In this game, you will be in what resembles modern futuristic communism. In this alternate universe, everything seems too perfect and everyone is a productive member of society. It's like some zombie revolution without the whole brain eating part. Everyone is kinda brainwashed and are under some kind of control. You can easily manipulate them to do whatever you want. All you have to do is ruin the system and enjoy some nice fuck sessions with different characters. You are the puppeteer and can command them to pleasure you without stopping. Enjoy your newly found power.
More updates
Like Replyhow is there a landlady? where is Chairman Mao?
Like ReplyWhen are we getting an update
Like ReplyOf course the fgts make a game promoting communism.
Like ReplyHow do I buy supplies? I need it for a lot of the game but idk how to get them
Like ReplyStill no update what taking so long to update
Like ReplyMore updates
Like ReplyI play to the end but can’t continue it needs more updates.please update more
Like ReplyI check journal in the game go to the university for the PTA candidate I click the university a few times but now I don’t see it.the journal says keep going there and nothing not if it a bug or needs more updates ?
Like ReplyI check journal in the game go to the university for the PTA candidate I click the university a few times but now I don’t see it.the journal says keep going there and nothing maybe it’s a bug or needs more updates ?
Like ReplyThe game is not working it showing the error message even when I click ignore using to work .but now it brings back to the start page .
Like ReplyKeep getting errors writing I click ignore sometimes it and work sometimes it doesn’t and have to start again and I have to start again .I was playing to the point where Vera and Emma scene at the park where the game because of this I have to start again
Like ReplyCapitalism is based
Like ReplyAs good as it is, it's the most boring and tedious one so far. The progress is also very slow considering there is no guide or help during scenes so yeah pretty shitty in the end.
Like Replyman everygame you start anymore you get a java script error
Like ReplyThe game literally says V.58 while Gamcore says that its version 59
Like ReplyShame there is NO FULL SCREEN Button on this game so many dont have it and a few do have this choice make it better when its FULL SCREEN... and ways, is there are Cheat Codes? for money and everything else on here... ???
Like Replyone is playing this game or reading this novel on a browser called 'Gamecore' its play every game on here never had any problems with this... where one cannot play it on Google or FireFox due to them Removing the Flash program... but here one can, its just no Full Screen. can you Fix this???
Like ReplyWhere's the gay part or parts?
Like Replythis game is pretty good, but i can't help but feel like its taken inspiration from The Company.
Like ReplyNot incest, remove the tag.
Like ReplyAnon, why are you into fucking incest? please seek help
Like Replywtf, Whats your problem? He just pointed out that the tag is wrong. You seriously need help dealing with your anger issues.
Like ReplyFellraven, tag not wrong the landlord and roomate were orginally mother sister etc but it changed later update
Like ReplyOK I give up on this site. Just tried 4 games NOT 1 loaded . I get is a white or black screen, lost saves, or import games NOT loading. Games tell me 'access denied to data base' At one time this way a 1st class site, but now, well nothing.
Like ReplyCan somebody explain to me how this game is gay?
Like Replyi dont get how everyone is going crazy about oh no he fucked his room mate thats so wrong! or oh no she fucked her landlord like that doesn't happen everyday where women sell their bodies to their landlords so that they can stay in the apartment, like just change it to mother and sister or give the option to us to do that, People going crazy over you fucking your room mate is wrong. Or simply change the entire dialogue that people don't care wether your fucking your room mate or not
Like Replyhow do you get past 80 corruption?
Like ReplyHow do you lower heat?
Like ReplyHow is this gay I've seen no females
Like Replythey need to fix the issue of an exception has occurred in the taking down folk inc
Like ReplyPlease do so you dont have to enter a name to play! Cause on ipad its blocks the entire game cause of that.2121
Like ReplyWhere's the black market
Like ReplyHow do you reduce heat after you take over?
Like Replywhat a piece of shit game. I have grad from college cum laude & flunked your test to play a sex game, so I get kicked out?? hey guys FUCK OFF. WHO CARES
Like Replyhow to increase voyeurism
Like ReplyVery nice. Maybe best gameplay. It could give more on the sex scenes, the only cause that makes this game a four star game
Like ReplyErika Looks like the Nun from Treasure of Nadia
Like ReplyThis has turned into one of the best games on this site and its rating doesn't do it justice
Like ReplyAs soon as Claire de Lune started playing, I found it genuinely difficult to care about anything else.
Like ReplyI like the art style, and the concept is good but I need a menu or something to tell me how to advance the story. I'm very lost and don't know how to corrupt vera or any of the locations for new events.
Like ReplyBeepBoop, you need to use your cell phone to call Emma and have her corrupt Luka to begin the corruption path for Vera
Like Replynog, where is emma?
Like ReplyHow do you get freedom points?
Like Replyit 's amazing that people assume it's a communist dictatorship when it is also no different to a fascist dictatorship. In both you have no freedom unless you have the power. Try speaking your mind in public in countries of both extremes.
Like Replyright this game is good but the constant having to restart coz saves getting randomly deleted is a joke dout ill play it again till it fixed
Like Replyhow do you increase corruption lol
Like Replycheats Just open the console command with shift + O, (o not zero then type one of these variables and add the quantity, example: money = 10000 or serum = 100 money serum suspicion supplies celia_corr katy_corr dimi_corr _gene_ideal = True ##this will allow you to check the basic transformations of Celia, Katy, Dimi and Mirjana, you need 1 serum and 10 supplies per each.
Like Replyname, they changed it to alt + f4 to access cheats
Like ReplyOkay so far tho update needed
Like Replyhow do i get more agents?
Like ReplyWhy every time load a saved game I have to start over from the begian of the game.
Like ReplyGood game, I like the wide range of places to visit. Each 'building' in it's, time will give you different tasks to follow. I read a few of the above notes, supplies u get at night from home. To follow paths go to different building, some you can get into some you can't just keep trying, and keep big brothers eye off you. After you get to be able to research and buy, or take over, buildings it gets a bit more like a management game but full of sex. GOOD LUCK
Like ReplyCommunism spotted on american soil. It must be terminated.
Like Replydoes anyone else have a problem with database or smthing after i try to save it sometimes pops up and i have to restart the game just so i'll be able to save again. I'ts really annoying the hell out of me
Like ReplyI just wanna say heloo
Like Replyincest patch please
Like ReplyCannot download the story/Download was blocked
Like ReplyI can't wait to see what it will be able to do with Luka. I hope there is new bi character in new versions.
Like ReplyHow do I progress past the family, and my boss?
Like ReplyHow do you get supplies...?
Like Replyhmmm... one character i have yet to meet, and completed the dates to the point of a choice that does not seem implemented yet; Vera. Missing character is last one on second page. Have also not figured out any part of the corruption for the school characters, beyond what is required to unlock all the building's functions... Has potential, but the framework for unimplemented content just leads the player on indefinitely
Like Replyi love how this game is trying hard to portray a communist dystopia but one of the first characters you meet is a landlady. Getting rid of landlords (and ladies) is an essential part of communism. then you go to work and you have a boss *facepalm*. i guess just maybe understand the ideology a tiny bit before you try to write a dystopia about it. made it hard to fap to.
Like ReplyThe creator realizes that even in a video game communism cant work without a lot of capitalism.
Like Replydoesnt matter, thats because communism has a false definition. in reality, there are always hierarchies, whether determined by the government or by the market, and this game depicts a government hierarchy
Like Replydoesnt matter, Hi, I don't think you quite understand how communism worked in practice, there were still bosses in a workplace. I am from Hungary where communism were, and I've been told by my parents how it worked. People still had bosses just like now, and landlords too.
Like ReplyWhat’s funny is that communism would work great in a futuristic society where work, including maintenance, is done by robots. We don’t like having robots take our jobs, but if robots took everyone’s job, then no one would be left out and we would all benefit. However, it would be reckless to give people everyone whatever they want, so we would have a universal basic income with which everyone’s paid the same amount over time to buy things they want while being provided all the things they need.
Like Replydoesnt matter, this is a perfect illustration of how communism has been distorted so much that people will actually build whole arguments around imaginary truths even if they're opposite to reality. There's not much to value in communism but at this point it's just used as a foil to distract from criticism of any other economic model.
Like Replydoesnt matter, my dude... Dev used "landlady" and "roommate" because Patreon forbids incest. Those characters are MC's mother and sister.
Like Replydoesnt matter, Well, being slightly retarded seem ok there. "No boses"-that's ideology for anarchist, communism was all about more or less equal resource redistribution. That means that your superior gets almost same cut of profits as you or other workers. Social policies, such us free education, healthcare and so on. Didn`t worked out, becouse it`s not in human nature, we are still monkeys in many aspects.
Like ReplyYeah one percent butt licker. Whilst most of the population is homeless and struggling
Like ReplyStalin, what a good critique. such a high level understanding of communism and of political commentary in video games
Like Replythey had to figure someway to make it bad lmao
Like Replydoesnt matter, the cafe etc suggest its a fascist state, very little difference once the takeover is complete.
Like ReplyStalin, or the creator has the same understanding of communism as many misinformed people, mistakenly using is in place of Facism
Like ReplyText imput field used by ren’py aren’t recognised by ios device so it’s impossible to write a name and start the game, an EASY FIX is just to add a default name so we just have to skip that part to accept it and start the game (and it’s no drawback for others players to delete a few letter to write the name they choose) nearly every game using ren’py do the same mistake at that level and can’t be played on ios devices, that stupid since the devs lose potential players because of that.
Like ReplyOf course i know no one is going to do shit, i have told that for month now (even contacting some developers) and the never did anything, i guess they are too lazy.
Like ReplyFix the bugs, everytime the game has an error it erases all the saves forcing you to start over
Like Replyseems that a lot of problems start after outsiders start modding the game. nothing is as dangerous as someone who thinks he knows what he's doing. Look at Donald Trump.
Like ReplyHow did you guys get past he erika glitch? I am stuck with only the hangout option and seems I can't proceed further.
Like Replyjust a quick error probably in coding, you're able to have submissive roleplay option available for Katy very early on (60 corruption) I hadnt tested the option for lower levels of corruption but just doesnt make sense
Like ReplyKestler, if you hit alt + f4 you access dev mode and can do any scene
Like ReplyHow does my character have his boss give him a blow job when he had never done anything with her before? ON TOP OF THAT, how does the suspicion CHANGE everytime your level goes up? If suspicion increases by 15 when you create a serum that should be the same level of increase unless there was some kind of incident or "investigation" to bump it up by 50 or so points. Also how does the Kommisar show up a week ahead of her scheduled time? GET IT STRAIGHT!
Like Reply1K4A, Here is another one for ya why can't my MC go and purchase supplies earlier in the game? If I have the money I should have the ability to go and purchase it. Anyone who is trying to avoid suspicion would KNOW THIS!
Like ReplyThis game is actually pretty good. A stimulating and fresh idea. The implementation is also not half bad too. It can use more content in the first part of the game too. I hope i will see the end of it.
Like Replyhow do i enter erika laboratory it keeps lagging or it said the files dose not exist forcing me to rollback
Like Replyhow can you corrupt coffee shop and library? I am always getting rejected in both with served coffee and shhh in library.
Like ReplyAnd how do you raise the corruption?
Like ReplyHow do you train the two girls at home to do stuff?
Like Replymine60, I want to know the same but if i figure it out i will update
Like Replyeveryone that is saying there is a newer version is incorrect the 3.1 is way old almost 2 years old now there was a fix posted for the issue of erika if some one can attach it
Like ReplyThere is a new release out, so could this game be updated to 0.31, preferably with the "working saves" patch. Thank you.
Like Replyrollback screen when i try to enter erika's lab
Like Replydo we know who uploaded the game apparently the Erika issue is a easy fix just have to go to the file game/script/location/university.rpy and add a u to the erikamen so that it will read erikamenu
Like Replygubba, Noticed the same. Even easier would be just to update it. This version seems to be 0.26 (can be seen form the error message) and the current version is 0.31.
Like Reply..., when you go to there patreon page the most recent update they have is 0.26 i think the 0.3.1 is an earlier version because that shows it was back in may of 2018 and 0.26 came out may 19 of this year. I think they switched up there numbering process.
Like Replygubba, in other words this one is 0.26.0
Like Reply. Landlady and roommate trash . No one talks like that not even 3rd language english speakers Stop making incest games if you don;t have the balls to stick to it just changing peoples titles to landlady and roomate just ruin the story you need to rewrite every scene to fix it not just change the titles . at least just change to titles they are called to the names given to them instead of always calling them roomate or landlady i don't get how this go's over most devs
Like ReplyEngrish, this game is taken from and itchio does not allow incest. The devs had to change the names so we could play it
Like ReplyEngrish, no one said you have to play it. Get over it.
Like ReplyErika is the lady that messes with the genetic's of the people i'm at a point in the game where i need to corrupt her an take control of the institution
Like ReplyODZS, I faced the same problem. I believe that if you continue with the other aspects of the game you will be able to do genetic manipulation without having fully corrupted Erica
Like ReplyWhat is this supposed to mean? I get this everytime I do something. Warning: write error: A mutation operation was attempted on a database that did not allow mutations.
Like Replyi'm having a little issue with the game i am trying to see this Erika person for the 2nd time an it pops up saying that an exception has occurred other that that dang good game
Like ReplyI'm really enjoying this game. I found the same Erica bug a lot of people have posted about. I've got the library and coffee shop. Not sure what to do next... will try to make friends with the team so I can date Vera. I don't really want to make my 'roommate' a whore but don't know what other options I have. Still, really enjoying the story, the graphics, pretty much everything.
Like ReplyGreat game. Hella lot of content. Am I right to assume the University storyline cannot be completed due to the Erika bug? Hopefully it gets fixed!
Like ReplyMurph95, I think the university and forward are still in development, which is probably the cause of the Erika bug
Like Replycoffee shop and library is corrupted, but can't seem to get the tv station open
Like Replyohhellyea, ok, got to the point where can take over the university, but can't find the task to get hired
Like Replyohhellyea, its still in development. We will have to wait for Erika and the University to be completed.
Like ReplySo yesterday before sleep i have 2 pages of saves in Mozzilla. Today there is no saves....
Like ReplyHow to up the corruption?
Like Replycumface, PS: i think this game it could be better with cheat of money and corruption
Like ReplyLoving the Cabaret reference in the music. But somewhere a glory awaits unseen indeed.
Like Reply* * * * * Great Game, Erika's Lab seems to be bugged (and stops story progression as you'll need to rollback after attempting to visit.) Few grammatical errors here and there, and id love to see proper rigging for the animated scenes. Overall one of the better games on the site. cant wait to see where this goes.
Like ReplyAgree on the Erika lab bug. Holds up a lot of the game. I have had a copy of others as well, but was able to ignore pass them at least. Can't do body type reconfigure and of course can't complete University. I like the slow gradual buildup. Seems like a new game as it progresses. Don't understand how bugs can be present, do you not have tester go through every scenario before releasing for play, or is that what you use us for? I'm for hire if interested.... Lol
Like ReplyKasper, I think the Erika bug was left in on purpose, or as a result of the University still being under development. If it is implemented then its possible the game is having difficulties calling the assets for the scenes. Bugs can sadly pop up out of nowhere at times with game dev. Not sure what their testing cycle looks like, but its important to note this game is under development. Most games don't really get intensive testing until Beta or just prior to full release.
Like ReplyLike so many other games on this site I can't play it because it will not let me type a name in on my tablet.
Like ReplyWer, try installing Chrome. may fix your issue.
Like ReplyWer, It works with puffin browser
Like Replynot interested in a game that adds scenarios that I did not lead the game to!
Like Reply1K4A, personally i love branching stories. Gives more replayability to me.
Like Replyhow you corupt vera ??
Like Replytinn man, You must go through emma's storyline then secure the first round of buildings including the cafe, library (club), and the bunker. if you get lost check your notebook. the ability to corrupt her is a branching storyline choice.
Like ReplyGuys how to make it full screen? Cuz the lower part is always blocked by the text so
Like ReplyJ, Many games on this site require you to adjust your page zoom in order to get a more 'Full Screen' experience
Like ReplyM, thanks i got it now
Like ReplySaves are not there
Like Replyohhellyea, hit "Esc" should bring up the save menu. click the load tab and then the save you wish to load. Note there are multiple save tabs, so you have ample options to save to new save-states versus overwriting older ones. Hope this helped. (Clearing your cookies or using an incognito tab can clear your saves, so i STRONGLY suggest exporting yours saves form games that let you into a local file youll be able to access. This is a common issue with ren'py web games
Like ReplyGreat game, reminds me of The Company, but with a much more interesting story line. Huge suprise, really. Recommended!
Like Replycan't remember the date with the college girl, or how to find erika to continue her story
Like ReplyUse the phone to get to Erica.
Like Replyif you wanna play a return to title screen over and over this is your kinda game it is not even started apparently
Like ReplyErika's laboratory is bugged, always have to rollback. Please fix, otherrwise great game.
Like ReplyZezy, Same here.
Like Reply..., same here
Like ReplyZezy, Same here still
Like Replyto fix just hit alt + f4 and it will open a debug menu
Like Replyhaven't even played the game but upload the incest patch god damn it
Like Replyslasher1815, I belive the "Roommate" title is actually supposed to be "Sister" due to context clues(Minor Spoilers). Emma and Vera have the same parents but refer to each other as "Roommate", as well as you and your roommate though theres less supporting evidence that she is your sister, You refer to her and your Landlady as your household, but that could just be referring to the fact that they all live together. Feel like this just needs clarification.
Like ReplyM, There certainly seems to be evidence that the title "room mate" was used to replace "sister", but then again in the MC's case it certainly fits to the picture that he could really be living in some kind of sovhoz commune, as it is supposed to be totalitarian state not unlike the Soviet Union.
Like Reply..., Also the MC certainly has only caucasian features, where Katy seems to have some asiatic features (although not sure how asian descend could have blue eyes, the probability would be enormous against)
Like Replysomeone upload the game with the incest patch
Like Replycommunist armed front, Please don't incest is disgusting.
Like ReplyWhy, just add it an option or different game entirely. That way people who don't want to see it don't have to.
Like Replycan someone upload the game here with the incest patch? See the game on F95zone for it
Like Replywhat, Please don't incest is disgusting.
Like ReplyWhy, True, but some people like it, and I suppose it's better to let'em whack it to this than to make PornHub think they'll get rich making all the porn be fake incest. There's already too much of that.
Like ReplyI don't mind if a game has it or not but what really bugs me is when they make a game to have it but then remove it . it ruins the whole story to change the titles to landlady and roomate . no one calls someone their landlady or roomate unless in 3rd person it also ruins it more when the game has built in story to be taboo about hooking up with the landlady or roomate what the F is wrong with it nothing at all but since it was originally written to be family only change done was in titles
Like ReplyEngrish, Word
Like ReplyEngrish, Patreon rules I'm surprised how many people keep forgetting that. Incest is against Patreon rules (since it's illegal in the US)
Like ReplyVulcandor, only if strate in Florida
Like ReplyO nome do meu personagem é Renan Bolsonaro, pelo simples fato dele ter "transado com todo o condominio".
Like ReplyTipMaster, vc é bolsofå?
Like Replyneeds updates but good so far
Like Reply