Elana, Champion of Lust Chapter 2 [v 0.6]
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Description: Your task is to get level-ups for Elana to increase her physical and magical powers. Your sole purpose is to make her as irresistible and powerful as possible so that she can take the villagers as her minions. You get to enjoy watching how every villager wants a piece of her and how she continually uses them for her sexual needs. No one is complaining because she is that addictive. Of course the game is constantly being updated to ensure you experience only the best of Elana!. Check in from time to time to enjoy the latest version. |
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Why most games for me have just a flashing red bar screen or loading screen that is in a loop?
Like ReplyAnyone here knows how to solve the whole elf city stone problem? Thanks. I'm just stuck at the end bit.
Like Replyhey everyone,i just wanted to know where do you find the hunger,widsom and death orb,i can't find them
Like Replynixie, hunger and war can be found after the last fight where you side with either the moon brother and sister or red-scar. Simillarly, if you help the mermaids you get wisdom, and helping the octopus people gets you death. BTW, have you found the elf city stone yet?
Like ReplyCool game. If you skip bugged place in castle, which destroy your game and delete all saves
Like ReplyGvca,what place make you lose you're save because each time i play i lose all my progress and that's really annoying please tell me ;(
Like Replyif you look in the top right corner the game is now in 1.7 the gallery code is kgallthings there isnt much new. type 0 then backspace then type kgallthings and press 0 again and voila, your welcum.
Like Replyboobman7, but where did u wrote the cheat code?
Like ReplySorry just realized my mistake didn’t notice until now you guys did download the latest update my fault I didn’t notice until I started playing it again
Like ReplyI think you uploaded the wrong update it’s the same one it’s supposed to be 1.7
Like ReplyWhen are you going to update the game the latest update just came out
Like ReplyThe cheat codes got changed for ver. 1.1 and only people with specific patreon tier on knot games has access to the new ones
Like Replynot playing this crap game till they stop the magic word stuff, 0 stars
Like Replywhat is max level you can be
Like ReplyWhere can i enter the Magic Word? ^^
Like Reply5erzhfgjdherh, what's the magic word?
Like Replywhat the fuck is the magic word
Like ReplyFuck, press 0 to enter the code, and press 0 to confirm it. A 'G' will appear at the middle right of the screen
Like ReplyWhat’s the magic word?
Like ReplyCheat for 100% at all locations is "the world is yours"
Like ReplyTripping, it wont let me enter cheats pl help
Like ReplyMagic Word ???
Like Replywhat is the magic word?
Like Replyhow can we restore energy bar on the game ?
Like Replysaber, clicking the sun/moon icon in the forest area where the blinking pool is, will restore energy.
Like ReplyCan someone tell me the cheats they seem to be changed ? Thanks
Like Replykgallthings for gallery
Like ReplyFree code, when you put in the code it asks for a magic word
Like ReplyGuys the cheat code is press 0 remove the 0 and write kgsupernatural
Like ReplyOk. So how does the cheat to open the Gallery work? I've tried the "0" thing and "kgopensesame" and "kgsecretchamber" and nothing works. And I don't know how to progress in the game to unlock them on my own. Please help.
Like Reply沒有對不起,我等待的代碼 Méiyǒu duìbùqǐ, wǒ děngdài de dàimǎ
Like Reply要去哪輸入代碼有人知道嗎
Like Replylake flower ,play a game,null,church,preparing snacks
Like ReplyType "kgcantouchthis" anywhere and press number "0". All actions will always succeed. Type "kgsecretchamber" anywhere and press number "0" to get access to the gallery. Type "kgdopin" and press number "0" to get a full bar of expireince. Type “kgsingular” and press number "0" to always see singular character events when observing. Type "kgking" to get 999 coins.
Like ReplyEvery time a new version of this comes out I get stoked only to find they only added a single art or animation >.<
Like ReplySame codes from last time press 0 enter code ,enter doesn't work press 0 again 0 is the enter button
Like Replyhow do you earn money!! i can never figure it out.
Like ReplyHow do you steal? If i understand correctly i should click start and run the mouse through the blue "path", but either i'm very slow or i always get out of the way. am i correct?
Like Replyanyone have the new codes
Like Replythe old cheat codes work. you hit 0 put in the code (kgopensesame for gallery, kgsupernatural for all attacks and always succeed) and press 0 again to accept it
Like ReplySo anybody know the codes
Like ReplyThey changed most of the cheats now. The new way to enter a code is press 0
Like Replyto enter cheat codes press your 'enter button you idiots lmao
Like Replynever loads to start
Like ReplyAm I the only one that just cannot fking find where to put the cheats?
Like ReplyWhere do i input the codes at???
Like ReplyUpdate pls
Like Replyoh never mind i found it
Like Replyem... Where do you wirte the code??
Like Replydid they add fetishes? please say yees!!!
Like ReplyWhere do you type in the codes?
Like ReplyFollow my insta Brianna_williams_95 for free nudes
Like Replythe gallery and other codes arent implemented yet and whatever ones that are be they different or the same as chapter one they will have different results. the only code that works rn for 0.4 is kgsupernatural and unlike the first game it doesnt make every action a success it only unlocks all skills for free. also for those of you newbs who dont remember you have to be on the screen with the city then hit enter and a text box pops up type a code and you will hear a moan sound.
Like Replyhow do i open the gallery after entering the code?
Like Replypastebin-BnKuGyR1.this URL gives you a list of all cheats . To enter them press enter key in the game window after the game starts.
Like ReplyWhere do you put in the codes
Like Reply"kgopensesame" to get access to the gallery. kgtalented" to get a full bar of expireince kgfriends” to always see singular characters (after you have 20% of influence in the area) "kgmakeitrain" to get 999 coins. "kgkillthemall" To kill all enemys with one hit. "kgsupernatural" and all actions will always succeed.
Like Replyqfwegeqffqrwfqwfq
Like Replyi know this is till such an early release BUT if anyone knows a gallery code PLEASE lmk!!! also heres my favor in return; code :kgsupernatural unlocks all skills!!!! i dont know any other codes.
Like Replyboobman7, pastebin com X0tDAL8d
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