In this uncensored game, you follow the story of a chosen hero who must resist dark female demons looking to take over the world. As you can expect in a game like this, there will be several dark, naughty, and perverted things you must deal with to save the world. With 13 diverse realms to explore and defeat, there will be tons of hot women and creatures to interact with, so don’t be surprised to see various hardcore sex scenes involving blowjobs, boobjobs, and more. Hit play now and start wandering around all the places each of these demons rule, all the while helping the goddess of light defeat them.
why cant i use meditate pls help
Like ReplyWhy did the game reset my progress :(
Like ReplyYo I'm playing on android does anyone know how to save or back out of options, this looks like a really cool game but in combat I get stuck and if I try to fix my mistake it just kicks me out of the entire game and it doesn't save
Like Replygo fuck yourself with your stupid fucking dogshit game, it got extremely poor level design, unbeatable without a walkthrough, harder to level up than beating dark souls, etc etc etc, DON'T PLAY THIS GAME if you value your sanity, this developer is completely braindead. also who the fuck still uses rpg maker? it's not 2007 anymore bruh...
Like ReplyHey I'm stuck maybe I just got beat 10 times by Mary to continue the story but I'm stuck Lyvanya wants to forge a weapon with her broken crystal but she wants one of my soul shards but only have one because of the fight with Mary will I be alright or do I need to start over or something
Like ReplyHow to open second door
Like ReplyAnee, beat Katrina then get her seal it also depends on what difficulty ur playing on
Like ReplyWhat a useless game cant even play properly it lags too much and when it starts it skips most of the dialogue how should you play something when you cant read it?
Like ReplyLove the update glad to finally be able to save llavanya and kick the domina asses in the run back
Like ReplyHi, I am stuck on the Raa stage where she summons the 2 guards. The game just keeps looping where it summons them, then my character escapes the room. And when I come out, the same again.
Like ReplyKind of bullshit that they can pull what Mary and rha did after you beat them and just throw you in a cell like they have to give us there seals but they don't have to let us leave their realm
Like ReplyLol has anyone else managed to one shot mary when they chose the channeller class and used llavanya arrows Also man I hope we get to add maledom to the tags in the future when this game is finally completed it would be so much fun to turn the tables on the domina after beating them all
Like ReplyBra Please Someone Answer Quick Where İs Changed Teleport Locations Of Marys Dungeon Breh
Like Replywhy wont the game save
Like ReplyBra, finish off the other dominias the when you get to hora accept her offer and you will be able to enter the teleporter.
Like ReplyI made it to hora but I can't encounter any lost in the garden of ages? Is there something I'm supposed to do that I'm missing
Like ReplyWhere İs Combination That Mary Changed Someone Can Say İt Breh ?
Like Replytake the chaneller class get the mage wand from the previous hero he is in the left side of the first demon map to regen rest at the blue fire in front of the west catacomb it heals you then level up to lvl 10 and try fighting her again
Like ReplyNice to see it was updated but my saves were deleted
Like ReplyWas a good game until the 4th Domina. Played it because it was a fun difficult RPG maker game, but until the 4th you can win fairly easily and there's good balancing for the classes. You straight up have to lose 8-10 times, and even when you win, you still lost, and there's no good ending for that. Maybe I'll play when all come out but still. Losing should be a skill issue not a game mechanic.
Like Replyhow can i get out of boss 3 map it shown to me " you r trapped in narcissa realm
Like Replysai, You have to beat her
Like Replyhow to save data ?
Like ReplyWhen does a newer version come out?
Like ReplyIs there anyway to restore mana?
Like ReplyHow can save lavanya wtf i got beat them all till i reached hara before the last one she told me go to mary realm and say Olivia i go there and they still can't teleport wtffff
Like ReplyWhere's the Version 9.2 from this game?
Like ReplyLots of glitches with Hora: 1) None of the rooms work right, some of the houses trap you in the door way, the forest cant be exited, the armor shop has an item if you interact with glitches the whole game 2) After Hora gives you the password you still cant get in to save Llavanya Mary is the best domina. I would like to see more intense CBT and less scat/urine play. Lots of lost opportunity with Maki
Like ReplyMy name is Vlad, you might say that I am bad. But, really - I’m quite nice if you look into my eyes Angry and calm, patient and eager Maybe not an emperor but a top notch leader Just kidding - I’m the best. I am the dj, I don’t dance The beat is mine, the tune is mine. I’m cool - I am ice I roll the dice My heart - cold, my moves - bold Never old. I save - world Did you know? I save reporter from tiger attack I drive Formula One car on the race track I test long Bridge with truck, I fight ji
Like ReplyFar too much talking and running around and the save function breaks the game and makes your restart. Having a hard time enjoying this so far.
Like ReplyWait how do you export the save
Like ReplyWhy is it always showing that it was last updated not long ago but never updated to the 9.1 from like 2 months ago?
Like ReplyHow do you beat the 4th dom after you get transported back by the light dom
Like ReplyI followed Hora´s orders, and run to the mystical chamber. but if i go to the middle circle, nothing happens. i just get a text box which says: The portal doesnt work. mary must have changed the password.
Like Replyhalamala, The web version of 9.0 is really buggy, you can get 9.1 for free now Dekarous's kemono page.
Like Replywhat are you supposed to do after being sended to raa's catacomb? (after winnin the fight)
Like Replynvm, my game was bugged... if this happens to you just load a save from the domina before and fight with Raa again, you gotta kill the 2 guards chasing you
Like ReplyEther12, Hey, whenever I verse raa and beat her she just takes three health potions ends the battle and my screen goes to game over, how do I fix this?
Like ReplyHow can I download my save files from here?
Like Replythis game fucking eats ass. too damn hard and full of bullshit too much grinding and the 4th domina is fucking rigged to shit. impossible to beat her fucking bullshit move every goddamn time and theres no fucking counter to it Dont play this fucking piece of shit game for you own sanity. fucking dev needs to eat shit
Like Replymy man to beat Mary you gotta lose like 20 times, its better to surrender after starting the fight...
Like ReplyIve gotten to the 4th domina and went for berserker but i need an axe?. Yet ive found no axe anywhere in the game what so ever does anyone know where it is?
Like ReplyHow do you do the maze at the second domina i cant find the entrance to the stone part
Like Replyhow do you get to the first guys grave ;-;
Like ReplyI'm stuck on Hora's stage. After losing to her once I can't proceed any further in Katrina's warp room where I'm supposed to say the password. How do I get past this?
Like ReplyElulai, sorry I mean Mary's room. Is anyone else having the same issue?
Like ReplyElulai, you got to lose to here like 5 or 6 times to progress the story
Like ReplyHentai Enjoyer, that's not what he meant
Like ReplyFuck, just lost 5 hour of progress because my saves got erased…
Like ReplyCannot proceed after entering Mary's room after losing to Hora!
Like ReplyElulai, same...
Like ReplyElulai, how do you even get to enter mary's dungeon (i go to the teleportation thing and it says that mary changed the password)
Like ReplyEther12, me too i just think that the maker needs to launch an update before we can acces the other parts of the story
Like ReplyHow do you beat Mika n Maki they keep healing eachother
Like ReplyPain, Lost to them a couple of times then they will get bored and go to their rooms, visit one of them and leave a letter at her bed.
Like ReplyCan't Use the teleporter in Marys Chamber (safe lyvanna) after talking to Hora... or what is the combination?
Like ReplyJeMa, Elulai, where do you find hora
Like ReplyOK how do you get out of the dungeon After you are caught? And does anybody know where the key is? Or how do I use steel rod to get out?After you are caught? And does anybody know where the key is? Or how do I use steel rod to get out
Like ReplyWolf, stand close to the cage then you should be able to use the rod. After that enter the hole in the ground.
Like ReplyBruh what do i do in the 1sr door at east catacombs i skipped the dialouge
Like ReplySus, 1st* Aa
Like ReplySus, nvm i figures it out
Like ReplyHelp where is the stone im new
Like ReplyMarys combination to get to Llyanna (after Talking to Hora)
Like Replyx---, whats the combination?
Like ReplyHora told me how to find Livanya but it doesen't seem to work.
Like Replyxxx, I guess it just hasn't been implemented yet ?
Like ReplyI beat Katrina the second time around and it just restarted the fight lol
Like ReplyIs this 8.1
Like ReplyWhenever I try to save it tells me that the windows file had it's access denied, any idea what causes this?
Like Replyin level 4 i can't find mary's dungeon
Like ReplyBroken if: Fight Raa - Win - Lose last shard against her guards - Get revived by reaper - Fight raa - win - the guards dont follow anymore and you cant leave the catacombs
Like ReplyLove this game, but how on earth do you heal out of combat without using positions? Is there no rest feature?
Like ReplyFiendin, you need to use these blue floating balls you can see in the different realms they will heal you
Like Replyrosita the beep beep woods If anyone knows how to enter the house on the left, please leave a comment.
Like Replyjust pointing something out i would not recommend corrupting you charter soul but if go to your charter would start looking different if you are go upgrading it to max.
Like Replyis it possible to finish RAA's lvl ?
Like Replybabaka, yes but it's really hard
Like Replyhow do you make soul shards
Like Replyupdate to 8.1
Like ReplyUpdate please I love this game!
Like ReplyMaki, Literally been waiting on them to finish this for months. The only porn game I have taken the time to think about later. So good its unbelievable.
Like ReplyHow am I even be able to Play this?
Like Replyit hard but it more of grind i pick duellist fist time and start now playing the archer what got me far
Like Replyhow do you beat raa she run way if she lose and it a game over but i did give here the 5 tablets but if you can beat some let me know
Like ReplyWhere is the key when you are locked up in Katrina's dungeon after you try to beat her the first time?
Like ReplyDark Deception + Hentai = THIS
Like Replyman i cant get passed 7th boss mika and maki help
Like Replybluuboy, you must loose a few times, than they go away and you must follow one of them and klick on her bed... after that a sequenz starts (pink hair is sissyfication and blue hair is cock torture) after that you can fight them
Like Replyi want to know if the next update is on the way? i played this game with every class and its realy good, but i need more bosses.... i can still lvl to lvl 5000 but there is no reason for it... please tell me how long i must wait for the next update....
Like ReplyOkay seriously is there any way to beat Raa ? It feel's impossible
Like Replywretched egg, yes of course i finished this game with every class :) its just a question of lvl, taktic and portions :)
Like Replyhalamala, really ? because when i'm close to winning she just refuses to continue the fight
Like Replywretched egg, yes realy she is hard but its possible... which class do you play?
Like Replyhalamala, at the moment I'm an Arcanist on Level 20
Like Replywretched egg, as arsenist its hard cause she can block spells so you must be carefull, or you hit yourself with your spell and thats a 1hit kill... if you had the skill eldrich shockwave use it in the first turn so you add poison and bleeding to her (5k dmg each round) and renew it (but same be carefull that she dont reflect it to you) if her skill with magic reflec is activ use coruption skill claw of disease (i dont know if i write it right, my english is bad)...just kill her with dot attacks
Like Replyhalamala, thank you I did it
Like Replywretched egg, no problem if you ever had another problem just ask here i will look 3-4 times a week :)
Like Reply7th door won’t open, there’s an update to 8.1 maybe that fixes it
Like ReplyThis shit stupid and with no instructions or anything for new players cant even find a walkthru
Like Replythorobred82, if you read the commentaris here, you know everything you need... there are tipps for the most bosses and i ansered to someone which class is easy to play and which class is hard... but you must read :D for the first 3 bosses is nothing to know, just lvl up and kill them... for the 4th you must loose a few times (i think it was 11 times but not sure now), for the 5th you must finish some tasks or search for roses, the 6th ist just a long dungeon before but the boss is easy
Like Replyfor the 7th, you will lose 3 or 4 times and than they dont get healed permanently and for the last one at the moment you need to find chests in her dungeon and than you can fight her but be carefull, in this chests are tables and for every table you give to her she get stronger
Like ReplyHow to get a Mary seal broken? Just won with her and there's an enslevament scene with that white goddess sending me back to Reaper, what next?
Like ReplyBotKamil000, if I remeber correctly you can just break it after you escabed from her realm
Like Replyfix Mary finger when she doing super slap thing
Like ReplyI look at the comments and some of them say Katrina is hard, I chose the last class and used dagger and got through all the way to 6 rn... KATRINA OS HARD BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE (sigh) forget that you can equip items and that there is a skill tree that makes you op. So I do not understand way its so hard to beat a boss with a measly 6000 hp.
Like ReplyRndm prsn, You have to lose to her twice then they will talk a little and decide to rest. While they are resting put a love letter in one of their bed(I put mine in the blue haired ones). Then leave and enter and i got a scene here sshe tortures me. After that challenge her again and they wont use the healing technique.
Like ReplyMaki and Miki keep using twin oles at 30k im level seventeen with channeler and warden any tips on how to beat?
Like ReplyHow do I give weapons to Dennis ?
Like ReplyCan anyonre suggest a game to me on this site similar to this, by similar i mean games which contain a lot of varying fetishes from clean to disgusting.
Like ReplyNickname, well idk about this site but you can download tower of trample if you have a pc and I think the ones that made tower of trample have another femdom game.
Like ReplyDamn Franziska is fucking hard to beat. Sombody got any andvice ?
Like Reply2234, bro I found a glitch where if you level up Dennis to 5 and choose a class for him it changes yours. So I was a warden and almost nothing could even hurt me and now I'm a Roque with high fucking attack and evasion too.
Like ReplyThanks i will try that
Like ReplyBro how the fuck do I even beat Mary? She keeps fucking spamming emerald throne and I can't do anything about it
Like ReplyBruh, You need to lose to her multiple times to continue the plot! Like about 12 times
Like ReplyHTGame, I beat her anyway and I did lose go her I even got the weapon from llvanya but like I said she kept SPAMMING emerald throne like every second attack
Like ReplyWhy the fuck do I have to beat the third Domina 2 times in a row ?! As if she wasn't hard enough to beat the first time !
Like Reply2334, Sounds like skill issue
Like ReplyWell I did it now
Like ReplyI think you may have misplaced one of the image files correlated to the 7th realm, as when trying to load into it the game returns the following error: "Failed to load: img/parallaxes/StarlitSky.png" Other than that this game was really interesting and fun to play through, and I am looing forward to its updates!
Like ReplyBruh Momentus, it won't load for me to...damn I wanted to play the new boss ra, I had finished the game previously..what a let down
Like ReplyI cant go to 7th domina realm it wont load
Like Reply7th door wont load
Like Replysusosicko, ya it isn't loading for me either
Like ReplyFinally managed to beat the first domina after what felt like ages. Also beat the second. But the third one is really hard
Like ReplyHow to become Franziska'slave ??
Like Replypls update to 8.0 version
Like Replywhere is the ingredient in the west catacumbe??
Like Replyi have competed the game for now. Until new domina
Like Replyyou should make giant domina but it up to you game developer
Like Replysói, How to see rosita giantess scene?
Like ReplyUhm... I can't equip the Helm of Terror, the Strange Ring, nor the Wizard's Hat. Is there a bug with the equipment? Do I need a certain perk to equip certain equipments? My current class is Arcanist and I do not see any perks that allows me to equip equipments.
Like ReplyDo anyone know if Shadowbound has a bug? It says you become invulnerable to death, and using that, I won a fight, but because I only have 0 hp, I died right after the fight ended. Due to only having 1 soul shard by fighting the first boss, there's just the game over.
Like ReplyAfter you beat the 2 boss how due you get out the maz then as i am not finidng any way out the Maz.
Like ReplyAfter you beat 2 boss how hell to you out the Maz i am trapped i kind find any way out.
Like Replyfix the saves pls
Like Replywhat does stress do to you and how do you get more shard back i am on normal difficulty because they change how to shard it used to be go where you go in the reaper realm and go to the lake
Like Replya shame, I was hoping for more from the update. I've already played the game with all character classes until it doesn't go on anymore and hoped that after waiting more than 1 year the story would continue ... I wonder what they did that year ... even in skyrim (there is programming or modding is much more difficult because of the animations, etc.) it doesn't take a year until such a mod is ready. They don't manage to integrate the remaining 6 dominas in a whole year.
Like Replyhalamala, You'd rather build in a pointless easy mode or just change a few texts in the story ... I'm really disappointed because I didn't think the story was bad, but well, maybe you can finish the game by 2022
Like ReplyWhen I exit it out of this game, then come back, it doesn't let me continue. Instead, it let me go all the way to the beginning. Although, I've been saving the game. Why does it not let me continue when I exit after I saved it?
Like Replythis game has a really good soundtrack I actually enjoyed the game and porn like 3rd, 2nd was the music.
Like Replyuse soul link it is good move
Like ReplyNew version available! Fix all bug! Pls update! Tysm
Like Replyhow to defeat the 7th boss ??
Like ReplyI think the Arcanist turn wizard is good chance to win on the 4th boss Mary without continuously dying. Just grind level a bit more, collect eldritch page to craft Eldritch tome to enhance self ability every once in a while. The magic spell arcane bolt does work against Mary
Like Replyhi everyone i'm new. Can anyone tell me what is the difference between easy mode and normal mode, pls
Like ReplyWhere scene Rosita Giantess?
Like Replyso whats the scroll of abyss
Like Replywarden is the best
Like ReplyI beating the first boss as a lv 7 tank he he
Like ReplyIs is there any way to find the key when you get locked up in a dungeon
Like ReplyThis game is not totally hard to play Katrina is the best all of them..!
Like ReplyHow do you get out of the first bosse's dungeon?
Like ReplyHow, to beat her, just start clicking on everything (walls if you are stuck), grind levels/exp in the lower areas and die.
Like ReplyI saw that they should have shrinking scenes... but i have no idea about "how to see them", if someone have a clue.
Like Replymy final tip. you don't gameover if you die 3 times. dying 3 times gives you a permanent stat upgrade of your choice. In some areas you need to die 11 times to progress the story. i fucking hate this game. click on every object because some of them have "hay I'm a old "hero" that died. find my loot stash at ___"
Like Replyjust kidding... I have 9 hours in this game. I'm at the point where I have to see this to the end. the first penis in pussy sex you see is the 7th fucking boss... everything else beforehand is femdom, stepping, piss play, caged, face sitting and 1 handjob (if you kill a lot of people/ your in-game family).
Like ReplyThis game takes grinding and lots of trial and error. i have seen people get their dick cut off, death by lethal injection, suffocation (not in a good way) and many... many disturbing things. if you are reading comments because you got stuck on the first boss I would HIGHLY suggest you stop. I'm currently on boss 7 with over 5 hours in this game.
Like ReplyHow can I become her slave? Now there is only option to break the stone! I don't see the option of becoming a slave for her anywhere
Like ReplyHentaiG, accumulation of stress by talking, if i understood well...
Like Replyi need guild im stuck in lv 1 :))))
Like ReplySo with update things changed. I get that I do, but how do I get my Soul Shards back after the fist boss I only have one. Once I get to the 4th where I have to loose like 3-4 time to proceed in the story I'm dead ether way
Like ReplyWolfthorn, i need help im stucking in lv 1
Like ReplyWolfthorn, if you loose your 3 shards, the reaper will give you a 2nd and 3rd chance and restores your shards. Im not sure how many chances you can do that though
Like Replynoob, do you know how to beat the 4th domina, pls help me
Like ReplyTanh, She is easy, just keep losing 8 9 times then she ll ask you to pray to lavanya , talk to the reaper and then follow the dialogues , lavanya will appear nd give u powers , after that lose more 4 5 times and talk to lavanya , she ll forge a special weapon for ya
Like ReplyVandroid, he does the Mika and maki realm load for you
Like ReplyKatrina's totally my type... can't I just skip the whole fight her thing and take control by pleasuring her so well she wants to keep me as a loyal and loving (and beloved!) puppy forever, licking her tits and ass and feet and lovely pussy forever?
Like ReplyDarth_Meow, Yeah ikr some fighting in sex games work but for most leave that shit to the online battle games with NO sex.... JMO
Like ReplyDarth_Meow, Maybe still useful) When your stress bar be full (talk to her, try gain stress points and/or fight but not win) She enslave you without your victory in battle) p.s. Sorry for my english
Like Reply이거 제단과 공예대를 어떻게 사용합니까?
Like Replyi cant use recipes
Like Replythere is version 7.5 on the dekarous patreon! please update! I really want to play it
Like ReplyCan someone help me? I can't win the 6th boss how i can kill her?
Like ReplyWhen will the next version be updated? This game is only 70% complete.
Like Replywhere should you go in the labyrinth of the 2nd domina
Like Reply¿Cómo hago para pelear con los esqueleto? Lo intento acercándome a ellos y presionando "z" y nada como le hago?
Like Replyhow to defeat the fourth boss (Mary's)! she is too strong. help me
Like ReplyPTVN, You need to lose a bunch of times to her, like about 8 times.
Like ReplyDog, PTVN, really did u do that ??
Like ReplyWhich class would you like to choose? Crusader. Ranger. Warden. Channeler. Arcanist. Duelis. Please tell me which class should I choose to defeat the boss?
Like ReplyPTVN, Channeler has the most magic attack so you can lvl up fast and can rush the story. Ranger has the most physical attack but you need much evasion and luck for some bosses. A Warden lvl 16 and higher will never die agains a boss but his dmg is not the best. Arcanist is strong but you need to lvl up much cause your hp are very low and you need you buff skill and it drains your mana permanently so you need full mana regeneration and much mana points all other classes are unknown for me
Like ReplyDarkstriker, where should you go in the labyrinth of the 2nd domina
Like ReplyThere seems to be a bug with the Strange ring and the Scroll of Abyss. I cannot equip the ring and when I use the scroll, it has the "used" sound effect but is not used and is still there. Also, when I click "optimize" or "clear" while having the strange ring, the game says: Game has encountered a bug. Pleas report it. (btw I was brought to the "Abyss" after using an eldritch tome and i got the two things there)
Like ReplyThe same thing happens when I click "Sigil" in the equip menu.
Like ReplyCould i change the fonts? It kills my eyes
Like Replyhow to beat the two twins ( boss 7th) ?. They always regenerate life if they are under 30000 hp.
Like Replygood game, its like domina 4... just attack them a few times and than you can activate a cutscene with one of them... after that scene they are beatable
Like ReplyDarkLord, thanks!
Like ReplyCant get pass the harley quinn lookalike woman I get her near end health then she takes a potion and hits me hard with that fat off mallet ending me -_-
Like Replygarbage game here is the gallery
Like ReplyI touch on the skeleton but they show nothing
Like ReplyThis game is bug
Like Replyis there a way to beat the twin dominas after the hammer bitch
Like Replystormshepard, yes just fight them a few times and you can choose your favourite (a small domination) and then you can fight them at last... its like number 4.... loose a few times :)
Like Replyuh do i have to do anything specific to save the game or am i just stupid xd? it doesnt let me
Like ReplyEl Rapido, I had the same problem, it seems to depends on your browser, it doesn't work on google for some reasons but it work on firefox
Like ReplyA pretty good game so far! ive made it to the twins and gotta say it was worth the grind. a pretty good story and made me feel for some characters like Lavanya (goddess of light) Hopefully you can end up with her in some way by the end of the story!
Like ReplyOn, she was tortured by mary! I'm afraid she won't be able to survive like the skeletons inside mary's dungeon
Like Replycrashes alot
Like ReplyI would like to get more into the game, but it doesn't seem to allow me to attack or enter into battle. Pressing "Z" doesn't seem to to work.
Like Replyi have defeated the 7th domina but whenever i try to move in the 8th domina's realm, it sends me back to katrina's realm. This is a bug in the game
Like ReplyHalJordan, It's v7. If you check 8th door before defeting 7th domina it says it's in progress.
Like ReplyI have beaten the 4th domina. Probably too early. "If you're reading this message, you've won an unbeatable fight. Contact me so I can go wrf. Sadly, you need to lose for the story to move forward." Just got new spell "Llavanya's Arrows" (after losing caple of times), so I wanted to see how powerfull it is. So I didn't hit domina till I was charged, then traid it... One hit.
Like Reply("Arcanist - Technomancer" lvl 19, M.Attack 627) and *wtf not wrt
Like ReplyDeWHu, how many times ???
Like ReplyI fking lvl19 and still cant kill 4th boss pls help me i know if u loss to her one time u unlock some skill and i know u can ask about it to reper but thats it please help me
Like Replyi understood! you can make more things then 7 near respawn in the lake
Like ReplyI will not continue because of 4th misstress, i dont know how to win her(
Like Replyits too hard, pls make easyer
Like Replyi find the game is ok... the first 2 are hard and than its easy... just some dungeons took to much time like the mace by domina number 5 or 6 i didnt know which one it was (that one with the purple hammer :P) but sadly i can´t move on cause i defeded the twins and if i go to the next, i´m stuck between trees... i hope i can finish it in a few weeks... i also hope that Ilvana (i hope i wrote her name right) gets his power back and can be defeded too or will be your mistress at last... we will see
Like Replyoops i wrote his power but its her power... somtimes mistakes happens :)
Like Replyhalamala, how to win 4th piece of shit???
Like ReplyThe music at the start is stolen from an old video game called gex 3
Like ReplyThat's fucking true, you made me laught so hard
Like ReplyJayson00123, in the hall of the mountain king, by Edvard Grieg*...
Like ReplyThis game is actually fucked up. It was pretty good for the first 4/5 Dominas, but the 6th one is actually disgusting. It genuinely turns into a horror game
Like ReplySub, how did u kill the 4th boss? Pls help me
Like ReplyGuys the game's supposed to be hard. You're supposed to lose to the Dominas. It's a femdom game. Just use the other champions souls shards after you lose.
Like ReplyI cant save! For some reason it wont let me save, it just gives me the no sound, anyone who can help
Like ReplyUnknown, oh yes ive encountered a similar problem, you have to clear you cache, i found for half a year i was unable to save in any game, then i cleared cache and it fixed it
Like ReplyI had the same problem, apparently it depends on your browser, when you play with chrome the saves doesn't work but with firefow it does
Like ReplyCan it just be said that a game with thirty unskippable animations that pop up randomly that prolong fight twice as long as they should go on an do twice as much damage as the original attack was supposed to do, coupled with grapple attacks that slowly wither your health an the only thing you can do is sit there and hope that rng is on your side just shouldnt be a thing
Like ReplyAm I wrong or is the 4th Boss simply unbeatable? 2nd form means no Mana, no TP and always doing 0 attack. She kind of ignoring previous stuns too. Also, next Turn abilities simply dont work.
Like ReplyThe fucking skill tree breaks when you max out your first skill and choose a second one. You aren't given the ability to pick from it.
Like Replyif you want advice talk to the grim reaper and where do you get light spell
Like Replywolf, if you lose to the fourth boss enough times, she'll tell you to pray to the goddess or something. Try talking to the reaper after that, you'll learn what you have to do. You'll summon the goddess, who you can buy spells from.
Like ReplyGood game, keep up the good work!
Like ReplyWhat if ur stuck in an endless maze do u have to restart?
Like Replydo you guys know how to get the second ingredient in katrina's west tower. Pls ASAP!!
Like ReplyAfter Playing this game to completion I can conclude without a shadow of a doubt that this game is a complete waste of time and effort. Bland story, fake choices, convoluted puzzles and answers, this list goes on also there is no sex scenes just a butch of really depraved shit. In short if you were thinking about playing this game save your self the trouble and don't play this train wreak of a game. P.S. To the Game Creator "Stop it get some help" .
Like Replyhow do you get outta the endless maze ?
Like ReplyThis was nice. It had good gameplay, wide variety, and I can smell a big potential for the endings. The first part is a bit hard though, lots of grinding is needed, it might be better if there were more concrete advice in game.
Like ReplyPlayer, I’m level 11 and still can’t beat her and I’m too lazy to level up further as I’ve spent almost 3 hours leveling up to this point and now I need over 3500 more xp to level up to 12. How do you beat the first boss as just a level 11 because when ever I get close she activates some regeneration ability and it raises almost ALL of her health back while I’m like more than halfway down my health bar it seems like it’d take a level 13 AT LEAST. but if not what do I do?
Like Replyhow do you get to thestone parts of the maze i cant get past the black pit by the waterfall
Like Replyoman, jump it by pressing z, like you learned in the first boss's lair
Like ReplyIt's crap! Don't get me wrong, I love Mistress Katrina. I want to serve Her forever. But there's no way to win the fights, either with Her or those skeleton things she has in her basement! This game is absolutely pointless!
Like ReplyBanjo, you can beat single skeletons after equipping items you found while exploring(blackblade and helm), and as you level up, you can beat more by, unlocking free skills and stuff. If you still can't beat a single skeleton, buy a shield from the reaper. As for Katrina, you should be at least lvl 8, preferrably 10, to beat her. You can choose to be enslaved to her after you win, but make a save so you can see the other girls as well.
Like Replyfights, Thank you. I will try what you say.
Like Replyfights, I took your advice, I got up to level 8, and I challenged Her… and barely scratched Her. Then I got up to level 10 and tried again… and did barely any better. It’s OK, though. I deserve it for being so arrogant in thinking that I could challenge Her. I mean, She said it best Herself, Her butthole deserves so much more than me! Oh well… I’ll try going up a couple more levels, but I’m really lacking the will to resist Her…
Like ReplyBanjo, make sure you have the skill trees unlocked. Also, be sure to use the tome of counter grapple, which you can buy or find. The tome can be used to acquire the skill in battle, so make sure you have the skill already ready before you fight her, and make sure you have it on for most of the time, so that she can't grapple you. Make good use of your skills, while making sure you have AP for counter grapple. I used sword flash and battle trance. Hope this helps.
Like Replyiwannaeatdeliciousfood, I will try that. Thank you.
Like Replyiwannaeatdeliciousfood, I was winning! I had her beat! Then she took a goddamned healing potion and completely turned the tables on me. God damnit... Losing was more fun anyway. I don't want to beat Her, I want to serve Her!
Like Replyfights, I’m level 11 and still can’t beat her and I’m too lazy to level up further as I’ve spent almost 3 hours leveling up to this point and now I need over 3500 more xp to level up to 12. How do you beat the first boss as just a level 11 because when ever I get close she activates some regeneration ability and it raises almost ALL of her health back while I’m like more than halfway down my health bar it seems like it’d take a level 13 AT LEAST. but if not what do I do?
Like ReplyThis sucks! I don't want to defeat the Dominas, I want to serve them!
Like ReplyBanjo, if you defeat them you can choose to be their slave afterwards
Like ReplyAfter I become her slave, can I become someone else's slave? For example, after I became a slave of Madeline, then can I become Rosita's slave after I defeat her?
Like Replyhow do u guys beat the first boss all i have is a blackblade and a helmet and i get 1 shotted help
Like Replybruhnga, the first two battles, you can't win. After that, you can go kill skeletons and raise your level. I recommend being at least lvl 8 or higher to beat her.
Like ReplyHow the hell do you beat the Fourth boss its so fucking convoluted it makes no sense I've lose 10 times now have a Devine cloak and the goddess got kidnaped and had her seal destroyed and some how I don't have anything to protect me from the shroud of Darkness, this games makes absolutely no sense what's so ever. How do you expect me to win if I have now fucking way to harm the 4th boss and she drains all of my Adrenaline, MP and HP at the same time.
Like ReplyRythian, Have you purchased the light spells before she got kidnapped? Also is your gear up to date? You can still visit NPCs in previous gates and buy new stuff from them. Stock up on potions, including health, magic, and rage, and a couple speed potions. Also, Divine Shield spell reduces darkness damage for 5-7 turns, so it's useful to have casted at all times while fighting this boss. If you don't have the light spells, I suggest you load a previous save, since you have no chance.
Like ReplyRythian, you need to continue and get her released from the prison. afterwards she will use her seal and one of your soul crystals to forge a new light weapon that can banish the shroud.
Like Replyfights, 2 fights? bruh i cant get out after she locked me in her dungeon :/
Like ReplyAfter all that, you cant even fuck her . . .its got everything but straight sex
Like Replyguys how you get inside the catsle
Like ReplyI cant see a way out of the stone laybyrinth
Like ReplyLabyrinth, you can jump across a black crack next to the waterfall by pressing z, like you did in first map
Like Replystupid game
Like Replyyou can't save
Like Replysafari, you can but you should have health
Like ReplyHow i use soul dust?
Like ReplyGot, I forgot when, but I think in the 3rd castle a former champion tells you the recipe to use it, you use it to make pure soul crystals which you can sell to reaper
Like ReplyThis is impossible to happen, here they say they happened but they do not say how, there is only an explanation of how they happened: it was just luck there is no other, the motherfucker grabs you with her legs and you can not get away, I reached the level 10 but from level 7 to level 10 does not give me the skills
Like ReplyAbue, In the menu there is the skill tree tab. That's the skill tree, you have to manually unlock the skills, and they cost some stuff you earn by killing mobs.
Like Replyhow to defeat the fourth bitch ?
Like Replyfourth, you have to lose to her a bunch of times. It will say you lack the items? to defeat her and need to lose to her to until you get it or something. She will assign you tasks after a few times, and eventually tell you to pray to the goddess, and you get new skills.
Like ReplyI'm sorry, I didn't know my character was 5 years old, can we have less naive protagonists?
Like ReplyI... I completed all the way up to the latest demon. Hammer bitch. It would almost be fine at this point after looking through so much of this shit, if that wasn't where the story ended... I'm gonna find something else to entertain me. I'm also gonna try to get something to cheer me up too. This game I think is made well, but the fetishes are pretty niche. Varaiables don't seem to load properly through saves. That's it.
Like ReplyKill Me, How did you defeat the fourth boss ?
Like ReplyKill Me, To hell with the fourth boss, how did you win just one fight with anything? It's impossible!
Like ReplyBanjo, just lose 8 times the game will gives you nice equipments and you will win
Like ReplyBanjo, the first two fights with the first boss is unwinnable. Some fights are. You have to be lvl 8 to stand a chance, and lvl 10 to stand a decent chance, and remember to unlock free skills as you level. Use skills, watch out for patterns, and you should be able to win most boss fights in a few tries, given they are intended to be beaten (You have to lose 4th boss several times before beating her). If you are talking about mobs, kill single ones first, and heal at fire, until you become strong
Like ReplyI meant skill trees. god i'm half asleep
Like Replyfourth, You need to lose to here ten times.
Like Replyyou can gain all your lost soul by talk to the reap you have to ask him about a the lake he will say something that you will like this make the game so much easy
Like ReplyDollar, Do we need to start a new game ?>>
Like ReplyJesus, this game is too hard. I barely beat the first boss with a spell that gives me 5 turns after death! And now I have to go to these mazes in the second boss and the enemy's are OP. It took me 2 hours to beat the first boss since I have to level up and know the strats. This game is too hard
Like ReplySo hard, Dude, you got way further than me! You're right, though. WAY too hard...
Like ReplyTrue. Then again, the later bosses aren't that hard, especially if you have the free skill threes and corruption skill trees unlocked. I got through 4th, 5th, and 6th boss without grinding, using some items and corruption skills. I was level 14 when challenging the toxic girl, and won with speed potion and sword skill, and after that, I just killed mobs I encountered, without grinding. I got to lvl 18 after beating latest girl. However, it still did take me a long time, almost 6 hours.
Like ReplyImage being third, couldn’t be me
Like Replypassable, good game, hard to level up
Like Replythis game is ass
Like ReplyI'm not sure why but i cant get to the bitterweed. It's not letting me jump above the water.
Like Replyits not even letting me interact with the monsters
Like ReplyOh actually nvm. For some reason pressing "z" did not work before but it somehow did now.
Like Replythird it is
Like ReplyI love the third one and the first one
Like Replyhow do u use items like the small iron rod also second lol
Like ReplyUncle Adolf, this is probably pretty late but you have to find a use for it somewhere in the map. Just go face random walls and click "z" or the interact button and it will be used. That's apparently how key items work in this game.
Like Reply