Nano-Control [v 1.01a] [Restart]
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RPG Maker
Description: This is another RPG hentai game that places you in the shoes of the main character who just recently moved to a town called Little Eden because of his father’s deployment. As he walks around the city, this place feels almost like a paradise with the only downside being that there is no TV, no internet, and no reception. Luckily, there are a ton of things to do around here that can keep you occupied like exploring the forest. Along the way, you end up meeting quite a few bishōjo, which creates multiple opportunities to have some old-fashioned fun. Explore the surrounding areas and complete any mini-quests that come your way to progress through the story, which will help you unlock sex scenes involving ahegao, gokkun, and more. Also, do keep in mind that this game works better with a keyboard. |
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How I can get the "toys"
Like ReplyHow I get the "toys"
Like ReplyI have been playing this game for days and I just got to the part when I altered both Elaine and Lena's first core memory but I can't get it to trigger the FUCKING CONVERSATION!!! Apparently, they are supposed to talk to each other and be at the same level (which they are) but even when I bring one or the other to either of their homes, it just won't trigger. I'm losing my damn mind, been playing for hours and have no clue what the hell I'm doing wrong.
Like ReplyFirst comment in 2 years :) also good game
Like ReplyAny game recommendations rpg maker like?
Like Replyany chance to get a new house in the game
Like Replykingx, well, there is the mansion, but the requirements to unlock it are very well hidden. What i have so far pieced together is that you need jace, elaine, and rika's solo endings unlocked (finished 3rd door), and have worked a yet undetermined amount of garden shifts before finally talking to the mayor. Beyond adding a few extra events and some stuff to spend cash on pointlessly, its main purpose is to make the main 6 easier to keep track of to some extent.
Like Replyhow to find sarah in the forest
Like Replyjj224, N,W,S,W (compass directions). to indoctrinate, the repeatable "play with sarah" quest needs to say she trusts you, and you have to bring along a juice. (play 4 times)
Like ReplyThanks awesome
Like ReplyBest end conditions: all 6 girls at a lvl4 variant (pet, broken, or maintained personality), knowledge 20+, all lore discovered, and modify the controller (from its own menu) before confronting the "final boss".
Like ReplyInitial ingesting of serum for main girls: elaine is interact with teacup on table during tutorial, Kay is have a juice in inventory before playing with her at noon then loosing, leena is annoy the "moo..." cow in the morning, rika is get elaine to lvl2 then ask for her help after progressing her initial quest, gwen is talk to her in the morning then get rika to lvl0+ to enter her room and ask for schedule with wed. as the only successful day for the next step.
Like ReplyOptional girls: have emma ask for water after a shift (rng), play with sarah until questlog line "lonely" changes to "trust" then bring a juice to forest hide and seek and find her first, convince kay to control her mother from her mind, visit inn in the mornings after jace is present to make 2 girls move in, the first is at night in her room when a lamp is present, and the second is at town hall at noon. All optionals have limited sex and progression.
Like Replylast optional girl: with both house girls at lvl2, talk to rich prick outside garden. scouting for his request takes up time, even if failed, so you can save-scum the night block if you have a different goal in mind. then keep her instead of turning her in at end of quest. Note her scenes are locked behind obtaining the mansion.
Like ReplyThe mansion is the most well hidden secret in the game. Do a lot of work shifts, but i am uncertain if shop ones count, progress jace's story to near completion, then talk to the mayor (no work required). If all lvl1 progress and 2 actions towards lvl2 for each girl are spent on gardening, you should have enough, even if you missed a couple for night actions before you had access to exp gains higher than 10.
Like ReplyThe final 2 secret actions are on the same map screen. next to the tent, there is a gap in the trees that lets girls work for random rare materials but no xp. Then by talking to the mayor about the tent, you can bring any and all lvl3+ girls to the tent at night for $500 each and a new line in endings that do not include them if they went enough to learn to like it. (can check in personal section of a girl's diary)
Like ReplyPet mode is the last thing unexplained. with any girl at lvl4, talk to the stray cat then ask G for help. Bring the rarest material in the game, then do the usual for unlocking advanced slave actions. Now enter the mind of an unbroken lvl4 girl and select pet mode at the lvl4 crystal. it can be toggled off later, and changes each girl's schedule to something simple at the cost of revoking sex actions until turned off.
Like Replyhow control lena
Like ReplyHow do I permanently save?
Like ReplyScrew this game
Like ReplyHow do I get lily to take the serem
Like ReplyRr, nevermind how you do it is you get her daughter to give it to her only once you get into the daughters head
Like ReplyHonestly this is the best game I have played and would love to see the creator to expand on the game with more story or even better create a sequel for the game to help expand the story itself, maybe have a city to visit and for the veterans who played the game and got 100% maybe there could be more dialogue for the girls about their children and maybe have a marriage route, either way love this game and if possible wish to see more and have a great life everybody and group that made N-C
Like ReplyThe Knight, They actually have mods on their discord that let you have access to other characters
Like ReplyMrMan, what is the discord
Like ReplyI agree with u on that
Like Replyhow to contact to Sarah? i promise to use serum on hẻ in the forest
Like Replyi accidentally gave Kat to the man beside the garden (the farmer stolen), so i lost her now. what should i do to take her back without reload game
Like Replyjjhhh, You cant get her back without reloading the save. If it is any consolation, she has at most 1 sex scene, and it requires jumping through a lot of hoops to see. Most notably, you need to buy her a dress and unlock the mansion with the applicable characters moved in. Check the sparkle in protag's room to access the gallery and try to view it there if you must know but cant endure a fresh playthrough.
Like Replywhere can i find G
Like Replyhow do you get the mansion
Like ReplyXander, First, train jace. Second, work the town gardens. When jace is a high enough lvl and you have proven yourself to be a reliable gardener, talk with the mayor. The exact number of shifts is one i do not know, nor is the exact jace lvl, but those are the conditions the game says i met when i finally unlocked it for the first time.
Like ReplyXander, also, you should probably condense your questions or spend more time browsing the replies before posting. the other questions have been answered many times previously...
Like ReplyHow do I get lena to take the thing
Like ReplyHi, for serum dose 1, find the cow that says "moo..." and pester it until someone gets hurt IN THE MORNING. For the other substances, it has to be 3 consecutive nights, miss a day and you have to start over.
Like Replyjace to level 2 - how do you do it?
Like Replyhow do you get to kay in the forest?
Like Replyhow do you get past the bears in your sisters mind?
Like ReplyXander, never mind
Like ReplyAfter my multiple playthroughs, i finally figured out the rough requirements for the mansion. First, you must gain high control over Jace (lvl 3? dont know or certain), then you have to work the gardens a lot (exact number unknown.) If you get lucky with controlling shopkeep emma, all other work shifts should be at the gardens. To actually get the mansion, talk to the mayor one final time after the other conditions are met.
Like ReplyRaw materials "shopping" list: 3 juice, 1 rope, 1 bread, 6 aphrodisiacs, 3 inhibitors, 1 heart of the forest, 18 metal, 4 four-leaf clovers, 2 merry berries. Optional items: 4+ sleeping pills, minimum of 5 wood at all times. With the required list completed, you can tackle every quest in the game. the optional items speed up the process, with wood increasing money gain, and pills to make one character's quest more convenient.
Like ReplyNote that the numbers are the bare minimum, and making mistakes can increase the number needed. Aphrodisiacs must be done consecutively, either within the same day or in concurrent days, depending on how frequently you are allowed to use them for the quest. Extra metal is needed if you dont distribute it into a perfect 3 sets of 6. If the list is missing anything other than cash, it is tied to Kat.
Like ReplyOnly one thing missing from the list: 10 clay to make a late game purchase cheaper.
Like ReplyCbomb9999, How & When do you use the sleeping pills. I went through the whole game without using them once? Never could figure out how, same with those special materials. You know the fish, the metal, the herb & the mushroom/
Like ReplyMr.Man, metal is for the blacksmith, fish are just another forage spot that pays well as long as the traps dont break instantly. A single fish will offset construction costs, and the biggest fish type sells for more than hearts all while being more common. Sleeping pills are entirely optional, and only exist so you dont have to bring leena into the forest at night (or progress jace enough to have 24/7 access to town hall). They are only relevant between lvl2 and 3.
Like ReplyMr.Man, in short, read the item descriptions on forage. If it only mentions selling, that is its only use. if it mentions crafting, you will need it at some point in the game for a quest. The bigger entries on the list are hearts, only because of how rare they are, and anything that must be bought, since some shop items dont have a use.
Like ReplyI did a Mind-Break ending with all pregnant for the sake of completion.. oh boi i promise u it sucks.. its just sad really
Like ReplyAslan, For the record, you do not need to mindbreak to get the ending. Backing out of the final crystal will get a different lvl 4 title, and let the slaves interact in the ending. Note that to get the true harem ending, you have to find all lore and confront G after turning his tools against him.
Like ReplyHow do I get the girls to talk to Me in My room?
Like ReplyStorm, Make them follow you, then once you reach your room, either face the follower and talk like any other npc, or use the controller option in the menu.
Like ReplyAlso you can't go inside that creepy old man's house you know that old man that stare's on that yellow haired lady!
Like ReplyHaru's and Erika's anal scenes are missing!
Like ReplyTrolololo, as secret characters, their sex scenes are limited. There is no way to train their ass for anal, hence why they are not implemented.
Like ReplyGame doesn't load, what do I do?
Like ReplyI did a Mind-Break ending with all pregnant for the sake of completion.. oh boi i promise u it sucks.. its just sad
Like ReplySomeone please help me the game will not load it's just stuck on a black screen. What do I do?
Like Reply You can thank me later
Like ReplyWtf is the reason of having a save if it DOSENT FUCKING WORK!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Like ReplyNeedlessheadocer, well, a save does need to write the data somewhere for future reference (aka to load it), and it cant do that if you are trying to hide data. I have not once had issues saving/loading this game, and i have revisited it over multiple years. Many replies on similar comments across the site suggest turning of incognito mode, but i cant personally speak on its effectiveness.
Like ReplyCbomb9999, i tried it still does not work. I always have to replay games on gamcore again and again and again and it not fun so i tried not going incognito still did not work. But thanks for trying :) Im glad someone here other than me (santas little helper the comment above is me) cares about others
Like ReplyOk i pulled an all nighter playing this game because its awsome.. anyways there are 2 things i couldnt figure out nr. 1 WTF is the tent i was looking for hours and couldnt find shit! Nr. 2 who the hell is kat? I was scrolling through the comments and saw people talking about kat and was windering who she is. Goon night guys if you acually read this!
Like ReplyIcelander, For Kat, gain access to the mind of both girls who live with you, then talk to the rich prick by town hall. Do scouting Friday specifically, then the rest should be obvious. For the tent, talk to the mayor about town, and keep searching for new conversation topics until the tent appears as one. Afterward, follow the new quest in the journal. Its only required purpose is to upgrade Jace to lvl2.
Like ReplyCbomb9999, thanks
Like ReplyIcelander, The tent is when u raise jena, the mayor grandaughter, lvl 2 control. when u do u go hang out with her as well as save her in their
Like ReplyHow do I unlock the Rika DP scene?
Like ReplyHold to move is really annoying mate
Like ReplyHold, then use keyboard and mouse. RPGmaker games have both by default.
Like ReplyGames good for epileptic seizure since the new update thanks
Like ReplyDamn the bad harem ending is sad
Like ReplyIf anyone else is having trouble passing the bears in Rika's mind room.. or something like that. Know that your shoes can help you with that. Just open your item menu, go to the Key items and select the shoes.. wait a bit till a selection pops saying Normal, Fast and very fast. Select fast or every fast. I accidentally found it after starting a new game. Lol.
Like ReplyVery fast* lol. >w> Oh well.
Like ReplyCan some help with the cat play? I talked to the cat. Got the heart. Got the potion from "G" and put it in the well. But I don't know how activate the cat play.
Like ReplyHello, pet play is a secret third option for lvl4 control (that requires at least one lvl4 to unlock) that is not mutually exclusive. Pet mode also removes all sex outside endings while active, but can be turned off.
Like ReplySo, now there is a solo ending for each girl, a duo ending for the threesome crystals (after pregnancy choice), and a harem ending once you get all girls to lvl 4, with dialogue to acknowledge which lvl 4 each girl has... My biggest current complaints are that some of the optional girls are very under-utilized. for example, the named shopkeep does not have a control that i am aware of, and sarah, when acknowledged in the endings, claims she was worthless to control.
Like ReplyCbomb9999, the MILF end also does not consider lily's role in kay's plotline...
Like ReplyI defeated G
Like ReplyFinish: huh? I got all lvl 4s but have no clue what you are referring to... G is not antagonistic...
Like Replyand i redact my previous reply, though doing so is barely worth it. if anything, you want to loose to him to gain access to one more ending. Beating him just removes "am i forgetting something?" (P.S. for the record involving timestamps, it just took me a while to re-find the reply and work up the guts to admit the mistake. found it very shortly after the first reply).
Like Replyis a good game but i feel that more space for play it like on the forest need more space i want to know how create the game to give him/her some ideas because a good game but i feel that need more space and more girls to interact
Like ReplyFreese, not sure i agree with "more space". play the game a few different times while actively foraging and the mechanic gets old fast and makes the map feel needlessly big even though it isnt. those "new ideas" may just be better spent as inspiration "points" for your own project now that the game has a certain finality to it.
Like ReplyThis game doesn't take that long to 100% It's really good!
Like Replyhow to get gwen and lena?
Like Replyalex, For Lena, you need to talk to her for the first time, then she'll take you to her house. After that, in the morning, talk to her cow and it'll attack you, then her route starts. For Gwen you need to talk to Rika until she tells you when she visits (Wednesday and Saturday afternoon). When you find that out, you need to hide Rika's bear on one of those days, then you'll have time alone with Gwen and her route starts there.
Like Replyalex, to further elaborate: you have to REPEATEDLY pester the cows for lena. Gwen's very first step is to talk to her in rika's class (morning). after that point, the quest log does a good job walking you through the rest (for both girls). the only other sticking point is gaining control over rika so you can talk about gwen's schedule, which requires elane lvl2.
Like ReplyWhy does anyone want to be a rapist? Seriously, why are so many games on gamcore essentially the MC being a rapist? Either through mind control or flat out rape?
Like ReplySoThatWasTerrible, maybe check the tags first. never heard the concept of power fantasy? there are just as many "love" games as there are "lust" games, if not more.
Like Replyguys go to the inn at night, furthest left top, same area as tailor, in one of the rooms there is something :)
Like Reply3 bedroom to the left, might not be there every day
Like ReplyDoes Sarah do anything at all other than playing?
Like ReplyRoyal White, No, sadly
Like ReplyRoyal White, yes*. she has no personal scenes, but if she trusts you, you have the option to indoctrinate her and bring her along as an observer for other scenes. (to indoctrinate, progress to kay's lvl2 mission, go left instead of up, and give a juice with serum to her after the play with sarah quest says she trust you by doing it enough times.)
Like ReplyI have talked to everyone in town several times and I cannot find where Kay goes on Friday. Any help? I also have walked all of the maps and have not seen her.
Like ReplySaintIsidore, NVM figured it out
Like ReplySaintIsidore, where does she go?
Like ReplyXander, she doesnt "go" anywhere you can reach. you have to talk to lily until she spills the beans, then talk to kay until she agrees to bring you along, at which point the next available friday she will be waiting at the town exit into the forest. That story scene is the only time you will ever be able to talk to kay on a friday morning, every other instance she will not exist on the map.
Like Replywaste of your Brain, shit game only grind or PAY TO WIN....
Like ReplyJerkfree, You are the shit here. You type the same for every game here. There's nothing "pay to win" in this game, and the game is grinding cos it's challenging. Get your sorry ass outta here if you can't think even that much.
Like ReplyJerkfree, I don't think this guy is the actual Jerkfree, the actual one has more to say and knows what they are talking about. This person though is just a troll hating on the actual Jerkfree.
Like ReplyHow you get Gwen to level 2
Like ReplyImagine skipping the intro and still watching half of the intro
Like Replyhow do u give the soy milk to rika?
Like Replygwen, wed or sat (same days that your namesake visits), interact with the sparkles on the table where elaine has her tea in the "day" time block.
Like Replywhere do you get tea?
Like Replyi know u can get the mayor to let u have the abandoned mansion but i cant figure out how to get him to give it to me
Like ReplyImmortal, it is convoluted. Progress Jace's story and work the gardens a lot. I cant give exact numbers for either, but if you work the gardens enough and progress Jace enough to have her vouch for you, speaking to the mayor will reward you with the mansion.
Like Replygood game good game
Like Replycan somebody help me? anytime I speak with Erika my game freezes
Like ReplyGame froze and deleted my save.
Like Replyim making some koikatsu version of the characters. Please leave a like :) https:/ /kenzato . uk/b ooru/gon zaa
Like Replyand sarah as well
Like Replyhow do you star lena control, i cant figure it out
Like ReplyThis is pretty good!
Like ReplyVolevo chiedere come posso sbloccare gwen? Preché io vado a parlare con lei a scuola, e si attiva la sua indotrinazione, ma poi non so più cosa fare perchè rika a mezzogiorno non mi parla di niente che centri con gwen, riuscite a dirmi cosa devo fare di preciso? (perchè o ho lei che la devo indottrinare anche essa, o mi dice solamente che nel weekend andranno al negozio).
Like ReplyIt would be nice be able do what you do to the 6 girls, also to the rest of the town, for example: the clerk in the store, the rest of the girls in the protagonists class as well as yours sisters class. It would also be great to be able to go to the big city and wreak havoc and much more.
Like ReplyKing Cobra, well, Kay's mom Lily, the storeowner, and sarah are all possible, but sex with them is limited. There are also 2 girls who show up to the inn as the game progresses. For the shopkeeper, you just have to get lucky after working a shift. Lily is part of kay's quest. Sarah is during kay's lvl 2 quest IF you have played with her enough for her to trust you (and bring juice).
Like ReplyIs it just me or does the "Renryuu Ascension" save game files also show up in the load/save menu of the game? It's really weird and I'm starting to think that it is a cross-over between the two... - Holographic.
Like ReplyHolographic, A few games, like this one and rennryu, and such somehow share the same bank of save files, maybe because they are made with RPG Maker, though it doesnt seem to be the case for all such games.
Like ReplyHolographic, it is a rpgmaker thing, to my understanding. the engine comes with a prebuilt save system, but it is shared between everything that is built with the engine unless a dev goes through the extra effort to make their own separate one. But i am saying this mostly as an assumption as i have not played around with the engine itself. Renryuu is not the only game that could show up in the save list.
Like ReplyAfter you go to school, and get the mission to indoctrinate Kay, play with her. After that go into your house and go to the controller. Press revisit past events, and you will be bale to see all of the scenes
Like Replyhow do you unlock second level town hall? door that keeps me out is locked
Like ReplyHere is a nice secret, if you go to the mayor's house, talk with the mayor, go for the ask him something option, keep clicking more till you go to the final bit and click, what are the tents outside town? Then you unlock the option to whore your girls out with an extra scene for each!
Like ReplySo for those interested in how you finish the game. Step 1. get enough exp with the girls and being able to enter their mind Step 2. Get even more exp and open the left and right rooms Step 3. Get again even more exp open the top right room (pregnancy option) -> get more exp and do top left -> get mor exp and do middle. Step 4. Trying to plan for the girl which has all the doors cleared allows you to play their ending
Like ReplyI finished the game, then add an ending for each threesome pair, one more for maxing all 6 girls, a bad end for failing the final choice, and the true harem end for discovering all the town's lore. Every single one has a mind broken variant to go with it, but only the variations on the harem ending allow mixing unbroken and broken.
Like Replyu can't let Lyli pregnant only let Elaine and Lena pregnant that Lyli will pregnant when u watching milf ending Alexis or teacher is same logic too
Like Replyhow do you start gwen
Like ReplyXander, Talk to her in the classroom, then on wednessday, in the morning, click on the bear in your sisters room (this is assuming she is atleast level 0). This will initiate her.
Like ReplyI finished the game, thanks
Like Replydoes anyone know the way to find kay in the forest, i only find sarah but not kay. I turn around help
Like Replybob, follower the butterfly
Like Replybob, same route as sarah, but one transition before reaching her, go north instead.
Like ReplyIs there a bug with the mom, becuase every time i go to talk to her at night nothing happends. I've tried talking to her with and without controlling but i cant seem to upgrade her to level 2.
Like ReplyJorge, u need have 3 Aphrodisiacs and control her then feed her Aphrodisiacs at morning noon and evening if u do those cases success u can continue mom line
Like ReplyJorge, 3 aphrodisiacs, all fed within the same day, while still leaving a free time block for the actual leveling up scene. To feed, control the mom, then talk to her while controlled. IF YOU FAIL TO FEED ALL 3 IN ONE DAY, YOU WILL HAVE TO BUY MORE AND TRY AGAIN. The item is bought from G, and the game requires a total of 6, (another girl also has a feed 3 upgrade condition that works slightly differently. 3 consecutive days instead of all in one day).
Like ReplyCan you do anything with the girl in the inn named "haru"?
Like ReplyHowto, Once you meet her, she will sometimes be standing still at night in her inn room. talk during the state to progress her optional story. At the end, she will have enough serum that she will ALWAYS offer the service at night, even when moving about. For the second inn girl who appears after you progress haru enough, she will be in town hall at the day time block, in which you just need to talk to her.
Like Replyhow do you beat the moving fires for your mum?
Like ReplyXander, "gut gud". with the unhelpful response out of the way, there are only 3 hints i can give. 1 make sure auto run is on. 2 save before activating the fire. 3 interact with the "running shoes" key item to find a speed that is comfortable for you; higher speeds give better widows of opportunity at the cost of less precision. All puzzles can be solved with default speed, though, so just grind it out.
Like Replyanyone now how to start whit Gwen?
Like Replylolnani, you need to have already started with your sister, and then distract her in the morning by taking her stuffed bear.
Like Replylolnani, lolnani, to add to that, it can only be done on wednesday because you have to take the bear in the sister's room ahead of time, and then interact with it to take it away. Then, you go to Rika's classroom the same morning (before annoying person waking the halls blocks the entrance, else you leave and re-enter the school), and talk to Rika.
Like Replylolnani, Rika is first started by finding her in class in the morning, at which point, talking to her adds the quest to the log. As the other replier pointed out, you must have given sis the serum at least once to get the serum into gwen, and the quest log's "wed or sat" is misleading. trying on sat comes back with a "wed only" update to the quest.
Like Replytypo... *gwen, not rika
Like Replywhere do you find kay at the hide and seek game?
Like Replyhjfk, yeah same just go in circles, can see her on the right but can never get to her?
Like Replyhjfk, you need to go up, left, down, left to find sarah, and up, left, down, up to fink kay.
Like ReplyCould yould please give us the option to export our saves in the next update or something. Please give us the option to fuck the store owner, the other female students, go to the slums, city and create havoc, build up a rap sheet with the police, create a gang/s, fight monsters, people and more. We need dungeons, more stuff to do in the school, underground fight club that we can watch or compete in for cash and respect and the loser as a slave reward and a black market would be nice to.
Like ReplyIs there anything to do once you reach level 4 with all girls and can get the harem ending or is that as far along as the game is right now?
Like Replywaytomuchtimeonmyhands, its all Click Bait! They're not really adding anything but a picture or extra sentence now and then. All to get put back in the front for Gamcore JMO.
Like Replywaytomuchtimeonmyhands, Go to the mayor's building, talk to the mayor, go to the questions, go to the last 2 questions and ask about the tent in the woods. This unlocks an extra whoring scene for all the girls.
Like Replywaytomuchtimeonmyhands, well, there is the TRUE harem scene which gives the game a more conclusive ending, but otherwise there is no more story to the main 6. There is optional content, but pointing all of it out removes the fun and exceeds the character limit.
Like Replyde donde van los gatos cuando mueren purrgatorio means 'Where do cats go when they die?purrrgatory,' Which a kind of funny joke.
Like Replyhow do i start rika
Like Replynetflix, need to level up Elaine to I think level 2, first try to give Rika juice whenever she is in her room, get denied, so that when you talk to Elaine (When sufficient level) the option to have her give Rika the serum is available
Like Replyhow do you start with Jace?
Like Replyblight, First, wait a few weeks for her to show up in class. After that same class, talk to the teacher and quit the conversation. If your knowledge stat is high enough (guesstimate a stat of >5), leaving the talk with the teacher they will ask you to tutor her, and then you can ask for the address from there. Afterwards, it is the same song and dance as the other 5, just follow the quest log.
Like ReplyHow do you 'loosen up' Lena's ass more to do anal?
Like Replyanon, need to give her anal beads to wear (this applies to all except Elaine, who can already do anal). I'm not sure how many days they need to be wearing them by the way, you get anal beads by crafting them at the shop at the left of town square, which is the area to the left of the houses
Like Replyi beat the game in 3 days although kate is hard to get by when trying to have some fun with since plane and rika on your tail
Like Replyunknown, that should not be possible, at least not for the true ending, which requires all 6 main girls at lvl4. One of the 6 takes 3 weeks to appear in game, and a single day is restricted to 4 time blocks, which is not enough for lvl 1 or lvl 2 on a single girl, yet you got 6 girls to level 4 in only 3 days? Each girl has a solo ending, a duo ending, and then finally the completionist ending.
Like ReplyGet a NEW server Gamcore then you can quit deleting everybodys saves
Like ReplyHey you really need to add Sarah to the game main character can use at all times in the game
Like ReplyFirelord, the problem is her age. she is acknowledged in the true ending, but that is as far as the game is willing to go with the idea that has some legal issues. She can be controlled, just not undressed.
Like Replyfhdrfhsrth
Like ReplyI am making koikatsu version of the characters. I´ve just finished Rika and Elaine. Go check that out and like them pls
Like ReplyGonzaa,
Like ReplyGonzaa, nice work
Like ReplyGonzaa, New Link? I want to see them
Like ReplyPost the 0.26 version
Like ReplyGreat game 5 stars hands down
Like ReplyWhen doing the hide and seek with Kay and Sarah in the forest, how do you do the optional objective to control Sarah? It seems like no matter what you choose, you fail it.
Like Replyjohndoe314, you have to play repeatedly with Sarah and Kay before that
Like Replyjohndoe314, Keep an eye on the quest log entry for playing with sarah. She must trust you for the scene to work, and that requires playing with her 5-10(ish) times prior. If you started the upgrade quest before the quest log says she trusts you, it becomes impossible to convince her the serum is harmless.
Like ReplyHey, I was just wondering. How many times do you have to play with Kay and Sarah in order to successfully indoctrinate and control Sarah?
Like Replytester, cant say the exact number, but my guesstimation is 5ish. If you play with her every day, she will trust you before jace shows up, but otherwise just watch the quest log for the line about loneliness to change to trust.
Like Replycrap game and on top of that some mum incest for the loser incel guys out there. GIVE IT A MISS!!
Like Replywhat updates did [v 0.25c] bring? all i've noticed was the time of days were added.
Like ReplyHow are the two girls in inn? the one name haru and erika
Like ReplyHey developer, when ever i have control of them and give them the option to get pregnant and when ever i go to my room or my house and hit the sex button it said "not implemented" you should fix that because i know that you could have sex with them anywhere secluded but now you cant with the pregnant option
Like ReplyVaragonz, What i am trying to say is if i take them to my room or anywhere else while in my control while she moving the game will say not included
Like ReplyHow do you start breaking them/unlocking new rooms? Any of the girls help except for Lena or Eleane
Like ReplyBabek, Nevermind you just keep upping their exp
Like Replyhow do i do the quest in the forest with rika she is to fast to get to the fire place and Gwen doesn't help
Like Replyooga, there is no real trick to it other than keeping auto run on and reacting quickly. gwen's "help" is simply that she does not get in the way, which you can see if you take the time to talk to her. if it is any consolation, rika tries to pathfind to the player, but has no wall detection, so with optimized movement to get around the first set of trees, she likely will never get you, and unless you let her follow you, by the time you reach gwen, she will never catch up.
Like Replyhow tf are you meant to get past the bears(i assume) in your sisters mind, they are f***ing me off
Like Reply., save before running past. you'll get there.
Like Reply., I managed to get past those bears by clicking the shoes in your item menu. You can actually change your running speed from normal, fast and very fast. So i can literally play tags with the bears. haha!
Like Replyhow do you get Jace?
Like Replyblight, if your intelligence stat is high enough, simply talk to the teacher and back out of it once she transfers into the school (on the 3rd monday of the game). from there, the game mostly spells it out, but if you miss the dialouge, she generally can be found on the second floor of town hall. at lvl2, the town hall will never be locked, and her weekday night spot changes to her home. at lvl1, you can also find her playing with sarah at noon.
Like Replywhat about the little one they shot small bits of her being near or face to face with the actions you committed in front of her
Like Replymaybe the next update can have the ability to control Kay's mother on your on own
Like ReplyWho does the updating for this place? .24e is up, but this is still .23c
Like ReplyNice little game, mostly well thought out and some tricky bits(mind control mom). You can save game, but you have to allow browser to remember cookies/history.
Like Replythis needs to update to .24 asap
Like Replyhow do you give the mom the Aphrodisiac
Like Replyblight, nevermind I figured it out myself
Like Replyblight, would have been nice if you had left how you gave the AD's to the rest of us??
Like ReplyJerkfree, control, face and talk (or use the controller option in menu), then feed. MUST be done 3 consecutive time blocks of the same day while leaving night for the upgrade scene itself. (it is the only thing you can do on the day you start the quest. no other action that advances time is acceptable)
Like Replycool really cool
Like Replynice. this game is nice.
Like ReplyLoading takes forever. Other sites are fine.
Like Reply"Another RPG game where you have to walk around the city and it's closest surroundings and solve various tasks." In other words, a "fetch quest." Ugh.
Like ReplyDon't know if this is just me, but when I go to tutor Jace, afterwards, I instantly get an error, can't leave, and my last save if in with her, can I fix this or did I just soft lock my save?
Like Reply100% completed
Like Replyhow do get key's mom to fuck
Like Replyjust, get kay to level 3, then add 200 more exp. at second crystal, tell her to corrupt the mom, then wait in your room every morning for 4 days until cutscene is over.
Like Replydude where is mom at im doing morning noon and evening
Like Replyhelp, each character has a 7 day schedule, so i cant cover everything in depth. in the morning, she should always be at the dining room table. at noon, check town square and shop. evening she will always be in the same spot as morning. Night is always in her room. Exceptions are only from lvl up quests
Like Replyin the morning where is the mum at ???
Like Replyugh, each character has a 7 day schedule, so i cant cover everything in depth. in the morning, she should always be at the dining room table. at noon, check town square and shop. evening she will always be in the same spot as morning. Night is always in her room. Exceptions are only from lvl up quests
Like Replywell its hard to take 100% of the game because we dont cant save the game
Like Replyvitorr, incognito erases your save.
Like ReplyLol, small goof when you have a three sum with the mom and sister,he got the animation wrong,as in I chose to have sex with sister first but it showed me having sex with mom first
Like Replyhow can i get rike to trust me? anyone help
Like Replyugh, to get lvl 0, first you have to offer her juice while she is in her room, then have mom at lvl 2 and talk to mom.
Like ReplyEverytime I try to do the first scene with Rika, but the scene just loops infinitely Anyone else having this problem?
Like ReplyHow do i have sex with the dog girl you rescue
Like ReplyWho the F**k wants to play watching some blue ghost looking sh't banging chicks!
Like ReplyUpdate v0.22e Thanks
Like ReplyThough I hate how limited it is, it was fun to find out Lily has been added to the list.
Like Replyhow do i get Lena on level 2
Like ReplyHelp pls, you need 3 aphrodisiacs and 3 inhibitors in your inventory, then join them for a drink 3 NIGHTS IN A ROW. if you miss one, you have to start over.
Like Replyi cant get rika to talk about when gwen is coming
Like ReplyEyn, dialog triggers can be finicky. just keep pestering them (while it is the objective in the quest log) until it finally happens. sometimes, simply doing it the next day will give you better results. Things to note are that it has to be done at noon, you need rika lvl0+ to talk to her, and you must get the quest from gwen to count.
Like ReplyGuys I need help on getting Lena under my control but I don’t known how any ideas
Like ReplyUnknown, one of the 2 cows is quick to anger. to get lvl 0, figure out which one and keep talking to it in the morning. (try both 3-5 times, the one that changes dialog is the one you pester)
Like ReplyThe update is supposed to include a *mansion* for us to move into with the girls. Which building is it and how do we get it?
Like Replyis there any time lena is actually fuckable?
Like Replylmaooooo, This is from The guide When you have a follower with you, you can go to: -The empty classroom -The school toilet -The stump in the forest -The toilet in the shop -The toilet in the Mayor's office to trigger repeatable scenes.
Like Replyanyone know where this damn book for jace? i cant find it... wiki saids its in study but i clicked everywhere... what am i missing?
Like Replylost, cheat book is 1 tile right of the planning sparkle, but doesnt unlock jace. jace shows up after about 2 weeks, and if you have high enough knowledge, talking to the teacher starts the quest. I cant recall a single "book" required for jace's quests...
Like Replyi cant seem to get any of the events to work it waz fine last time i played
Like Replywhich book is for cheat, and how do you threesome with lily? or kat?
Like Replyone of the good guy, I only kown some of the answer the book to see or cheat your way to up the book is in your room sparkling and click on rest events
Like Replyone of the good guy, cheat book is one tile right of planning sparkle. lily's threesome is unlocked by telling kay to train her and waiting 4 days (you will get one scene describing progress every time you wake up until it forces you into the scene.)
Like ReplyHow do you *break them down* to enter the rooms in the girls mind?
Like ReplyCheck, first you need to get Elaine to full lvl 3 once that’s done to go the room where you plan then click on Elaine’s name then talk to g once that’s done he’ll explain everything else and hope that this help if not pls reply back k
Like ReplyCheck, once inside the minds themselves, you just need to keep up with the sex, even though planning says it is done. you will need 100 exp more for the first one, and the second will either be 0 or another 100, character dependent.
Like ReplyCheck. You need a 100 xp for every room so 100 xp for the first one - 200 xp for the second and so on
Like ReplyHey Dev, if you don't mind, can you post what changes and/or additions you done to the game with every update? It'd make it easier for us to keep up...
Like ReplySuggestion, e-smilingdog.7631/
Like ReplyWhy check follower status page doesn't show anything??
Like ReplyDoes anyone known how to get gewn under your control because I need her help to get the next upgrade on the sister mind control
Like ReplyUnknown, I had trouble with Gewn, also I need help with her route
Like ReplyUnknown, gwen's route: talk to her in class, talk to rika at noon when gwen isnt visiting, swipe the teddy on wed morning, talk to rika in class on the same day. note: to access rika, you need to have gotten at least lvl0 control over her.
Like ReplyGreat game!
Like ReplyI've got kat in the home, now what?
Like Reply如何完成kay的第一幕呀?=_=
Like ReplyBtw, this game is awesome!!! This was my dream game. I've waited so long for this. Can't wait for more content (like nsfw events in public).
Like ReplyThe "Revisit old events" is buggy. It showed me all the scenes at the first day itself. I only used it to catch Kat though.
Like Reply4h lost, never gonna do this game again
Like ReplyWhere do u find the juice
Like ReplyBigDickDavid, in the store, 2 buildings to the right of the school. 3 total to finish current content, but you can get away with 2, as you will get one back when you follow one of the character quests far enough. (other item requirements are 3 inhibitors, 6 aphrodisiacs, optional 4 sleeping pills for convenience, and rope is used in an optional clothing quest)
Like ReplyHow do you start Jase's route? And is it just me or is everyone unable to make Elaine wear the Harem outfit?
Like ReplyQuestions, gotta buy it at the tailer, go the larger road from lenas house to the left, above the big sqare place theres a man in a suit, talk to him
Like ReplyQuestions, for Jace, wait till she shows up in class, talk to teacher afterwards. If you have been attending semi-regularly up to that point, the teacher will ask you to tutor her and tell you where to find her afterschool. If you were not attending school, you must raise your knowledge stat a bit (by attending) before talking to the teacher.
Like ReplyWhen will come the next update of the game ?
Like Replywhat tea on the table , there is no tea on table to click on for the serum to his mother , can not leave the house , can not go back upstairs , god this sucks
Like ReplyTo star Jace route after she has transfered in your class you shoud talk with the teacher and he will ask you to be her tutor ... And after this you start her route !
Like Replywho's G and how do you find that person?
Like Replynever mind (i skipped the beggining)
Like Replydopehope, go right and you will fine old house go down and you will fine clown that is G
Like ReplyWhere do I find Jace?
Like ReplyHorn, i cant say the exact conditions, maybe knowledge, but keep going to school in the mornings, even if you dont actually stay for the lesson. eventually, she will show up as a transfer student. still figuring out out to get control, though.
Like ReplyHorn, she appears in the hallway of school, eventually. Not sure of the requirements
Like ReplyHorn, followup: after a set period of time, she will show up in class in the morning, forcing you into a lesson. after that, talk with the teacher with high enough knowledge to start her control route. exact numbers are still uncertain, though. 3 weeks ish sounds about right, and with 5 other characters, you should have plenty to do.
Like Replysuccess condition yet. I honestly would have preferred having the quest cut until it was complete
Like Replysometimes, the unfinished project just taunts you. "optional: sarah" with no success condition yet. I honestly would have preferred having the quest cut until it was complete, instead of hitting my head against a wall trying to find one obscure solution that doesnt exist.
Like ReplyCbomb9999, you can succeed in controling sarah you just can't do anything with her and the way to succeed is to play with her and Kay a few times before starting that mission
Like ReplyMichael, thx for the info. that is likely the most unclear control condition currently in the game. I went as far as buying one of every item in an attempt for something to trigger.
Like ReplyFastest control route/tutorial: mom(tutorial), Kay (play with sarah with a juice in inventory at noon. money only feasible first day with cheat book), Leah (annoy a cow in the morning), Rika, Gwen (talk to in morning class, ask lvl0 rika about schedule), Sarah (play with enough BEFORE kay's lvl2 mission), jace (attend school regularly, talk to teacher once she shows with enough knowledge)
Like ReplyCbomb9999, so, that happened... still learning this site's system...
Like ReplyCbomb9999, just can't get sarah doctrination...I play with them several time before indoctrinate kay, the mission says sarah trust me enough, but when I lost the tag, there is no telling anything about sarah being indoctrinated.
Like ReplyJaake, you get sarah in Kay's lvl2 mission. if she trusts you, bring a juice (which you likely got from kay's lvl1 quest), then go North, South, West, and West again, offer her a drink with the serum. She currently only effects certain sex scenes with kay, because she is the only character clearly underage. might change, but for now, lvl 0 is as far as she goes.
Like ReplyCbomb9999, accidently mixed up the directions. is actually N,W,S,W
Like Replygirl is all clear
Like Replywhat is the catman saying in spanish? He did it only once, I thought it was not important. Now after finishing the game, I am really curious about it, if I have missed something or not..
Like Replybhunter, got it: where do cats go when they die? Purgatory! but still, is this an easter egg?
Like Replybhunter, I'm confused, are you the same person or a different person who's playing a joke
Like ReplySince they weren't clear enough, how the hell do I do Gwen's route? Once I talk to Rika they block up the door and I can't go past so I can't do anything.
Like ReplyAlso, is knowledge even worth anything?
Like Replyhi, To indoctirnate Gwen, go talk to her at school in her classroom (above the washroom). Rika should yell at you about it, and the quest to indoctrinate Gwen should start. After that, you need Rika to tell you when Gwen is going to be at your house, then on a Wednesday morning, you need to go to Rika's room and take the bear. As long as the quest starts, you can follow the quest log.
Like Replyhi, Gwen is first started by talking to her in morning class, but it cant be progressed any farter until sis rika has serum in her. Get mom to lvl2, rika to untrained with serum (or higher), then talk to rika in her room about gwen's schedule. It might take a few tries, but from there the quest log is mostly accurate, other than requiring Wed. Trying on Sat updates the quest log with that information.
Like ReplyHow do I get Sara to take the serum?
Like ReplyCorn, You have to have played tag with her 10 ir more times, at least until the reapetable quest that says for you to play tag, says Sara trust you a lot more, and have a juice with you
Like Replyanyone know how to start lena? i got all other girls but cant figure out how to start lena's route
Like Replymeowmeow, during the morning time (when Lena is with all the animals), keep talking to one of the cows, it will eventually say "he looks irritated" talk some more and it will head butt you. This starts her indoctrination
Like Replyaww gwen is so adorable
Like Replyangel, how do you get her?
Like ReplyYou can play on phone just hit restart and it’ll work but you gotta tap and hold to move but overall it works fine and is pretty good
Like Replyanyone know how to start Gwen's line?
Like ReplyILoveSmallTits, while rika is still in level 0, you have to talk to rika and make her say when is gwen coming. then, on a wednesday morning before school you interact with the teddy bear in rika´s room. then you talk to rika in school and thats it... sorry if you dont understand, my english is not great
Like Replypepe, when we are level 0 we can't enter her bedroom how we are suppose to talk with her ?
Like ReplyMe, You have to get Mom to level 2, buy a juice from the tea pot store, and talk to your mom, ask her to help, and that should be it
Like ReplyILoveSmallTits, start by taking to gwen in the morning in class, then get basic lvl 0 control over rika. from that point, just follow the in game route, as it spells out the rest.
Like Replyhow do you find kay while in the forest?
Like Replypepe, GO up, then left, then down, then down I think
Like ReplyHELPER, You have to talk to her about her hideout & she'll take you there
Like ReplyAnybody know where Jace goes during hide & seek?
Like Replyrosslet, check behind the store.
Like Replyrosslet, Behind the store (Kay is behind a tree if she is also playing)
Like Replyanyone know how to start lena
Like Replyajgfdlk, just talk to the cows a bunch of times and the cow will kick you and lena will help you.
Like ReplyHELPER, thank you
Like ReplyAnyone Know Where To Find G And What Day G Is There?
Like ReplyHopeIsDope, G is the clown dude he is to the far right of the town.
Like ReplyHow I can talk to my mother at the night ? when she is in her bedroom it do nothing and after that make me sleep automatically
Like ReplyMe, do it on a saturday again. First time at home while she is sitting at the table, 2nd time at noon she is in the shop. 3rd time at the evening at the table again. than visit her at night and it should work
Like ReplyTrollolol - tried that, have the aphro but cant figure out how to give it to her. I have her controlled and click on it but dont think she's getting it.
Like Replyrosslet, Nvrmine - figured it out
Like ReplyI havent, how do you do it?
Like ReplyIs this game full??
Like Replyanyone know how to find the girls in the forest when upgrading kay to lvl 2
Like Replyhelp, Go to her house and talk with her mom
Like Replyhelp, GO up, then left, then down, and then I think is where you can find Kay but find the other one first
Like ReplyHELPER, How do you go up and left in the forest? And which other girl first?
Like Replyhelp, in order to upgrade Kay to level two first get her to full on level one then got to the plan room and click on Kay’s name once you’ll get that done ask lily until she tells you when does kay go once that’s done ask jay till she tells you that she’ll that you with her into the forest plus by chance if you known how to get Lena under control that’ll be a great help man
Like ReplyUnknown, srry if the one sentence is cut off it says that if you kown how to get Lena under mind control that’ll be great
Like ReplyUnknown, interact with the cow that moves, until something happens, you're welcome
Like ReplyNo way to play this on phone !!!!
Like ReplyIs this computer only?
Like ReplyTryingHard, at the moment yes
Like Replyyou can cheat by using the book in the little room near the protagonist room, you will be able to gain money and experience, other things has to be bought from the clown in the old mansions
Like Replywhere is protagonist room
Like ReplyLongDongSon, how
Like ReplyLongDongSon, to those who are wondering what the protagonist room is, its the room you can unlock after school, the book can be found to the right of the interactive sparkle.
Like Replyhypnohenai, ok then how do you cheat in money then
Like Reply