World Tamer [v 0.8.0] [Restart]



  • br Corvo Branco @ 2024-06-04 00:28:06

    Great game. From a small number of very simple rules they managed to create a pretty interesting society. And a mystery at the core of their story. Pace is great, you seldom find yourself without something new to do.

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  • us Nickname @ 2024-06-01 10:56:32

    Kind of bad storytelling, Emely: "I told her who we really are", who the fuck is Emely and the MC, the dev doesn't told us.

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  • us willtrekkie @ 2024-06-08 04:26:19

    Nickname, If you were paying attention in the beginning of the game, you know who Emily is and who the MC is. So no this is not bad storytelling.

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  • us Cbomb9999 @ 2024-06-19 02:10:18

    Nickname, Someone skipped the opening, then. Short version: she was the lab tech overseeing the experiment you were a part of (but what that experiment is will have to wait for more story progress), and the only one shown to have a conscience. She broke you out of that mess and is effectively your surrogate mother... at least until the story goes 18+.

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  • az İsi @ 2024-06-01 08:48:55 (+3)

    Salam aleykum

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