated to..
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