Life in Middle East [v 0.2.3] [Restart]
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Anal Sex
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Female Protagonist
Group Sex
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Interracial Sex
Oral Sex
Over 18
Sexy Ass
Sexy Babes
Visual Novels
Description: In this game, you take on the role of Banu, a woman living in the Middle East. Life hasn't been easy for her. She experienced the loss of her husband in a car accident. Later, she remarried a man named Kamil, who also faced a similar tragedy. Banu is a mother, and her daughter is her top priority. She constantly strives to do what's best for her child, but what about Banu herself? As you guide Banu through her journey, you'll navigate the complexities of her life, balancing her roles as a mother and a woman with her own needs and desires. Don't let her succumb to a boring life but instead help her explore her sexual desires. Her milf pussy definitely needs some servicing. Guide her and help her choose herself, for once! |
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Waiting for the update for months, then the update brings glitches Constant exit, One-sided dialogue, And still images
Like ReplyYou know, if you're gonna base a story on a Muslim woman, at least do some research. A simple head covering does not make someone a Muslim. It's just weird and cringy looking.
Like ReplyPlease update !
Like Replyulan kodumun türkleri,
Like ReplyIt is a good game, because it does not focus only on the main character, you have the choice to be a good wife or a bitch
Like ReplyMy last save was over a year ago. This update is an slap in the face. HAHAHAHHAHA dev must be taking it very easy:)
Like ReplyThat it, a whole month for a short update not even a single-sex sense with the protagonist
Like Replythis game is pos
Like ReplyI can't play it. JavaSript error...
Like Replypretty meh
Like ReplyShit story everyone’s a whore and slut
Like ReplyAsan xidmət nədir day gijdillağ
Like ReplyV0.9 was released. pls update
Like ReplyThis game pissed me off when it started to black out choices. I was looking forward to having her like being forced.
Like Reply Hello, this site helps you to focus better on the game and if you are satisfied, do not forget to like !?
Like Replyhi goooood
Like Replyc'est tes un beau jeux , mais dans cette version il sont censurè les èpisode de sex c'est domage
Like Replylame muslim terrorist hos lol
Like ReplyWould the MC be a male doing crazy things, this could be something. Going to the mosque pray for a good day, then walk to a church or synagogue and fuck some white infidels LoL Maybe do some real evil, bombs and such, last chapter you in heaven with your 40 virgins ???
Like ReplyLongDong Juice, Das Leben ist kein Wunschkonzert, Bro
Like Replyhow to have sex with Bano and Ruslan?
Like ReplyPlease fix the bug . very good game one of my favorite keep it up soo sexy it is
Like ReplyV 0.7 please
Like ReplyThe developer has never set foot in the Middle East for sure. characters ethnicity "Caucasian" LOL The characters' height rang LOL This is what the developer thinks the ME looks like, the reality is FAR from it
Like ReplySeriously, Of course the Swede knows about the middle-east, you already live there
Like ReplySeriously, Caucasian has two fairly distinct meanings, and the difference between them occasionally leads people to aver that one of them is incorrect. The earliest sense of the word is a literal one: “of or relating to the Caucasus (a region in southeastern Europe between the Black and Caspian seas) or its inhabitants.” The second refers to the racial group commonly referred to as white. Caucasian can refer to a person of European, Middle Eastern or North African ancestry.
Like ReplyPussysniffer667, ....
Like ReplyYou get blown up by a drone strike, the end.
Like ReplyI don't know why it is so difficult to go on like last year. Where everything had worked perfectly. Nothing works now. Error there, error there and error there. Just shit.
Like ReplyI think I'm fucked and can't play the games anymore, because that comes up in the middle: Error: InvalidStateError: A mutation operation was attempted on a database that did not allow mutations. (see JavaScript console for details) Warning: write error: The current transaction exceeded its quota limitations. And I have no idea what to do
Like Replyhahaha wtf is this haram story
Like Replylook you play as a girl but have to do only what we want u to
Like Replyviment la suite
Like ReplySO boring! I expected this game to have a lot of sexy blasphemous content and break a lot of Middle Eastern taboos, like Female Domination and homosexuality, but there's nothing fetishy about it at all. So fucking boring and lame. I mean, what's the point of even setting it in the Middle East? Thumbs down.
Like Replysi il veule crèe un jeux , il devrè faire un jeux comme la réalitè en fesan des petit changement je croix que les turque ou la arabe , peuve avec plusieur femme ou de jeune fille praix avoir des enfant , il pourai faire le changement de l'homme à la femme et sa serrai la famme qui aurrè plusieur homme ou jeune homme , sa serè plus cool , j'ai lu quelque par que quelque famille turque ou arabe fessai de l'inceste et de la poliguamie .
Like ReplyExcept of a few characters none of them look like they are from middle east.... Banu wears a headscarf, but other clothing doesn't fit to that.... Too revealing for muslima in public. She even is wearing High-Heels.... omg!
Like ReplyIS this really turkish society? i doubt, some woman will not be able to sleep with second husband for even 10 years. somehow i am annoyed with story and some characters. but the game is good enough to play.
Like Replylmao do you really expect to learn about cultures in a sex game?
Like ReplyJosef, turks are not like that. we are very confused with the arab society. we've never had polygamy either
Like ReplyBigChungus, of course not.... we are not Americans. i love Attaturk and his whole story etx. i love whole modern Turk history. Just asking creator, how much scifi is there. but i guess you when lmao will not believe any explanation.
Like ReplyEfe, yes off course :-)
Like ReplyL'histoire à l'air intèrèssente , c'est domage que il n'y a pas plus de sex , c'est domage que la fille se fait violer ,,une bonne histoire d'amour serrè mieux ou inceste avec toute la famille ou belle famille et avec imprègnation enceinte serrè mieux et pourquoi pas de la poligamie
Like Replywher next ...Too many characters, hard to follow the story.
Like ReplyToo many characters, hard to follow the story.
Like ReplyReview, exactly, i dont get the primes theirs nothing here thats interesting or exciting like dev dusnt even know what tags hes going for
Like Replycould be good but needs a shit load of work
Like ReplyPuahuahauhauhua bu ne amk
Like ReplyBOoring! I am done with this game.
Like ReplyRuslan is an entitled, spoiled prick. If possible he will almost no play in my playthrough.
Like ReplyKilroy82, nah the main character is, she only thinks about herself, that's why I never let her have sex with anyone. That stupid ass bitch
Like ReplyWho writes this? The wife has been with her husband for years and not had sex. Decides she has been too hard on him and wants to give him a chance and now at day 5 hubby has gotten exactly one kiss?
Like ReplyAmcık Genişleten, yanlış .
Like Replyafdsfadsgdhfjkl, Noluo aq
Like ReplyYARRAKDELİSİ, iyi 31ler
Like ReplyFfijgjfoigjdojgsgdnbs, vay amk
Like ReplyAmcık Genişleten, ulan butun Turkler burda amk
Like ReplyAmcık Genişleten, Merhabalar AQ
Like Replymia khalifa, beyler türkiyede bu kadar kültürlü insan bulmak çok zor toplanmamız lazım
Like ReplyAmcık Genişleten, aga oha amk
Like ReplyYARRAKDELİSİ, ahahha kültürlü 31ciler ak
Like ReplyFfijgjfoigjdojgsgdnbs, vay amına koyim
Like ReplyAmcık Genişleten, Vay aq ne türk varmış
Like ReplyYARRAKDELİSİ, amınıza koyduklarım o bilgisayar size porni oynayın diye mi verildi
Like ReplyAmcık Genişleten, oğlum böyle şeylerden hoşlanan tek benim zannediyodum amına koyayım olaya bak ahahha
Like ReplyYARRAKDELİSİ, amcık herifler sizi burda görünce utandım 31 çekmekten neyse devamke
Like ReplyAmcık Genişleten, DC açalım knk
Like ReplyAmcık Genişleten, amına koyim gene bulduk birbirimizi am olan yerde yemin ediyorum eksik olmuyoruz
Like ReplyBenlikYokHüü, türkiyeden nası girdin
Like ReplyBu oyun bizlerin toplanma alanı oldu aq
Like ReplyYARRAKDELİSİ, Hadise frikik arıyodum nereye geldim aq
Like ReplyEhhhh, it’s decent and has potential and the sex scenes are pretty smooth.But there’s really no interaction with banu, hopefully in the future they’ll be scenes for her.
Like Replyhelal olsun güzel valla
Like Replysamsunlee, knk güzelmi harbi la
Like ReplyGooood game
Like Replyreally good game
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