In this game, you'll follow Jenny's journey as she leaves her husband due to her super-rich lifestyle. She's on a mission to teach him a lesson by stepping away from her lavish ways. However, adjusting to life without all that wealth won't be a walk in the park for her. Join Jenny as she navigates the challenges of living a more modest life and discovers what truly matters. Join her as she does all it takes to survive. She is a glorious woman and she must survive and of course with your help.
started a bit of chap 3 an was confused if ivan is jens son or boyfriend so i came back to chap 1 and i still can't tell i've dated soyboys but wtf even i can't tell at all what he's supposed to be
Like ReplyCan’t start the game as there is nowhere for you to click on start. Whoever loaded this up needs to zoom out the startup screen
Like ReplyFor some reason there's no start button on here just a load
Like ReplyWhy the hell is the description make it seem like it's Jenny forcussed when it's her son who is the MC?
Like ReplyExcanda, its been a ShitShow from day 1... And yeah the MC seems to be the son??? Jen is Rarely even featured? Unless the son is focused on her... Or the sister
Like Replya quand le houvelle mise a jour du jeux v24 pourquoi pas un v25 ou v30 avec plus solution de baide avec tout les fille
Like ReplyIn this game you will see the story about Jenny, but your playing as fucking male?? Some one enlighten me here..
Like ReplyI raised elaine points over 200 she still haven't went to work
Like ReplyDieses spiel ist so unsinnig....kompliment..meine Himbeere hast du gerade bekommen..
Like Replyla suite avec d'option svp alors quand le nouvelle mise a jour avec pls de sexe avec tout les filles
Like ReplyI triggered the stewart sex scene with the daughter, but the game crashed. Not sure how I got there. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Like ReplyIt want let me download Jen's dilemma
Like ReplyHow do I visit the hall and have a talk with Elaine?
Like ReplyDeveloper/s rename the game to i"t sucks" not literally.
Like ReplyA lot like foot of the mountain, a game that I loved. Keep it coming. MC strangely looks like Daniel.
Like Replyalores la suite du jeux c' est long les mise a jour du jeux
Like Replythe game is very nice but in the next update it would be nice if you could choose the language in italian, thanks.
Like Replybommage qu'il soit tro repetitif ce jeux et plus de ca on arrive meme pas garder c'est point tro nule je voix pas quoi ca sert de jouer ce jeux puique on avance a rien en prend dans des point encore ci au mointe montais les point plus vite comme de 10en 10 ou de 100en 100 serais plus interecent mais pas la ka bein bommage et plus de ca les mise a jour sont tro longue alors quand un jeux complette ou un jeux il as pas point pred sur ca a quand le v20 ou v21 ou v25 ou v50 exetera
Like Replymai bommage que les mise a jour soit si longue
Like Replyhow can ı play it in fullscreen?
Like Replyfix the game
Like ReplyR they any cheats code to the game
Like ReplyWhy can't I download jen's dilemma v21 it say invalid
Like ReplyV19 has been released
Like ReplyCan you update to the full version of v18 and not the beta please?
Like ReplyThis version is still the beta, please update
Like ReplyThis is still the beta version… can you update
Like ReplyHow can i change the girl work???
Like ReplyHas a full v18 been released? Still only the beta version
Like Replythe points do not work
Like ReplyHello guys.Need minimum 50 points of Nadia's domination minimum 50 points of Nadia's relationship and minimum 35 points of Jenny's relationships and 90 points of Dylan's brains if you want to spy on girls through the window.
Like Replythis game is shit
Like Replyno matter how hard i try, the relationship points keep falling, i am doing every scene to raise them but then loose them at the end of every day. Any ideas please
Like Replythis game just grinds on forever and never gets anywhere... after a seen you lose points even if you did not even interact with the character . the game lacks in many aspects.
Like ReplySo many questions, so few answers. Is there a walkthrough for this game?. How do i raise any corruption points? how do i buy the camera? Why doesnt the map work? Can anyone help me?
Like ReplyStardate 0912.2022 spent over 100 days and still no pussy for the MC... Need Fucking!
Like ReplyThe Dev has NO idea WTF she/he is doing.... Trying to read the text will drive you blind. There is NO real choicies, everything is repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat... This update just added more grind. JMO
Like ReplyUpdate please!
Like ReplyWay too much grind for too little payout. And the grinding doesn't make sense or at least the tips/help doesn't make sense when you follow directions. After going to the living room at 18:00 almost a dozen times, Elaine finally talks to me. I get tickets, hand them over and it's like it's stuck in a rut. Nothing happens. Like I said, the grind makes no sense.
Like ReplyI think this a a good game. Stick it out. I'm currently stuck on how to get elaine to get Jenny to change careers. I've gone to complain on sundays and no response. any help would be appreciated.
Like ReplyBoring old SHITE
Like Replyet a quand plus domination avec jenny et quand aller vous maite coming soon en route svp dit
Like Replya quand plus sexe et que point seront plus rapide plus choix et plus baise avec tout les filles avec plus position et une mise a jour plus rapide que v13 en esperent un v 14 ou 15 exectera et soit plus complette le jeux cart tro repetifi et lacent a devenire gavent a quand la plus baise jenny nadia et elaine plus de baise aussi et les autre filles
Like ReplyFace reality, as game designer you fail big time. Come on. Why make it so no texts can be read? Do you think every one has good hearing that you gave to make the texts, text box, and background the same color? As a game designer I would never hire you.
Like ReplyDev is an idiot, the grind is so horrible.
Like Replycheats, no gring!
Like Replyet aussi desoler d'etre aussi vrai que possible j'ai oublier de dire une autre chose c'est d'a voire plus d'option a voire plus possibilliter dans seincent de sexe
Like Replyj'atemps une nouvelle mise a jour en espèrent qu'il pls sexe jenny et elaine jenny et nadia et pls sexe et d'ojet dans l'achat de boutique en esperent a voire nouveaux v13 ou v14 ou v15 excetera et que mise a jour soit plus rapide c'est foit serais plus interrecent avec plus de show de sexe et beaucoup plus d'achat dans boutique sur sa merci en temp que jeux soit complette pocible et moint en nuitlement qu'avent
Like Replywtf is this no money cant get job cant loan from father please help
Like ReplyWhite on white text is aggravating and the grind is so grating. Enable us to cheat so we can skip all the grinding crap.
Like ReplyWhere the hell is the play button?
Like ReplyWhat is new en the V11 ?
Like Replytoujours pas de mise a jour ni de suite
Like Replyen ce moment le jeux fait dromire cart tro repetif toujour la meme chose ca gave on dore avec se jeux la
Like Replya quand se jeux seras complette et a quand v11 ou v12 exctera
Like Replyil as toujours pas de mise a jour et je viens jouer plus d'une semaine et toujours rien plus
Like Replysa fait plus 4jour joue v10 et je voix toujour pas de mise a jour je croix que les mise se fesais tout les 2ou 4jour aparament c'est pas vrai du tout
Like Replyje voix pas plus avec mise jour de 2ou 4 jour pour moi rien a changer il pas plus sexe avec jenny ou eliane ou nadia rowema a quand la suite avec tout le option
Like Replyjens delima but im playing as a dude nope dev you might as well scraps this shit
Like ReplySame sh't same grind.... Nothing new just a sh'tload more of the same sh't. When are the devs going to add sex to this sh't???
Like ReplyI've exercised around 100 times (at least) and that little porkchop hasn't lost a pound!! I've lost more clicking on the boring actions than him. This game is stupidly grindy. I thought this game was called Jens dilemma not Ivan's puberty
Like Replyhowdo you corruopt jenny please help
Like Replyquand tes il auras tout les option avec jenny et la nouvelle mise a jour svp avec plus de sexe avec jenny
Like Replya quand la nouvelle mise a jour du jeux avce plus d'option en esperent qu'il soit complette c'est foit svp
Like Replya quand la suite pour la mise a jour avec plus d'option relasation sexe avec jenny et nadia quand fucker elaine dans tout les position j'epert que mise a jour seras rapide cart pour le moment le jeux troune en ronde ca avence pas du tout
Like Replybommage pas plus d'achat sur internet a quand plus d'option sur le jeux et seras t'il complette le jeux ca tourne en rond avec point 1 part 1 je tropuve ca nul serais facile si c'est de 5 en 5 ^point cart 1 part 1 c'est lacent a force et la suite avec plus d'option avec jenny la fucker dans tout les position ce serait interecent que faire toujour le meme chose pour le ment je trouve ca tro nul donc a quand la nouvelle mise a jour du jeux sur bey
Like ReplyThe update was pointless, its the same shit grind with little to NO accomplishment.....
Like ReplyOne of the most boring pieces of crap on here.
Like ReplyLooking like they're cutting incest from every game? WTF ? Is it going to be only gay, lesbian, futa, and trans games left? If so take that shit out also!!!!
Like Replya quand la suite du jeux avec plus 1point car trot repetifi j"epert qu'il va avoire une mise avec plus de sexe
Like Replya quand la nouvelle mis a jour svp
Like ReplyNeeds to cut some of the grind maybe could become a good game?
Like Replya quand une nouvelle mise a jour et a quand le sexe jenny cart pour le moment c'est terible le jeux n'avance pas du tout
Like Replytoujour pas de mise a jour c'est tro repêtifi mare
Like Replyencore moi a quand la mise a jour s v p et d'action et plus scens de sexe et plus de solution en ecrie
Like Replypert voire une mise a jour plus rapide avec plus d'action en écrie plus scens de sexe alors a quand le v7 v8 excetera s v p dit pert qu'il sera plus complet c'est fois et des point de plus 1 part 1 que le point plus vite des point de 5 en 5 merci
Like Replya quand la scenes avec jenny seras viable svp
Like Replyje voix rien de plus meme avec la mise a jour qui a ete faite moi je trouve au qu'une diference meme avec point 1 point je trouver ca tro nule pourqouoi pas des point de 10 en 10 point paraille exple ou plus a avoire plus scene et avoire plus pocibiliter de scene coruption de domination ou plus scene sexseul ou simplement des secene ou tu a les point pour les faire
Like ReplyReload? Certainly didn't see anything updated
Like ReplyI don't know how to find it There is still not enough. You can't do anything with your mother, echoes corruption or domination, etc. With your sister there is a little more but not much. And that you always say the same thing, whether you are always stuck on the first day and it doesn't work on the second day. Earning money etc. It takes 2 to 4 updates to play it, the big one of the updates echoes. It has potential.
Like Replya quand la nouvelle mise a jour svp
Like Replyso its called jens delima why the fuck am i playing as a dude
Like ReplyWhy can I still not fully observe Nadia at the window with almost 80 points?
Like Replycombien de fois faut t'il pour faire pour que ça soit viable pour voire de l'argent et changer scenes
Like Replybrugte et time på det spil og faldt i søvn
Like ReplyI spent like an hours on the same handful of repeating scenes. Why? Who thought it was fun idea to click the same dialogue options countless times to build “relationship”? Why not just have the story play out normally
Like Replygame made by the same people who did that foot of the mountain game and has the exact same non sensical script/writing with the exact same fuck all happens just rinse repeat bollocks
Like Replyevery woman I know tells time in military time. Especially spoiled trophy wivws.
Like ReplyLather, rinse , repeat.... and repeat, and repeat. Something might eventually happen.
Like ReplyDude the subtitles are in white color and in white bar i can't see most of whats been said its like wtf ?
Like ReplyDon't you love that every game isn't ready to actually play when it's posted??? you look at the MC phone, and the corruption is COMING SOON!!!! like the Dev could have waited until the game was ready!!!
Like Replyis there any cheats
Like Replyninja, Yeah it definitely needs a cheat to bypass the year long repeat of grind.....
Like Replyninja, how the fuck do i pla, ive been trynna build relationships and trynna get a camera for god knows how long
Like ReplyJerkfree, is there any cheats
Like Replynice game :)
Like Reply