Three centuries ago, hope thrived on the planet Raana with the Ikaanos Colony, seen as a solution to Earth's overpopulation. Yet, it faltered. In the ensuing centuries, chaos, system shifts, and slavery dominated. Now, as a fortunate free citizen, you navigate the aftermath. Engage in new battles for power, where the echoes of past failures linger. Amidst the complex narrative, your role as a free citizen unveils a unique perspective on Raana's tumultuous history. The game immerses you into a world shaped by centuries of struggle. Enjoy the rush that comes with playing this game!
Does Anyone knows how to recruit soldiers in Bulk..instead of capturing NPC's one by one..that's the reason I rather give Aria away instead of helping her in "THE NEW WORLD ORDER" quest..the requierements for helping her out are ridiculous
Like Reply*spoilers.."THE LAST RELATIVE" questline,I have done to the point where the MC said ''He could just admit that his brother gone for good..or mount up an expedition to follow in his footstep"..I don't know how to make that happen..does Anyone know..please let me know
Like ReplyMarcos123, Same stuck as well at that point. Convinced the treasure hunter lady to go on expedition but to give her a few days warning beforfehand. I can only sell artifacts when I go to talk to her. I remember finding a note that said something about the Celior Forest, so i tried heading there on my own but cant seem to get there at this point.
Like Replyfijikilo0, She said to come tell her a day before we,both, go there together..and when you tried to go to can only sell her stuffs instead..I dunno what happened..because it seems like you have to convince her to join the expedition or shits would go sideways..if you don't..
Like ReplyBad Game glitch can't leave the shunsuke's place. Never conclude game there i can't access anything outside ofa loop of concluding days
Like ReplyNeeds a main menu button always accessible. Completely shut down and cant even start a new game
Like ReplyVersion 8.4.1 is out Gamcore Overlords..please update game
Like ReplyMarcos123, Gamcore Overlords..thanks for allowing us to use the "more enhanced" option with this update..this is a HUGE boost compared to the previous basic start-up..You guys are the Shyt-a :)
Like Reply'SugarCube'' not deifine...someone please explain how cheats works
Like Replyhow to get mor enhanced
Like ReplyUnable to help dotaka from aimee's goods due to the fact that the icon you need to click on doesn't even show up anymore "outside of aimee's goods to the right of the monk under the tree"
Like ReplyRecently started playing, I enjoyed it at first but after the grind to get someone's willpower in the negative and their corruption above 50 all while keeping the economy going and everything else just to find out I couldn't enslave them, I found it to be a grindy waste of time.
Like ReplyUpdate Dropped thanks Gamcore Overlords..what it does it gives you the Darkmere Mill..and Dengi invasion which fucks up my old saves when triggering..OK imma just stop playing this game for a while now cause the Dev(s) clearly don't give a fuck about making the public version of it better
Like ReplyDoes Anyone knows when they ll update this game?
Like ReplyThis just plays like a horrible RPG. the grind fest is real. all these comments must be fake, I just dont understand how anyone can enjoy this game.
Like ReplyDaiki, it is the ridiculous requierements that the Dev(s) ask for each quests that are frustruating..the game as you for hundreds of thousands of dollars on spending on buildings while you earn a daily of one thousand(+) at most..and I don't think this Dev(s) knows how slavery works too well,cause you need to be "nice" to certain slaves to unlock their questlines or fuck their mind altogether..
Like ReplyGamcore Overlods a new version of this game came out..please update..though I dunno what it contains
Like ReplySimple cartoon game. The game is quick to complete. I love games where there are fat women with big boobs!
Like Reply*SPOILERS>...Is Joining ARIA's rebel the ''CANON'' event or selling her to Kyamanto? cause I sold her ass but after I recruited the chick from the Orient..''The Liberator'' quest had me wanting to ''talk'' to her AGAIN after I have already recruited her..I don't understand,cause "The Liberator" questline doesn't trigger if you sell Aria off to Kyamanto
Like ReplyDoes Anyone knows how to raise "Affection?..I can raise up "Happiness" but not "Affection"
Like ReplyMarcos123, try masterlove
Like Replywsg, What's that?..also dunno how to lvl up "corruption"
Like ReplyThe biggest problem, aside from the constant WIP quests, is that I can't locate people that you are supposed to meet with to advance a quest. "Go talk to person X" becomes a game of a 1000 clicks as I try to figure out where they were months ago.
Like ReplyEarlier in the game, I released Aria and now I can't find her. Is it even possible to do so?
Like ReplyChesty, she is at kahil outpostt i think
Like ReplyI have no idea WTF is new..
Like ReplyMarcos123, Just checking it out, looking for changes.
Like ReplyMarcos123, see here:
Like ReplyNickname, you also know how to unlock Mr Tillingast..I can only invite the two merchants at dinner..his name is grayed out
Like ReplyPlaying on phone and tablet half of the screen us missing
Like Replyevery update we have to start over and now they took away the "more enchanced option" way to kill an awesome game with this bullshit
Like ReplyWhat is actually new in this update beside a new empty area I found called "Ravenhood" new quests?..and my investments in the businesses still have shits low returns?..and does anyone knows how to unlock Mr Tillingast yet,the next door neighbor or something?
Like ReplyOn August 30th Public version was released.
Like ReplyWARNING! This is a leaked Alpha build with lots of bugs. It doesn't even contain Aria's full quest. Download 0834c from Grim's Discord to get the real game.
Like Reply8.3.3 public is live! A lot of content for the Aria-rebel choice.
Like ReplyCaitlin's Quest..she made me go collect samples for her then in the Journal MC said it would take at least 1 or 2 days for her to get done testing them,and he should take a close eyes on's been a month for me in game and nothing is happening..anyone knows wtf is going on? please
Like Replysomeone said you supposed to send her to Kymanto Labs,but how I do that though?
Like ReplyMarcos123, in the journal under this quest it normally gives details on what menu interface is needed. Caitlin’s is odd because she has to be in your party for a bunch. But the lab work not, I think. In one of her interaction menus at home might be what you are looking for.
Like ReplyMarcos123, really there is no one thing that I can say in just a brief posting. I have been playing this game for a long time. I do the battles, scavenge and invest as much as possible and complete as many of the challenges as I can. I just like playing this game.
Like ReplyChesty, oh I see..thanks
Like ReplyDo you know how to get hounds(dogs) for our home base?..
Like ReplyMarcos123, I guess that I'm missing something. Haven't seen or heard anything about "hounds". Please fill me in.
Like ReplyChesty, there is a random events where some pets breaks into your house and you have to decide whether to kill or capture it..normally cause it has a weird name I always choose to kill it..but I might've mistaken cause they might be the "hounds or dogs" this game are referring to...
Like ReplyHow do you start this game with the "more enhance" option..mine's gray out in the menu
Like ReplyHas anyone ever made like 400 thousands or a million plus dollars in this game truly?..I think the public version of the game is meant to fuck with us..the requirement to purchase empty businesses are too high..quests requirements too high..everything cost money and everything is expensive eh even your investments don't bring back enough revenues..I still have a -1789 salaries for my mercenaries I'm trying to cope with
Like ReplyMarcos123, as of this post, I have made just shy of $20,000,000. As yet, there are no Taverns open to purchase or invest in. Daily income is $10, 706.00 perday and I have 54 people in my household, including 3 children. Influence is 1, 235, 079. It can be done.
Like ReplyChesty, Could you please provide a short mini-walkthrough as how you manage to achieve this feat from start to finish please?..and as for the Taverns,you need to look around the buildings with the "crafting" icon on them around Redhaven,there you will see 2 empty buildings that you can purchase to convert on either workshops or Taverns..and last..How to start with the "more enhance" option if you know..thanks!
Like Replycan you please fix the sugar cube developer tools I'm trying to edit my slaves skills and traits and now nothing works please fix this otherwise i wont be playing because im not gonna play this game for an hour grinding money only to come up with 60 extra bucks
Like ReplyUnsealedhades, How to use the suger cube please?
Like Replysome of the ui blocks itself
Like Reply8.3 is here!!! link to the new guide
Like ReplyWhen will version 8.3.3 be coming out?
Like ReplySo when does the next update come out? It's been some time, now.
Like ReplyI have been enjoying this game for about six months. I would definitely not call this game a sex RPG, it is a strategy RPG that has intense graphical sex scenes. This game has become one of my favorites. It has gladiator-style fights, big game hunting expeditions, bounty-hunter commissions, all kinds of different mysteries and quests to go on and so much more. I do wish that when you engage in sex that the scenes were animated versus still static graphic scenese.
Like ReplyI have 8 thousands influence I don't know how to gather district requieres 10 thousands to enter,how am I supposed to find that?...also where to find new quests or cheat for moneys?..I took the loan from the bank to help the chicks out the store and I can't seem to turn in ANY profit yet..completed every questsline..out of things to do..
Like ReplyVersion Public has been released. New district, gear, slaves, and a massive amount of image renders.
Like Reply25 Hands guns "getting my bearings"..40 long sword and 20 automatic riffles "Fort sera" for both quests..Holy hell those requirements are down right outrageous for quests objectives..takes an eternity to craft shits too and I dunno where to find blueprints from those danm things..The DnD system in this game is total shit,I just got done buying a girl for 35k and she gives me mad attitude when I'm trying to hit that the fuck?
Like ReplyGives credits where credits due because where the "Apolocyptic World" game shines instead of this one..There are some formidable quests in this game though and the Xcom type like combat system is alright..but when it comes to this whole "Slaving system" the game fails miserably..I'm trynna place why Dev(s) cannot get that system right cause a danm slave is something to a thrall from viking lore..they have no will or rights..smfh
Like ReplyDoes anybody have an idea where "SWG.R22" comes into play? Thank you in advance for clearing this up for me.
Like ReplyPublic Version was released September 29th.
Like ReplyAll my save games are gon again
Like ReplyPublic 0.8.2c is out with game adjustments, bug fixes, and archive updates for text/images.
Like ReplyI'm gonna be honest, i played this 1 year ago and it was kinda fun, i tried this again 2 weeks ago and i can't believe how much i got hooked. This game is now a masterpiece, to the point that any other game here is kind of a joke by comparison. It's not even about the porn anymore, it's a deeply structured world with awesome management gameplay. I'm poor, but just cancel your patreons to dumb ren'py novels and give them to him instead. He actually deserves them.
Like Replyif aria escapes are you just fucked? is there no way to continue or reset her??
Like Replyunga bunga, Honestly I put her on a rack,fuck the shit outta her and after she gave me her one Quest and done it,put her back on that rack once we got spend 35k on her and the bitch comes with a witty attitude that you cannot tame her down easily,like what the hell..I think you might be screwed but she only gives one quest anyway and the loot was good I dunno
Like ReplyI have my saves bfac*k, I'm njot sure what happenj d
Like ReplyAll my games are gone
Like ReplyZek, saves I mean
Like Replythe new public version is out , please update it, thanks in advance admins :)
Like ReplyTheDot., The 8.2 update is not showing up here (GAMCORE).
Like ReplyChesty, huh? why is that if you dont mind me asking?
Like ReplyTheDot., The update finally showed up. YAY!
Like ReplyPublic version 0.8.2 just dropped. This is a major one, please update.
Like ReplyWhen will the "Inspect Captured Slaves" feature open up? Also, when will we be able to capture slaves? The ones that I currently have are getting long in the tooth. LOL
Like ReplyAdmins pretty please update the game soon, thanks :D
Like ReplyThe new update is out
Like ReplyWhen will the KAHILL OUTPOST open up for access?
Like ReplyAnyone got any tips or tricks to share
Like Reply1234567890, here's a basic guide, focus on building wealth and investments first, and don't try to improve your combat skills until you buy the sureshot implant in whitehaven
Like ReplyBtw this music is from Galactic Civilizations 2: Dread Lords. It's ripped entirely from that game
Like Replyokey. i like it and i want to play
Like ReplyThe game doesnt work its just a black screen :(
Like Replyaccidentally deleted the auto save.. how to reset it?
Like ReplyI have to say that I'm really enjoying this game! I'm looking forward to the new feature of capturing some slaves! Keep up the great work!
Like Replywhere the fk is the HOUSE RULE section damn it !?
Like ReplyFAPAQ, it's under they not management menu or the red circle with the lines in it
Like ReplyUmbrel, sorry about the weird saying my tablet auto changed my words and I didn't notice
Like ReplyOn May 25th version (public) was released. Pretty please update with a cherry on top.
Like Replyplease update :D
Like ReplyTheShadowKnows, yes
Like ReplyIt sure would be nice to be able to assign one or more members of the Household to Crafting duties. Have you given any thought to doing so?
Like ReplyOne more question. Will it be possible to "liberate" some of the Slave Girls from the DockGrave Tavern Annex? I guess that you can tell that I have all of the available slave girls in my keep and yet I have 3 open slots. LOL
Like ReplySo when does "Approach Bed" turn into something fun? Also, will the "new" Slave Trader actually offer some new slaves? And when will the "new" territory open up? Just curious. All in all, this has become one of my all time favorite games! Keep up the great work! Thank you!
Like ReplyThx Admin :D
Like ReplyThe new update is out
Like ReplyNeeds Update 8.1.5 public came out April 21st
Like Replyhow unlock: upper crows end, the procoms and n. whiteheaven ?
Like ReplyIm trying to let one of my slave become a follower to complete a quest. However, it doesn't seem to be working. Is there anyone who successfully adds a slave into the followers?
Like Replycactus, Have you tried opening up a slot by removing one of your Followers?
Like ReplyWhat is the code from the warehouse?
Like ReplyWhen will the next update going to be released?
Like ReplyChesty, Out now!
Like ReplyBy the way...this game is pretty freaking cool! Thanks!
Like ReplyWell... I tried it twice, but there is no lead what, where to do. It also does not help that the interface is messed with tiny icons you don't know what to expect. Throwing a protagonist in a world with no idea what to do and how to do it is just meeh and leads most of the player to spend some money until you realize this was the wrong thing to do, get killed in a random fight or any other stuff that does not lead to any expecting result. The result is that the player leaves the game early.
Like ReplyLol, bad rolls everytime, even the tutorial battle is tricky... the tutorial battle for fuck sake. "you miss by an inch !" "Ansel missed by an inch !" And then the "very poor skilled" enemies all crits you in a row and you only have a third of your HP to both your characters. Even the peasant is not that good (but way better than the first two shits - MC and ansel" An ill-balanced game ? Well, maybe just a shit game then.
Like ReplyDevelopers of porn games should stick to what they "can" do: imagining porn stories. Once a while, they can be good. But making a true game with complex activities ? Maybe not your best asset.
Like ReplyThe new update is out
Like Replyhow to upload new version?
Like ReplySo when will the Master at Preacher's Pond show up? Just curious. I seem to have hit a wall with the game.
Like ReplyThis is a fantastic game! I am looking forward to the next update so I can see where things will lead to. When might that be coming?
Like ReplyChesty, its part of michelles quest where you are searching for her friend you,during the quest you must go into crystal hights
Like Replyjames, Thank you for that feedback. I did make that quest and have added Adrienne to my house. :-) Now I'm waiting to score with Aimee and Dakota! LOL
Like ReplyNew version is out, please upload!
Like Replyi have 4 with me and one of them and sill its miss miss miss miss miss miss miss am dead come on now i like the game but sill fuck you
Like ReplyThis seem a fun game
Like ReplySTALKER is doing better at handling the mechanics with the slave thing..this game gives outrageous requierements to purchase a slave 35k in a short amount of time..and 1500 influence to be able to enter another area,yet not enough contracts or substances to match those goals..I dunno..maybe after many future updates,it will be good..or someone has a money cheats or something..the girls are slaves yet you got to simp out to them to able to sex them or unlock their sidequests
Like ReplyI mean..what the hell..slavery is like you buying a car..put gas on it and it refuses to drive you to the destination you wanna go cause it thinks it is sentient or something..this is's either the dev(s) implement a rightful slavery system in the game or strip it off completely..cause this one aint working at all
Like ReplyMarcos123, ive played through several times already and was able to get every slave available
Like Reply12 hours ago Version 0.8.1 has been released! for public
Like Replynext pach is out pls update
Like ReplyI was supposed to start with a rifle. I choose to get into conflict with the dock punks & guess what I don't have?
Like ReplyIt doesn't all fit on the screen for mobile users. Have to constantly flip the device when on the map to get where I want to go and then flip back for other game play. I can't adjust the screen.
Like ReplyNixle, same here...but I can't find the I'm 18 button. It doesn't always scroll.
Like ReplyNixle, Same but it’s unplayable literally half of it fits in the screen
Like ReplyHow do you become a "Licensed Slave" for the slave auction?
Like ReplyHow di I interact with the Annex. I can't find a way.
Like ReplyAnon, first you have to build the annex, then you have to press the menu button (the red button with three lines) which you can find under household slaves in the middle of the ui. once the menu has been brough up you can select your slaves and the interactions become available.
Like Replynew version is out. more room for slave, and a fuckton of new features.
Like Replythe save is buged
Like Replya, see for converting old saves to the newest version.
Like ReplyI really like the game, but here is why i stopped playing: 4 slots for slaves are really not enough, i would like to "try" new slaves, but i really don't want to sell the old ones, there's a lot of Wip, and i definetively don't want to miss them when they come out, or having to restart the game. I think that workplaces should be more, and they should actually "remove and hold" the slave , or rly anything that gives us more ways to "park" them
Like ReplyAnon, its coming
Like ReplyAnon, Its here, been here
Like ReplyY don’t the sugar cube commands now work anymore
Like Replyad some more pictures and a Bank system to the game maybe
Like Replymoney becomes easy once u get on the crystal hills after that becomes easy and there is also some hidden things to do and the girls also can give u paths to solve and also at the academie,can also sell the extra guns at the market for a fast money,works for me and the game is awesome
Like Reply15 ml is not "Extreme", 20 ml cum is normal...
Like ReplyDeWHu, According to parameters developed by the National Institute of Health, normal semen volume ranges from 1.5 ml to 5 ml. Semen volume is essentially the amount of semen you produce during ejaculation.
Like ReplyAmazing game with amazing potential, but needs better graphics
Like ReplySex Tiger, the solo indie developer is replacing the WIP images with renders every update.
Like ReplyKeep up the amazing work, the depth and complexity of gameplay are wonderful. I hope you keep working on it and find someone to help with with graphics, would love to see some sex-related images while having sex, i usually ditch games that don't have them, but this one is seriously fun to play despite that. Maybe raise the "working income" a bit that way of playing is too punishing
Like ReplyJohann, The dev appreciates all feedback. join the discord if you have a chance!
Like Replynewest update 7.9.1 download avail now: hopefully the admins on this site will update their version soon.
Like ReplyIs there a schedule for updates?
Like ReplyFascor The Imp, monthly updates. goto for more info.
Like ReplyCan you get the girls pregnant?
Like Reply1234567890, pregnancy is coming in the next 2 updates.
Like ReplyWhen i open the game is says a fatal error has occured "no valid storage adapters" anyone know what the issue could be?
Like Replybfl511, sounds like a browser issue. you may be better off downloading it directly and running it on your computer. for public download options if your running on mobile, the developer GrimDark is working on making the game more mobile friendly.
Like Replywiki: discord link is there too.
Like ReplyGreat update! thanks
Like ReplyGame lacks way to much to even be published. Just abig mess of stupid task and no journal or questlist. Could have been a nice game but now its just a booring mess of nothing.
Like ReplyFellraven, there is a big journal icon on the character screen...
Like ReplyToo hard to make money!
Like ReplyJinx, goto the wiki for more information on how to play the game
Like ReplyPretty. And the character creation really sets high expectations for the game. Looks like a very interesting setting, rich in complex interactions. Haven't past this part yet, but if the only good thing about the game proves to be the character creation I would say it is still well invested time. Good work.
Like ReplyI cant seem to get the but plugs to work
Like ReplyNickname, buttplugs are a WIP (work in progress). closest thing you can get to it current is the bondage system using the anal hook, or the dildo chair.
Like Replyhorrible combat system. i had two mercenaries and a companion fully decked with armor and weapons. went up against four enemies(two unarmed/unarmored and two combat knife wielders/low armors) got my ass handed to me. the unarmed had melee range of a gun(so did knife ones) and managed to kill the mercenaries and incapacitate companion and bring me to less than 5% health before i won the battle. loot was two combat knifes, 1 merchandise, 2 rations, and 64$. 1 star game, good concept/poor execution
Like ReplyWTF, uhhh... what where your combat skills at? cause if its below 40 for ranged/melee... yah.
Like ReplyLook here for cheats! :D Step 1) Drag browser window til it's really tiny. Step 2) Click the full screen window that appears on website. Step 3) Hit F12 and click console. Step 4) Type any of the following commands after you create your character. = 300000 SugarCube.State.foodstuff = 1000 SugarCube.State.variables.melee = 200 (You can change melee to most other skills. Only one I haven't figured out yet is "Science".)
Like ReplyJ, Other variables list for just your character stats( These are in order from the character stat sheet): EX: Sugar.Cube.State.variables.X = ## (Replace X with the stat name and replace number with what you want it to be at) masterstrength, masterdex, masterstamina, masterint, masterwill, aca, chem, _, melee, ranged, masterstealth, survival, gambling, manipulate, mastercharm, fuckskill, bondskill, whipskill, lickskill, kisskill,
Like ReplyJ, Btw this coding works for any game where the save/load UI looks like it does with this game. I've yet to see one where it doesn't.
Like ReplyJ, For science, the cheat is "tech"
Like Replyim getting this error when trying to input it into the console comand ncaught ReferenceError: Sugar is not defined
Like ReplyJ, When I type it I get the error : Sugar not defined
Like ReplyJ, BTW if you're having an issue where it's not defined, that likely means you didn't properly full screen the window.
Like ReplyJ, clarify please
Like ReplyJ, Between the Sugar and teh Cube is a Dot that schouldnt be there as example SugarCube.State.variables.mastercharm = 200
Like ReplyJ, SugarCube.State.variables.av_ (acro,domestic, etc) is for slaves
Like ReplyJ, Can you explain the first and second step more specifically im having a hard time trying to do this and understand what you mean by drag browser so its really tiny
Like ReplyUnsealedhades76, just figured out that he means to exit full screen and scroll up to the top of the gamcore page and there you can press the full screen in on the page not in the top corner like you normally would
Like ReplyJJ, This is confusing i exited the full screen but i dont see a new button to make my screen fullscreen.
Like ReplyJJ, I got it now but when i press f12 nothing happens all its doing for me is turning airplane mode on and off.
Like ReplyJ, you da true hero
Like ReplyJ, it aint working since the new update i cant change any of my slaves skills using the developers tools
Like ReplyCan't play on mobile cause it doesn't show on screen properly
Like ReplyBruh, better mobile compatibility is being worked on right now. that being said, using joiplay and reducing the zoom to .5 instead of 1 will work.
Like ReplyShinCore, still don’t work
Like Replythis game kinda reminds me of TALES OF ARCANIA. Unfinished with a lot of bugs. I wonder if the same person made them both.
Like Replydave, this is GrimDark's first game.
Like ReplyI don't know if it's because of the update but this version is having some error that says no storage detected. and then the game doesn't start.
Like Replybro y the would u put armor in the game when it does fuck all
Like ReplyDave, I tested ever armor with same foe a few times it looks fine
Like ReplyThis is a "sex game" with no sex. Everything in WIP(work in progress). I suspect this started out as a sub par RPG before low effort attempt at "sex sells" not worth your time. The skills improvement have no impact on combat. I played a few times and conclude this game is shit.
Like ReplyNo Sex, mmmm if your wanting animations, wrong game currently. though that may change in the future. text mostly. the latest update has way more renders now. for the rest, check the wiki for guidance on how to be better at not dying.
Like ReplyUpgrade house to max on all rooms. Acquire new slave, friendly disposition. Set house rules to the most freedom possible. Set house luxury to lavish. Go to sleep. Wake up, new slave disposition Venomous with a -15 happiness. Why though? A lot of things happen in this game and there is little to no feedback as to why.
Like ReplyI don't have any of these issues. Do you have automatic feeding? I have broken all slaves in the game and sold them for 15-20k each
Like ReplyStand infront of someone shotgun in their chest....MISS.... and slaves dont have choice of pursuading them..... so FAR 4-10
Like ReplyMe tiene enganchadisimo el juego, aun que encuentro pocas maneras de ganar dinero en grandes cantidades
Like ReplyCan you please put a button that lets you restart the game?
Like ReplyWhat an absolute garbage of a game
Like ReplyThis game SUCKS.!
Like ReplyIt's definitely not mobile friendly
Like Replygood game just wish i could use cheats cause i make bad choices
Like Replyluke5, Save often
Like ReplyThis is an incredibly detailed game. I played it far more for the gameplay
Like Replykeep it up, I hope soon more games and pending updates, thanks.
Like ReplyI cannot get beyond the character creation skills section because I think there is screen size issue, at least in Chrome. Shame as it looks interesting.
Like ReplyMaxim, Ah-hah, worked it out.
Like ReplyMaxim, how did you fix it?
Like ReplyVitaminD, press ctrl and "-" to zoom out
Like ReplyVitaminD, in firefox right click > this frame > show only or open in new tab > F11 for full screen / in chrome F11 > ctrl + to zoom in
Like ReplyMaxim, you have two use a computer or that is the only way i could get it two work
Like ReplyBring on the downvotes creepy bitches
Like ReplyYou should change the colour of the textto a light one, because beackground is dark and the Text is also dark
Like ReplyStalin, I encountered this issue as well, found a fix though. Just hit the fullscreen button and the text will switch to the parchment background
Like Reply