Inheritance [v A101] [Restart]
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Visual Novels
Description: This uncensored visual novel puts you in the role of the main character whose weird uncle has left them a big mansion. You visit the place and discover that he owned slaves and there are 2 cute girls still living there. These two babes Anna and Eve are meant to serve your needs whatever they may be, which opens up all manner of possibilities for you. To progress through this game, you must read the story and choose actions in your interactions with them. If you play your cards right, you will get to unlock some very naughty scenes in positions such as cowgirl, doggystyle, and more. Click Start to discover how this story unfolds now! |
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Everyone, the cheat menu is gone but there is always the capability to go to the console via inspect element/dev-tools and type in 'SugarCube.State.variables'; once that is written down, just put another period and then a girls name [e.g. Anna, Eve etc] they will show up and you click the variable name, then period again and type in data and another period then you can edit their love and trust that way, same goes for the variable 'player' 'mc' 'pc'. YW
Like Replycrajen, I'm aware it's agitating and takes a while compared to the real cheats but at the end of the day it's either this or playing through 10h of content again so what can you really do amiright?
Like ReplyAnd once again my saves are gone and they have removed the cheats
Like ReplyHow unlock laboratory ?
Like ReplyHow to get more friendly with Umi? On my previous save I could have sex with her, I was waiting for "the Umi pregnancy update" but had to remove them due to phone all she wants is to drink tea...
Like ReplyTherese, I was able to help her with her shop, haven't gotten to a point where I could have sex with her though. I was spamming the have tea interaction about a dozen times before I kept switching between the backroom and the store. Don't exactly know the prerequisites, but that seems to be working for me.
Like ReplyJust had sex with her, seems like you just need to keep switching between the backroom and emporium and hope that you get the scene to advance her story.
Like ReplyWelp. A88. Nothing interesting based on changelogs. Dev, or devs, really need to step up. It's been years already.
Like ReplyCheat menu removed?
Like ReplyAnyways to make Yami less of a Bitch? And Why doesnt Rebekkah interact with me anymore? I just watch her either cleaning sloppy or talking german....
Like ReplyAnna and Eves wedding wont trigger and ive done all the required steps
Like Replywhat does it mean by near the stables?
Like ReplyI can't go to the living room.
Like Replypedobait trash
Like ReplyThis game is too hard
Like ReplyNick, get good lol
Like Replybro i cant even play..
Like Replycherri, game was fixed? i can play now
Like ReplyThis game seems great but is being massively held back by how grindy it is.
Like ReplyAnyone know how to get the Olivia calls?
Like Replyik yall loved ur cheats but if u want money then js buy the computer for 1000 on ur first day, and then use it to write. you get money for writing, and though it starts small, you get a lot more money the more you write. i got 60k+ from that shit
Like Replywhere do i buy it I cant find it
Like ReplyI bought it but it still uses the old computer, whut am doin wrong
Like Replycant get Anna and Eve's wedding
Like ReplyPlease, PLEASE add cheats back whenever you gain access to them again
Like ReplyI played this on Jan 31. I had cheats. I was happy cuz I didn't know that was a thing. Then I try to play today. And guess what? Yall updated it today and removed it? Why
Like ReplyHow do you save?
Like ReplyCant get the Anna and Eve wedding to trigger
Like ReplyI'm very curious why there is no cloud save option for players like me that want to actually play the game as a good character ???
Like ReplyAny tips/tricks to make money and progress quickly?
Like Reply1234567890, use the cheats before the devs notice lol. Moneywise join vannis's gang she can be found around 3am in Pendleton west street, progress wise just be nice to the girls and the story will continue
Like Reply1234567890, if you wnat money the legal way get the better pc and do writing the money you gets increases every time you do it
Like ReplyBoys the day has come... the cheats have returned!!!!!
Like ReplyReaper, take advantage before they notice
Like ReplyReaper, and there gone again
Like ReplyHeads up guys this is not the right version. This is still v70, not v71.
Like ReplyThis Book could STILL turn into ONE HELL of a game if the Dev WOULD only add More Pictures and Animations..... Yeah the story is lacking in some areas and the old saying is one picture speaks a thousand words, bring the characters to life...? Top it with animations with choices???? Come on Mr.Dev you will get at least a 30% increase of PAYtreon$....?
Like ReplyJerkfree, I think its text based, which isnt bad. It really has a good story, its mostly the grind thats hard
Like ReplyJerkfree, dude they probably ain't going to do it so you should stop asking for more sex themed pics.
Like ReplyCant get the eve ring presentation to trigger
Like ReplyThrees, Eve has to be in the backyard between,6pm - 9pm you can summon her to the backyard to trigger the scene
Like ReplyWhat do you do with the stuff from mugging?
Like ReplyPlease add the save function that allows me to download my save file to my phone it was available but was taken out for some reason ... I'd hate to lose my progress as I'm a regular player!!
Like ReplyTwatasarus Rex420, you can play on lewdspot that site has the save to disk function
Like ReplyGreat game full of options when will the next update be I'm looking forward to it I'm a regular player
Like ReplyUploader. We are willing to be a few updates behind to keep the cheats. Gamcore doesn’t save properly and most of us don’t like having to slog threw everything again to get to the good content. Love the game we want to play it but just don’t want to keep loosing all our progress
Like ReplyTyr, I whole heartedly agree.
Like ReplyI played without cheats I'm over 100000k and have most servants including Rebekah and sidra all from the vanni content !?!!
Like ReplyTwatasarus Rex420, oh you have found Vanni? I have been looking for them. Where are they?
Like ReplyTyr, vanni is in Pendleton west street from 3am in the morning
Like ReplyRhy, thanks for the info!
Like Reply-8 -8 -8 -8
Like ReplyI do not want to prosper I want to cheat
Like ReplyEZwin, are all 20 of your saves for gamcore used up? if so that's probably why. I went through the same thing myself until i deleted games i did'nt need to make room.
Like Replyeveryone flood the comments with cheats in protest for cheats
Like ReplyEZwin, do you know this game well? cause rn i’m bored cause i’m just doing the same stuff over and over yet everyone is talking about buying all this stuff and doing everything while idk wtf i’m even doing
Like ReplyCheats give them back
Like Replyble087, It's Sadly Hard To Get Any Information, But There Is A Wiki Link For The Game In The Left Menu, Just Go Down To The Full Menu And tap inheritance -JackTheGoldwatcher
Like Replycheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheats cheatschea
Like ReplyAnyone know what the family does?
Like ReplyWhen do the babies appear?
Like ReplyThe story can be a mess sure, but the relationship you have with eve is just beautifull, i dont even care for the sex
Like ReplyAm I able to fuck Gia?
Like ReplyToy Soldier, yes but doing so will reset her affection and fear.
Like ReplyHunter, is there a way to do so afterwards?
Like ReplyToy solder, i dont know. In the old patches even after you got her affection and trust back up she would only grind on you before running off before you could do anything.
Like ReplyI want to know when does the baby ir babies get birthed
Like ReplyMaster, You have to go to the thing on the right summon one at a time then click (or tap!) _____ assignments then press stop contractions and then they can get pregnant when they have sex with you.
Like ReplyWhere the cheats
Like ReplyHow do you activate a scene with the name thing?
Like ReplyI hope they stop using the non cheat menu updates. Things never save properly on this site so getting back to the good stuff sucks.
Like ReplyUpdate pls
Like ReplyIs anyone else having difficulty getting the girls pregnant? I make the drink the potion of fertility yet it keeps saying safe/infertile? any help would be apricated.
Like ReplySB, no problems here, you remembered to deactivate the anticonceptives in the "assigments" section?
Like Replyhow do you get the ropes and other things for the dungeon
Like Reply the cheat version can be accessed here
Like ReplyIt seems this update reintroduce cheats
Like ReplyAny suggestions on any other games like this?
Like ReplyFor cheats just use SugarCube.State.variables object in dev console.
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to get the girl in the love shack
Like ReplyIn V A63 after buying the Shamisen in the Youkai Emporium, funds are taken but the Shamisen is not received. This can occur several times as one is able to stumble upon the same event upon new visits to the Emporium or using return to game to generate new interactions. I may be mistaken in that this is a event flag and not an item generation interaction, as I have yet to stumble upon an interaction involving the Shamisen after attempting to purchase it. do note this is from a legacy save.
Like Replysame person here. By legacy save I mean a save that has been around for a number of different updates. I couldn't say which one because I truthfully forget. This save experienced the Vani's warehouse glitch as well where access was gained to Vani's warehouse without meeting Vani. If anyone knows how to correct this as to allow for the meeting with Vani, or how the reset flags feature works, I would be grateful for an explanation.
Like ReplyI hope an update comes soon because I think it has good potential
Like ReplyPlease update to 62 version because the wedding scene is a thing
Like ReplyAnyone Know the cheat code???
Like ReplyHow do you make money
Like ReplyI heard that there’s an ally somewhere, can someone tell where it’s at?
Like ReplyI'm stuck. I can't get the f*cking computer onto the desk in the study. What do I do?
Like ReplyGrandestGamer, Mansion Improvements on the sidebar in the study
Like ReplyBrad, There is no option to install a computer I bought in the mansion improvements.
Like ReplyIn fine with out cheat s
Like ReplyHold up, I was playing A60. Probably, a wrong upload on tfgames. And they even made the scene of the ending of this game. Y'know, the ending of eve and her great grand-daughter. Whoa. XD
Like Replyyou have to download the cheat version. i have it, but i would have to upload it
Like ReplyHow do i find the game downloads cuz i cant find it on patron
Like ReplyRJSunam,
Like ReplyI think KNOT is supposed to have three new posts every month, but once you submit a dog, no new post replaces the old one.
Like Replywhere do u buy the ingredients t make potions i cant find it
Like ReplyThe sad part about this is that this game is realistic. i'm from north west arkansas and four girls a week are kidnapped as sex slaves in my area.
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to get Rebecca?
Like ReplyI just noticed something. They haven't added Mitsukos scar to her model yet
Like ReplyVersion A 57. I said this before but my comment is nowhere to be seen. XD Anyways, Oh no! They changed their portraits and i liked the previous one better cuz in this one... their necks are huge! XD Ah, oh well. It's still good.
Like ReplyNevermind, i see my comments.
Like ReplyOh no, Version A 57. They changed Anna and Eve's Faces along with with MC's face. I kind of like the previous portraits of Anna, Even and MC. I can't take the pics seriously now. Especially, the neck! Too thick! XD Dang. Oh well. (2) HAHA!
Like ReplySay What, they look like Baki the grappler characters xD, i liked the other portraits too
Like ReplyBaitch, It's such a shame but i think we'll just have to get used to this new look. Just, gonna take a while though. I will keep the version A 56 zip as a memento or some sort to remind me that it was the last version to keep the portraits before the change. T^T I will miss the old look. Oh well. Moving on!
Like ReplyOh no, Version A 57. They changed Anna and Eve's Faces along with with MC's face. I kind of like the previous portraits of Anna, Even and MC. I can't take the pics seriously now. Especially, the neck! Too thick! XD Dang. Oh well.
Like Replyif anyone is playing on right now can you please tell me if there's a labor scene
Like ReplyIts Me, i meant "if anyone's on"
Like Replycan you interact with the baby or does it just vanish into thin air
Like Replyis it only me or is it really refering teaching feelings game.
Like ReplyAnonymous, at first few chapter
Like Replythe devs really need to bring back the cheats
Like ReplyHow i get the 3rd maid from the love shack store? It seem's to have change since last i played.
Like ReplyHow do you get Rebekkah
Like ReplyAgain for all you Fanboys... They removed a cheat for this book??? LMFAO,,,, the dev and his Fanboys thinks this Shitty Book is the best " game " on this site???? LOL... So they permanently removed the cheats.... But keep sucking ass. Its JUST A BOOK!!!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, they removed cheats bcs cheated versions are cracked versions. The public version doesn't have cheats if you want cheats you need to wait until someone cracks it
Like ReplyHow do you use one of the computers you buy and when do you get access to bruce
Like Replyhow do i change computor
Like Replychris221c, Computers were added in V55(this version) but can't be used and it seems they will be usable in V56(next version) i just hope they upload the V55+cheat soon and later the V56
Like ReplyBaitch, ok thnx
Like ReplyHow can I change the computer in study? I bought an average computer but I don't know how to replace it.
Like ReplyI loved the game, it's a slow build but if you enjoy reading then it's well worth the wait to invest yourself in the characters and world around you. The writing is definitely the selling point of the game, kudos to the author. That being said though, the art could use some work, and although this is only my opinion, it does get repetitive when you get down to the day by day. 4.5/5, I didn't even notice I spent a couple of hours while reading every tidbit there is.
Like ReplyI like to finger my asshole to this game. And I don’t go poop too often so I usually get a chocolatey surprise that’s always yummy. >:)
Like Replyerror on driving home from town.
Like ReplyDoes having kids do anything? I’ve had Anna give birth three times but nothing happens after she’s had them.
Like Replydoes anybody know the build i need to go to for cheats?
Like Replyperson, yeah, here.
Like ReplyI just hope they upload a cheat version of this game again. The new stuff looks good but i dont have t8me to unlock all that content again
Like ReplyProbably one the best game in this shitty site, too bad Idk more like that.
Like ReplyNeeds more imagery. And find a better artist.
Like Replywhere are the cheats for inheritance on PC
Like ReplyExpressly didn't hire Yami to keep her out of the house. Randomly feeding Gaia an apple and suddenly a scene with Yami that acts like I hired her. Come on dev that's a pretty big oversight to just randomly have an NPC you expressly didn't hire to just still have a scene play like you did hire them.
Like ReplyAnyone got leads on Yami? i stopped their flirting with Anna, and got though that entire scene, resulting in them leaving with a warning, i have been unable to find a way to trigger Yami and i to meet again
Like Replyhow do i get gits for anna
Like Replyluky, you need to go to town and go to the book store. Just go over and over again until you get a new prompt. By the book, give it to anna
Like ReplyDoes having kids do anything?
Like ReplyJizz Cola The Honeypot has soda called Jizz Cola.
Like Replyoh would u look at that cheats r gone AGAIN at that rate the dev that made this game is just asking to get roasted like seriously stick to 1 add cheats back and keep them them in or keep them out
Like Replygame stop working or when it does when playing the game errors will come up and stop working to many times it will do it
Like ReplyTo those asking for cheats, it is only included within a specific build. Cheats are still in the game just not with this version.
Like ReplyCheats, i know but as this site is a not great with saves i dont have the patience to play all the way to where i was. I just keep an eye on this game hoping it gets a cheat update on here.
Like ReplyTyr, no van a ver trampas ya, solo los que dan dinero por el juego les dan las trampas, debiste aprovechar cuando avían XD
Like ReplyCheats, WTF i guess everybody missed Cheats are in the game but " NOT THIS VERSION " So there's NO fucking cheat at all on the free to play version??? Then FUCK OFF GREEDY BASTURD!!! Your BOOK sucks ass anyway....
Like ReplyJerkfree, you do realize that the creator is within their right to do this correct? In fact, this could be considered a tactic to prevent the individuals who are taking traffic away from their actual posting area from profiting off of his work.
Like ReplyMasaru, dude you can kiss all the asses you want!! Its TOO fucking grindy for me! The dev dosn't do anything but make a Written Noval, were as this is a PORN GAMES site NOT a BOOK club!!!
Like ReplyCheats, Which version has cheats
Like ReplyI got a question anyone know of there's a scene for when one of the maids go into labor
Like ReplyJerkfree, welp man he have to get paid some way
Like ReplyJerkfree, their are cheats just not in this version you can get it on the free version of the game but not even the version you buy rn has cheats
Like ReplyCheats, whats the point in playing if theres no cheats to play with? grinding is not fun its boring as fuck and one mistake could fuck up everything, cheats would prevent that, ie. affection/love
Like Replywolfpack99, or you could send the game into fullscreen mode and use ctrl+shift+c and use sugercube.state.variables. to edit the game to your hearts content.
Like ReplyTyr, i know where the cheats version is.
Like ReplyJerkfree, chill my guy
Like ReplyQue zad quitaron los chetos jajajaja
Like Replywhy are cheats now disabled?
Like ReplyI loved this ... But I'm not going to start again if the cheat menu has been removed .. I've read and reread too much text to forget the story in my first play through so I'll check back in a month or so to see if the cheat menu was added back ..or else I'll forget about playing it entirely (TBH)
Like Replyor you can download it from the creators patreon a nd save your progress that way
Like ReplyConsideration of such action comes after a final product is formed ... At that point, a cheat menu is not necessary regardless how enjoyable it was and how seldom i encountered a noteworthy bug or issue
Like Replyfilthynice, it is necessary why remove a feature, You probably love when people do that, here's a feature removed because of no reason -JACK
Like ReplyWell shit. These changes look great but without the cheat menu i cant use any of them.
Like ReplyI actually think this may be better than actual porn videos.
Like ReplyAnyone know if there are any sex scenes with sidra?
Like ReplyHow do I initiate a threesome with Ana and Eve
Like ReplyHow do we get presents for anna and eve?
Like ReplyThe game is awesome and can't wait till there's actual gifs and stuff for the sex scenes and strip scenes and what not.
Like ReplyDownloaded A49b - Discovered two songs. One called Error by Lily a vocaloid character and is being sung by mitsuko. And Dont stop believing is being sung by Eve... the dev is new adding songs out of nowhere. It's awesome. Yes, A49b. Yes, it's a spoiler. Ignore me.
Like ReplyWow, i'm playing the version A49b right now and eve is finally wearing a red dress. XD Thank you dev~ You actually listened or you probably already thought of fixing it. haha! just downloaded the new version~ and i gotta say.. sweet~
Like Reply"taming" anna speedrun glitchless, completed day 3.
Like ReplyWash anna a equal amount to her fear to max her stats.
Like ReplyI somehow, don't approve of the Paper Doll System. For i understand is it just means that the person for example anna is in the room. Thus, The paper doll of anna is shown. But i somehow don't like the idea of seeing it. Like the paper doll of Jen doesn't look well at all. @.@
Like ReplyAlso, seeing eve in a Tank Top looking and a mini skirt. Yeah, it doesn't follow the original picture of her in a red dress. :v Dev, if you're listening. Please get rid of it. Besides, it's easy to tell if the slaves is in the room by checking the left side of the screen and seeing like "About Anna" it already tells that the slave is in the room so why bother with the doll system?
Like ReplyListening, haha. I mean reading. Anyways, yeah. That's it. Oh yeah. If it's impossible to remove it. At least, redraw them. Jen just looks bad and she almost looks like a blurry image of herself in her suicide scene. Oh, well. At least the game is still interesting for me. Still waiting on more of those Laboratory content though.
Like ReplyCorrection: 'Checking the left side of the screen' i mean right side of the screen. :v haha!
Like ReplyNot enough nudity, needs more pictures of the slaves naked and to be able to change their clothes
Like ReplyFrost, There's NO nudity, NO sex scenes, NO video, NO pictures of sex just ALL READING!!!. Said from day one the Dev, needs to add more than Endless reading,,,, the story is so, so but WTF it has nothing but Reading!!..
Like ReplyWhat a boring game no sex scenes what a joke just another hack trash!✌☹
Like Replyis there more than 4 characters? and if so do you know their starting fear stat, i have the two starters, the one off the internet and the one from the dildo shop.
Like ReplyFool, Dildo shop? it is probably love shack where mitsuko is. If you want to know their stats. simply, as an example. Press 'About Mitsuko' - 'About Anna'
Like ReplyIt's on your right side tab. If you summon or if you are in the same place as them. It will show their interactions. Or just go to wantonverse and pick inheritance. There you will see all the stats and all~
Like Reply - with this. You can use this to know everyrhing about them from starting stats to events that revolves around them. :v word of warning. It's a spoiler filled if you decide to go to it. haha~ XD
Like Replywholesome game 10/10 im going to play this until i have maxed the character stats and got fear to 0.
Like ReplyFool, you must be mentally challenged if your going to give this trash 10/10 get yourself checked into a mental hospital!
Like ReplyDO. NOT. READ. THE. FUCKING. JOURNALS. The only one that didn't make me nearly vomit was the spiral notebook in the bedroom. If you do decide to read them, be aware, there is death, and even worse. No content in the game is as disgusting as the journals.
Like ReplyEdit, after reading more, I found out there is also heavy gore.
Like ReplyComrade Stalin, thank fuck i was too lazy to read the books.
Like ReplyComrade Stalin, Been there. Seen it all those when this game was still in its... uhhh... not early access but something close to.. A 20.. or something or A 16.. who knows. I forgot since i only play this game to pass the time.
Like ReplyComrade Stalin, It's a game don't like the content quit!
Like Replyok... Finally fixed stuff. at some point into the first of my interactions with someone i see "Actually, it's only a few years. Anna's 48.9. Eve is 19." ... lol. what happened there.
Like ReplyCan someone tell me what I am even supposed to do? I have the two starter slaves and a person i hired online. Not once in many hours of playing and starting over have i met other characters mentioned in the wiki. I screwed around for days in the game hoping i needed to pass time for some magical trigger to function and nothing. cant even buy presents. nothing to interact with anywhere really.
Like ReplyRairi, Some are met like misuko if you go to Love shack. But if you're having trouble with triggering scenes. Don't worry. They just randomly triggers. Hell, it took me 5 back and forth in pendleton just to buy anna the book. :v It was funny though.
Like ReplyYou should bring back the cheat menu
Like ReplySome Guy, Wow, I feel dumb.
Like ReplyHell yea! Cheat version is back.
Like ReplyCan't save the game!!! Also to limited as to what your able to do with the sex acts!!! Developer How can you claim this to be a game? You've set perimeters almost on everything!! Enable the players to do anything... Literally! We can't publish anything from Gamcore!!
Like Replygained Mitsuko, now the entry hall is completly glitched. The game is unplayable with the large number of glitches.
Like Replyglitch on west street "Olivia"
Like ReplyThe pet store has now completely flaked out.
Like ReplyYou'd think adding the cheat back you would at least be able to change the breast size or the age of a character? Even the uncle would've thought of penis enlargements??? WTF!
Like ReplyHOPEFULLY the fixed the jobs by the amount of r pay and r increase i havent checked yet 2 see what new i'll end checking anyways
Like Replylook the aftermath team added cheats back in again AWESOME i'll use the cheats in some area and so on like money and certain other shit but i'll do most everything by earning it
Like ReplyI don't know if the loss of Flash player would cause this game and pretty much every game that runs on it would disappear. Dang it~ Dang it, there are a lot of games i play in Nutaku that uses flash player. Oh well~ T^T Goodbye fun time~
Like ReplyReally sad to see they removed the cheat version, Now people are angry, and for a good reason.
Like Replyerror on the scene involving Yami with the credit cards. After asking where she got the cards, there is no way to progress the scene.
Like ReplyThe dog female dog glitched. I could not train or breed her.
Like ReplyHow do you know if one of them is pregnant? i want to have a baby with anna
Like ReplyZ3R0, Normally, you don't without the cheat menu but you can always check the button 'About Anna' and scroll down a bit and it will say 'Pregnant' but if she's infertile then it says infertile. Also, they will immediately inform if they are pregnant like about 2 weeks ingame.
Like ReplyZ3R0, Also, every girl in there is in Contraceptive so go to anna's assignment and turn the contraceptive and will say 'Can get pregnant' However, there's been an error in the v A46 that prevents anna from getting pregnant.
Like ReplyZ3R0, Following about being informed. After having sex with either one of them. It takes 2 weeks or more depending how fast they can get pregnant. After that, like, anna. An event will pop up and she will inform you that she's pregnant. There aren't that much baby events yet. But there will be soon. Soon...
Like ReplyPaying 10 bucks to get the cheat version isn't worth it TBH. And the dev is too occupied on not so important stuff, like smoking. Really? Of all things to prioritize, like finishing Anna's wedding or giving growth serum to Eve (because I'm not a pedo). Hope the dev keep their silly decision, it will encourage people to hack their game.
Like ReplyI don't know why the dev removed the cheat option. It took me a month, in game, just to grind for $5K, the money required to buy Sidra. And getting her is a one-time deal. Good luck getting enough cash to buy an engagement ring for Anna, which costs $100K. As of A46, only the job at the Quickiemart is the reliable way to get cash. Theater job is broken. Working at the nightclub is too chancy and only pays $20, the same amount you will get by working at Quickiemart.
Like ReplyCuttlefish, you should get the better pc and do writing every time you do ot the money you get increases
Like ReplyHuh, they stopped posting the cheat builds. Kind of sad. I rarely play, so having a way to bolster the stats made it easy to get to certain scenes. Guess I'll have to play more often now.
Like ReplyGenerias, they added the cheats back
Like ReplyHow do I get Mitsuko to trust me?
Like ReplySpartan, cant to tbh mitsuko barely has anything IF ANYTHING for that matter to where u can have her trust higher amoung with affection and drop her fear down zero game takes a shitload of grinding u can support the creator 5$ but the only good R THE CHEATS everthing else not worth it
Like Replyreported for pedo content
Like ReplyI can't get the 2 dogs out of training. Can any one help with this?
Like ReplyHello, i dont think u can i found that u can get them out of training but u got 2 let both dogs mate i dunno if you'll get pups like no idea if its added in
Like ReplyI seriously agree with putting the CHEAT back in.... The dev,,, made it like the rest of the grind infested shit games on this site,, One there's NO pictures or videos.TWO its a BOOK in its present state the dev,, could add a few pics here and there to make it more of graphic novel???
Like ReplyJerkfree, viejo es 2 juego gratis ni tienes que pagar 1 centavo mejor callate y disfruta XD
Like Replystainelcazador, you read my comment in English so reply in English!!!! I have NO Idea what you wrote!!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, you could just copy paste the text to google translate instead of complaining. Anyways, the cheat version costs money on Patreon. If you want it so bad, why don't you pay for it?
Like ReplyAnd jobs ingame arent accurate either theater took me couple 6 month or so 2 a year in game they u earn 25$ nope 20 COMPLETY even at the nightclub i didnt get the bouncer job got some other shit same pay 20$ and shows u can get 2 increase 2 pay and earn 100$ nope great job aftermath it was i always bad mouth patreon creator GET Y'ALL SHIT TOGETHER know what we can earn in game job and r increase pay
Like Replybruce the girls he has for sell some arent accurate price i think brigette was showing 5k but a collague said she was a 1k and misaki is worth 15k i played a couple days ago to week she was 17,500 i dont see reson why people should support aftermath team for small benefit for patreon hell no bruh ADD CHEATS BACK IN
Like Replyi dunno why aftermath decided 2 take the cheats out getting money TAKES FOREVER i takes me a whole iin game year 2 get 37k working at theater and jen cant be recruited on bridge i did it u can push her off bridge or help her i recruited in in bookworm i think i did in nov
Like Replyi wish we could access all the older versions of the game, there were aspects of the older versions that i perfer over the updated one
Like ReplyI really like this game, It goes into that whole what happens in the mansion. Most games simply treat the "mansion" as a foxhole with interface. Keep up the work, I want to see this finished:D
Like ReplyGuess what you all? XD Found a scene where in the Kitchen Mitsuko and Eve making dango.. while.. Mitsuko singing the dango song. XD Oh the glory but also sad. Dang it Clannad dango song was added. SHOOT~
Like Replycan't play with dogs :(
Like Replyno valid adapters found why?
Like ReplyOkay, so i've read some interesting shit idea from the developer. I may be late. Either way. Anyone up to the idea of having options of (1. Keep the baby. 2. Sell the baby to slavery. 3. Give the baby for adoption.) Those options would show your morals and i'm up for showing. haha!
Like ReplyAnd if those options were ever shoved in this game's ass. I'd definitely play this game more seriously than skimming and ignoring the back stories because i'm looking for more scenes.
Like ReplyOkay, today, i tested out the pet play and wouldn't you know it. The mc said 'That's my good girl' to anna like what the the actual FUCK? Okay, i'm getting into it. Gonna explore more. hahaha!
Like ReplyOkay, despite the fact that the cheat menu still hasn't returned. It is now possible to make a buck better than using the computer. Either working bar.. or.. i forgot. Either way, it's now possible. Sweet~
Like ReplyOkay, now, there's more ways of earning money. one, the breeding of animals. Two, working at the bar or something.. i don't know.. Exploring. >w>
Like ReplyAlright, already version A46. What's new i wonder? Reading the changelog.
Like ReplyOkay, still no cheat but hey... new scenes.
Like ReplyConcept is good more a story than game no graphics really. How do you make money
Like ReplyViktor Reznov, MASON, NO!!! You deserve my like. XD And comment~
Like ReplyViktor Reznov, the number msson what do they mean
Like ReplyHow do I make a descent amount of money in game?
Like ReplyHow do I use the dungeon? I can’t get the girls in there?
Like Replythere's a bug with changing anna's clothes where the picture gets locked on her only having nickers on
Like Replyseems to fix itself when saving and reloading the game
Like ReplyNo images on mobile, can't be bothered to check on PC
Like ReplyShit. Still not the cheat version. Ah well cant blam them.
Like ReplyIncubus815,Yeah can't let you enjoy your BOOK the way you want unless you PAY TO READ!!! Read my comment above ^
Like ReplyI believe this BOOK shouldn't even have been posted here!!! And now the developer took out the cheat he/she should be boycotted for removing a Vital part of the BOOK....
Like ReplyThe best BOOK on the GAMCORE site!!! Why not just go to XXNX.COM STORIES? If your that much into reading!!! This is A BOOK not even a graphic noval... On a GAME site! And you dweebs act like its the best thing on a GAME site.
Like ReplyA44 is already out
Like ReplyCuttlefish, Which site my tentacle friend? XD f95zone? XD If it's released.. they should have released here as well. XD The waiting is killing me. XD
Like ReplySay What, lets just hope they upload the right version this time. The no cheat menu is killing me
Like ReplyTyr, Indeed. And there are lot of scenes to find and cheating is also the way to find those. >w>
Like Replyhow do you even make money in this game
Like Replywere cheats removed?
Like ReplyAlrighty, i managed to grow and harvest some potatoes and i thought i could sell them but nope. Guess it hasn't been implemented yet.. dang.. XD All those waiting. Oh well. Good attempt for me.
Like ReplyIf i remember it correctly, it can be accessed from the living room. I don't remember which change log i saw it from but it says the 2nd scene for anna's engagement event is in the living room. Check it~
Like ReplyAnyone know how to propose to Anna? I've been trying to get the scene for hours now...
Like ReplyBoy, If i remember it correctly, it can be accessed from the living room. I don't remember which change log i saw it from but it says the 2nd scene for anna's engagement event is in the living room. Check it~ >w> Double reply~
Like ReplySo, Inheritance [v A43] - I suddenly noticed that there's an error in anna's scene which no matter how many times i try. She can't get pregnant. Her status still say No (Safe/Fertile) But now it changed to No (Period)
Like ReplyThere might be some bugs that prevents it. Like seriously, Eve has that Pregnant status but anna doesn't.. they should have the same status right now. Oh and yes, i turned off their Contraceptives so they can get pregnant. Except anna. I need to double check.
Like ReplyGonna have to keep going to see what's wrong. Dang it, they should hurry up and update with the cheats. XD I need it right now.
Like ReplyHow do I activate cheats
Like ReplyCman, Not in this version.
Like Replywhat happed to the cheats
Like Reply., Different version.
Like ReplyHow do you get the transformation scene for rey
Like ReplyDREXS, Just keep researching.
Like ReplyHow do you get the job in Pendleton Theater
Like ReplySimp Destroyer, I believe they replaced with a Quikiemart. I'm trying to test something. It involves selling Veggies but first i must grow it which is 70 days in game. Theory, if i sell something to them i will be able to open up the job interview event. Which was mentioned somwhere.
Like ReplyDespite my attempt to open the quikiemart event it doesn't work. So my option is to try and sell Tomatoes and potatoes to them and see if i can open a job interview.
Like ReplyIf i fail to open the job interview, then that means they haven't implemented it yet. I really do wish they didn't remove the cheat menu either by accident or intended.
Like ReplyWhat happened to the cheats
Like ReplyZukull, Different version of the game.
Like ReplyGuess what, you all. I got the event about engagement ring event. and it happened at 9 am. Unfortunately, i wanted to buy it but since the cheat menu is not there... couldn't afford it. XD hahah~ Bring it back please~
Like ReplySay What, I have the rib but have no way to use it so it may not be implemented yet.
Like ReplyRaven, I see. >w> Guess we just gotta wait. haha~
Like ReplyGame does have enormous potential- like being able to actually simulate an entire life here. However, many of the features are locked/non-existent yet, but I see many people stating about newer versions, which would be lovely. Hope the game gets finished.
Like ReplyRoyal White, The new version is A44 I believe so it won't add a whole lot.
Like ReplyMmm, this is indeed refreshing. Creators did a good job here.
Like ReplySo, i'm playing today and i think i hit a bug where anna is buck naked in the dining room. Oh well. >w> A worthy moment for worthy opponent.
Like ReplyI'm also testing the work option on the quickiemart. Not happening yet.
Like ReplyLOL the BOOK took out the cheat!!! Well you ass'kissers enjoy your BOOK to your hearts content, ERROR no pictures, ERROR no animations, ERROR its a fucking BOOK!!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, then what the hell are you doing in this game then? :v If you're not happy with it then just fuck off. No one asked you to like it. Annddd.. if you're going to say.. who asked your opinion? My answer is, you did, you're simply asking for it dumbass~
Like ReplyOh wait..... (GASP) must have the attention seeking-itis... OH DOCTOR CAN IT BE CURED? No, nurse it cannot be cured for this lad or lass has it from the start. Oh the humanity~ Well, i'm out of ideas. Reply back, that will give me some ideas~ >w>
Like ReplyJerkfree, When the game got upgrade from A40 to A43 the put up the none cheat version of the game, it'll be changed to the cheat version soon.
Like ReplyRaven, For the Dickheads.... I wouldn't mind it being a grafic noval and I see the Developers efforts in the story.... I Won't watch a movie but one time... Especially a drama... This is Super Drama... If they added at least some ART outside of just towns and doorways, like having sex a picture would work.
Like ReplyTO THE DEVELOPER i can do basic cartoon fucking if you want help??? We'll i can even add can....
Like ReplyWTF the lag?? I said I can even add color...
Like ReplySay What, your the one posting ten comments every day fagboy, and your stupidity over a fucking BOOK is outrageous. But you can be cured with a few well placed punches to you little face dickbreath.
Like ReplySay What, fagboy sounds like you need a dose of fist to face! I'll gladly fill your prescription. Until just go back to sucking your Daddy's nut sack.
Like ReplySay What, What a Stupid little bitchboy!!! What part of a BOOK is a game? This shit CAN'T even be considered a Graphic Novel... Maybe you should go look the definition of a game? Or a graphic novel?
Like ReplyJerkfree, Oooh. Stuck a nerve didn't i? Well, i comment since i like the so called 'Book' and i'm gonna be honest. I also don't like the lack of animation but the hidden stories makes it worthwhile. Don't like the book? There's the (X) button over there. Top right~
Like ReplyIn addition. The lack of animation means this 'book' means it doesn't need a loading screen like those games with animations. Just open it, there you have it. Saving in game is a pain since it disappears but saving in files doesn't. Also, you're the only one who hates so you're against an army. Your opinion is shit.
Like ReplyHate it as much as you want. No one cares. Others only reply because they find you a nuisance. I reply because i'm bored. Ooh, so not only you hate it because of the lack of animations but also because of the messed up genre. Well, how about you make one? XD I'll be glad to name myself Jerkfree to bring forth my judgemental attitude. Good day~ XD
Like ReplyReply as much as you like. Hate it as much as you like. Hate everyone. You're like an entertainer for me in the midst of a pandemic. Reply your grace. Grace me. If not, well, good luck. Again, make a better game since you have time to complain. XD I won't, cuz, i like it better when others do it.
Like ReplySay What, jerkfree''s reviews are actually spot on. If we named the best game reviewer on the site it would be Jerkfree. We don't need to sugar coat the comments when a bad game IS a bad game. Jerkfree is respected here for the hard honest truth in his comments about the games. So really who the fuck are you huh, go back to your little porn books with a dick up your ass somewhere else ya little bitch.
Like ReplyYou are the actual joke Say What, At least you're replying in an honest way. I don't mind people saying things about the game but do it in an honest way instead of screaming like a banshee. That is all. Looking at the new scenes.
Like Replyalso how do you upgrade lab skills and all that
Like Replyhow do you make money also how do you create other potions except just the dyes
Like ReplyReaver, The lab doesn't appear to be fully implemented yet.
Like Replywhere the cheat menu?
Like ReplyHoly shiet. Those songs in karaoke are actually real. I didn't realized untill Anna came out with "I will survive - Gloria Gaynor" and Eve with "Isolated - Chiasm"
Like ReplyIt would've been nice if I could've picked my gender (I'm a girl) but nonetheless this was a cute little game. Honestly, it kind of reminds me of the old deviantart visual novels I played when I was younger, except sexual this time. Btw I love that there was a little disclaimer at the beginning! It's good to remind people to acknowledge that cnc and rape are two very different things, one being far more harmful than the other. Remember guys, consent is important! :)
Like ReplyWtf , are there any sex images in thsi gam,e
Like Replyd, there's no images of sex!!! Just reading all reading I've said it ten times its a BOOK!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, It's an interactive book. It's for those who basically enjoy reading texts and get off on them.
Like Replydoes anybody know how to get a job in the game?
Like ReplyCant load the game
Like ReplyOh, i see. They did mention about removing the cheat menu once they've done enough updates. I may be wrong but still, it may have been true.
Like ReplyCurious? Same here, but the changelog has the devs notes on it. It may contain where they mention about removing the cheat menu. I may be wrong but still.. the fact that the cheat menu is gone makes it true.
Like ReplySay What, i think i know what happend. There have always been 2 versions of this the non cheat version and the cheat version. I think they just uploaded the wrong one. Give it a week or two and i think they will upload the cheat version. This isnt the first time this has happened.
Like ReplyIncubus815, Let's just hope that's the case. I use cheat to Time skip and visit new scenes that requires like Money or something. If they finally added where i can earn money somewhere. I don't need cheats anymore. haha~
Like ReplySay What, i just use it to pick up where i left off.
Like ReplyYeah there's NO cheat!!! Was about to try this BOOK again but with no cheat HELL NO.
Like ReplyOkay, where did the cheat menu go? Well, though i barely use the cheat whenever i play this game but i was planning on using it to see some scenes that were noted in the changelog. Well, guess i have to slowly gain their trust first.
Like ReplyWhere did the cheat menu go?
Like ReplyBugged for me. Cant start.
Like ReplySince Jen intro involves climate, please include climate hack. I have been stuck on cloudy for a long time now. I just want some rain!
Like ReplyERROR no pictures! ERROR no videos! ERROR this is A BOOK!
Like Replyafter giving anna first present, where to give next one?
Like ReplyGamer444, how do you give her a present in the first place?
Like ReplyBatguy, its a book in the bookworm
Like Replyum, how to reach the next person to, like, own after Mitsuko
Like ReplyI just realized there are some glitches in this game. But over all it's a nice game.
Like ReplyAny ideas how to trigger Anna Fox TF scene? Wiki is mostly empty. I already own Mully yet it's not appearing around the mansion. Got Lab skill to max 100 too.
Like ReplyHow do you get the engagement ring?
Like ReplyMastergamer, travel in middle pendleton till it says you wander by the shop also you need 10k
Like ReplyOh my god~ I can work in the Pendleton Theater in this game.. never would've thought that they added a work section... but i'm curious how the player got the job... ah, they probably forgot to put a event there. Maybe next update.
Like ReplySay What, How did you get the job at the theater?
Like ReplyLemonStorm, I would also like an answer to that question. But now on this Version A43. The theatre is not there anymore and they replaced it with a Quickiemart at South Main but it's still not working.
Like ReplySo it seems everyone is SO fucking happy that this is ONLY a BOOK!!! Its a GAME site not a library! If there's one Book here then all Devs. Will began getting this LAZY and follow suit! Hey on Gamcore you don't need pictures and videos just write a Goddamm BOOK!
Like ReplyIt says I can use the one of the sex toys in the dungeon but it’s not a option am I missing anything am I suppose to buy it from some were?
Like ReplyError: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: expected expression, got '<<' If you are seeing this message, please report it. You are seeing this because Rey's meal time settings have not yet been taken into account. Please report character name, and what their meal assignment is so we can get this fixed. Error: child tag <</if>> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <<if>>
Like ReplyDoes enyone ever meets Mitsuko? if Yes, tell me pleas what to do with her.
Like ReplyWinierBag5, West Street. Love Shack. Same as every event. Percentage. Enter and Exit till an event shows.
Like ReplyOnce insides. The main will mentioned in the choice bar that hire a trainer or take her contract then BOOM! You have her to yourself.
Like ReplyChoose the take her contract choice by the way.
Like ReplyWhat to do with her? Uhh if after you got her... >w> ...
Like ReplySay What, Wanna know if I can do somethig with her, like take her to picnic or Lunch. Something that will increse her trust
Like ReplyWinierBag5, Oh that. No picnics or anything. it all involves inside the mansion. So,, nothing else to help raise her trust. So... yeah, i really took my time on increasing her and it's painfully slow. So nothing new to help raise her trust. So fight on to gain her trust like i did.. many days... TwT
Like ReplyWinierBag5, I really want a fast one as well but best i can do is talk to her and praise her till her trust increase.
Like ReplySay What, I wanna ask you becose you seems to ha advanced knolight of this game. How can I meet all other characters. I all ready meets mitsuko and maki and bubles. but there is another farction so I wanna know how to meet weith it If it is posible to level up girls skill and get them pregnant withou cheats How to meet Ray How to meet Gaia How to meet Yami How to meet Sindra How to meet Misaki
Like ReplySay what, Thabk you for respond
Like ReplyWinierBag5, Leveling their skills seems to involve their daily routine. Example: Animal Husbandry involves around the Kennel or Stables but it hasn't been implemented so they can't level it up yet.
Like ReplyWinierBag5, You can get them pregnant now but it's a slow process. Just like real life. It takes months to show and you will see some scenes like anna having a heart burns or headache. Meeting Rey needs you to use the computer and look for the word "Will work for board"
Like ReplyMeeting Gaia will eventually show if a scene where Anna mentioned 'Eve is missing' it shows at random i don't know when it happens but it does happen. Continue that event till eve is found and there you will be able to meet gaia.
Like ReplyWinierBag5, Meeting Yami. You first need to meet Claire Aileen O'Reilly in the drinking donkey between 11pm and 1am. Get close enough to Claire to open the Yami event.
Like ReplyWinierBag5, Ah, also. After encountering and recruiting Yami. Things will go bad in the mansion. Robbers will enter the mansion, Anna will... And robbers will die. yeah.. not gonna spoil it much.
Like ReplyWinierBag5, Meeting Misaki. I believe you to go the Study and you will see 'Call Bruce' Just say business so you can afford her. But you can only do that if you have $15.000. So.. you can't meet her if you don't cheat and you can't earn money yet in the game.
Like ReplyWinierBag5, Lastly for Sidra. I remember back in the old version of the game. I only met her because of Bruce and Misaki because of claire. But now in this new version. I believe Sidra can also be bought through Bruce. Devs do chance things a bit you know? haha!
Like ReplyWinierBag5, Oh and to answer the part where you said i have knowledge of the game. I don't really. I just like to explore game with cheat or no cheat, some fandom reading.. pretty much spoiling myself because i am bored. If you explore the game while reading some text
Like ReplyYou will eventually come to know the game better than me.
Like ReplyAnd unlike that person who's been complaining about the game because that person doesn't have a single sense of imagination. You will know a lot~ *Boop* Anyways, gonna take a coffee break. Laters~
Like ReplyOne more last.. thing.. Again, if you meet yami. Things will go bad in the mansion as she is very... violent. But hey, she likes Anna.
Like ReplySay what, Thanks for not spoiling, but now I am scared. Also thank You verry mutch
Like ReplySo, i found out that all those new contents that were released. Can't be used in my saves as i was already far into the game before a new content like Dog breeding appeared. Meaning, i really have to start all over again to be able to use those new contents.
Like ReplyDog breeding, Horse breeding. Those new contents can't be used in my saves as they were not part of it. So yeah, since i love this game. Better start over to be able to use.. GREENHOUSE GARDENING TIME! haha!
Like ReplyAlright guys, just saw a scene in the lab. The player has found a breast enhancer serum and tested on himself.. it was weird ASF!!! So to my surprise.. leveling up your Lab skills will open new events on the lab. haha!
Like ReplySay what, I got that scane like twice. Once when I got it , I tryied to call for Eve but nothing happends.
Like ReplyWinierBag5, Haha. The thing about eve is not yet implemented so we can't give her that breast enhancer and aging serum yet. But hey, i also got Rey's transformation.. dang.. that was weird ASF! >w>
Like ReplyWinierBag5, The devs are busy putting other new content. So, we just have to wait till they do gives the ability to earn money without using cheat or that painful earning money moments with the MC's computer. Anyways, it's late here. So gonna sleep. Laters.
Like ReplyEither way, new contents? I'm fine with waiting. haha~
Like ReplySay what, I realy ejoiy this game. It has so big potencialand ist so diferent. I felt like reading a very good book rather then playing game about fucking. Its good to hear tha devs are all ready working at new content
Like ReplyCan I ask how to buy gift for girls? I was in book wom to buy gift forra ana but I wasnt able to buyit becese I dont know how. There wasnt any ,,buy book,, buton. Please help
Like ReplyWinierBag5, Make sure anna is with you. Go to Mid Main, visit Bookworm till an event shows. That's how i did it. All i did was bring her, Click on Bookworm, exit bookwork if it doesn't work. Enter again till it shows an event for anna.
Like ReplyWinierBag5, Simply put, enter and exit till an event shows. It would take some time but once it shows. Your character would mention something about the shop. The event only triggers between 10am and 6pm.
Like ReplyWinierBag5, Lastly for eve. Eve's gift happens in Halloween. Sort of. I did my time using the cheat menu to look for mentioned events. Only to find out that, eve's gift only happens in the Halloween. Well, you be the judge. Goodluck~
Like ReplySay what, Thank you werry mutch. I will try. I am realy thanksfull to you.
Like ReplySay what, It works! I gives Anna that book. Thank you kind starnger. Now, can I ask when its helloween in this game and were to buy gift for Eve?
Like ReplyWinierBag5, Haha. That's easy. Once the month of October.. in game. Visit East Street. The event will show itself. Once that, you can buy her a Costume for Halloween. After buying, just give her the costume.
Like ReplyWinierBag5, Again, events has a percentage of showing. So, keep on doing the same. Leave then return. Also, though, even if you bought her the costume. Trick or treating in Pendleton Park is.. still incomplete so nothing much on the trick or treating,
Like ReplyDid a lot of while using the cheat menu. The halloween trick or treating doesn't have much on it. I may be wrong since i'm not quite persistent enough. Still, it's a nice event. I really hope for more future content. I seriously want to use the earn money with using the cheat menu. haha!
Like ReplyWithout using cheat menu. Lol. Farming, and breeding dogs and horses. Those new content.
Like ReplyHow do you give them gifts??
Like ReplySomething, Anna's gift get be bought in Mid Main, Bookworm. Eve's Gift happens in Halloween.. i think.
Like ReplyJust in case anyone is interested. Saving in the game is pretty much useless as it disappears later on. So, save it to your disk. Just put it somewhere you can find it.
Like ReplyTrust me, anna and eve are already over 1700 in affection and trust. and whenever i load it.. still at the same number.
Like ReplyHow can you buy Anna a gift?
Like Replyvkdbrfvruimb, Go explore town, Mid Main, Bookworm. Needs Anna to be with you. Chances of it not showing though but you can try. Travel book is her gift.
Like ReplyHow do you get the new slave girl from N? I got the senario but forgot to save before I closed my browser.
Like ReplyThis is STILL a book there's NO scenes other than showing a room for every location there is NO sex scenes! As another one quoted this isn't even a visual novel!
Like ReplyInheritence version A40. Scene: Anna giving birth. EMOTIONAL!!!
Like ReplySério a pura e simples carga emocional disso é... INFINITAMENTE RECOMPENSADORA, SÓ DEPOIS DE MUITO TEMPO EU LEMBREI QUE EXISTIA O CAMINHO 'MALVADO', e sempre quando jogo penso que só existe 1 caminho: ser um mestre gentil.
Like ReplyPlease have there be a tag called "Text Adventures". There is a difference between that and a visual novel.
Like ReplyAnonymous, that would be awesome! I love games like this. I hope they do. Then again i dont know of any other games like this on here. Do you?
Like ReplyWould like the devs to immediately review the mitsuki thunderstorm dialog tree's i keep recieving Errors and red selection options refuses to let me past her dialog of "I wish i could just forget them" i believe 2nd page into the event
Like Replysome ranndom, Further Details to the prior report: Error: the passage "Submitted Mitsuko Scene 4d" does not exist Error: the passage "Submitted Mitsuko Scene 4c" does not exist
Like ReplyError: the passage "Submitted Mitsuko Scene 4b" does not exist
Like Replysome ranndom, yeah man i have the same problem
Like ReplyI nearly cried a fountain when i read checked the ending... eve lived longer than the main and Anna.... why!? But hey, at least they had a lot of kids... now to binge again..
Like ReplySpoiler: Don't read the 'END' on the cheat menu. It will ruin your game and also make you cry a bit but i believe i already spoiled it but whatever... don't read if you don't want to cry a fountain...
Like ReplySay what, of course she lives longer. She's younger than both of them.
Like ReplySucubus217, Don't forget that she''s the under the effect of the drug.. she didn't age because of the drug the old man gave her. she only started growing again because she was given a different drug that can help her age given by the main but it can't help her age normally.
Like ReplyAlso, how old is she now after her son died of age 89 and she's talking to her great grand daughter. For me, i think she's already passed the 100 age limit. she mentioned 'No parent should ever have to out live their child' she also mentioned she will be a old woman when her great grand daughter's great grand child is born. How old is she now?
Like ReplySucubus217, But anyways, read the ending.. T^T if you read Anna and Eve's back story via books that is scattered around the house.. you'd know what i mean about the ending... oh god, the tears are falling again.
Like ReplySay what, oh i know what you mean. Me and my husband love this game. The thing we can't wait for is more mitsuko story. More accurately i want to know why she is the only girl that can't get pregnant and if that has any story reason behind it.
Like Replythere is a bug at the submited mitsuko scene 4 it says error
Like Replyhow do i get other slaves even??
Like Replyhow do you summon them to you?
Like Replyme, top right of the screen. Tap it.
Like ReplyThe new slave girl is glitched.
Like Replyme, has to be in certain areas look for them on the left sidebar click summon
Like ReplyWell they've updated their BOOK! There's no sex scenes just read about it! Still Can't use the Lab unless your turning Rey into a girl! They could have just added another girl!! WTF it becomes so boring after a half hour.
Like ReplyJerkfree, How do you turn rey into a girl by using the Lab?
Like ReplyZarentor, Sorry i couldn't get into the game enough to get that far. Its Too Boring Too MUCH reading no pictures no videos. Just Reading More Reading, you Can't Even call it a VISUAL Novel!!!!.
Like ReplyIn the changelog it says you can go on a date with Eve but I can't activate it. And the new slave (with no picture) won't show up after I buy her. Also, I can't activate the pet shop screen to get the dog. Any help?
Like ReplyYo, you can only do it at cirten time i did it 2 times l dont know how
Like ReplyYo, you have to go to the kitchen via the dining room
Like ReplyStill waiting on a update its stale now
Like ReplyHow do I start the planning for eve's party?
Like ReplyZarentor, im not sure you can yet.
Like ReplySucubus217, still just a BOOK how hard is it to add a few pictures of fucking?? Like WTF it has been on this site six months not one picture of fucking
Like ReplyJerkfree, 2 words. Early development. More than likely they are trying to add more content.
Like ReplyI really enjoy this game, I hope dev's keep working on it! And add more scenes, art and story! 8/10!
Like ReplyWhere can you buy all the gifts for the girls
Like ReplyBlood knight, you can only buy a gift for anna right now. Go to the book store.
Like ReplyYou can't keep your save game and like a book i'm not starting over because i lost what page i was on!!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, dude just use the cheats to put you back. Also calm down man a lot of people clearly like this game and it is still very early in development.
Like ReplyIt's a SEX GAME SITE, not a fucking Library let them put their Book in a Stories Site.
Like ReplyYeah still no pictures no animations lab is still not useable really WTF the Developer is Sticking to a GODDAM BOOK
Like ReplyJerkfree, its still in alpha but even if pictures don't get added its good in Many peoples eyes. Besides its just something different than other games on here.
Like ReplyIncubus815, that's where you are Missing The Point its a adult game site Not adult books, can read a playboy book for stories
Like ReplyWell well well what have we here? A37?
Like ReplyWell i see that They've updated for the last time, its like all the games posted everything is in the next update
Like ReplyJerkfree, it just takes time.
Like ReplyRight neither is December but i Don't think they're going to update this game on this site
Like ReplyJerkfree, i believe they will. We just have to be patient.
Like ReplyRight.... Updates will be here tomorrow
Like ReplyJerkfree, January's not over yet.
Like ReplyI don't think the developer is going to update here?? It seems he's on a37 on PAYtreon page
Like ReplyJerkfree, the paid for as in most recent version of the game is a37. Witch means we will probably get v a35 or a36 in a little bit. This site will always be 2 or 3 updates behind the developers.
Like ReplyI read the description and right below was a game called therapy... I think this is a sign.
Like ReplyBluegirl, this game can be incredibly sweet. But yes the girls in thos game could probably use some therapy
Like ReplyAs i thought the SHIT developer wants you to join and PAY TO PLAY i don't think they will update on this site
Like ReplyJerkfree, you said that last time and about a week later they posted the next update. The only one you have to pay for is the most recent virson ( pardon the spelling) and that is about two big updates ahead now so the free one should drop in a week or two. Calm my friend
Like ReplyWow three weeks that's only if they update
Like ReplyWe can hope. I'm just making an educated guess.
Like ReplyA35a is out to public. Plz upload it here
Like ReplyBow, cool! We can't wait!
Like ReplyAlso is it the public A35 or the public cheat A35?
Like ReplyIncubus815, well still NO updates???
Like ReplyJerkfree, patience my friend. I believe the next big update will be in three weeks or less
Like ReplyNo update in over two months?? Guess you need to join PAYtreon and PAY To PLAY!!!! I won't support anyone without seeing what i'm buying and this game lacks way to much... It's a book because there's only reading can't call it a graffic noval there's no pictures...
Like ReplyJerkfree, this is the most recent public version of the game. It is the holidays and it is just one of the games they are making. I did say if my guess is correct that the next update would be in january.
Like ReplyFrom what I've seen they've not updated it anywhere, checked several places all the same.
Like ReplyJerkfree, Hmm. We have nothing. It should be there. We will keep an eye out for you then :).
Like ReplyIf it's so obvious why didn't you just post the update here????
Like ReplyJerkfree, they show what the updates do in game. I think you just have to look at the patreon. Also im not a dev for this game
Like ReplyThe way it is on Gamcore they probably will never update? Just want you to join some PAYtreon .
Like ReplyJerkfree, this is the most recent public update on pateron. This is how they promote the game. I don't know about you but one update behind paid membership sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
Like ReplyIncubus815, Right they work so hard to keep the game updated here??? I can't keep up... Shit i wouldn't think it's free to play unless I join a PAYtreon $upport means everything.
Like ReplyJerkfree, well you could actually click the link to there patron and see the development of the game. You don't have to pay for that. They are pretty forward with how the game is coming along
Like ReplyIncubus815, already been there before but nowhere did I see anything about an update??
Like ReplyJerkfree, keep looking. There are a few extra links on the (left?) Side of the page. One should have a list of updates if memory serves.
Like ReplyMeh. Think i'll wait until they add real content before I play again
Like ReplyJerkfree, you mite be waiting for about a year then. Also happy thanksgiving!
Like ReplyAlso why is there NOT any way to eat Pussy in this game????? Also there's no way to select the girls to ride you as in cowgirl, is the developer that inexperienced, why can't we have a three way or like have four girls at once?
Like ReplyJerkfree, you can mitsuko in the shower and anna in the sauna
Like ReplyIncubus815, eating Pussy should be an option for every girl all the time??? JMO it's part of my ritual when i have sex with my wife.
Like ReplyJerkfree, fair enough I do the same thing with mine. Guess we all just have to wait for a few more updates.
Like ReplyForgot They Need To Add pictures and animations to this game, try the new Triangle game that shit rocks, has good story and just pictures but a Real graphic novel
Like ReplyJerkfree, whats is this Triangle game you are talking about?
Like ReplyIncubus815, it's a new game on Gamecore Triangle, a guy and his girlfriend invite her best friends daughter to live with them, making it a Triangle check it out
Like ReplyJerkfree, thanks. Me and the Mrs like the game. Thanks for pointing it out for us!
Like ReplyBe really nice if they updated and you could use the labratory to inhance
Like Replyfor girls in mansion be nice and say your not your uncle and use cheats up to 10,000 same with eve affection and trust..and let eve call you daddy. you will enjoy that.because she likes it ..anna thinks its akward thought .
Like Replyyep on error not in game yet because thats a stack tracer
Like ReplyHow do I go to the park? I get an error.
Like ReplyVanillaman, if you get an error there's a 50 50 chance its just not in the gane yet.
Like ReplyWhat Iam Trying To say Is There's A Hell of Alot Of Work For Mansion-Girls- Allof it..And There Is Alot.Of Stack Tracers.All Things Still .Needs.Alot Of.Work Mabe 3-4Updates For Manision-dungeon Lab -lists-AndSlaves depends on game developer games are not built in one update ..takes time..
Like ReplyMisaki,Anna,Eve,YouCanImpregnate.AnnaAnd Eve GiftingOnley SoFar,Mitsuko,You CantGet.Preg Or Gifts For Those Three.Yet..Maybe in next update
Like Replyedeo, ah thanks
Like ReplyCan'tGet Mituko Preg next update With/Ray/Lab
Like Replyedeo, you worded that strangely. Would you mind saying what you mean?
Like ReplyAfter the child birth do they just magically disappear in the game,if not where can i find them?
Like ReplyWolf, i don't think child interactions are in the game yet. Not sure for certain. Im not a developer.
Like ReplyIncubus815, lol they just " Magically Disappear" after supposed birth you hear nothing about children?? Seems they'd be mention of them. No updates sense A34a ether
Like ReplyJerkfree, i know but we have to remember that the people making the game are that, people. As in they do more than just make this game. And I wouldn't expect another update till january if their previous timeline is anything to go by.
Like Reply???? Don't know but I'd like to see another update
Like ReplyJerkfree, you and me both. But patience is a virtue as they say. And I think it will be a while before the next update. If their previous updates are anything to go by I'm guessing the next update will be in january
Like ReplyWell it's not totally boring i greatly appreciate them keeping the game on this site, it doesn't crash every two minutes like MOST do. Looking forward to updates??
Like ReplyJerkfree, well according to the patreon they are working on making the holidays more interactive. What im looking forward to is finaly being able to impregnate all the girls. Gaia and mitsuko still can't get pregnant in this one.
Like ReplyWell all this Changlog mounts to shit with me Now it's a interactive Book... Its a Porn Game Site not the fucking Library add some dam pictures animations WTF open the freaking Lab: At least it may not be So Boring
Like ReplyJerkfree, on the patreon it says that they are got a new guy and the art style may take a different direction witch i believe means they may start having more images too. Again they are working on multiple projects and this is just one of them
Like ReplyCan't wait for the dungeon to be more for fun than pain, that and the lab having some content would be nice
Like ReplyLogic, then again misaki would probably like it eather way if they ever let us put her in there
Like ReplyI Repeat No Pictures of anything No Animations of Anything No Updates! EvilAirion you put your opinion where the sun don't shine
Like ReplyJerkfree, dude 1 this is the public cheat version of the game. 2 the developer is working on multiple projects, 3 the next public cheat version should be out in less than a month, 4 some people (myself included) enjoy text based games like this, i would be very pleased if more games like this were added to this site. And 5 if you do not enjoy this game, just find another. There are thousands of games on this site im sure you can find one that fits what you are looking for.
Like ReplyIncubus815, Speaking of when will this be updated, It hasn't been updated in a while.
Like Replyme, holy F#%king s%@t! I wasnt expecting an update this soon. I touggt we were getting cheat VA33!
Like ReplyIncubus815, I enjoy it so far as a Book!!! They could at Least make it a visual novel? Add a short animation maybe actually put the lab in use? As a book i'd give a 7 out of 10... Sorry! It's a game site...
Like ReplyJerkfree, i can understand your point of view but I have to disagree personally. Hope you find a game on this site you like :)
Like ReplyBesides the Book/game is still in alpha. More pictures may be added later.
Like ReplyIncubus815, hope so it would be a waste of talent otherwise, i don't hate what they've done but i just like visual effects maybe in the next update lol
Like ReplyAs far as there being a thousand games on this site sorry to say that only one in every 20 will work on my browser, and 1 in 10 work without multiple problems?? Most just say failed to load or say the flash player needs updated?? Which it doesn't....
Like ReplyJerkfree, oof. Now i know why you want this game to have more visuals.
Like ReplyNo pictures No animations No Updates, and after they get a few " SUCKERS" i mean subscribers they'll make the game PAY TO PLAY only....
Like ReplyJerkfree, they do update this game check the actual website and you might find the a34 Halloween build so stop being a jerk for free and actually get paid because your good at it
Like ReplyEvilAirion, Again we have a little shit giving me their opinions of what i'm to accept! When your Not paying anything yourself... It's my comments bitch. Don't read them!
Like ReplyOnly wish you could make it fullscreen
Like ReplyEvilAirion, Why you can't read their writing?? Read my comment below what are you going to see??
Like Replya girl who looks like she's 12 but is actually 18? Sounds like a miserable excuse for satisfying guys who fantasize on having sex with children while staying within legality.
Like Replydavid, so when your old enough to have sex then you can make comments until then if they are eighteen it doesn't matter if they look 100 fuckface
Like ReplyJerkfree, why the hell do you always have to be mean and only ever putting bad comments even in good games? Have you forgotten that most of these games are not done yet? So don't be so quick to fucking judge. I'm also pretty sure you don't know what goes into making a game.
Like ReplyPickygirl, Your just wanted to put your shit comment in, well for one the game states all actors are over 18. The fact that one appears younger he's calling it a pedofile game, so i made my comment thank you!!!!!
Like Replydavid, Hey retard, they aren't real. They're lines and colors and computer code. Stop womanizing literal objects, you delusional weirdo.
Like ReplyHate to be "that guy" but when can we expect the next update?
Like ReplyThere is a version A32 is out to public. Gamcore, can you please upload it?
Like ReplyRetro, really? Where? I would love to see a slightly more complete version of this game.
Like ReplyCan you have kids?
Like ReplyBullet1996, only anna can get pregnant right now. The other girls i believe can get pregnant in the next update or two
Like ReplyTyr, got to a point in a play through it said Older sister had a baby girl but was never implemented?? Or you never see the child
Like ReplyHow do you find what the girls say?
Like Replywas wondering how to initiate contact with Gaia, as well as if it is possible to get horses and dogs and such on the stable again. Also, is there a special requiremenet for pregnancy or is it chance? thanks for any help
Like ReplyYo-man, go to for a link on how to initiate contact with gaia, as for the horses and dogs I don't know if that has ben implimented yet, and I belive that pregnancy is based off of chance
Like Replyrithmatist, the website does not exsist
Like Replyk, i know the problem:that web site only for computer not mobile
Like Replyk, then I would suggest loking up a walkthrough
Like Replylooking not loking
Like Replyrithmatist, maybe i have selected the wrong target(from fandom not wantonverse)
Like Replyrithmatist, i'd suggest you go back to school
Like ReplyIs there a way of getting Gaia owned without the cheat? I have her at over 1k trust/affection, and 0 fear. I try the the night scene where she saves you, but it keeps corupting my game.
Like ReplyPark, what cheat? also as far as I know there is no current way to own gaia without cheats.
Like Replyrithmatist, on the main tab, there is an settings option and cheats within it
Like ReplyPark, thanks for the information
Like ReplyI'm like yea she's fine, wonder when she'll be mine, she walk past i press rewind to see that ass one more time, and I got this sewed up.
Like Replyhow do you get Misaki?
Like Replysdwd, go to the bar between 11 and 2 in the morning to meet claire who will then give you a one time, randomly occuring event where you can obtain misaki. ( to be clear that is 11 p.m. to 2 a.m.)
Like Replysorry it's 1 a.m. not 2 a.m.
Like Replyrithmatist, already had the event. Is there more than one event with Clair, or did I mess something up?
Like Replysdwd, yes there is more events with claire but as far as I know the one to get misaki is randomly triggered.
Like ReplyI got a glock in my 'rari, 17 shots no .38
Like ReplyHow the fuck do you consider reading a book is the best Game on this site?? I'm bored as hell No pictures of sex No animations of sex WTF its a fucking book!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, again if you don't like it go play something else and quit complaining (not my opinion, just my advice)
Like Replyrithmatist, Sorry I'm not a woman who can get off by reading a romantic novel, but I agree with jerkfree at least have pictures if not animations. If I wanted to read a romance novel I would, but I want to play a game with visuals, as Jimmy from South Park would say, "I mean come on". How lazy are you that you can't even have still pictures.
Like Replyrithmatist, go buy you a fucking book fuckface this is a game site not the library
Like ReplyJerkfree, im afraid i must disagree. It may not have pictures but it has an amazing narrative in my opinion (for what that's worth). And if that's not your cup of tea, oh well. I hope you find other games on this site that you enjoy, but for many of us (myself included) really enjoy this game.
Like ReplyIncubus815, DumbShits like you are the reasons why they stay lazy and don't add content such as pictures and animation. I Repeat if you want to read a sex noval go to a porn store !! This is a PORN GAME SITE.....
Like ReplyIncubus815, Jerkfree is right dude, I want to see the action I have chosen. If I wanted to read about sex I would've gone to this is a porn GAME SITE not a porn story site. This game is a hard on killer.
Like ReplyOne of the best game I've played on this site so far.
Like ReplyThis is the kind of stuff I wish there was more of. An emotionally invested story with the type of interactivity you'd find in Trials in Tainted Space (another really good game). I look forward to future updates.
Like ReplyGoodDude, i did see changelog at least the creator is adding content unlike most of the games on this site
Like Replyby far the best game on this site
Like ReplyHow do i get out of the reading the books part
Like ReplyAt first it was mehh but then holy sh** its been 2hours and im still reading i forgot to fap and now this game is teasing me. please update! would be cool if each scenery would have images. i hope this guy has patreon
Like ReplyOkay. Am at a block. Can not seem to earn Gaia's trust enough to get beyond ' putting an arm around her '. Also, how to progress to the pregnancy events? Have already had multiple 3somes with Anna and Eve, but all they have done is make out with each other. Wondering if they fo further. Also, when will lab open up beyond giving bubbles a slight smile? Also when will / how do I get pets / more slaves / cash????
Like ReplyAlso how to update?
Like ReplyBuild 30 is out and it adds pregnancy so please update
Like ReplyI am someone who normally doesn't take sex games seriously, as you should. And i admit i have always been fond of the rough/rapish ones, and in my first play of Inherintance i followed this idea. But when i restarted just to test the kind path... i would NEVER go back do the rapish one. The emotional weight in this game is way above the normal quality for a fucking sex game, i can't stress enough how impressed i am by this. Just the feeling you get from being nice, s
Like ReplyUnknow, it hurts more when you read there back stories
Like ReplyOh wait you can be a female and have sex with a horse but if it's a man wtf
Like ReplyYour game is lacking in the wrong way we want animations, including pictures choice of our own, if i want to rape a female cow its not your choice to make my choice for me!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, I would like to point iut that so far you are the only one to complain about the lack of pictures or animations, so why are you saying 'we'? additionaly there are no transformation options or ways to get animals as of the version on this website so how the hell did you turn yourself into a female and gain a horse?
Like Replyalso adding everything would take time or knowledge that the creators may not have as of right now (after all the game was first started in 2016 and is still in alpha).
Like Replyrithmatist, what a pile of shit you call a brain, if the game came out in 2016 and it's 2019.? Three years and they can't add animations and pictures or lacking content? Go to school kid leave adult things for adults...
Like Replyrithmatist, and bitchboy most of the games on Gamcore are transgender and WE the gamers even in visual novals like pictures in that noval. If " i " want to read a book i wouldn't come here....
Like ReplyJerkfree, well idiot if you don't like the game then quit complaining about it to people who do, and go choose from the literaly thousands of other games online.
Like Replyrithmatist, why the fuck are you sucking ass bitchboy you contribute nothing you go back and play Minecraft and as far as i see it. I never ask for your fucking opinion
Like ReplyJerkfree, then don't come here simple quit bitching :) and FYI its not up to the devs to cater to your desires what they decide to add to their game at their leisure is at their discretion not yours if you wanna fuck a cow so badly go learn to code and build your own game, Here start with and finish by fucking your self and i mean that literally. have a nice day :)
Like ReplyIn case nobody else notice there's no animation no pictures, and you're limiting sexual content?? The internet is freedom of speech remember ??
Like ReplyTo the Creator of this game, i notice the things you were going to adding and things you will not add, why not add everything and let the players choose their own content?? So many developers pick what we can and can't do in sex games break the mold add everything....
Like ReplyGamcore wants everybody to join a patreon " $ Support $ " it's Click Bait so you won't see most if any games on this site ever finished they want your credit card numbers
Like ReplyFor Anna picnics work well. What about the other girls? Does anyone know how to get more girls?
Like ReplyYou, no new girls yet, not until a later build of the game. you can hire a trap called Rey through the pc in the study but he isn't fully implemented yet either. Rey only has two non sexual interactions and cannot be summoned.
Like ReplyManicore, go to town then the drinking donkey between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. to meet a n.p.c. named claire who will eventually give you a new slave additionally go to the shop named the love shack to get another slave.
Like Replyi almost forgot there is a wild girl named gaia who you get through a two part event chain, the first event is triggered in the kitchen between 10 and 11 in the morning, where you take eve and anna on a picnic, the second part is triggered in the entry hall between 2 and 4 in the afternoon, in it eve goes missing and you find her in the forest with gaia.
Like Replywhile the two are seperate they can only be triggered in that order.
Like ReplyThank you for extra girl response.
Like Replyrithmatist, how do I get to clair I went to the drinking donkey at 11 but she wasn't there
Like ReplyWTF, unfortunatley it is a random event occuring between those hours so there isnt a foolproof way to meet claire
Like ReplyPretty sure you can download this from their website instead of as a browser game
Like ReplyIhAveanIdea, what's the website?
Like ReplyHow do I save progress on Android, everytime I open the game in a few hours, all my saves have been deleted. Do saves work on PC?
Like ReplyHugh, yup, they work perfectly
Like ReplyDoes anyone know what build this is because the most recent public build seems to have more content than what is in this
Like ReplyKat, according to changelog the current is A29 tho I cant tell exactly, I just passed by story of Morichi visiting so dunno what kind of content might be added
Like Replyfinally managed to get Anna's trust and affection over 100 and her fear is now -1 i basically just took her on lots of picnics
Like Reply>Treating both girls as ever kind and doing absolutely no single harmful shit to any ot them >At the sudden eavesdropping behind their rooms door you listening as Eve invokes Anna to escape from the mansion because "He's no better to you than our former master, and he's worse to me" Watta fahk TomStare So offensive and heartbreaking
Like ReplyActually, paragraphs supposed to be here
Like ReplyAnd since I... "hired" a new servant called Mitsuko I couldnt ever guess I'll be intending to gather my own harem!
Like ReplyAnd also this game turns in smth sorda gay thing as you hiring Reymond - when you catching him doing his gardening chores one of the following context options is "Stand and watch him work with interest, appreciating his feminine build." Guess my harem comes fucked up, lol
Like ReplyAnonymous, how do you listen to them so you can hear?
Like ReplyAnonymous, The point of Reymond is that down the line you can transform him into a woman. Once the lab gets fully implemented.
Like ReplyAnonymous, as a bisexual I see Reymond as a very nice addition the game lol, d and v are both pretty damn good
Like Replycheck the mail box on April 5th, this leads you to the next step of the story as well as a peek at the games future content. SPOILER WARNING: the story seems to favour players who treat the two girls with kindness.
Like ReplyManicore, There's nothing in the mail box on April 5th
Like ReplyS.Nik, that's when I got it, so its possible it only appears under certain parameters. the only other advice I could give is keep checking the mail box everyday whilst improving Anna`s relationship. for reference when the letter appeared she had 800+ affection, 800+ trust and fear was under 100. this is a new game so I'm only drawing straws here, my apologies.
Like ReplyManicore, It's cool brother, any info is appreciated.
Like ReplyManicore, But you are 100% right, as soon as I got Anna to 800+ affection, 800+ trust and 100- fear the letter was in the mail box.
Like ReplyManicore, You need Eve's affection above 650 and fear below 250 and Anna's affection above 800 and fear below 200
Like ReplyIs it posible to get them pregnant yet? Dont know if you can at this point in the game.
Like ReplyIncubus815, wait for A30
Like Reply., .,thanks for the info
Like ReplyIncubus815, how do you recruit gaia?
Like ReplyHey, what all can we use money for?
Like ReplyIncubus815, Can you kill them ?
Like ReplyHow do you get their fear down?
Like ReplyMaidKink, Greet them and such. You know, be a nice human being to them
Like ReplyMaidKink, you can use cheat ??
Like ReplyAnymore i just read the changelog as to not start over with the same outcome, the story is great the idea is awesome just open the labratory with all options available???
Like ReplyJerkfree, how to cheat?
Like ReplyDarkEclips, The cheat option has appeared to have gone from the menu
Like ReplyCame for the sex but ended up playing hide and seek and going on picnics instead. Can't wait for more stuff to be added!
Like ReplyAnom, I know what you mean, I didn't expect it to be so heart-warming and fun just playing around like a normal human being.
Like ReplyAnon31, i mean, i have no fucking idea how, but this PORN GAME was for me more emotional than most games out there. I honestly came to just fuck the girls and quit, but it got really sad really fast
Like Replyreally nice game, would be cool if u could use the Laboratory
Like ReplyIts me, me too ive been reasearching the lab for almost a whole 2 weeks straight and still nothing
Like Replytom98, Oh animal eles ainda não adicionaram nada pro laboratório
Like ReplyTipMaster, BR aqui carai, o cara ainda usou português
Like ReplyCan't wait fr more to be added to this game! Love it so far
Like ReplyWould be a good game if I wanted to mistreat the slaves... oups
Like Replyblblblbl, you... do know you can treat them well, right? or did you _choose_ the nasty options?
Like ReplyPlease Help! How can I kill the slaves? No matter how hard or long I beat them, they just won't die.
Like ReplyEmir, Wtf is wrong with you
Like ReplyEmir, you can't it's not a game about death
Like Replycan you kill them yet?
Like ReplyTian, They can die
Like ReplyEmir, WTF!! You must be a 12yr old kid that kills animals just to watch them suffer!! You need a mental evaluation soon, i don't like the game doesn't have pictures and videos but you need help!!.
Like Reply