You might land on a black screen but don't let this deter you. Just click on it and hit replay. In this sexgame, you will meet Jamal. He sleeps with your mother and enjoys bullying you. He is literally a pain in the ass. He keeps on telling you to perform various tasks. You can either choose to obey his every command or fight back. Whatever the choice, you are in for some steamy fuck sessions. Click on different storylines to enjoy different endings. You can choose to watch as he fucks your mum or you can join in the fun!
Cant really get into it. Pretty clunky game, if you can call it that. And hate when they spoil the story before it starts, I mean we know where its gonna end up by the title but then showing that scene right at the start just makes the whole game pointless imo.
Like Replyjust 3 alphabets WTF
Like Replyits shit no game at
Like ReplyThis was sad and pathetic. A complete waste of time
Like ReplyDude you got to expand this
Like ReplyAnother example as to how bad games are getting, they're not forcing anyone to update !.
Like Replywould not be a bad game as long as you include an option where the MC wins against the guy and takes revenge on his mother and that guys family. Hard to build love/hate well in these games, but I gotta say I wanted to run that dude over so good job there, but give those of us that do not care to be a cuck the option, or you limit your audience.
Like Reply"option where the MC wins against the guy" Dats rayciss!
Like Replydont know what program you use to make your game but i cannot get it to work on mine.
Like ReplyWish they would at least have the Developers update their own game once a month, any games half worth playing just sets on the site
Like ReplyThis is the truth about this so-called game not to fart I received from psychology, this is a black man, I will not call him African American because it would be offending, it is a shitty black who took with a white woman the mother of whom he knows and uploaded it Like a game boasting about your adventure, it seems strange what I say, just think
Like ReplyMarian Flood, I cannot understand this sentence at all and saying african american is the least offensive thing you could call him
Like ReplyZerodai, the website automattically corrected it
Like ReplyThis is not a game, it's just a very short story with shit graphics. Don't waste your time on this trash
Like Replyno real game here. y even post this?
Like ReplyAbsolute shit.
Like ReplyThey're putting the better games out for Renpy players, must be charging phone bill....
Like ReplyJust a short comic book that's absolutely bullsh't
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