This is a text based game where you have to explore different galaxies, customize your character, meet other strange creatures and many more. There's no animations or illustrations in this game, everything is based on text. If you want to jump deep into world of this game you have to read carefully. Visit Original website for more info
what is the actual password needed to get into zheng shi? seriously im stuck trying to get in there without getting into a fight.
Like ReplyAnybody know what’s going on this game? I tried typing this name in the game search bar couldn’t find it but if I try to get on Google works fine and now it’s broken again what is going on with this game? I have too many hours on here.
Like ReplyCan we get a level cap from 10 to 20?
Like Replyit works again
Like ReplyCheats can be found on TiTSWiki
Like ReplyCan you still do the cheats, if so where?
Like ReplyThe game wont finish loading. Seems it needs to be updated again
Like Replyupdated again. not working. again.
Like Replyplay on the website fenexo. it works there ive tried it myself
Like ReplySo game gets updated with a bugged loading screen, then gets reuploaded with the same problem 4 days later. That's some HIGH tier work right there for real , GREAT job there boys
Like ReplySo as of today the game just stopped working it’s not loading it’s saying it’s trying to load some thing but it’s refusing to load I’ve tried it on different devices on different sites and a refuses to load it stuck on like a planet it’s trying to load or some thing (Loading: Dhaal) please fix this it was working fine not that long ago literally like yesterday for me come on seriously please fix
Like ReplyCinderFall, Let's sign up a petition to make gamcore do shit and not just ignore broken games
Like ReplyThe Loading screen is still going and is not ending. I can't play the game.
Like ReplyDicklord, Yeah, same problem
Like ReplyCan the next update be a wolf Race and you whould be able to fuck everyone in this game pls
Like ReplyWhen is the new player level going to be here?
Like Replywhat is password for Zheng shi?
Like ReplyThe game is giving me Errors and bugs including Problems please fix it.
Like ReplyI swear the tags are hilarious.
Like ReplyI want Fisianna to join our Steeletech crew as a programmer for whatever installed gadgets that we all have. Maybe new options when her priurience is high enough where she may want a threesome, a gangbang by more than 3 dickwomen and a bisexual harem surprise on her by other women even said women.
Like ReplyCritical Error every time I press the fly button in my ship. t.split is not a function. It doesnt let me paste nearly the entire error code, but thats the reason.
Like ReplyStack: value@ 43957/window.QUEST.SIDE<@ Yb@
Like ReplyBb@ get/<@ s@ These two replies are the entire error log.
Like ReplyGood game but it need little bit more artwork for visual immersion but overall grate game oh and for cheats in this version click the dot on i in pause menu in game
Like ReplyTo add cheats in your game - first you have to save your game - go to the main menu and press the '•' on i in the title screen 3 times, a notification will pop up saying cheats is available on options
Like Replyare there any cheats?
Like ReplyThere is a glitch where every time I try to move in any direction on my ship it acts as if I had just entered it, either triggering Penny's livestream event most of the time, or rarely Syri's event.
Like ReplyI just realized the version of this is a meme 69.420
Like ReplyYou can get to the new cheat menu by clicking on the top of the “i” in TiTS several times in a row after loading a save, then opening options and selecting the new Cheat submenu.
Like ReplyNeed help on reactivating the gravity
Like ReplyDevilminion88, Press the i in the title screen! click on the top of it its the little dot
Like ReplyKinkySexKlubba, Oh and also YOUR WELCOME EVERYONE!
Like ReplyKinkySexKlubba, it says that the cheat bar is enabe but i dont see it also i tryed typing it does not work
Like Replyok so for this new version of the game how do you imput the cheatcode now & is it A different cheatcode now for the free money code now.
Like ReplyAre there any cheats for the new HTML version?
Like ReplyOh Shit....Oh Shit.Oh SHITTT.....I can finally play this game again, Nice, today is a good day.
Like Replydoes anyone know how to access the console in the new version? i cant find it
Like ReplyWhy does I say server cannot be found?
Like ReplyWhy are the maps closed?
Like ReplySeems to be having a lot of critical errors.
Like Replycan't get past tutorial fight. after round one, dissapears off screen. any ideas on fixing it?
Like ReplyXWyatt82YT, the words< that is> the lowest i can see, even in full screen, is "turn 2, your fighting celise"
Like Replyis there a way to convert saves from the downloaded version to this version? I've tried loading the SOL file, copying the contents of said SOL file into the JSON, and converting the SOL into text so far but I can't seem to find how to do it.
Like Replyso how come that Trials in Tainted space is here but not Corruption of champions, Fenoxo? i mean i know youre working on COC2 right now but i would have loved being able to play the original, even if its flashed based, the gamcor browser makes it work. spend years trying to make different character in there.
Like Replyananonon, you could just download the game from f95zone or another website widely known for good rep. Your pc should run it right away when you load it up
Like Replythis ver is trash cant level up or use the cheat codes and hides either the map or stats makeing the screen mostly empty they killed the game iwas nice before now i dont uderstand anything
Like Replyit dont work anymore :(
Like ReplyOPUSmpk, how long did you wait for the blue bars to go away
Like ReplyOPUSmpk, yea now its not loading wtf it was working fine yesterday
Like ReplyThis game should be deleted. It crashes every time when I play it.
Like ReplyAny idea where to play this other than dl it?
Like ReplyWhy does this game update here if its unplayable
Like ReplyWolfthorn, its sill playable you have to the website to download the file n play it in a window website is fenoxo
Like ReplyWhy do flash player games work on phones and not on computers????
Like Replyso doesn't always work but just type my user in the url after the url so url then my user and flash should work at least on desktop
Like Replyflashemulate, got it backwards by b its ?emulate=flash it usually works
Like ReplyIt's to bad this game doesn't work anymore being flash player was removed and no longer supported as of end of 2020
Like Reply1animalin74, Use Ruffle
Like ReplyAnon, that didn't seem to help me it wasn't loading
Like Reply1animalin74, you can still download the game and it's last release on fenoxo's blog as far as i can tell
Like Reply1animalin74, Fenoxo is currently porting the game to java, we have no idea when it will be finished, but we hope it will be done by the end of the year. If you have a 3rd party flash emulator you can download the game off Fenoxo's blog and play it through that.
Like Reply1animalin74, you can also launch the game from gamcores app which supports of the flashgames that dont work on the otherwise
Like ReplyMiss_Penny_Pie, what is the gamcore app
Like ReplySo... when u get to new texas and chat up the android girl... what do u get her for a gift? And can you get her as a crewmember?
Like ReplyThe Raven, check wiki
Like ReplyThis is by far the best game I've played on this site. Really immersive, descriptive, hot asf and expansive. Only one issue, I can't save which is annoying, but the cheat codes help me out
Like Replyrealy hope they remake this game after/before flash shuts down
Like ReplyHow do you get Kiro to be broken in Kiro's Quest
Like ReplyI want to get the buttslutinator but can't
Like ReplyI can't get anywhere with Sera she is on 80% HELP!!!!!
Like ReplyCredits one of the Patreon Backers is jesus
Like ReplyAnyone else who gets the message from Emmy, notice the Naughty Wyvern (in game) = Bad Dragon (a real company that creates rather exotic sex toys) Just a random thought.
Like ReplyI get this error when I try to save: Save failed. Presumably this is because not enough storage space is available for the save file to be created. Please try again. and when I try to save to a file it says attemting to do that but it wont do it. Anyone knows how to fix this problem?
Like ReplyYou need to change from adobe flash it's going down Dec 2020.
Like ReplyThere is so many things that I want to do to the hermaphrodites of this game. Azra is such a cock tease with that unbreakable condom too. I want there to be a scene where it is possible.
Like ReplyHarem Queen, Same here. It kinda sucks that the closest thing that we have to a hermaphrodite in the real world is an extremely rare genetic mutation that is not even functional. If it was my ambition to become a scientist, I would try to create transformatives that would be similar to the ones in this game. It is not impossible to do this, but it is bloodly difficult to make it happen. The human body is designed for mutations after all. Not intense ones of course, but still.
Like ReplyI really liked the game, but I went on Pennies quest into the mine, managed to kill the first enemy, saved the game and now Im stuck, because you cant go back, but I cant defeat the next enemy either. Nice Softlock. It would be nice to get some kind of warning before you go somewhere, from where you cant get back.
Like ReplyAt what time can you go in to Shade house?
Like Replyhow do you enter cheats?
Like ReplyIs there cheats in the game?
Like ReplyIm stuck at new texas area. Can anyone help pls?
Like Replyredditgood, optional the Area is.
Like Replyif you have a problem with a limit to the amount of crew members, you the console code clowncar. its one word no spaces
Like Replyvery gay for my liking
Like ReplyHow to lactate milk?
Like Replyhow many times do you have to get vaginally fucked to get pregnant?? kinda frustrating and not only that but the codex is confusing as hell to use.
Like ReplyWhy No Prengan. Here is a bit of biology for you. The reason why you can't get pregnant is because you are not of the same race. You are almost sterile to other races. You could get a higher chance of impregnation by turning into a certain percentage of their race, or use Fertite+. Be careful though, using transformatives recklessly could make the changes permanent.
Like ReplyWhy No Prengan, you arent pregnant because you have to wait a little while for yourself to get pregnant, use the 88mph cheat to skip forward a month or 2
Like ReplyWhy No Prengan, what do you mean mate, I got impregnated after fucking 3 scavangers.
Like Replyx, thank god for you
Like ReplyYou call a it a game if it has graffics animations and at least PICTURES this is buy ALL means A BOOK NOT A GAME!
Like Replyhow do i get a UHS-1045 egg i found one but i can't remember how I got it
Like Replyi have a feeling my question is never going to be answerd
Like ReplySOMANYQUESTIONS, myrellion lower bit
Like Replyi can't get the game to load
Like Replybest game on the website wish i knew who made it
Like Replypercy, look at the first two comments
Like Replyanotherbrickinthewall doesn't work, does anyone know the replacement or anything?
Like ReplyWorks fine for me. I guess you didn't wait to get to the nurse droid. Besides, this is outdated. Go to the actual website to play the latest build. If you don't want to download it, you can always wait for the next public build to be released which is about every beginning of the month.
Like ReplyADD A FUCKING A U T O S A V E. Is it that fucking hard? Jesus christ, I do so love to lose three hours of progress because a security drone kills my level 10 character HOW F U N
Like ReplyFor no reason at all my full-ausar character turned into a vulpine, didn't realize until after i saved. Kinda fucking dicked over my character after already losing 3 hours of progress
Like ReplyNigger, your codex will alert you to effects that casue taint(change your character)
Like ReplyLet's have me save directly after the Jugggernaut fight, hardest fight imo and i've completed the game before, only to have the nuke go off DIRECTLY ON THE LAST TILE TO ESCAPE. YOU FUCKING INLET OF A DEREVHKJKOJPIHNBVH VBUHINJO{
Like ReplyDEVILSMINION, they changed it
Like Replysilver, DO U KNOW THE PASSWORD
Like ReplyDEVILSMINION, Urta i can give you more if you like?
Like Replysilver, plz do
Like Replysilver, PLEASE
Like ReplyIs there a list of all girls you can have children with?
Like Replyassholio, yep in the wiki
Like Replysilver, Do you have a link?
Like Replysilver, found it, wish you could have more children with female npcs, thanks for the help!
Like ReplyCommand urta for infinite item use
Like Replywho can you impregnate? I've had sex with so many characters numerous times. i have both virile and the one that increases sperm count. i haven't had one pregnancy.
Like ReplyI especially want to know if Mitzi is mate-able
Like ReplyI Hate the fact thatt you can get pregnant when a and, and the fact you can get rid of it. Even when a tentacle monster or bothric puts EGGS in you! It's so fucking retarded! Jesus Christ
Like Replythe only code that's working is "motherlode" why is this?
Like ReplyWhatever you type in the confirm height section will be your actual height. This ignores the restrictions so your character can be 3 inches tall or even 100 feet if you wish
Like Replysomeone, This must have been an older version. It sure doesn't work that way now.
Like ReplyRip puffin for iOS :(
Like Replywoo new update
Like ReplyNeed to fix ship storage travos cant reuse ships you put in storage get error somthing happend and slows down abit but exellent game game deserves a thousand stars and a good imagination
Like Replydont get spearhead ship kita corp armor sucks
Like ReplyI just found the nod to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy" in the human codex entry. That was clever.
Like Replyneed room on new ships old tits slept 6 new 2 or 4 and ships are diffrent needs more
Like ReplyHonestly this is one of the best games on this site 10 out of 10.
Like Replyis there a way to fi it
Like Replywhy is trials in tainted space blank
Like Replywhy wont it work
Like ReplyThis is an actual good game! Keep up the good work! :D
Like ReplyFull Cheat List tistheseason -Toggle Holiday Events on/off/auto- anotherbrickinthewall -100k Credits- furfag -infinite item use- motherlode -instant level up- 88mph -time skip- mitzi -allows recruitment of mitzi if missed-
Like ReplyHow do I get Corrupted?
Like Replywhen i type the cheat code anotherbrickinthewall it doesnt work. it says command not reconized please try again. can somebody please help me
Like ReplyСука, блять!!!
Like ReplyHow do you reactivate the Elevator on Zheng Shi?
Like ReplyAny Ideas when the next update is coming?
Like ReplyWhere can I install this for android?
Like ReplyWelll ima fucking dumbass I found my solution
Like ReplyAlright so I’ve found the impulse box now how do I enter the code anotherbrickinthewall like how do I do it specifically and yes I know I’m dumb
Like ReplyAlright so I’m a puffin browser user so how do I enter the money cheat code
Like Replywhy isn't there more pictures in this game. please add more illustrations.
Like ReplyDfletch13, Because they're lazy and cheap as fuck.
Like ReplyWhat are some of the drugs that can give you 2 dicks
Like ReplyCan you do the treatment twice
Like ReplyJackrippereng, treatment is a once and done deal.
Like ReplyMoo-T, does anyone know where to find the egg trainer at? i forgot where it was
Like ReplyWill not load it's just a white screen please fix it
Like Replydoes anyone know how to get a cunt tail ?
Like Replydevilsminion, I would have to ask the same question. Does anyone out there know?
Like ReplyThe Prophet, i believe its in the ant colony location, under ground you lose to a random encounter creature and it transforms
Like Replydevilsminion, Cunt snake on first planet.
Like ReplyMoo-T, I died to that 100 times
Like Replydevilsminion, It's the snake with the cunt on it's tail.
Like Replyhow do you do the illegal drugs once you get them?
Like Replydat fapper, you read about themin thecodex
Like Replydat fapper, go to the codex and on the very right side of the screen click the item button.
Like Replywhen is there gonna be another update
Like Replyanyone figure out how to have a good chance to win money at the races on uveto
Like ReplyType in anotherbrickinthewall for lots of credits. No spaces. It doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing, as long as you type it in it's okay.
Like ReplyHow do I take the treatment? I can't find it anywhere in my codex. I can't find anything of note in my codex actually.
Like Reply1 the Human Girl, you see all those tabs on the right side of the screen? click on items and it will come up with stuff you've heard mentioned hell everytime it says something involving the codex learning something just look through those tabs and youll find it
Like Replyuse mercinary bomb des
Like ReplyHow do you enter Nyrea City without resorting to Violence?
Like ReplyWitness, get the platinum from planet terkus when you fight the pirates beat the Capitan and the platinum is right there be sure to defuse the bomb though
Like Replywolfpack99, the nyrean will take the platinum of if you have lots of gems they'll take those too, also has any one noticed that Crissy on uveto has the same kind of shirt as frisk from Undertale?
Like Replywolfpack99, what happens when you get into the city without violence though? and the only people who didn't notice it are the people who never seen any of undertale
Like Replyshynerdgirl, I find it difficult to argue with this assesment.
Like ReplyQuestion: How do you get a new ship?
Like Replyhow do i use cheats??
Like Replylukeh, just go on the codex and type in "anotherbrickinthewall" for an extra 100,000 credits. You don't need to go anywhere special, just type it out with your keyboard once the codex screen is open and you'll get the credits. Type in "marcopolo" to unlock all the planets.
Like ReplyWhen are you going to download the new version of this game
Like ReplyI'm having troubles saving the game, says needs more storage
Like ReplyI would love to see Gats' take on Stella
Like ReplySpeaking of Stella, the "keep going" option seems broken.
Like ReplyZiggie, you probably ran out of energy. when you bang or get banged you lose energy. you can bang most people without energy but you cant click the keep going option with stella if you run out of energy
Like ReplyLiliana's my favorite <3 ty for cheats.
Like ReplyIs it possible to get Fisianna pregnant? It has a Breed Her option in the sex menu, but she never gets pregnant no matter how often i do it.
Like ReplyHow do you get pregnant? Asking for a friend.
Like ReplySide note, Where do you get a bubble buddy
Like ReplyIm stuck in a catch 88. I have 5 credits, and the only way i know to get money is farming Mhen'ga jungle mobs. Problem is, i have 0 health. When I try to fight, the only option is defeat. How do i get around this? The only planets i can go to are texas, poe A and tavros along with Mhen'ga
Like ReplyLikal, resting can restore hp and there is a cheat where you can type in “anotherbrickinthewall” and get 100,000 credits. and if you want to get more planets. type in “marcopolo”.
Like Replywhere are the text boxes to type in the cheats
Like Replysteve, if your on pc you dont need a textbox but if your on mobile. you still dont need a textbox bit you need to get the keyboard up.
Like ReplyLikal, all you have to do is rest
Like Replysteve, the best place to type the cheats are in the codex menu
Like ReplyTrials In Tainted Space Help, is there any other cheats?
Like ReplyIts not keeping my saves am I not suppose to be on mobile?
Like Replyconaresapp, i tried saving while private surfing, didnt work. Tried without going private: saving works
Like Replythis game is not working -_- just showing blue background help me anyone -_-
Like ReplyNawab, takes time to load, just grab a coffee or something and then come back
Like ReplyIt seems the latest update has a problem where the backround behind text is white, or something along those lines. When I highlight the text, I can read it, but I can't see the text boxes for typing.
Like ReplySybil L., sorry, probably wrong background color. Now should be fine!
Like Replyfuck you game makers game is not working it is showing white screen after load -_- a big middle finger to you all
Like ReplyAll Im getting is a blank white screen with no text? it worked before the update, but isnt working now?
Like ReplyIs the game incomplete? I cant figure out what to do after going up the elevator in the pirate base.
Like ReplyEnding, The game is not complete the creator and his team is still adding content weekly. you can find him at fenoxo . com thats the blog and where to get more content which is similar.
Like ReplyLove the game would be better if there is a least a bit more of art
Like Replybill, Wouldn't it be awesome if you could see a sample image of each race before you select it?
Like ReplyIs it possible to get Fisianna pregnant? It has a Breed Her option in the sex menu, but she never seems to get pregnant no matter how often i do it.
Like ReplyFull Cheat List tistheseason -Toggle Holiday Events on/off/auto- anotherbrickinthewall -100k Credits- furfag -infinite item use- motherlode -instant level up- 88mph -time skip- mitzi -allows recruitment of mitzi if missed-
Like ReplyVeilwolf89, How do I type in cheats
Like ReplyCanada, if you're on PC, type anywhere. If you're on Mobile, try to get the keyboard up, and you'll be able.
Like Replyhi, Then rest. It will happen. My goodness...
Like ReplyCanada, codex-options-console there is txt prompt
Like ReplyCanada, you just in it doesn't matter when or where you are, you just type it in on you keyboard and it just works.
Like Replycan u guys and girs bring this game back
Like ReplyVeilwolf89, can't find the Codex in this new version
Like Replyhi, on pc and tried type anywhere but dont work
Like Replyis there anyway i can just see a full image gallery or something?
Like ReplyHonestly, by far one of the best adult games I have ever played, although it may not be appealing if you aren't a huge fan of writing. Due to my love of reading and imagination, my love for this game is extraordinary, for both versions of fun
Like ReplyLustful Linda, I can definitely agree there!!! The writing is so good and paired with an active imagination it gets me so wet and horny everytime <3 fenoxo u did a really great job with TITS!!! keep up the good work, Love Layla <3
Like ReplyI dont mind text based games, but this is just WALL of TEXT, it is very heavy. And thus it gets very boring really quick.
Like ReplyThis kind of games are lame to meh, dont like games without good aesthetics
Like ReplyGame is still trash and my companies fault
Like Replyfenoxo, what you mean trash? This is Art
Like Replyfenoxo, does the update work with old saves?
Like ReplyAnyone know where to find/get the password for the pirate base?
Like ReplyAnimal74, the password, and I'm not joking, is Fuck You
Like ReplyA, Thanks for the help
Like ReplyA, lol that's awesome
Like ReplyWell I got visited by an Angel
Like ReplyHow do I lvl up?
Like ReplyHiram, First you need to get enough experience (cheat: motherlode) and than you need to sleep in your room which is above the nursery all the way to the right and then one north.
Like Replypussydestroyer, how do you type in cheat codes?
Like ReplyLikal, it depends on what browser your using.
Like Replypussydestroyer, or just sleep in your ship
Like ReplyWhere is he?
Like Replyanyone know if Vahn can get you pregnant?
Like Replyi'm confused how do you type in cheats
Like Replygo to codex and just type it in theres no box just type
Like Replydragom, you dont even need to open codex to use cheats just type them
Like Replyhow do i fuck robot lady?
Like ReplyGo to mhen`gan and if you get a tickle in your throat itll be breast expansion time, they go way beyond g-cups, have fun
Like Replyanotherbrickinthewall - 100k credits
Like ReplyI just went to see Aliss, that future update thing was hilarious
Like ReplyAnyone know how to make cash in the game?
Like ReplyAnimal74, buy junk and sell it spacecraft works best
Like ReplyWhere can you find them?
Like ReplyCheats type these ingame for added effects "furfag" infinite item use, motherlode instant level up, use arrow key for 5 free zil rations sell these to burt for 50 credits each press up, down, left, right last code is marcopolo all areas unlocked warning this cheat is unstable may break your game.
Like ReplyVeilwolf89, theres also anotherbrickinthewall for a free 100k credits
Like ReplyWow thanks Mark...o, but the thing is my imagination isn't that well :-(
Like ReplyIf you got a good imagination the game can be perfect.
Like ReplyGood game not any animated scene but just the words sometime can do the job.
Like ReplyIts blank?!?!?!?!?!
Like ReplyA Fapper, all you gotta do is wait a little bit
Like ReplyIt's been 10 minutes and the game is still a blank screen, it's safe to say it isn't going to load.
Like Replybob, click on the screen
Like ReplyGod this game freakin sucks. :-( 1/5 (dont play lol)
Like Replyfenoxo, I love how much the story has grown. The game is pretty much bugless, even when I use cheats. Keep it up man.
Like Replyits true, its true :-)
Like Replyfenoxo, I enjoy TITS very much but the problem is that it is a long game and I can't save it. That is because I use an Ipad. Now, much to my enjoyment, I found another long game which I can save because this game, "a spell for all" uses cookies to save games. I was wondering if you could add this or a skip option/menu to TITS?
Like ReplyThrihanti, If you go to fenoxo''s website and go to play you can download it and if you do that you can save it I can play it on my android with no problems
Like Replyfenoxo, where can I install this version for Android?
Like ReplyAnonymous, can I download a version of this on iPhone
Like ReplyI also can't save but I'm running the game in Firefox on a 64bit win7 PC. Save to file works (though I haven't tried loading it yet) but the save slots don't work at all.
Like Replyfenoxo, I'd very much like to play the fully updated version of the game and have attempted downloading it but lack the knowledge to make it work on my Moto E4. If you have any advice or if any who read know how to solve my problem I'd be very glad to get a response.
Like Replyhey guys! this game is made by the dev fenoxo! if you want more from him, go to his site fenoxo dotcom where he has more games like this and much more.
Like ReplyThat and it is more up to date than this website offers. Take care.
Like ReplyUpdate: Due to the Coronavirus, the dev has made all patches of the game for free. He fears that this pandemic will be the future of working at home so he allowed this. That also means that this page of the site is rendered useless until the pandemic is over, or quite possibly forever. So here is the site to play the game. Take care.
Like ReplyFuta_Lover88, so we cant play it here anymore?
Like Replysabrinagrey, You can still play it here, but it is only logical that you would actually go to the original site because this site's staff takes forever to update the games here.
Like Reply