The game is a parody of the well known video game MineCraft. You will play the role of a guy immersed in a whimsical adventure in this cubic world. Surrounded by hot characters, you get to revel in the pleasures they give you. You will explore and enjoy your fantasies coming alive. Hornycraft will have you begging for that oh sweet release. Every puzzle you solve unlocks another naughty session only for you such as sexy redhead milking and sucking you dry. You can cum wherever you like and as much as you want. That is the power of Hornycraft - to keep you wanting more and more.
Why can't I craft special armor 2
Like Replyhow to unlock all piggy galery?
Like Replystuck on zombie make second armor set and just say i cant when trying to exit menue
Like Replywhy does it say "i can't" when i craft diamond armor for zombie and try to leave the crafting table, it won't let me leave unless i sell the armor. Also how do i steal the gold from piglins in nether without getting robbed? And where do i get gold ingots?
Like ReplyWhy does it says "i cant" when i craft the diamond armor, it's softlocking me
Like ReplyPretty cool game, I had lots of fun despite the grinding and the sex scenes are very hot. Also there's just a blatantly transphobic scene in the game that just has no reason existing.
Like Replyfive more minutes and then there's a silverfish girl constantly saying fag... Fun game, but I don't need the creator to push this shit into my gooner content.
Like Replyhi im stuck with the herobrine quest, on the gallery it says that i need to unlock the last scene and the one between the blowjob and the cow swimsuit, anyone can tell me how to get them?
Like Replyi am in need of a solution to make this game run better i want to play it but i cant with the way it runs im on opera if anyone knows any other browser or anything i can do to fix it let me know it would be greatly appreciate it
Like ReplyI love this, i got almost every scene which i liked the most and saved it! i hope for future updates.. All character should do on ask: - suck dick - sex - anal - and all of the other stuff u can do basically all stuff u can do with that cjaracter you should do on ask once u did it for the first time so u can have access to all scenes at all time if its possible of course lol. Besides that it's really cool and funny game lol
Like Replygetting diamonds is annoying
Like ReplyI don't know where to find the clothes for the witch help
Like Replyif u go walking in the forest(next to wood) you open up creeper questline she can sew clothes
Like Replyhow do you save
Like Replyanonymous, i think thats broken right now.
Like ReplyI need more anal scenes, I want more girls taking it up the ass PLEASE!
Like Replyballs haha
Like Replyincrivel atualisa mais plis
Like Replyhow do you access the swamp
Like Replywhere do you go to put in the codes
Like ReplyWhere do you put in the cheat codes????
Like ReplyTremenda obra maestra 20/10 y god 🧐🎩
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to make the animations move longer? Everytime I get some they stop moving pretty fast and become like pictures
Like Replygame is not opening
Like Replyhow do you turn off safe mode?
Like Replygio, i want to know the same
Like Replythis game is awesome i love playing it if someone could tell me or if you could update it to be less laggy and maybe try and finsh it cause i would love to play more but for now i cant play too much cause its so laggy and honestly if you would put it on steam i pay 20 for it
Like Replyjaydog, you can install the file of this game in the internet. 100x faster than here.
Like Replyomnibreeze, do you know what sight because im on a laptop
Like ReplyDoes not work on mobile full screen
Like Replymy saves keep getting deleted this sucks fix it
Like ReplyOh look another game they've broken. What a shock.
Like ReplyWhat's the cheat code??
Like ReplyChest codes for 2024: Infinite resources = HRC2024UNLIM Infinite health = HRC2024HEALTH Infinite levels = HRC2024LVLUP Insta build = HRC2024BUILD God mode = HRC2024GOD
Like Replyno they arent
Like Replywhere do i enter the codes
Like ReplyMessiah, where do I put them in
Like ReplyMessiah, where do you put the codes
Like Replyhe made leggings half a chestplate and presumably boots with 3 gold bars and 4 ingots..? unplayable...
Like Replyit says safe mode in the corner and wont show me the nsfw scenes. anyone know how to turn it off?
Like ReplyHow the f do I find the ender girl
Like Replypornmaster696969696, just keep going in the woods you'll get her eventually
Like Replyhow do i get dimonds i keep mineing in the gold but it says i need dimonds to upgrade is it part of someones storyline?
Like Replyhorny minecraft player, you must upgrade your mineshaft
Like Replyhaving a bug after the compleating one of the herbrine images after you have to go through those weird purple doors i complete it then get an error msg and it kicks me back to menu everytime. No idea how to fix it
Like ReplyWhy i can't install it on my phone?
Like ReplyAnyone know why I'm stuck on the quest for Zombie "Maybe, I should rest". I skip time a bunch and nothing happens and I can't click on her bed or anything either.
Like ReplyI cant get milk for alex cause the cow died
Like Replyyo how do I exit the maze and how do I get cheat codes?
Like ReplyI'm blocked, I'm supposed to wait at my house to go to the beach with the cow, but when I do, nothing happens. And how am I supposed to get Herobrine's scene?
Like Replyhow do i save?
Like ReplyStuck in maze :/ Youtube says I should see a difference in light between left and right path but I can see none :'(
Like Replyfor some reason for creeper and endgirl it keeps saying "not in mood" ive been consistently tring for around 40 days with 0 progress
Like Replysahil500, you have to get their mood up by giving them gifts
Like ReplyHow do I save?
Like ReplyThisIsAUsername, Press f1
Like Replywhere can i get mob loot?
Like ReplyKark, In the forest at night you need a sword btw
Like ReplyDoes anyone know where the 3rd redstone torch is after the cow is dead
Like ReplyWhen I close the tab I can't get my saves
Like Replycool game. waiting for update.
Like ReplyHow can I make the game less laggy?
Like ReplyGame is great but damn, creator doesn't need to be such a piece of shit. You can make porn without shoe-horning in being discriminatory to people.
Like ReplyKind of a fucked up story. the dev had the game on itch and was asking around for voice actors. He made a mildly off-color comment about not wanting trans people to apply to do a the female voice. He also mentioned wanting someone who could do a variety of voices. Point is he gets canceled on itch and all his social media pages. For a pretty minor comment. Anything included in the game is due to it being personal now. He sees it as them shooting first and he's not wrong.
Like ReplyEverytime I put the cheat code it says successful then it says again acces denied your computer is going to explode pls help meee
Like ReplyYowitsme, so, what is the code, let me try it and i will tell you how well i went for me
Like Replydoesnt save after a bunch of progess
Like Replywhat's the mob loot
Like Replywhy did it have to be so brutal, for the cow and creeper
Like Replyidk know how to start the new herobrine content
Like Replyok so let me give warnings on the herobrine questline, the first thing is export (if you can) your saves as herobrine will delete them eventually... i learned the hard way... anyway next when you click the sign of the wandering trader prepare for jump scares there are 3... or 4 idk my saves (over a year of following the progess of this game) are gone so i can't check. the places are bettys room, mines, back to house speak to betty. this is where you lose your saves. god it is awful, betty
Like Replymeh_nem_jeff, (ran out of space) gets "corrupted"... the cow btw. anywho te cow is fixed once you go back to the mines and you can make new saves as well... this is just to make sure people don't lose their saves of dreams and such.
Like Replymeh_nem_jeff, never, the fucking, mind. holy shit the cow is fucking smushed to paste like potatos. her gallery remains but she is long gone. serious gore, like intestines and eye popping gore. but hey herobrine gives you a blowie. let me clarify brine when you go to mines invites you to dinner with cow. then you can't find cow in her bit and you have to go by yourself to morning woods. this is a warning, do not follow the red torches without a back-up and a strong stomach
Like Replymeh_nem_jeff, just to wrap up for this version... make sure you finish with creeper before you look for the swimsuit.
Like Replymeh_nem_jeff, i don t understand how u got cow's death. In what point of the game, because I have one save just before the final scene with the marriage and one before the picnic. I tried to go to the picnic but nothing happens
Like Replymeh_nem_jeff, thanks for the warning! i have saves at all the endings and would have lost betty forever, your sacrifice will let many other bettys live on. I salute you
Like Replymeh_nem_jeff, how do i do herobrines storyline? i only got to the torches so far and i think i got the horse's thing too, i got no idea how to progress from here
Like Replyblacky, sorry for the late response I was waiting for content to pile up. you have to touch the redstone torches. first there will be a sign in front (maybe only the mornings) of the level 2 house (disappears at level 3). that tells you to go to the morning forest where a torch will be. next head to the witch's forest at night, another sign telling you to go to the morning forest again. then you have to go to the nether where a sign is hidden in the background. ran out of space
Like ReplyScythe, also continuation from my last reply, after solving the horse riddle you get another slider challenge (forgot to metion) after which there is a painfully hidden sign in the background of the travelling merchant (may be time sensitive). now there is a red light east/right of the mine north of the 4th tree from the mine. Then sleep, there will be a maze dream and the order is 4-2-3 doors from the left.
Like Replymeh_nem_jeff, To continue afterwards, go to the beach at night and find the sign. Then look for the torches at all mentioned locations. (Mine in the morning, Forrest at night and swamp at midday) You get another puzzle. Then go to the forrest at night. And then... regret
Like ReplyYou can also find a torch next to Alex' stable. And when you explore the nether. Head to the forrest again afterwards. Then click on your own cow-stable(?) WARNING! If you though it couldn't get worse. You are severly mistaking!
Like Replyadd Polish language and name change
Like Replydont marry the dumbass cow.
Like Replyfrom where the mop lot
Like Replyanimations are starating to lag out the further i prorgress.
Like Replydon't follow the red torches..... don't follow the red torches..... don't follow the red torches.....
Like ReplyI love you to me
Like Replyi love creeper, SHE DIES!?!?!?
Like Replyrandomguiy, herobrine questline. export your saves.
Like Replyare they still working on this game?
Like Replydoes the shift+o thing to open the command menu still work? i tried to do it bit it didnt work and im not sure if im just doing it wrong or if it no longer works
Like ReplyThe game is good its just annoying that so many things dont work probably and worst of them all is saving does not work.
Like Replythis is why java is better than bedrock
Like Replyhow do i get another pat on the head from the creeper.
Like ReplyAnyone know where the zombie is? It says the first encounter has been added in the patch notes
Like ReplyEl, Mine for gold
Like ReplyWhy after marry cowgirl game and and cant do nothing?
Like Replyis there a better way to mine gold, the timer is so fast
Like ReplyI have a problem, everytime I advance I don't know if it crash the game or is something in my pc, beacuse everytime it look like it crash all the window of the game go grey, not the typical one were you see the codes and errors but one of pure gray and I lost many saves and I have to dr repeat again many actions to reach where I was
Like ReplyCheat code I’m lazy
Like Replyhow do i escape the maze
Like Replyi have to play on this iste bc the itch site isnt showing up anymore
Like ReplyCant play game game wont work
Like ReplyDoes anyone know what to do after the error message in herobrine mission
Like Replyhow did you get herobrine quest?
Like Replywill not stop frezzeing up
Like Replyfix ender girl scences keeps crashing
Like ReplyAll the games are not working properly
Like ReplyWhen is the next update and when are you going to open the other 2 location
Like Replywhy the maze dont work
Like Replythis guy ben sponsoring his new game that why he saying itvoer and voer in every game
Like ReplyNice update really good cant wait for the next one
Like ReplyEssa última versão já está em português?
Like ReplyNew version out
Like Replyel juego esta muy bien
Like ReplyMy game keeps crashing after download it has to do with a bug need fix so I can update it
Like Replyhow do you let the endergirl into your house for the second time?
Like ReplyWhy is steve such a pussy?
Like Replysteve is a Chad man he can have sex with all this different girls and not die
Like Replysteve, brother you are they Chad for sticking up for the minecraft goat like you did. do you want to go mining
Like ReplyLooks like a good game just a shame I get stuck with the maze every time, cant go left right or anything.
Like ReplyMy saves for Renpy games need to fr come back D:
Like Replywhen the game update and how can i fuck creeper?
Like Replyhey boy. give the option to change the name
Like ReplyWhen is the endergirl wanna talk to me?
Like Replyendergirl scene with ender pearls crashing
Like ReplyWhy the mob loot dont add up ?
Like ReplyHouse can't be upgraded a second time even though option is given.
Like ReplyTrant101, Progress through the cow story. Then you can upgrade the house to level 3.
Like ReplyIm stuck even if i go left or right nothing change and i cant exit cave
Like ReplyNick, restart and try, left, left, right, left, right, that should work
Like ReplyNick, follow the path thats lighter
Like ReplyNick, try this save when the cave gets darker and reload it if you click the wrong thing
Like ReplyNick, same for me
Like Replythanks bro.
Like ReplyNick, click the minehaft
Like Replyhow to save my progress?
Like Replyi crashed so many times that i lsot everything in my saves dev pls pls pls fix the crash your game is doing that nonstop
Like ReplyHow do I get the girl Herobrine?
Like Replymaze is broken
Like ReplyX8ay, I know,but anyone says anything
Like ReplyX8ay, keep trying eventually warden will find you
Like Replywhy don't the mob loot stack?
Like Replyall is well, but i can't figure out how to get 5 mob loot, no matter if I get 40, 50, 60, 70 points in the stupid shootting game, I get always only 4 mob loot ???
Like Replygourmet, upgrade sword
Like Replygourmet, u need to upgrade ur sword, the u will get more loot from moobs
Like Replygourmet, upgrade sword
Like Replyits your rng is bad. its just luck...
Like Replygourmet, you have to get 75 points and above to get more than 5
Like Replygourmet, I get up to 10 mob loot with an auto clicker just keep it on all the way tell the end (it will lag) I use "OP auto-clicker" as my auto clicker and set it to click every 10 milliseconds hope this helps! =] -DATAEXPUNGED
Like Replygourmet, you need to do it multiple times, dumbass.
Like Replygourmet, you need to have a better sword
Like Replyi like playing both this and real mc
Like Replytheres no save button for me
Like Replyis the game broke i keep getting an error
Like ReplyWhy can’t I play it after the very first dialogue when is done and I try to click something it always kick me out it is because I’m on iPhone?
Like ReplySaves are gone for Renpy related games again, F
Like ReplyHow do you save in the game, i cant seem to find a save botton
Like ReplyArbiter2204, ESC
Like ReplyWas having loads of fun w the game until it crashed during the endergirl anal beads scene
Like Replyewgrdhfg, Where is endergirl?
Like Replyhow do i unlock the wandering traveler scene
Like Replyhow you unlock scenes with the wandering traveler do i have to sell or buy stuff to unlock scenes
Like Replythe best, you need to buy until you see some scrolls for 10 emeralds, then you buy those
Like Replyi accidently closed the app and now i cant play this game
Like Replyshit game bro im at the maze and whatever i do it just keeps me there i cant even advance anymore help pls?
Like Replyyes, forget what i said i finished it
Like Replyhow did u fix it ive been stuck on it for like 20mins man
Like Replyand to get out of the labyrinth is left left right left left
Like Replywhat the pattern to meet the warden?
Like Replythe best, left, left, right, left, right
Like ReplyKilo, thankyou but i have another question how you found those pattern ?
Like Replyanyone else crash to this game after 30 minute i do so could the devs pls lower graphic or have a lower graphic button that would be great.
Like Replyis the labrynth broken for anyone else? i keep pressing to turn and t just shows the same place. tried everything to fix. plz help
Like Replyboss, try left left right left left to get out
Like Replyhow to make the creeper able to make the swinsuit?
Like Replylost my save after 2/3h played ...
Like ReplyÓtimo jogo, história bem interessante... E aguardando atualização. Porém tive problemas... Como por exemplo, bug de ganhar pedras quando falta recursos pro primeiro UP da caverna e você tiver salvando e fechar o jogo bruscamente, os saves não ficarem salvos... Triste.
Like ReplyAfter Loading a saved game you dont have acces to already archived gallery content. Maybe put a gallery code in or a way that you can keep the progressed gallery. Otherwise, nice game!
Like Replyhey is there a code to get back all of my galley back when to play it and it was all gone does this mean i have to start over to reget it ????
Like ReplyM1sterNightmare, you just have to talk to a girl once and you get the gallery back
Like Replyplayed almost all the scenes and i accidentally picked like the cow thing, so now i have to marry the cow and i saved after wards and it wont let me go back, played this for hours and i dont wanna start all over again
Like ReplyI bought the 3 things from the trader but i still didnt get like a cutscene help
Like Replygoat, buy one more thing and then get 10 emeralds
Like Replyв чейнжлоге увидел что убрали херобрина и нормально так прифигел..
Like Reply"Damn, Dream might not wear a halloween costume. He's pretty ugly as it is" - whoever made this game
Like Replyquestion how do i get mobloot?
Like ReplyIt's where you get wood but at night
Like ReplyAre all of the gallery scenes available to get too? im missing a few on the bottom row and the one to the left of the enderwoman.
Like Replyjust do a fcking update on the gold mining time
Like Replyelpenemearde
Like Replygame wont work
Like ReplyAnyone got the code
Like ReplyIs there a way to turn off Steve's face when he talks? It's very off putting.
Like ReplyMan-Wolf23, lol i dont think so
Like Replyif you want to progress with girls faster get the minecart upgraded all the way (LVL 11) and you can get 12 resources at a time to gift to girls
Like ReplyI quit upgrading at lv. 9 because I thought it was infinite and I got tired :/ thanks for sharing
Like ReplyHow the hell do you mine gold?! It goes away so quickly!
Like ReplyTomas-28, prtty much just spam and try to remember as much as possible but at the and you can also use the rollback feature to try again
Like Replyendergirl anal plug scene is bugged and shut downs the site
Like ReplyGreat game 10/10 can't wait for more.
Like ReplyHow do you get mob loot?
Like ReplyDrake, forest left side at night, I think.
Like ReplyDrake, in the forest at night
Like Replycant progress with mopst recent update because theres nowhere to get mob loot
Like ReplyDoubleshot316, you mobloot in the forest at night
Like Replytoo grindy :(
Like ReplyFor some reason the gallery does not save whenever i leave the game and come back.
Like Replyanyone know how to save?
Like ReplyThatGuy223, right click
Like ReplyGreat game, can't wait for more
Like Replyhaha my pc for some reason when i talk to the creeper go brrrrr
Like ReplyHow do I upgrade the mine to level 3? I have the resorces but it wont let me
Like ReplyBillbob123, future update i think
Like ReplyI'm waiting for updates
Like Replyi kinda like this game steve sounds like a idiot tho hehe
Like Replybrainless blocks of dynamite on legs hahahaha
Like Replyi hate this game.
Like ReplyUpgrade The minecart first, very useful
Like Replyalso is it just me or when my mouse hovers over my house it doesn't select it, instead it selects alex house?
Like Replyspoo, thats just you
Like Replyit a good game, would have like to be able to load a save file as well as being able to safe, so when it keep crashes, we can just load it up from a save file.
Like Replydestroyer, right click.
Like ReplyDo we get to see Alex go and do the villagers?
Like ReplyWtf is this lol
Like ReplyNostalgic mc music W
Like ReplyAnyone have the code?
Like ReplyHow do you test a apk file if it's safe?
Like Replycrash exiting nether?
Like ReplyFuck Russia and ukraine
Like ReplyFuckRuskiAndUkraine, I get what you mean bruv
Like ReplyI'm waiting for the continuation. Cool game
Like Replywhat a good game, and a great job with the translations, my hat goes off to those workers who love their jobs, I hope to enjoy more content and similar games, thanks.
Like ReplyI love you so unbelievably much for the Everlasting Summer reference! ♥ :3
Like ReplyWell. this was a waste for time -_-
Like Reply