Are you rigid or fluid or do you enjoy both from time to time? This game allows you to choose your preferred styles of playing either Fixed or Random. You will take on the role of a demon just starting his career to unleash havoc among mankind. Desire is one of the seven deadly sins you have majored in. Use your infernal abilities to seduce girls, render them powerless and make them want you so bad that they beg at your knees. After working your charms, the girls become depraved and lustful. Have fun and create different sex scenarios as you slowly turn the entire world into a fucked up harem.
Please bro the back button is necessary for getting family lovin perk, what is the cheat code for .446?
Like ReplyAnyone know the code for v.0.341
Like ReplyDoes anyone know the code for 0.336???
Like Replywhere the cop suit for the people?
Like ReplyAnyone know the code
Like ReplyAny cheat code for v 0.336 ???
Like ReplyAny one know where i download this version for free
Like Replycheat code plz
Like ReplyAny cheat code for v 0.29
Like ReplyGood game... but why use ugly porn chicks when there's so much better out there?
Like ReplyDoes anyone know the code for 0.284?
Like ReplyCode is 232h12
Like Replycheats for 26.04?
Like ReplyHow do you learn kissing with Pauline and Robert?
Like ReplyCheats 26.04???
Like ReplyAnon, afwd2f43frq
Like Replyits shit guys dont play
Like Replyanybody has the code for [v 0.26.04] ??
Like ReplyCheat code for 26.04?
Like Replycheat code 26.04?
Like Replycode for v0.26.04?
Like ReplyQrow, afwd2f43frq
Like ReplyCheat code afwd2f43frq
Like ReplyCheat for 26.04?
Like ReplyCheat for 26.01?
Like Replyactorsnotactung
Like ReplyTriedToEatJesus, yes, I want to know too
Like ReplyHow I can download this game?
Like ReplyC'est la seconde fois que j'essaye ce jeu. Franchement, on s'ennuie. La progression est trop lente et il ne se passe rien pendant cette progression. Donc, aucun intérêt.
Like ReplyBrothers code for 0.25.06 ?
Like ReplyCheat for 24.02?
Like ReplyAusBoy, ioram2repus
Like ReplyAusBoy, hey babe lets get married
Like ReplyCode v0.23.12: actorsnotactung
Like ReplyWhat is the Code ?
Like Replycheats for 23.12??
Like ReplyBobs, actorsnotactung
Like ReplyCheats for 23.12?
Like ReplyWhat is the name of the tgirl masturbate natasha?
Like Replycheats for 23.12?
Like Replyalex, actorsnotactung
Like ReplyCheat Code for v.0.23.12: actorsnotactung
Like ReplyCheats for 23.09v?
Like Reply[v0.23.09] - e824qhvq4gx
Like Reply23.07 cheat code plz
Like ReplyZ, let me know if youve found it
Like ReplyWhat perk is mentioned as being needed, when getting the handjob from Mrs Pepper?
Like Replywhats the cheat for v 23.07
Like ReplyWhat is the new code?
Like ReplyVINDETTA, twelv3m9lljhf
Like ReplyWhat the name says
Like ReplyCheat code?
Like ReplyHeyGorgeous, the cheat code is "2232144934dztk"
Like ReplyCheat for 23.07?
Like ReplyWhat is Emma's real name
Like ReplyWho plays paulinr?
Like ReplyCheats for 22.02
Like ReplyBiff, m2j3fty4
Like ReplyBlobb, it doesn't work
Like ReplyBiff, e824qhvq4gx
Like ReplyBiff, cheat code for 24,02
Like ReplyWay too much of a grind fest even with the multiplier, when you can get a working cheat code.
Like ReplyCheats? Anybody like pls
Like Replycheats for 21.07?
Like Reply@oivalf the debug code is: !Ajvz{vs
Like ReplyAnon, do you know the other cheat code that affects the multiplier?
Like ReplyCheat code 7you7got7that7
Like ReplyNewest version code is: 7you7got7that7
Like Replywhats the cheat for v 21.02
Like Replydaddy, 7you7got7that7
Like ReplyIs safe to assume no is gonna give new code for 20.01?
Like ReplyHas anyone found a way to increase the maximum number of perks?
Like Replycheat 20.01 v?
Like Replyitalian stallion, nobody is posting it anymore bro...
Like ReplyFckkk, PW :Aam_zyib
Like ReplyFckkk, use !Ajvz{vs
Like ReplyWhat’s the tv channels?
Like ReplyBigUnc, one is 69
Like Replyloke, yeah 69 = perverted and 6969 = Give fuck
Like ReplyQual o código dessa versão?
Like Reply19.06 code?
Like Replyhow can I get as Sissy Isaak into the club?
Like Replywhat's the cheat for today?
Like ReplyWhat’s the .19 code?
Like ReplyStandupcumrepeat
Like ReplyWhat’s the cheat for [v 0.19] ????
Like ReplyLegend112, standupcumrepeat
Like ReplyKletus_John, wrong password, must have been changed already
Like Reply[v0.18.05] toomuchcoffeesorry
Like Replycheat code for 18.05 is toomuchcoffeesorry
Like Replywhats the cheat for 18.04
Like ReplyJust out of curiosity, is there a specific day to play with them again, or is it only in the next update? For Pauline's opinion is diminishing and she would not like to recover
Like Replyperk system confusing. Too many characters to use. didn't care for it.
Like ReplyWho is Natasha, the actress? She's amazing
Like ReplyJake, her profession name is Nancy A
Like ReplyJake, nancy ace.
Like Replyrealm_of_puppies is code for 17.02
Like ReplyCocolinho, hero
Like ReplyThe lust points don't work for me
Like Replyanyone have the code for 17.01? please
Like Replyshutteltruck, never mind thank you Ec
Like ReplyWhat’s the 17.01 code?
Like ReplyBigUnc, martispan2
Like ReplyWhy is there a limit on the fetishes (perks)? Seems kinda counterproductive in a porn game...
Like ReplyGames decent. But! Goes nowhere. Only places discovered, and "playable" is get a game for Issak...then no more. 2 jobs, that really go nowhere. Mainly, all those places to, as far as I figured. Cant be opened. Or how? Grinding continously for a small reward. To get these characters to... change. Is a RANDOM occurrence. When if it says 10% chance, Rewinding try again 100 times. Or 50 times to obtain it. RANDOM.
Like ReplyJust attempting to get the game rolling. To influence. 10% chance to get say father family (incest) took prolly 50 rewinds to obtain. Same with Issak, 10% chance to get a game. Item that is crucial to the story to progress. Noticed even say that theirs a 2% chance. Still takes as may trys, as a 20%. Mother.... go shopping, buy clothes.... does nothing! Waist energy. No explanation of why. Or what the ability does. You can go to a church to remove...WHY?
Like ReplyКак получить гей для Полины и Наташи? Куда вводить читы
Like ReplyTEMA_58, для Полины ходи по сб в клуб и танцуй с девками. Будет 20% шанс заработать гей. Для Наташи — общай Полину везде, где можно.
Like Replythe game is boring even with cheat codes that dont seem to help
Like ReplyDoes anyone knows the cheats for 16.04v?
Like Replymilkybuttonyomm1
Like Replythere is no restart button and I want to restart how do i do?
Like ReplyFaffo2007, Thanks for the warning. to frestart game use the save spot before starting the game
Like ReplyFaffo2007, open left tab, scroll down
Like ReplyCheat code as of 15.1: trialwire2
Like Replyhow do you get Natasha the fam perk
Like Replyjim, you must get pauline to clean the kitchen while being naked to have so that Natasha can peek on her and get the perk
Like ReplyThis is an interesting game. I'm curious what the next update will look like. The church us... unfortunately I couldn't unlock it when it's really there.. Maybe a window of time where something is active and when would be great.
Like ReplyPlenty of potential, but it doesnt take long to start seeing the limits of the build. Perks have varying levels of clarity based solely off their names, explorable areas are more limited than initially implied, and each have a very limited number of actions (and character with a yellow name is not implemented yet, as one example). Some characters have the potential for more than 5 perks, but some of the basic and most useful perks fill up those slots preventing any real experimentation.
Like ReplyLust as a currency is too much of a grind at this point, and might benefit from granting 1 per new sexual interaction instead of just a buggy quest board (with some strange quirks to tracking progress i cannot fully explain without investing more time than this build has content to support).
Like ReplyThe final critique for how early in development it is just comes from relatively common sandbox issues. The characters are not randomly generated, yet many of the interactions are just copy/paste scripts. "i have no interest in (topic)" or "i love (topic)", regardless of how much sense the statement makes or how different characters should react differently.
Like Replythe cheat code dosent work
Like Replyloke, trialwire2
Like ReplyI can have a maximum amount of times sex with Tony per. meaning a maximum amount of 15 per week. How am I suppose to finish the quest requiring hire numbers??
Like ReplyNatasha, do it more days
Like Replyadd a guide its impossible to figure things out and the luck % are super wrong.
Like Replygod, Not a complete list at all, but: -- Perks -- Coomer - masturbate in bedroom, 5% chance (Pauline, Natasha, Isaak) - masturbate in shower, 10% chance (Robert) Perverted - watch TV, channel 69, 10% chance (any) - with Family Lover perk, enter Pauline and Robert's bedroom, search the wardrobe, sniff the panties, 10% chance (Isaak, Natasha) Family Lover - bathroom, random encounter (someone forgot to lock the door), masturbate, 20% chance (Isaak)
Like Replyabc123, - as Natasha Pauline or Robert, Isaak's computer, plant step-family porn, there's a chance each day for him to gain the perk (Isaak) - kitchen, clean the kitchen, random encounter (Isaak enters), tease Isaak, 20% chance (Pauline) - possibly doing the Nudist stuff for Robert as Natasha, 20% chance (Robert) - as Natasha, take Pauline on date (weekend only?), go shopping, dress, offer to help, undress Pauline, 33% chance (Pauline)
Like Replyabc123, - Isaak's bedroom, random encounter (Isaak jerking it - think he has to be over 40ish lust), 20% chance (Natasha, Pauline) - Natasha's bedroom, random encounter (Natasha jerking it, think she has to be over 40ish lust), unknown chance (Isaak) Nudist - shower intruder event, say nothing, 20% chance at end of day (Isaak as Natasha or Pauline, Robert as Natasha, Natasha as Isaak or Robert, Pauline as Isaak?)
Like Replyabc123, Closet Gay - as Natasha Pauline or Robert, Isaak's computer, plant gay porn, there's a chance each day for Isaak to gain the perk. Foot Fetishist - car dealership, random encounter (Joanna not there to greet), go to Joanna's office and investigate, sniff the shoes, 10% chance (Robert) - with Robert having the perk already, leave the bedroom in the morning, random encounter (Robert getting foot jerked by Pauline), 10% chance (Isaak, Natasha)
Like Replyabc123, Cum Queen - night club, dance, random encounter (fat man), try your luck, next, 50% chance of surprise facial, 10% chance (Natasha, Pauline) Nymphomaniac - night club, dance, random encounter (fat man), try your luck, next, 2% chance (Natasha, Pauline) - Isaak or Pauline, receive fuck, 2% chance (Natasha) - Natasha or Pauline, give or receive fuck, 2% chance (Isaak) - Pauline, give anal, 2% chance (Isaak)
Like Replyabc123, Gay - night club, dance, random encounter (young woman - actually a tranny herm thing), try your luck, next, 20% chance (Natasha, Pauline, Robert) - Natasha, receive fuck, 20% chance (Isaak) - Pauline, give anal, 20% chance (Isaak)
Like Replyabc123, -- Interactions -- Flirting - computer, pick-up techniques (Isaak) - night club, grab a beer, 20% chance (Pauline, Robert) Receive Handjobs - masturate, 20% chance (Isaak, Natasha, Pauline) Nudity - bathroom, take a shower, 10% chance (Isaak, Natasha) Kissing - in the morning, leave room, random encounter with Pauline, 20% chance (Natasha, Isaak)
Like Replyabc123, Give Anal - night club, grab a drink, poster on wall, 20% chance (Natasha, Pauline, Robert) - Isaak's computer, play Amore (much purchase from game store), random chance to get this interaction, 20% chance (Isaak) Give Head - coffee shop, talk to Tony, flirt, 20% chance (Natasha) - Isaak's computer, play Amore (much purchase from game store), random chance to get this interaction, 20% chance (Isaak)
Like Replyabc123, Give Fuck - Isaak's computer, play Amore (must purchase from game store), random chance to get this interaction, 20% chance (Isaak) Receive Fuck - complete Isaak's game collection, talk to Bella at game shop, bring her home, 20% chance (Isaak) - coffee shop, talk to Tony, give head (need to unlock it and get Tony to like 44 lust), 20% chance (Natasha)
Like Replyabc123, -- Events -- Shower Intruder - bathroom, take a shower, 33% chance (Natasha [or Pauline?] as Isaak, Isaak or Robert as Natasha, Isaak as Pauline, Natasha as Robert) Take Pauline on a Data - Saturday only, as Natasha Night Club - Saturday only Church - Sunday only, have to get like 2 weeks into the game to unlock
Like Replyabc123, -- Equipment -- Slutty Female Clothing - as Natasha, take Pauline on date, go shopping, slutty outfit, buy outfit for either (Natasha, Pauline) - as Robert or Isaak, same thing but can only buy for her (Pauline) Gym Clothing - go to clothing shop, buy the clothes (Pauline) Female Dress - go to clothing shop, buy the dress (Isaak)
Like Replyabc123, The comment section kind of destroyed my formatting, but it's supposed to be a perk or interaction name, followed by how to get it. Multiple methods of getting the same perk are denoted by a character name in parenthesis followed by a hyphen, like "Perk Name - first perk description (Natasha) - second perk description (Isaak)"
Like ReplyWhat is the new code?
Like ReplyVINDETTA, 2fingerdeathsknuckle
Like ReplyDoesn't work :(
Like ReplyJust another real people grind with very little sex done with these type of games you can only do so much 3d anime games are best you can do anything if I want to watch real people porn i'll go to the internet talk about boring don't like don't play it so i'll take my own advice!✌️
Like ReplyA1happyplant420, just cheat, it's really damn easy... Use Saveeditonline, or open Inspect Element, go to console, and type in a basic SugarCube variables command
Like ReplyToo much RNG, too little progression.
Like Replyidk how to complete Issak
Like ReplyHA, I think I finished chapter one but I can't get new people
Like ReplyOkay this is just a fuckload of grinding, like a HUGE amount
Like ReplyЧит: clankclinks
Like ReplyHow do u get the gay perk for Pauline, does anyone know
Like ReplyAnonymous, while inhabiting Pauline, go to the nightclub on the weekend and go home with a shemale.
Like ReplyUsername77, same with Natasha
Like Replyi complete the bountys but dont get any essenes fot it game is messed up
Like Replydeathgod89, go to hell cave and turn in the bounty
Like Replydeathgod89, boring real people lazy very low skill to use real people and sex scenes are short and the same every time no creampies just boring wouldn't pay a dime for this trash sad!✌️
Like Replyi cant get the nudist trait on paulina can someone tell me how
Like Replybananaman7155, have to shower as the son, and then hope random works for you
Like ReplyHow do you restart? I see no restart button on game.. And when I click restart above the game it just takes me back to current game, even refreshing takes to same game..
Like ReplyShalltear Bloodfallen, thank you for that catch i got a save at first posetion
Like ReplyAnyone have the cheat code?
Like ReplyBig John, 2fingerdeathsknuckle the cheat code
Like ReplyJJ, Big John, JJ it work it only work with older version with the v.016.05 it dose not work!
Like Reply