This game is a visual novel about a young girl called Kimberly who was forced to grow up really fast. She lost her parents at a young age and since then, she has been completely alone. She's in a big city where she gets by through conning people. Kim has mastered the art of lying to people and pickpocketing so that she can survive. She's willing to do anything to get by even if it means selling her body. Lucky for her, she stumbles upon a sunken ship filled with gold and treasure that can completely change her life for good. This is her one ticket to wealth and prosperity but will she retrieve it so easily?
Un bon roman visuel interactif comme je les aimes. ❤️ Svp continuer l'histoire 🙏
Like ReplyGame incredibly fun to play, most unique gameplay I've seen in a while, I've personally enjoyed very much. Characters were alright, dialogue a bit too convoluted with uninteresting info at times, but captivating story. This demo is 5 stars, hopefully the actual game has more action and plays as good as this demos.
Like Replyends again way too soon with hardly any gameplay
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