The story revolves around a wife and a mother, lovely pretty woman named Samantha. She's tired of her everyday life and wants to spice up something in it. The first step was to move to a new city where everything is new and adventures are already waiting for her. You'll be the guy who'll also participate in her life from now on.
islook like its madeby AI lost of thing that need fixing
Like ReplyThe English is really bad , must of been translated
Like Replywow so short it takes you 6 seconds to skip through it like wow and only one sex scene
Like Replynot great and very short
Like Replyque se passe t'il , j'ai crue au deuxième chapitre et non au premier et en plus il est trot coure
Like Replygrammer is absolutly shocking, it should have been proof read before releasing
Like Replyno i will not support you if this is the type of shit games your making
Like ReplyKinda trash tbh
Like Replyvivement la suite
Like Replythe text and grammer is just terrible, why put up a game without proof reading first
Like ReplySamantha is kinda ugly man, I like the story but the faces are a turn off man.
Like Replycharacters name must contain 3 letters. dud dont tell me how name my character
Like ReplyFirst comment and gameplay :DDDD
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