In this fantasy world, you will encounter magical beings such as elves, orcs, goblins, humans, and more. As a regular peasant living on a farm with your family, your mundane life takes a thrilling turn when you embark on an adventure to uncover secrets about your past, your roots, and the mysterious death of your father. Along the way, you'll meet captivating characters, including some hot women, adding a touch of romance to your journey. Battles in the game are uniquely organized as card games, offering a strategic and engaging combat experience. Think of it as poker where upon winning you get to fuck some sexy babes.
too much freezing
Like Replyif i have one problem it is that when i talk to the dancer after saving her from the cave guys. the language is not english anymore so all my choice's did end up random
Like ReplyOverlord, Hi, write me in private, I'll try to solve the problem. (email is hidden)
Like ReplyLove sex games
Like ReplyGood stuff for another short update..still..some..good work dev(s)..will be looking forward till your next update
Like Replyadd more content gangbangs
Like ReplyNice demo..and also good card game..nice work..Good work dev(s)..will be looking forward till your next update
Like ReplyThis is not a game, it's a demo
Like ReplyI mean it is a very promising game but damn is it short
Like ReplyIt is a beautiful game. I like the story so far, and the setting seems interesting. The sex scene could perhaps use a little more variety, something to give the player the illusion of having choices. Alternatively, we could have the option to skip it faster (but I see how that may seem unreasonable in the fictional gender). Combat system looks nice. I'm curious to see more of this world.
Like ReplyCorvo Branco, The scene has variety cause when you end the sex scene with "something rude" you just cum over her but if you end with "something classic" you can creampie her and she tells you that she loves you. But I get where u come from and I like the combat system too. Waiting for the next update to get more cards and building a deck to wreck enemies.
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