Our hero is ready for some new adventures and this time he is going on a hot date. He will meet with different sexy babes and will have to impress each one of them. Each babe will want something from you that you will have to fulfill if you want to get laid. Remember, a happy babe equals one who wants you to fuck her. All you had to do is walk around the different rooms and find things and sex toys that you can use to satisfy their needs. Sounds easy, right? Just ensure you fulfill their specific need and you are going to find yourself in pussy heaven. Use W A S D to move around and E to perform actions and pick some items. Be their wish-granting genie and they won't mind rubbing you! Support Eroman to see more games like this
Commented hal of the year and I will be in the year and I will be in the year and I will
Like Replywho is the blonde girlfriend at the end
Like Replygood game. love the sires
Like Reply1. Go right to the bedroom, take car-key; 2. Go outside, get in the car, go to airport; 3. Go to the airport; 4. Go right 2 times, Talk to Security-Lady, go right, Look at girl, admire her; 5. Go right 2 times, go to the plane, jump over “bad docking” speak to stewardess; 6. Go back to the Hall, go left and inside the mens toilet, talk to taxidriver, take wood; 7. Go back to “bad docking”, use wood; 7. Go into the plane, fuck stewardess
Like ReplyDirtyTom, 8. go left from the toilets, take foil, go back to adored girl, use foil on gold bar, take bag and go to the security; 9. Place bag to check it; 10. Go to Hall speak to girl; 11. Go back to security, and fuck her; 12. Go to room left of the hall speak to girl and security-man; 13. Go outside take stone; 14. Go back to hall and front-left; 15. go outside there and use stone at window to the coffee shop.
Like ReplyDirtyTom, 16. go to coffee-shop, talk to girl, go to the toilet and fuck her; 17. Take key, open ladys-toilet and go in, take inflatable doll; 18. Go left from the Hall, talk to girlfriend, take bag; 19. Go to security, check bag, take cigarettes and bag; 20. Go outside, give cigarettes to taxidriver, use inflatable doll on pump and take the doll for sex; 21. go inside, go front-left and through the door, place doll for sex on comfortable armchair, talk to stewardesses and fuck them.
Like ReplyDirtyTom, 22.Go outside, take lit cigarette, go back to the 2 stewardesses, use lit cigarette on doll, take key2; 23. go to the room, where the securityman with the girl was (he is in the Hall now), use key2 on locker and take key3 and 4; 24. Go inside the plane, open both closed lockers with they keys, take rose and documents;
Like ReplyDirtyTom, 25. go back to the securityman and give documents to him, go to the girl and fuck her; 26. Go outside, give rose to girlfriend, get in the car, go home; 26. Talk to girlfriend, go left, take maches, use them on Smoker, go away a bit and take it; 27. Use smoker on drinkinbowl for bees; go back to the street, take empty bottle, go back, use it on drinkin bowl and take bottle of water; 28. Go back to the car, give it to girlfriend, get in the car, go home
Like ReplyDirtyTom, 29. Go inside, talk to girlfriend and give bag to her. 30. ? Don’t know what to do then, if I go outside and come back the girlfriend is there two times in different dresses, if I speak to her she always says: “thanks! Come on come out for a minute.” … I think it’s a bug.
Like ReplyDirtyTom, basically what you want to do here, is to rememeber to pick up the bag from the security office after getting the cigarette. Unelss this was fixed or something, its working now
Like ReplyWhy is the game not letting me put the inflatable doll on the chair in the staff room?
Like Replywho is the security girl?
Like Replyalex57, Adriana Chechik
Like ReplyI've got the wood, got the bag through and smashed the window, what the hell do I do next, can't seem to find any other interactions?
Like ReplyThedood, go to the men-restroom. Have fun with the girl from coffee shop and take the blue Key. This key is for the women-restroom. There you find the doll.
Like Replyhow do I obtain the sex doll
Like ReplyJoah, You fuck the girl in the cafe
Like ReplyThe sex scenes have gotten significantly worse over time, just regular porn scenes, not the high quality stuff from some 2 years ago, but the game is still fun to play
Like ReplyAnyone knows the girlfriends name?
Like ReplyWhat to do after home with girlfriend when she says: "Thanks. Come on come out for a minute."?
Like ReplyDirtytom, There is a bug that shows the girl normally and in the sexy dress at the same time. The gae gets stuck there.
Like Replywhat should i do with sex doll?
Like Replygo to the staff-room with the two stewardesses. put the doll on the chair and speak to the girls ...
Like Replyname of the stewardess?
Like ReplyLittle Winker, eva lovia
Like ReplySalama Hassan
Like ReplySalama 33, No, it's adriana chechik.
Like ReplyHow do I give the bag to the girlfriend?
Like ReplyHow do you go out with the bag
Like Replyhow I find the keys for the closed locker in the plane?
Like ReplyGregg Norman, take kay from doll,open locker in police room with gold inside
Like Reply11, 11, where's the Police Room?
Like Reply11, I can't get the key. The doll is the staff room inthe chair. I 've already fun with the to girl but teres no key.
Like ReplyThe cool game!!!
Like ReplyWhat to do with key 3 and 4?
Like ReplyOslim, Use them in the plane
Like ReplyOslim, they are for the two closed lockers in the plane.
Like ReplyTheres a bug when you break the window and go talk to the cook/waiter, it shows the inside of the coffee shop and softlocks the game.
Like ReplyHageMage, everything is already working!
Like ReplyWhat do I do with the lit cigarette?
Like ReplyAlex, touch the sex doll and take key.
Like Reply11, and what do you do with Key2?
Like ReplyAlex, you have to blow the sexdoll with it. There you will find the key for the locker in the security-room. In this locker there are Key 3 and 4 for the lockers in the plane.
Like Replyhow fuck the girlfriend? I can't find eliminate bee
Like ReplyCC_Lee, There are matches next to bees. then use smoker
Like Replywhat do you have to do to complete the quest with the guy by the broken window? Is it normal that when I approach it, it shows me this cafe?
Like Replycrazymaaan, you dont have to deal with him
Like Replycrazymaaan, everything is already working!
Like ReplyWhat do I do with the stone?
Like ReplyGilbertGrape, Go outside and do it on the window
Like ReplyKurama, when I go outside all I can do is go back inside the airport, there aren't any other interactions
Like ReplyNickname, in the main hall of the airport, go down to the left, but with the stone!
Like ReplyGilbertGrape, Have to throw it into the window of the coffee-store from outside. A bit difficult to find: In the mainhall go left in the front of the screen, there is a door to the outside where you can find the window to the coffee-shop
Like ReplySCENES FROM THE FOLLOWING MOVIES: Athena Palomino risque roses Brunette Aria Alexander flogged in the bathroom with a cute man Lika Star And Marilyn Crystal Eva Lovia in, double poking Star act of love Challenge Adriana Chechik (2 movies): Adriana Chechik - Surprise Dickspection Adriana Chechik airport security
Like ReplyWhat to do after getting to the airport?
Like ReplyNonya, Go on the plane, talk to the stewardess and only after that the taxi driver will appear in the toilet. There, take the wooden thing and put the bridge to the plane, and then have sex with the flight attendant.
Like ReplyWhat's the name of the stewardess?
Like ReplyUnknown soldier, its Eva Lovia
Like Replywhere is the wood suppose to go?
Like ReplyTroyDaBoyy, you get the wood, you can use the airplane dock. the gap is too far. and then go to the cafe , get the foil and grap the gold. after then go out, you can fuck security girl.
Like ReplyTroyDaBoyy, to the airplane
Like ReplyTroyDaBoyy, across the gap by the plane
Like ReplyTroyDaBoyy, the wood goes between the plane and the bridge, you'll see a message bad docking, and you'll just need to press R
Like Replykinx, how get the wood? I can't find the wood
Like ReplyCC_Lee, man toliet there are wood.
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