Kay Fox and Magic Sword
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Played: 722043
Big Dicks
Big Tits
Blow Job
Female Protagonist
Furry Sex Games
Group Sex
Oral Sex
Over 18
Description: In this game, we still have the same heroine from The Legend of Krystal. She's a busty fox girl with seductive eyes and a snatched waist. This time, Krystal must fight against the different dinosaur monsters. They are horny as always and just want to fuck her. Your task is to help Krystal fight the dinosaurs. Remember, if you are defeated, you are going to be fucked in all your juicy holes. Now you can play the full version of this amazing furry adventure. You can use the arrow keys to move and the A S D keys to attack. |
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Like ReplyHere are the cheats code! stimulates - grapples last longer princess - max health & armor ehonda - Punches do 2x dmg, Kicks do 1/2 chunli - Kicks do 2x dmg, Punches do 1/2 baddoggie - Removes the 2 most annoying wolves fishsticks - Start at Zora's hideout
Like Replychunli, princess, stimulates
Like Replymaybe add a gallery for people who beat game?
Like Replyyou should add an invincibility cheat so people can get fucked endlessly.
Like ReplyYou can actually unlock infinite health by beating the game
Like ReplyI fucking love this game, wish there were more enemies. It would be fire.
Like Replywow it's so hard when you encounter the wolfes!
Like Replycheats ehonda, chunli, princess, stimulates, fishsticks, baddoggie
Like Replystimulates-마지막 애니메이션? princess-스타트부터 풀아머&풀체력 ehonda-펀치공격력 증가 킥공격력 감소 chunli-킥공격력 증가 펀치공격력 감소 baddoggie-늑대감소 fishsticks-중간부터 시작
Like Replyvery good games
Like ReplyIs there a cheat code for invincibility? If so post it. I wanna be able to get doubled up by wolfies forever. :D
Like ReplyOlha mais códigos ai, achei no google: ehonda chunli princess stimulates fis hsticks: já sai na metade do jogo baddoggie: tira alguns lobos do jogo pra ficar mais fácil Nota 7/10 por me fazer gozar ¬¬
Like ReplyJogo de merda, aff, perdi 15 minutos do meu tempo gozando com isso -_- Muita violência cara, fala sério, esse jogo é pra filhos da puta só pode! Eu quero me masturbar com coisas sensuais que me dão tesão, e não com lobos de 2 penis e lagartos escrotos -.- Se fossem fêmeas lésbicas até que vira, mas essas aberrações não mano ¬¬ isso é brochante >.< Faltam checkpoints e modo de salvar. Só com código mesmo pra tentar zerar essa merda que vc chama de jogo.
Like ReplyTook FOREVER to load, but gg
Like Replyehonda: double damge (punch) chunli: double damage (kicks) princess: start with max armour and life simulates: graple animation last longer
Like Reply"baddoggie" removes some of the more annoying wolves
Like ReplyPrincess give you the best amor
Like Reply金手指码多少
Like ReplyCheat fishsticks start at the hide out u retrieve the sword
Like Replyehonda punch double dmg but kicks half dmg chunli kicks double dmg and ... princess max hp and armor stimulates longer animation
Like ReplyCheat : baddoggie removes some wolfes
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