Sex Valley [v 0.6.60] [Restart]
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RPG Maker
Description: Welcome to the sexy and magical world of Sex Valley! If you've played Stardew Valley, you'll find this is an adult game that adds a variety of slutty girls to the mix. Work your farm to gain resources, then explore the town to find willing whores to conquer. Make friends with the witch-girl Peach, or she'll charm you and take the cum she desires. Talk with Lena and take her to the bedroom, you'll discover she's packing some unexpected meat! There are several artificial men in town, created to help impregnate the women... you'll find out that your 100% real cock is much preferred! Visit the shop to purchase items to help with your seductions. Battle monster-girls and humiliate them sexually if you win, or be dominated ruthlessly if you lose. There are a million sexy stories in Sex Valley! |
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How do you get the panties of Illyana?
Like ReplyCaptain Beyond, you go to where her laundry is and click on either the pile or the machine
Like ReplyLost Flute loop dialogue
Like ReplyWhy does my fishing rod not work after a few times? is there some durability system that I don't know about?
Like ReplyIs Bessie replaced by Roxxanne, or where is she?
Like Replydid not bother playing beyond 3 days cant save whenever so you have to go home cuz for me it just says error and deletes the current save file. cant export the save for insurance purposes and if i continue to play this and lose my save i will lose my shit.
Like ReplyThis game is error on my android
Like Replyhow the fuck do i click on the quests to see the details of the quest again?
Like Replygame broke on spirit world symbol thing in ghost cave, cant click next action
Like ReplyThe option and quest logs don't have a way to exit. fix this, kudasai!
Like Replyseveral updated behind
Like Replyhow do i get out of the buying scene
Like ReplyProgress keeps restarting with all save files lost
Like ReplyI don't give a damn about any other characters. Give me a spin-off game with just the wolf girl in it. No others needed
Like ReplyHow do i go up a level
Like ReplyMaribel - Rafflesia Clarine - Red Mushroom Ellinie - Azalea Lamir - Primula Lene - Dahlia Illyana - Bellflower
Like ReplyAfter the wholle story where Annabel is back living, the next day she is a ghost again. Forgot something stupid game makes?
Like Replyall these comments talking about the thing inside the game and here i am stuck on naming my self bcs i cant figure out how to delete characters LMFAO
Like ReplyBandog, You right click
Like ReplyIn this version once again no save possible. Will wait untill the next one is out
Like Replystupid game, on Chrome you can save but it's so slow, no thanks
Like ReplyWhy is the into scene so broken!
Like ReplyHow i fuck the blonde
Like ReplyComo me follo a la rubia
Like ReplyI am just curious... Does Peach even help you unseal that seal in the F3 cave? I am stuck with her telling me that "if she is to help me, she needs to read all of the scrolls", but then idk what to do
Like Replyhow do you fish with the fishing rod on laptop please someone help im stuck
Like Replybigpp, also were do i find the raplishia flower
Like Replywhats new in this update? Use cheat when you have to restart for the fifth time.
Like ReplyThey need to add a scene replayer for this game
Like Replyany hint to raise the affection rate with Lamir?? I give primula every day, or egg, but no affection raise
Like ReplyI literally cannot find the "gov caving" to save Viz. I've been everywhere inside the cave, i also have the pickaxe and finished the bread quest. is there another path i missed?
Like ReplyEarl, nvm i found viz and the game crashed. Her location is inside the cave you have to climb down the ropes all the way down till you find the goblins, then keep using ropes to go down till you find her and the chief.
Like Replywirh then new update, you can'r breake any stone after F2 - nicely done from the creators
Like Replystonebreaker, even from F1 you can't break any stones any more - time to quid this idioty
Like ReplyAll saves are lost once again - it's not that good to replay the whole stupid game.
Like Replywhy did i lose my saved gameplay
Like Replyfdgdfgdf, for some reason, every update they delete ur saved data, idk why these fuckers do that to us, but they do
Like ReplySmoking hot
Like Replyno save possible once again. No play
Like ReplyAnyone else having the problem that whenever you try to open your items it gives an error?
Like ReplyAdmins, theres a glitch where the "now loading" keeps on appearing randomly and covers the screen for like 30 seconds at a time. im on chrome
Like ReplyNew content: Added the Final part of the forest questline You can start it by continuing through the area behind the fox house. (to unlock the forest area, you need to explore the caves up to the end of the third area and defeat the Naga) New Character: Peach New Area: The Seal Not much to see here, but it’s there now. New Area: Dark Forest New Area: Witch’s Tower New Scene: Succubus New Scene: Winged Demon *Futa content Both are located in the dark forest, with the Winged Demon being a rare
Like ReplyLonely Tentacle, no thanks, I don't restart for the third time, and the save is inpossible also. Game is not that fun either
Like ReplyLonely Tentacle, I can't reach the Naga because impossible to break the rocks on level F2. and how to reah level to og affection with Lamir.
Like Replyhow do u get the blue haired girl to go do the quest where u get perfume for the spaw. (get the second heart) i sucseed sometimes but idk what im doing thats makeing the event happen
Like ReplyWhere can i find the Crystal for the Main Quest cant find it.
Like ReplyWhat's new on this version?
Like Replyeveryones favorite gifts?
Like Replyhow do i find the witch to open the cave
Like ReplyI cannot for the life of me find "gob caving" I've cleared out every other quest on the log so far but that's the only one that's got me stumped 8 hours of play time in great game
Like Replyno save possible, so no play
Like ReplyDo y’all internet work mines is not
Like ReplyWhere's the gob caving?
Like ReplyThere is an ! on the bar, The hell do I do?
Like Replystill no save possible. No save, no play. BTW it's too stupid to play this shit
Like ReplyI have over 6 hours of this game. On one save and my clock has disappeared. Which means I don't know which day It Is or what time. I don't mind restarting but my progress Is gone now. Lmao.
Like Replyno save no play
Like ReplySo the character that dont look like a kid gets called little kid..fuck sakes stop with the Pedo shit!
Like Replythe save sistem have problems pls report to the creator
Like Replyare there cheats? if so where / how do you activate them?
Like ReplyRegrets, on the toilet
Like ReplyOh btw some of the female characters it said he instead of she just wanna throw that out
Like ReplyHow do i plant stuff if im on mobile
Like ReplyGot to first part where MC goes to bed and his old friend gets in bed with him, Game Crashed!!! WTF Gamcore!!! Update your ISP or Server, its ether Gamcore Not Responding or ERROR.
Like ReplyJerkfree, it may also be a problem with your internet connection or your device not being able to run it all. I played this game all the way through with only some error so I assure you, it's not gamcore's fault.
Like ReplyMera, look its a ass kisser with 10g network and a 100k PC fuck off Bitch i don't need a snobby ass kid telling me my shit is the cause a game doesn't work...
Like Replyin the earlier version I could save, now 1 - have to restart the whole shit - no not this interesting 2 - can't save. No save, no play
Like ReplyWhat is new in this update?
Like ReplyGuess nobody else had the problem of the game crashing the first two minutes????
Like ReplyI had the same problem Jerkfree,
Like Replypwedi ba pa send
Like ReplyFishing? it change.. please explane....
Like Replywell the fishing is not working figures
Like ReplyAries01, you have to press space to fish
Like ReplyThis game is the stuff 10 out of 10. Plus you have the choice to let them take the lead, hells ye. Just a little opinion of mines, but I believe being in different areas should have a different soundtrack.
Like ReplyHow do you fuck the green haired bitch in the pussy? She keeps giving me her ass and not showing her body.
Like ReplyJesusOnEarth, My question is how do you fuck her?
Like ReplyWhere can i find the Crystal for the Main Quest cant find it-
Like ReplyPlayer, u gotta exit the town when its dark out to find the crystal
Like ReplyComo me follo a la rubia??
Like ReplyJesusOnEarth, you don't....
Like ReplyJesusOnEarth, My Answer might be a little late but, If you get her to the third Relationship level and got to the capitol on Saturday (talk to Elinnie about it before) you get the option to ask for sex which in this case will be Vaginal instead of Anal.
Like ReplyThe way in the Gob Cave is blocked with a plant. How can i save Viz from the weird letter?
Like ReplyHi, player, you just need to go to the doorway at the end of that door goblin cave to get to Viz, I recommend to be a high level before taking them on I don't know if this helps you in anyway, Best of luck. :3
Like Replyhow do i load my save? i was playing yesterday and all my progress is gone...
Like ReplyCobaltFlames, Make sure you are not using incognito mode and that you are not cleaning your browser after you wank (just delete history).
Like Replywhat do u do at the bath? theres nothing there
Like Replyi like this game
Like Replythis game can be downloaded? is it delicious
Like Replyhow do you fish??
Like ReplyHow do I plant in the field?
Like ReplyI have played this game for 12 hours now I think I have done everything so far but I am tierd and I cant save the dammed game this sucks
Like ReplySo I can't find a way to save the game every time I save it and close the page I come back and see I have to restart the whole thing please fix
Like Replywell I can not believe they screwed up the save files it will not save but its to be expected every game gets screwed up on this sight sooner or later
Like Replyok a few people and by that i mean alot have asked about the tools and after replaying i understand how they work listen closely, its very simple first the tools are your "key items" what ever you have there will be as tools you can use, so far i keep forgetting to use them lol, but how to use them is very simple, first your click through the switch button where it says tools that will search through your "key items" till you find what your looking for.
Like Replycontinued from last comment, to use tools, example to get ore from the cave, LOCATED ABOVE THE FARM! buy the pickaxe and stand RIGHT AT where it says you can get ore and click use on the tools from the bottom and if your standing right at it, you will successfully mine ore, keep in mind this will deplete his STA do that to many times till make him pass out,
Like Replyclaudius, problem with this sometimes is that you need to press alt which makes you click out of the game. It is more efficient to just press use instead. I wish that they could have a keybind selector or make the use button something else other than alt
Like Replyclaudius, I'm stuck at the bread making quest, since switch doesn't give me the recipe book(I have like 15 wheat). How do you pass that?
Like ReplySomebody, to answer your question, to make food or your case, BREAD. you need to go to your kitchen in your house and click on the thing that looks like a chopping board! I hope this helps answer that
Like ReplyBro this is amazing go make real games
Like Replyi love this game but i wish it had more, pretty much ends after the red haired guard becomes friendly with the MC it has potential to have several towns and characters to romance but as how long the game has been around i dout anything major will happen past 0.2.7 - 0.3.7 etc
Like Replypictures keep going off in random directions
Like Replyfuck u sep broher
Like ReplyIt tells you you need to sleep you have a nice home but can't use the bed just black out every day even right next to the bed . kinda odd
Like ReplyEngrish, you have to press z or enter when facing the bed in the corner to sleep
Like ReplyI wanna play as a bunnyboy, damnit...
Like ReplyI came back on the game after like 2 months and lost ALL of my progress
Like Replyi think the progress restarts after they release a new version, i had a save right before the red haired guard become friendly so i can re watch the scene lol now i have to replay it all,
Like ReplyHow do i complete the mysterious letter quest?
Like ReplyHELP, Its probably too late now, but if you still haven't figured it out, you have to go all the way down the dungeon/cave where all the goblins are at.
Like ReplyI can't save mah game
Like Replyhow the hell do i get into the blacksmith's shop?
Like Replythe blacksmith shop is only open at certain times during the afternoon, not morning or night you can read what times when you click on her door,
Like ReplyJust crashed at the beginning everytime??
Like Replyi can not save
Like ReplyHow do you sleep in your bed
Like Replyits tricky at first i know, walk up to the window like you want to jump out turn right click on the pillow thats how you use the bed it even works during the day but he says not tired.
Like ReplyI cannot find the mine where is it?
Like Replyhow do you get pickaxe?
Like ReplyA, buy it from the green haired merchant girl
Like ReplyLight the dugeon than the fox chick will tell u.
Like Replyu cant plant the dam field no mater what u do
Like Replywhere can you sleep?I keep passing out its not in my house or?
Like Replythe MC is a early person he cant stay out late, once its dark go straight to his house or he'll pass out right there almost mid sentence lol, its one of the bad parts of the game the fact we cant choose if hes a early person or a late nighter, the game would be awesome if taboo sexual stuff happened at night, have him walk around town at night doing stuff, but noo once it dark we have to run straight home or he'll pass out right in front of his house if you take too long to get there,
Like Replyclick the toilet in your house for money spam for infinite
Like ReplyThanks a lot man!
Like Replyz, your a legend
Like ReplyLamir (The blue haired wolf girl) reminds me of that one girl in yo class who you know is a furry.
Like Replyyeah nope,stuck on the bread(Lunch) quest and most content is replaying now and the Fish girl has only one scene or more besides the foot one?
Like Replywtf the game reset and lost my save data is there any way to get it back
Like Replyhow do you get in the water for the bath house??
Like ReplyRazer, thats the funny part u cant
Like Replyhow do you sleep
Like ReplyRazer, I am still wondering that my self every time i it says it's late and i need to sleep i can't interact with anything to do so or find any option to sleep the nap icon is not the same
Like ReplyEngrish, it's the square next to the bed pillows.
Like ReplyRazer, You click on the square next to the book and bed
Like ReplyNever. AND I MEAN NEVER, PRESS ENTER. I did and it just took me to title screen without saving my game. WHAT GAME DOES THAT?! Everyone knows enter is supposed to be an action button! Z / Enter / Space / Left Click to progress! WHY WOULD YOU MAKE IT QUIT THE GAME?! INSTANTLY, FOR THAT MATTER!
Like ReplyAre there other sex scene than with lamir and the fish girl ?
Like Replytheres a foot fetish scene
Like Replyeverytime you get going it crashes what the hell fix this please
Like Replythe game keeps crashing please fix soon
Like ReplyDoes anyone else stuck on the cooking bread part?
Like ReplyHo ho, im honestly lost also
Like ReplyHow do i make the lunch im honestly lost?
Like ReplyIt's hard to understand this when it has such bad grammar hsksksksksk
Like Replyah ha found it. SAVE is the escape buttom
Like Replywheres the save?
Like ReplyThis game had to be the best free game I found with actually good foot-jobs. Loved the dialog in the game too, for it was amazing. Really hope this game gets further developed. Thank you sincerely developers for this amazing experience.
Like Replyit isn't letting me save
Like Replywhere can i make the bread
Like ReplyMelonir, having the same issue. I have the wheat, just not sure where the kitchen is to make the bread.
Like Replyevilavatar, To make bread, etc, you need go to the chopping board in your kitchen
Like ReplyThe kitchen in your house by the way.
Like ReplyIWantToFuckILLYANA, and why the fuck does it say that i'm italian????
Like Replyjogo lento pra mover o personagem , depois do sexo com a primeira garota , quando voce aceita ir no tuor com ela pela cidade , de erro , e voce perde o processo feito
Like Replyok game is good but wtf are these faces they are not good at all
Like ReplyOne of the best games I played! Love the choices we have to make in the beginning, specially the choice of playing the game as a submissive!
Like ReplyI've been looking in the Comments and there has been Several people talking about the pick axe and where to get it however when I talk to the girl all she offers is Seeds and potions is there a certain requirement I am not meeting and i'm not seeing?
Like ReplyX, In the floor one of the cave, find all the lamps and turn them on, after, go to sleep then once you leave your house the red haired girl will tell you to go to the green haired girl. The pickax is 1000 gold
Like Replywhere the hell are the girls? i can't find all of them , can somebody tell me where all the girls locations are at?
Like Replyhow do u get the pickaxe?
Like Replyhmmmmm, bobly bo, buy in the shop
Like Replyno pickaxe in general store ?
Like Replyis there a walkthrough?
Like Replyat E's do I by it off her cuz it ain't shown up
Like ReplyElinnie is so cute, I love everything about her.
Like ReplyJoshua, YES!!!
Like Replyyo I cant give the blacksmith chick the copper ore. wtf do I need to do to give it to her I got like 12 of the things
Like Replyhow do i get pickaxe to break the stones cuz idk were to get pickaxe
Like Replyzero, tänd alla lampor i grottan sen kommer du kunna see pickaxe i storen, den kostar 1000
Like ReplyI need help trying to find the pickaxe and i know y'all say it from an character named Ellie but i can not find this character.
Like Replyfireaidentanki, She's in the store with the sword and shield in front on a sign
Like ReplyFerisGreat, Thank you for the help.
Like Replyhow do I swap to the fishing rod??
Like Replyhow do u open zeltdas door pls
Like Replywhere is the 6th person pls as ive been all around the map and cant find her
Like Replyboys how do i plant seeds after watering? im using macbook PLEASE HELP ME
Like Replyi dont know h
Like ReplyEvery time it crashes wen I get out of the door some one fix this
Like Replywhere is the fucking cave
Like ReplyPlease iwant play i am very sex
Like ReplyNVM, found it, i hit Q to swap Tools
Like Replyi need a Step-by-step on how 2 use Tools
Like ReplyIs it just me, a mobilefag, or is it impossible to erase anything you type for your name?
Like ReplyAllah, OR ANYONE ON PHONE to press B on rpgm when playing on phome click the game with 2 fingers at the same time
Like ReplyAllah, just zoom in, I found it by accident
Like ReplyWest, just tap the screen with 2 fingers
Like Replyfound out how to save scroul on the menu with the items and skilles and all that stuff
Like ReplyHow to break a stone? I have pickaxe and cant do it..
Like Replyguys it doesnt let me enter in the bathroom house it says talk to lamir i already talked and it doesnt let me pass
Like ReplyzERo, the bathroom house can only be used im guessing during the afternoon, i keep forgetting to look at the time of day it is when i accidentally use it trying to talk to her lol and if you have already talked to her that day you may have missed it try sleeping and trying again the next day, keep in mind there is time in the game if you wait to long you may miss it entirely till next day you cant just keep talking to npc time depletes while talking to them.
Like Replygame keeps crashing while trying to load lamiriel_C_happy_png littlerally at the door
Like Replythe game keeps crashing please fix
Like Replycrashing every ten fucking minutes god nuke this game in to hell
Like ReplyStill freezing at start !
Like Replyhow do you save
Like Replypop, the escape button, (esc)
Like Replyhow do you light up the cave?
Like Replykms, on the first floor you can light up the cave by clicking on the walls should be a small lamp hanging from it but the floor is dark so it may be hard to see it the first time your in that cave,
Like Replycan we not have the alt button be the use item button. Im tired of my screen moving
Like Replywtf where are the tools and how do i use them?
Like Replyghajskl, If you are talking about the pickaxe, then Ellie has it. To use it press Alt.
Like Replyi know your comment is kinda old but if your still wondering about this, dont use alt it restarts the game going back to the loading screen it happen to me when i tried it, now theres a tools section on the bottom, i left a 2 part comment about how to use it,
Like ReplyLitterly cannot beat the first mission. Can't find the last friend
Like Reply____, She is in the castle, if haven't already checked there.
Like Replythis is a good gamed but lags bugs and crasehes with no saves imp needed
Like ReplyJust after getting to his house game keeps crashing or some error sh't again they are not testing these games
Like ReplyJerkfree, same I can’t even make it past the first sex scene
Like ReplyIs anyone else having trouble saving?
Like ReplyCalmChaos, i have
Like ReplyCalmChaos, search up "gamcore saves" click the export/import link and you can export and import all your saves (works for all games on gamcore)
Like Replywhere are the tools
Like Replyking, if you are talking about the pickaxe, the Ellie has it. To use it press, Alt.
Like Reply_3 _, please do say more than "ellie has it" because i still can't find it. It's the only wall I've hit, I can't seem to figure out how to get the pickaxe.
Like Reply_3 _, i mean where are the hoe
Like Replyking, if you follow the quests the pickaxe will become abvailable just light all the lamps in the cave and plant some crops then talk to red haired girl outside your house then you can buy it from the greenhaired shopkeeper
Like Replycant figure out how to name myself
Like ReplyE, when you on naming screen.. right click erases the letters then just left click on the letters you want to name self..
Like ReplyShalltear Bloodfallen, What if playing on mobile
Like ReplyDouble tap it and it erases the letters
Like ReplyLoading for some of the scenes might take a while, but other than that the game is good.
Like ReplyGame lags a lot, so you will often have to restart. Just make sure you save or your progress will be, lost.
Like Reply_3 _, How do you save doe?
Like Replyi think its a fun game but they need to tell you all the controls btw if any one know how to save please tell me i did it in the start but i don't know how
Like Replychris, go to the menu(on phone press screen with 2 fingers) then click the arrow at the bottom of the menu to reveal save and load
Like Replyguys how do i find the picaxe
Like Replyhmmmmm, you gotta punch the wood and get a crafting table, then make it look like this: HHH I
Like Replyminecrafter938495, Why is it that every damn game on here doesn't save worth a crap?All my work goes down drain. Fk restarting all the time!!!!
Like ReplyOk, the controls for the game are: Up down left and right to move, Alt to use an item, enter to (enter)act with NPC's, your crops etc, Right shift to sprint while moving and W and S to scroll through your items you have. Like the watering can, seeds, watch, book, all that good stuff. Now when you fish you need to have the fishing rod in your inventory, not where you use your book and stuff, but just in your inventory, you need to go to where the tan girl live and walk down the board.
Like Replychris, right click to bring up the menu. The 'save' feature is there.
Like ReplyUsing web browser version of the game. Cannot figure out how to go to sleep. Can anyone help?
Like Reply