You return to your hometown after a few years in college, only to find that things aren't as they used to be. Your family has changed - your mom talks openly about men, your dad dances with younger women, and your siblings each have their quirks. Melanie, known for her charms, offers to guide you on a unique journey of self-discovery. With 9 levels of corruption to explore in both yourself and those around you, Melanie promises to take you under her wing once you master them all. Explore the city, raise your skills, and embark on a quest to reach the ultimate goal in this thrilling adventure. Will you rise to the challenge?
I'm accessing from an Android device. The video is playing but there is no sound. There is no place on the video where I can turn on the sound. Is there a way to turn on the sound?
Like ReplyAnyone got the current cheat?
Like ReplyAnyone got the current cheat codes?
Like ReplyMilf lover, christmas = patty. fast car = tomato. rock music = bun
Like Replycheat code v 0.2.1 plise
Like ReplyHeadphones is the cheat code
Like ReplySo short I take a shit longer then this crap and you want people to pay for it greedy jerk!😒
Like to get cheats
Like ReplyAlright, the game seem broken or not finished, middle of tasks, you get red error messages. The game is unfortunayely not playable. Not quite, still got some potential, somewhere.
Like Replywhat is the cheat code?
Like ReplyError: cannot execute macro <<createEventButton>>: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length') <<createEventButton _Bro0_0_1Home1Event1asaEvents>> can this bug be solved
Like Replyvork44, same to me
Like ReplyThe Arthur must be brain sick to put the cheapest tier 2,5€ and the most expensive one 47€ for a porn game that is not anything special ☠️
Like ReplyHaving to click for each piece of convo is torture!
Like Replyanyone have the code
Like ReplyThe worst game I've played yet. Stupid plot, annoying chars, boring, grinding nonstop, mostly locked behind a Patreon code.
Like Replywhats with the percentages im maxed out on all stats and its still showing 8% get rd of "chance" and let people see events
Like ReplyNickname, you do know you can Go Back and retry until you succeed, right? it's not like you have only one chance
Like = 5
Like Replygreat potential
Like ReplyThis is site have really low standards for new games
Like Replythis is yet another boring piece of trash, you couldn't pay me to come back. not many games can put me to sleep, but this is on another lvl.
Like ReplyAnother no content broken release. Gamcore just cant help themselves.
Like ReplyCannot trigger half the scenes in the stupid game without getting the code from different tiers of a patreon subscription.
Like Replydads corruption is stuck at lv 1, it says to talk with him at home on daytime but thats just impossible, due to that you are also stuck at lv 2 corruption cause you cant advance, needs update.
Like ReplyWhat a boring ass game wouldn't pay a nickle for this sub par trash!😒
Like far you can only meet mom once and then go to your room?
Like ReplyCannot trigger some events
Like ReplyWarning: game has cow sex
Like Replycheat code ?
Like ReplyInconnu, Chocolate
Like ReplyInconnu, The Code is, PAY FOR IT YOU COMMONER.
Like ReplyKeith zwalter, not working bro
Like ReplyNileRagnarok, what about the higher tiers?
Like ReplyKeith zwalter, Suck my DICK greedy piece of shit creator!😒
Like Reply