This is a slice-of-life hentai game that follows two 18-year-old bishōjo in their daily school studies. These girls are childhood friends who often spend afternoons together and they frequently talk about erotic acts like kissing, blowjobs, and more in their free time. One day, there was a guy reading manga in a room and he fell asleep. Suddenly, one of the girls remembered all the perverted talks with her friends and decided to try something. One thing led to another and before you know it, they started exploring all kinds of different sex acts involving ahegao, sumata, gokkun, and more. Hit play to see what happens when these two finally decide to explore their deepest and darkest fetishes.
this young guy wears a shirt with arabic on it...LOL
Like Replydoesnt work
Like Replyalways nice to fill a young pussy
Like ReplyThe screen just stays gray and no animation loads. What gives?
Like Replyso sexy just wish i knew what they were saying
Like Replygod this is hot. wish i knew what they were saying though
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