Stranded on a deserted planet after a catastrophic crash, seven young ladies must unite to survive until rescue arrives. These young women, who were just students from various fields on their way to a secluded research site, are now facing challenges they never imagined. You, as their leader, will take control of all seven women, making crucial decisions to guide them through this ordeal. However, there's a catch: not all of them will have the strength of will to make the correct choices! Can you help these girls get over their differences and figure out a way to escape this hostile planet? It's their lives - and your strategy - that depend on it!
little content, very grindy, and not even hints how to unlock missed scenes
Like Replyq juego riko
Like Replyreally dont like the point system other than that it is a fine game really like the option to remove futas not many games have that this days
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