Favorite Teacher [v 1.48] [Restart]
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Description: We've all had a favorite teacher growing up, but this one is a little different... let's just say you're a favorite teacher with benefits! You're the new biology teacher in school and it's going to be up to all of the students to prove they deserve an “A” grade. Dominate slutty school girls, seduce and fuck your fellow teachers, and build your stats until you're ready for the ultimate challenge: forcing your cock down the principal's throat! With the amount of fucking this game lets you do, it's only a matter of time before you become everyone's favorite teacher. High-definition images and video make this XXX porn game a must-have for all fans of sexy school girls and cock draining teacher-student sex fantasies! |
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cheat codes 1.47 hotdate - $500 seduction - Attraction menu teasing - Special items passion - Secret items desire - Charm increased temptation - Endurance increased secretdiary - Back Button
Like ReplyI can't get Clara to give me a task no matter when, or where I go to visit her. It's been 3 game weeks and no progression. Am I missing something basic?
Like ReplyCodes for v1.43 soleboost - 500$ kickscollector - Secret panel activated! laceslayer - Items added to your pocket sneakerstash - Quest items added to your pocket cushioncloud - Qualification increased stepmaster - Max stamina increased styleicon - back button freshkicks - Gallery
Like ReplyBordello Blues, these ones work
Like ReplyYou know the only Cheat I would be interested one that got you past the lesson that has no exit from.
Like ReplyAll these people want cheats, why, just cause you want it all faster, that isn't playing; just play the game, work at school, and eat at the cafe, yeah, it costs you money, but you can recover that by working in the cafe and work on like
Like ReplyCheats for 1.41: +500$ = glamourboost Secret panel = flirtyfrenzy Items added to your pocket = bedroomboss Quest items added to your pocket = dirtydialogue TeacherLevel = midnightmood MaxStamina = champagneglow back button (i think) = spicysecret AllGalleryUnlocked = mysteriousallure
Like ReplyCheat v1.4?
Like ReplyNew cheat for v1.40? All above is no working
Like ReplyCheat codes for latest version: "kittenqueen " with space at the end --> cash 500 "pantydropper" secret panel "hiddenlace" Items added "catwalk" more items "kittencontrol" +1 Qualification "wildcat" +1 Max stamina "velvetdesire" retour button "pussypower" Gallery unlock
Like ReplyHow can I complete Clara's Human anatomy -answer question task?
Like ReplyI cannot find the social page on the laptop. Anybody knows where it is?
Like Replyhow to get pearls
Like Replystudymaster - Increases max stamina 💪 teacherspet - Increases qualification 📈 cheerleaderlove - Gives quest items 🗺️ pantyraid - Gives various items 🎁 skirtflash - Activates secret panel 🕵️♂️ schoolqueen - Gives $500 cash 💰
Like ReplyCheats for 1.31 woofwonder = +$500, tailwagger = secret panel, puppylove = items, barkbonanza = quest items, furryfriend = qualification, ruffrescue = max stamina increase, pawfectmatch = gallery
Like ReplyThe stats are broken on the new version - each time the event occurs it resets the stats back to the same values.
Like ReplyCheats for v1.29 puppylove - Add +1 gifts of each type woofwonder - +500 cash ruffrescue - MaxStamina +20 furryfriend - TeacherLevel +1 tailwagger - cheatParameter pawfectmatch - Unlock Gallery houndhero - Toggle Back Button barkbonanza - Add all Questitems
Like Reply1.27 cheats ruffrescue - Increases max stamina furryfriend - Increases qualification barkbonanza - Gives quest items puppylove - Gives various items tailwagger - Activates secret panel woofwonder - Gives $500 cash
Like Replycan anybody tell me how i can i go to gym whenever i go its saying you cant go there now
Like ReplyZaK_ESR, raise you're fitness level
Like ReplyCheat codes for 1.25: "purrfection" - cash +500, "whiskerwhisper" - activates Secret Panel, "pawsitivity" - adds items, "litterboxlove" - adds quest items, "meowvelous" - Qualification increased, "kittycuddles" - MAX stamina +20, "ninelivesleft" - BACK BUTTON, "pawprint" - Gallery Unlocked
Like ReplyV[1.24] cheat: whiskerwhisper = secret panel, purrfection = 500$, pawsitivity = items, litterboxlove = quest items, meowvelous = teacher level+1, kittycuddles = +max stamina, ninelivesleft = back and forward button
Like Replyv1.21 dblTapPwr - Unlocks all galleries slid3In2DM - Shows history bar reelsRem1x - Increases max stamina igStories - Increases qualification expLore - Gives quest items tbtGroovy - Gives various items inflUencer - Activates secret panel instaF4mous - Gives $500 cash
Like ReplyAnyone have the codes for 1.19 yet?
Like Replyanyone else get lost of errors <<if>> bad condition in <if> for example
Like ReplyCheats for 1.17: h0bbitRing +$500 m0byD1ckWhale activates secret menu w0nderAlic3 +items f4hrenh3it451 +quest items 1984BigBr0 +teacher lvl dr4culaBite +stamina lvl scarl3tL3tter enable back arrow gr3atG4tsby unlock gallery
Like ReplyChats for 1.16? -- also, is anyone else stuck on the sleeping pills task on Friday. I keep buying pills from Nurse but only have 'Vitamin' option
Like Replynick1, Cheats****
Like ReplyHow to meet English teacher
Like ReplyGuys got any codes
Like ReplyFor 1.14 e4gl3n3st – +500 cash f4lc0nh1d3 – cheat panel p4rr0tg1ft – gift items one of each r4v3ntreasure – quest items sw4nboost – qualification +1 h4wkst4mina – maxstamina +1 e4gl3w1ngs – back button
Like Replyv1.14, I cant get my strength higher than 3 even though I go to the gym. When I run a few laps in the sports field at school, the bar meter wont increase...Any suggestions?
Like Replycheat [V 1.13]
Like ReplyWho is the actor for Veronica?
Like ReplyMan, Veronica Rodriguez (it says the names of the Pornstars if you go to the stars section on your laptop)
Like ReplyCheat Codes for V1.12 e4gl3n3st: +500$ f4lc0nh1d3: Secret panel p4rr0tg1ft: Items added to your pocket r4v3ntreasure: Quest items added to your pocket sw4nboost: Qualification increased h4wkst4mina: Max stamina increased
Like ReplyV 1.12 cheat codes pls
Like ReplyV1.11 codes
Like Replywhy the user tags got so much Jojo?
Like ReplyCheats v1.10 f1r3c4sh (+500$), sm0k3scr33n (secret panel), fl4m3qu33n (items), bl4z3sh1p (items), h34tW4v3 (qualification), h34tW4v3 (stamina), c1nd3rTr4ck (back button), 4sh3sDr34m (gallery)
Like Replylep, correction .. h0tH34rt (stamina)
Like ReplyNew codes f1r3c4sh cash + 500 sm0k3scr33n Secret panel fl4m3qu33n Items bl4z3sh1p Quest items h34tW4v3 TeacherLevel + 1 h0tH34rt MaxStamina + 20 c1nd3rTr4ck ui bar history 4sh3sDr34m All Gallery Unlocked
Like ReplyNo option to save the game on phone
Like ReplyYeah, nah, fuck this shit! All saves have been deleted, not gonna start all over again
Like ReplyCheat v1.08?
Like ReplyThe new cheatcodes bl4ckH0l3 - Max stamina +20 m1lkyW4y - Qualification +1 st4rSh1p - Quest items g4l4xyQu33n - Items sp4c3Tr4v3l - Secret panel sT4rGl1tt3r - +500$ c0sm1cR4y - Back Button n3bul4Dr34m - Gallery Unlock
Like Replyhey boy add some junior teacher
Like Reply1.07 cheats?
Like ReplyYeaman, same i need the cheats i can not get going
Like Replytec, doesn't look like we are gonna get any help here
Like Replydoes someone have the 1,04 cheats?
Like Replyanyone got cheats?
Like ReplySo i Buy the library but still can't progress the story with the girl help?
Like Replyhow do solve the discipline problem with clara?
Like ReplyWhat is veronica´s real name
Like ReplyVeronica Rodriguez
Like Replyanyone got the new cheats for version 1.04 ?
Like ReplyFaffo2007, y7UvVnZfDQ - +500$ cash 02gqvabKnv - secret panel nJ2Mcsbux9 - items FWTCKD3Ho1 - quest items paNbGVPZDJ - qualification increase PqKowGYZn5 - +20 max stamina cRKP1sRU9y - back button jp8JDrJNQC - gallery
Like ReplyTip: Lucy was great! Hope she remembers that. I cant get it past it. No matter what I do. I even talked to her in the morning. Help
Like ReplyI have an infinite loop with Angela in the living room. Anytime when I enter this room, Angela is here, and watch TV. I max her lust with romantic films and kisses, but she stuck in this room. She never in her room.
Like Replycepionis, go to the bar and talk with her there then do that quest until you talked to her about it again in the bar, afterwards it's fixed
Like ReplyAnybody got cheats?
Like ReplyCash code y7UvVnZfDQ Panel 02gqvabKnv Consumable Items nJ2Mcsbux9 Important Items FWTCKD3Ho1 Teacher level paNbGVPZDJ Stamina PqKowGYZn5 Back Button cRKP1sRU9y Gallery jp8JDrJNQC
Like Replygames broken when you talk to angela in her room. try to leave the conversation but it keep sasking her on a date instead. -200 stamina and counting
Like ReplyNickname, Yeah, I have the same issue. Breaks the game obviously.
Like Replyanyone else's text for the characters off
Like ReplyHow do you beat Clara at basketball
Like ReplyDose anyone got cheats
Like Replygallery code: jp8JDrJNQC
Like ReplyHow do you add cheats?
Like ReplyCheat codes; Max stamina: PqKowGYZn5 Teacher Level: paNbGVPZDJ Quest İtems: FWTCKD3Ho1 Gifts: nJ2Mcsbux9 Cheat: panel 02gqvabKnv Cash: y7UvVnZfDQ Back button: cRKP1sRU9y
Like Reply7glFsk59cT – Max stamina +20 2mAXndM9GE – Qualification +1 PvFPBTXtCw – Quest items 4cjusy9wOp – Items 4WAC8vRZ3P – Secret panel oR8SrwzZGb – +500$ aQd9sqetHq – Back Button q73l26qZmq – Gallery Unlock
Like Reply+500 = oR8SrwzZGb ; menu = 4WAC8vRZ3P ; items = 4cjusy9wOp ; Quest items = PvFPBTXtCw ; qualification = 2mAXndM9GE ; max stamina +20 = 7glFsk59cT ; back = aQd9sqetHq ; gallery = q73l26qZmq
Like Replyyou need to delete space in the end
Like ReplyGiven the number of bugs in the game, really should have a back button
Like ReplyGamcore this second time Iam telling you stop using cheap hardware upgrade your hardware so won't be to many gliches and errors.
Like Replywhat are all the characters name?
Like Replyanyone know the name for Fiona?
Like ReplyCheats: Money - oR8SrwzZGb, Items - 4cjusy9wOp, Quest items - PvFPBTXtCw, Gallery - q73l26qZmq, Stamina - 7glFsk59cT, Back Button - aQd9sqetHq, Level up - 2mAXndM9GE
Like ReplyJamesJelly, Cheat Menu - 4WAC8vRZ3P
Like ReplyI found an exploit to make infinite money.
Like Replygre, is it SugarCube.State.Variables.Money=(whatever number)?
Like Replyone has gone 100% on all things with Angela and still cannot watch a porn movie with her, nor enter her bedroom as she sleeps even though one has used the tools to sort the lock. this game even though not to bad, is Tits Ass and Dick are all over-exggrated extremly, and it takes too long to get with a girl and cannot see anything most of the time way too much writing, its like someone from a thried world country writing this crap, there are some games on here that are really good, not this.
Like Replyhow do i do the 2nd thing Discipline problem > Solve it plz help
Like ReplyFor the gym at the mall do you need a specific level of strength or is there a time that it’s open?
Like ReplyHow To Solve The Discipline Problem Quest of Clara?
Like Reply7glFsk59cT – Max stamina +20 2mAXndM9GE – Qualification +1 PvFPBTXtCw – Quest items 4cjusy9wOp – Items 4WAC8vRZ3P – Secret panel oR8SrwzZGb – +500$ aQd9sqetHq – Back Button q73l26qZmq – Gallery Unlock
Like Replyeror child tags anyone how to remove maybe?
Like ReplyCheat Codes for V0.94 7glFsk59cT – Max stamina +20 2mAXndM9GE – Qualification +1 PvFPBTXtCw – Quest items 4cjusy9wOp – Items 4WAC8vRZ3P – Secret panel oR8SrwzZGb – +500$ aQd9sqetHq – Back Button q73l26qZmq – Gallery Unlock
Like ReplyCan anyone provide us all with the new cheat codes.? I assure who ever the provider is we all be very grateful, THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.
Like ReplyBroooo put a Back history button. I'm stucked with a message ''Error: the passage "NaomiPresentPerfume" does not exist'' I will have to restart now
Like ReplyI cant get Monica to move in with me. The scene plays fine except for an error message. Does anyone know a work around or something?
Like ReplyThere is also no button to get out of the conversation animation.
Like ReplyAny cheats for v0.92?
Like Replywhat's the real name of Tracy in the brothel?
Like Replycheat codes for v.90
Like Replyfind more games like this on https://amazon.com/ - Jeff made a nice collection of adult games
Like ReplyFor v90 cheats CqruIN4sFc = 500$ lasSy2Xmin = Panel MCoucDT0FX = gift items one of each dL4IdQDnvq = quest items 2YSbW3BkFt = qualification 9apO7Qf60Q = Stamina lvyKPjn9aR = back button
Like ReplyCheat codes for 0.89 version?
Like Replyhow to get the third qualification level?????
Like ReplyHow do i increase qualifications?
Like Replyhow do i increase my charisma
Like ReplyMorgan69185, watch tv in living room alone
Like ReplyStuck on the bit with Clara where it says clarla looks upset maybe I should talk to her but can't find where I should talk to her anyone know where it is and how to pass it
Like ReplyThis game is a disaster, there is no story and major parts are broken and don't work from the get-go.
Like ReplyCheats are outdated yet again
Like Replyanyone have the new cheats?
Like ReplyNu mi-a placut jocul, nu recomand
Like Replyare there any cheats for v0.87??
Like ReplyThis game constantly freezes as well as making you select a choice and have no way to go forward or back it doesnt tell you how to impress certain girls and has no hints so its just you clicking through getting no where
Like ReplyWhat are the cheats for v.86?
Like Replynew codes V 0.84
Like Reply+500$ - s9IdDr6tyG Secret panel - 1pBF2GkrA6 Items added to your pocket - 06JzUK3788 Quest items added to your pocket - pnrhgE6eBh Increase Qualification - dyNqbn5ezu Increase max stamina - pJ9DJSHwyH Back button - WzT3iDO8RV
Like ReplyCheats for 0.83 version: WzT3iDO8RV- Back button pJ9DJSHwyH- Max stamina +20 dyNqbn5ezu- Qualification +1 pnrhgE6eBh- Quest items 06JzUK3788- Items 1pBF2GkrA6- Secret panel s9IdDr6tyG- +500$
Like ReplyWhat are the current cheats to this game?
Like Replyv 0.81 cheat codes: 87ESXwsz3z - add +500 cash gjNmpqE0jK - cheat parameters 5AOIZPUGsK - add 1 gift for each type wTzPIMDnvL - add 1 item for each type nQCeYHr5ot - add 1 teacher level FD0dRzLefK - add 20 max stamina IHC5rF0s67 - add backward button
Like Replyherowithoutcape, 87ESXwsz3z for money
Like Replyherowithoutcape, lie don't work like all the supposing cheat codes!✌️
Like Replyversion .80 cheats?
Like ReplyOnce I enter the all in one store, I find myself in Monica's home. What to do? I need buy items.
Like ReplyNick, need to go visit Monica in her house, that 'bug' happened to me for awhile as well
Like ReplyWhat are the Cheat for v0.80 ?
Like ReplyHow do you get qual to 3? And where does Angela go after lunch, ican't find her anywhere
Like ReplyAusBoy, Angela is in the Bar, you get to it via the subway
Like ReplyAny cheats for v80?
Like ReplyHow do you get 3rd teaching qualification? Where does Angela go after lunch? How do you get Angela to shoot a movie? It says to talk to Lucy in the morning. Where do you talk to her?
Like Replyplz what is the cheat code
Like ReplyWooowoopwoop
Like ReplyYou can roleplay Johnny sins, 10/10
Like Replymonica real name?
Like ReplyChina, Mia Malkova
Like ReplyWow, haven't played this in two years, wonder how much has been broken since the last save...
Like Reply2 hours into the game and "Error: the passage "NaomiPresentPerfume" does not exist" shows up. Theres no back button to fix the glitch I have to restart the whole game. What kind of idiot puts a back button behind a pay wall. You better make sure your game is perfect then... 1 star, wtf is wrong with the creator....
Like ReplyNew code pess
Like ReplyX, New codes: 78Sa4aGf1w - panel g39evtQVtp - 500$ MRXb5B3em4 - presents T3C0cqqBhh - items LvUwe8V0Fm - qualification +1 V6R21VXElt - Stamina + 20 tFPbH9h4xE - back button
Like Replyis a good game i like sex games i had had sex in real life to i put my dick in my gf s pussy it is so good s
Like ReplyI don't think this guy has had sex
Like ReplyI bet he hasn't had any pussy since pussy had him. :)
Like ReplyLove guide Mom lovers society Hot blonde big tits step-mom fucks her son Man chained Slave chinese Gf revenge vol 1 Rusakevich Anal german mother Time stpoppers Deep thourt long cock
Like ReplyRecently, Angela goes somewhere after lunch. I should find her. wher she go
Like ReplyNayak, get drunk at bar, and go back to there tomorrow late at night
Like Reply78Sa4aGf1w - panel g39evtQVtp - 500$ MRXb5B3em4 - presents T3C0cqqBhh - items LvUwe8V0Fm - qualification +1 V6R21VXElt - Stamina + 20 tFPbH9h4xE - back button
Like ReplyDoes anyone know any cheat codes for version 0.75? It would help a lot thank you
Like ReplyCheat codes, V6R21VXElt - Max stamina +20 LvUwe8V0Fm - Qualification +1 T3C0cqqBhh - Quest items MRXb5B3em4 - Items 78Sa4aGf1w - Secret panel g39evtQVtp - +500$
Like ReplyMake your own cheats guys. Drag to small window, click the arrows on website to enlarge, hit F12, type and enter "SugarCube.State.variables.cash = 10", etc. Mess around with the code.
Like Replyexplain in further detail
Like Replyhow can I raise strength
Like ReplyCHEATS FOR v.75 ??
Like ReplyWhat are the cheats for 0.74
Like ReplySati rachel Arabes gordas first big cock handjob Asiam whipping German fouresome Old lady gets painful anal bycicle ftv girls chubby fetish nation Ria sakurai valentine
Like ReplyI'm stuck with Angela. I've done the photoshoots and beat up her boyfriend, but the tip still says "go see where she works and find what she doesn't like but she is never at the studio". Also, I'm supposed to go to the movies at 7pm (on Sat I think), but nothing ever happens.
Like ReplyMoney: EbRYjHG0bE Cheat: n5Qfvmgcqa Items: EMZZAvaMQ3 More Items: hHHWEv3sTL Teacher Level (qualifications?) : oEG04lJV7V Stamina?: PYAichaUgc Backspace? : pd56gZZ9LQ
Like ReplyI left the game at v58. Now when loading it gives me some error msgs. Do they affect the game? Should I start over?
Like ReplyDrBoogie, I'd recommend restarting, I've had several bugs and the story just not going on because I had saved the game in older versions, it sucks, but there's any other way.
Like ReplyI got the task from Sophia to "Peek at girls locker at swimming lessons." But, when I have the swimming lesson (Thursday) I can't figure out how "peek at girls".
Like ReplyThe swimming lessons seem to have 3 variations which provide different options at the end. When given the option to "Go to girl's dressing room" the sub-choices there are either to "enjoy the show" or "praise them". When given the option to "Visit dressing room" the sub-choices there are either "Continue watching" or "Go away". None of them complete the task.
Like ReplyDoes anyone please know what veronicas real name is?
Like ReplyLooking4veronica, Veronica Rodriguez
Like ReplyWhat is Veronica's real name?
Like ReplyAnyone got cheats?
Like ReplyNickname, 60cipvpeCp - Back button bCR15aBzmn - Max stamina +20 Iv0WtBiOWw - Qualification +1 PnTNxHQvQD - Quest items SZqzn4Z87r - Items DjQXxqFeuZ - Secret panel XbfXcYur3d - "+500$
Like ReplyZezu1, These appear to no longer work
Like Reply78Sa4aGf1w The cheat code opens the panel [0.77]
Like ReplyZezu1, don't work
Like ReplyWzT3iDO8RV- Back button pJ9DJSHwyH- Max stamina +20 dyNqbn5ezu- Qualification +1 pnrhgE6eBh- Quest items 06JzUK3788- Items 1pBF2GkrA6- Secret panel s9IdDr6tyG- +500$
Like ReplyZezu1, Any 0.92 cheats?
Like Replythese seem to work: +500 cash: oR8SrwzZGb secret panel: 4WAC8vRZ3P items: 4cjusy9wOp quest items: PvFPBTXtCw Levels: 2mAXndM9GE stamina: 7glFsk59cT back button: aQd9sqetHq unlock gallery: q73l26qZmq
Like ReplyChegar v 1.08/1.09?
Like ReplySeuPai, codes for 1.08 Money +500= sT4rGl1tt3r Secrete Panel = sp4c3Tr4v3l Quest itens = st4rSh1p itens = g4l4xyQu33n Qualification +1 = m1lkyW4y Max stamina = bl4ckH0l3 Gallery?= n3bul4Dr34m
Like ReplyZezu1, e4gl3n3st +500 f4lc0nh1d3 secret panel p4rr0tg1ft item r4v3ntreasure all item sw4nboost Qualification +1 h4wkst4mina Stamina e4gl3w1ngs back bar r4v3ncl4w Gallery
Like ReplyAny codes For the current version
Like ReplyLoganbigdick, V 1.16 - h0bbitRing = +500 $, m0byD1ckWhale = secret panel, w0nderAlic3 = items, f4hrenh3it451 = quest items, 1984BigBr0 = +Teacher qualification, dr4culaBite = +max stamina
Like ReplyBob, Any chance you or anyone else have codes for 1.19?
Like ReplyCan't seem to get the "Hasta La Vista!" Achievement. I've been to the park kiosk and did both opinions "Throw Yourself into Battle" and "Recklessly Rush to Them" with winning results, yet the achievement never unlocks. Also, for "33 Rejections" and "Furious Teacher" what is considered to be a rejection and a punishment? Lost a lot of desire trying to give unwanted gifts and talking about uninteresting subjects.
Like ReplyWhy is it, that when I go to class? That some bitch won't leave my character alone and leave me to my job. The other thing is I don't think the classes should be perverted. They should have meaning to each class.
Like ReplyHow to get more bold?
Like ReplyThriller, walk in the park
Like ReplyWhat Neville said, but it has to be after dark. You can also gain boldness by jacking at the sports field at school.
Like ReplyUpdated Cheats 0.66: H4SW4rxVu4 - +500$ 3rY5DuABJ3 - Cheat menu PYcURb89ZP - some items ObhJeilt0b - quest items d7dWSQCypR - Teacher qualification +1 87EkNo4kLT - Max Stamina +20 eJKORtW9Ls - (seems to be the back arrows)
Like Reply87EkNo4kLT -- Max stamina +20 d7dWSQCypR -- Qualification ObhJeiltOb Quest item 3rY5DuABJ3 secret panel H4SW4rxVu4 + 500$ PYcURb89ZP items
Like ReplyProlux, How about the back button?
Like Replythis game is boring as fuck, endless gringing in a loop for 0 progress, stats that dont do shit, and storylines that end or dont go anywhere, with out cheats to speed things up dont waste your time on this crap
Like Replyversion 0.65 cheats please
Like ReplyVery disappointed with this game thing I have played half through game then add more to meaning I have restart again as for my old savings are no good mostly errors of playing part as given this game one star thanks for nothing ruining a great game.
Like ReplyNew cheats from 0.64: Iaj56vjCvc - +500 cash 8xRFddT9jQ - cheat panel azQF0mPdqD - gift items one of each upuOylqNCJ - quest items ue47SJgjgV - qualification +1 QbM9K99cax - maxstamina +1 F7Q7NEm61B - back button
Like ReplyIaj56vjCvc - +500 cash 8xRFddT9jQ - cheat panel azQF0mPdqD - gift items one of each upuOylqNCJ - quest items ue47SJgjgV - qualification +1 QbM9K99cax - maxstamina +1 F7Q7NEm61B - back button
Like Replyv0.64 cheats please?
Like ReplyAnyone know Bella Williams real name
Like ReplyMa ktoś kody do tej wersji 0.63
Like ReplyIaj56vjCvc cash += 500 8xRFddT9jQ Secret panel activated! azQF0mPdqD Items added to your pocket upuOylqNCJ Quest items added to your pocket ue47SJgjgV Qualification increased QbM9K99cax Max stamina increased F7Q7NEm61B Back button
Like ReplyGood game until the bit about Freud and the oral stage theory
Like ReplyWhat are some v0.64 cheat codes?
Like ReplyCheat codes, idk either
Like ReplyWhat is Clara Scott’s real name
Like ReplyTony, Aidra fox
Like ReplyWhat is Lucy’s real name?
Like ReplyOn Monica's tip, follow her to the beach., I go every day between 3 and 6 pm and I don't find her. What else has to happen?
Like ReplyHow about not fucking up every old saves? Why we would like to start again and again... Broing, too much grinding, buggy...
Like ReplyWhat are the cheats for V 0.61
Like ReplyPark girls name?
Like ReplyY'know a back button would be nice.
Like ReplyToo bad you can't choose to play as a female to spice it up a little bit.
Like Replyhow do you get angela to go to the photography session
Like ReplyHow do I find sports bottle for Lucy, the Math teacher?
Like Replythis game is fucking boring without cheat codes so fuck this. the three different fucking sites i've fucking tried didn't fucking work. this fucking game is not worth the fucking grind like ever other fucking game on this fucking site.
Like ReplyAnyone have 0.58 cheat codes
Like ReplyTiddylovr69, unfortunately no. i've tried3 sites still came up with nothing.
Like ReplyWhere the fuck do I enter the cheat codes
Like Replyuc0FICoBKa - Max stamina +20 s85MblqY5a - Qualification +1 c3pj2LOK1C - Quest items PO7Y17EV9B - Items ISd2mWDmUw - Secret panel IR2sF1Dh1S - "+500$"
Like Reply0.58 new cheat code in version 0.58 IR2sF1Dh1S - +500 cash ISd2mWDmUw - secret panel PO7Y17EV9B - items c3pj2LOK1C - quest items s85MblqY5a - qualification +1 uc0FICoBKa - maxstamina +20 XsBEACBq6o - back button
Like Replycheats don't work!
Like ReplyWhy there is not any help or clue about the task of characters appearing at the left?
Like ReplyHow do you go to lexis house
Like ReplyThis game has a nice potential, there would just like more animation than it is needed when punishing, touching the breasts and even anal sex btw, especially to report anal sex to Angela when it clicks, I only fuck her in the cunt and not in the ass.
Like ReplyAnybody got a walkthrough guide for the game or where to find one?
Like ReplyCarl, Here you go https://static.porngameshub.com/uploads/public/613/020/c20/613020c20a7fd462533726.pdf
Like ReplyHow we can save the game??
Like Reply7IkC1g9pJ9 - adds 500$ cash oTFVMYhlTZ - activates Secret Panel (set Affection/Lust for the girls and Player stats) znrSU5EENG - gives you some giftable items (like Chocolate) aMHN3EMgRy - gives you some quest specific items RuocPSnMr3 - adds 1 teacher level (qualification) wxgJ152FJt - adds 30 to maxStamina MEoOJgezIc - enables the back button
Like Replycheatsguy, where do you enter the codes? been on every screen and there is no "enter cheat" bar or anything?
Like Replyyou need to go to your laptop Lord Dracul,
Like Replycheatsguy, these cheats don't work for version 0.58
Like ReplyJok3r, stop cheating and play the game.
Like Replycheatsguy, cheatsguy, don't work
Like ReplyBruh don’t talk to Veronica in the park, if you aren’t strong enough to catch her roller skating it infinitely keeps you in that text and you are softlocked
Like ReplyDecent game, but you can accidentally skip important plot points by just visiting people over and over again without obtaining the necessary context. Especially the principal.
Like ReplyAko zvíším qvalifikaciu?
Like ReplyHow do you get the first encounter with Fiona?
Like Replyv 0.5 F7cTSCbN6t =$500. a2AJ5QGmH0 =items. QADZNffQ3L =quest items. VLaiPh1OKE =qualifications. YvrQlLb1vr =stamina. RWzKqX5Tot =backbutton. v9gnTtsVui =secret panel for v.5
Like ReplyWhere do I find a sport bottle at
Like ReplyMiker3110, through the achievement shop
Like ReplyF7cTSCbN6t =$500. a2AJ5QGmH0 =items. QADZNffQ3L =quest items. VLaiPh1OKE =qualifications. YvrQlLb1vr =stamina. RWzKqX5Tot =backbutton. v9gnTtsVui =secret panel for v.5
Like ReplyF7cTSCbN6t =$500. a2AJ5QGmH0 =items. QADZNffQ3L =quest items. VLaiPh1OKE =qualifications. YvrQlLb1vr =stamina. RWzKqX5Tot =backbutton. v9gnTtsVui =secret panel
Like Replygristle, where can I write cheat
Like ReplyPablo, laptop in bedroom
Like ReplyHow do I put cheats in I have not found a cheat menu
Like ReplyI mean 0.49 cheats
Like Reply4.9 cheats?
Like ReplyHow do I find angela's boyfriend
Like ReplyHow do you introduce yourself to the class?
Like Replycan anyone tell me what is the real name of Lucy please?
Like Replyfellas, what are the codes for 0.48
Like Replylotusbigdick, h4ARtgJnlSjaaPzfSiBF - Max stamina +1 22prPLdz5xs1zB4EdRqh - Qualification +1 fv1Pu3MInX4bl3zFLdU3 - Quest items OvGqpY5UYepHF1rU2KFA - Items tuzIcYeVrVwABMOcgiVy - Secret panel ol6p49j9h0Pj9xSz1QHn - +500$ 6cxwPvwWoVXx81q7oZEY - back button
Like ReplyShido, these codes arent working
Like ReplyHow do I train with Monica
Like ReplySunday - Noon 13:55 - Deleted Files - Angela's Photos - save Game = Dead end ...and game.
Like ReplyV 0.47 cheat codes: XnOj8pQ5Jd - Money 9iuGDQymoN - Cheat panel 3S8fRlCmUj - Items IuNR8gHgtj - Quest Items QDgtW97sQZ - Qualification level Cnp6jdxbY1 - Stamina 9IxBxi8GKc - Back button
Like Replythere's a problem with a Lexi's image it doesn't load https://fgn.cdn.serverable.com/common/flashes/nf/favorite_teacher/img/Lexi/Lexishower.png
Like ReplyHow do you use the usb on Angels pc?
Like ReplyCheats v0.46 XnOj8pQ5Jd = +500 cash 9iuGDQymoN = secret panel 3S8fRlCmUj = items +1 IuNR8gHgtj = all quest items QDgtW97sQZ = qualification +1 Cnp6jdxbY1 = maxstamina 9IxBxi8GKc = back button
Like Replyanybody know the cheats for V.46??
Like ReplyHere are the cheat codes for version 0.45 all codes work. AK5iZzaXPO - +500 cash | dYBmsuq3E8 - secret panel | S51YjeeCLA - items | 4IOk4avXOW - quest items | UgnloBFCyx - qualification +1 | tntsgbMWWo - maxstamina +1 | wkNCTueuxb - back button
Like ReplyExcellent game. I would love to see the same game with girls, boys and shemales students. That would be much more diverse and interesting.
Like ReplyTitlove, WTF!!! Why didn't you put your name as DICKLOVE!!! Every Fucking game you have Little gaywad, dick bobbing GirlyBoys wanting every Goddamn Game to add GAYWAD SHIT!!! I have nothing against you or your being gay, but every fucking game doesn't need Gay content!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, First of all, you say you have nothing against me but still you ironically call me DIcklove: can you be less offensive and more mature ? Second, when I said I wanted to see that game with this and that, I meant another version of this game with additional content could be a good idea. I don't want all games to have lgbtq+ content...
Like ReplyJerkfree, Third, if you don't like these games, why playing them and commenting with no constructive or artistic argument? Just find what you like and enjoy. Fourth, I'm not gay, it's not that simple, I just like shemales and girly boys, basically I can be attracted to every person that looks like a women, I don't care what's under their pants. DOn't be so definitive in your judgments, you ll look like a retarded teenager. Sixth, that's all. Love.
Like ReplyTitlove, Fuck off with your gay shit. Shove your plug up your ass and fuck off somewhere.
Like ReplyI like point out you yes you screwed up this game thanks for screwing up now it's barely to play gamcore
Like ReplyCheats for 0.45 : AK5iZzaXPO - +500 cash dYBmsuq3E8 - secret panel S51YjeeCLA - items 4IOk4avXOW - quest items UgnloBFCyx - qualification +1 tntsgbMWWo - maxstamina +1 wkNCTueuxb - back button
Like ReplyCheats for 0.45 : AK5iZzaXPO - +500 cash dYBmsuq3E8 - secret panel S51YjeeCLA - items 4IOk4avXOW - quest items UgnloBFCyx - qualification +1 tntsgbMWWo - maxstamina +1 wkNCTueuxb - back button
Like ReplyStamina requirements are wrong since the recent update. Should be10X less.
Like ReplyWhat are the Cheat for v0.44
Like Replyit's not starting for me can anyone help me?
Like Replyleuk spel hoor tot nu toe ,heb ik mijn room mate tot 100% gebracht en wil ik haar eens lekker vaginaal neuken en wat gebeurt er er staat iemand aan de buitendeur en toen was haar goesting weg i flauw hoor
Like Replydirector's real name, please ??
Like ReplyHow to pick up lucy after class?
Like ReplyMy pastors gave me holy aids
Like ReplyAK5iZzaXPO - +500 cash dYBmsuq3E8 - secret panel S51YjeeCLA - items 4IOk4avXOW - quest items UgnloBFCyx - qualification +1 tntsgbMWWo - maxstamina +1 wkNCTueuxb - back button
Like ReplyKamp98, v.044
Like ReplyThere's a grinding trick, please don't take this trick away, just select "My Stats" and the benefit of the action is repeated. In school this can be repeated again and again. The strategy is that the Increase of 1 area is 50%+ larger than decreases, so pick 2: Grades, Obedience, and then grind with that trick all day long to get them above 100% and then switch to the other 2 to get them all above 100%. However, there appears to be no benefit to increasing those.
Like ReplySeems impossible to get the task from clara
Like ReplyHow do I raise my boldness
Like ReplyPopularSplash16, Jerk off in schoolyard or take a walk in the park in evening
Like ReplyAK5iZzaXPO - +500$ dYBmsuq3E8 - Secret panel activated S51YjeeCLA - Items added to your pocket 4IOk4avXOW - Quest items added to your pocket UgnloBFCyx - Qualification increased tntsgbMWWo - Max stamina increased wkNCTueuxb - Back Button 0.43 cheats
Like ReplyHas anyone figured out this magic event? All I can think is that I have saved too far in the game to get to it
Like ReplyWhat are all of the girls real name?
Like ReplyDoes anyone have cheats for .42
Like ReplyHow do you get the weed?
Like Replymember, you get it from the guy in the park late afternoon/ evenings
Like Replyhow do i get Boldness?
Like ReplyPussyboy, walk in the park in the evenings or take a public piss at school after main class/during break
Like ReplyIs there a way to fuck Olivia?
Like Replycheats Cheat codes for (v0.41-v0.42) scroll qr5woEFiuk - Max stamina +1 SeGDBJz634 - Qualification +1 7fSLhDIL7m - Quest items 2BYbjh5ZQv - Items 69tXK5ttrX - Secret panel Ga8X8G8D5i (+500$)
Like ReplyWhat is it with that diving treasure hunt contest notification popping up on the daytime refusing me to leave my house? What do I need to do?
Like ReplyWhat do I need to do when I'm in school and on the second floor and that "Autumn: Talk with her" pops up as a separate from other talking tasks? I know it's something different but what do I need to do?
Like ReplyWhat i need to do with Lucy after ''Trouble with carriage was solved. Looks like we in the next stage of our relations.'' Help pleas
Like ReplyWhat are the cheats for version 0.41?
Like Replyijl9997, Ga8X8G8D5i - +500$ 69tXK5ttrX - Secret panel activated 2BYbjh5ZQv - Items added to your pocket 7fSLhDIL7m - Quest items added to your pocket SeGDBJz634 - Qualification increased qr5woEFiuk - Max stamina increased 0uj9rIB5GE - Back Button 0.41 cheats
Like ReplyGa8X8G8D5i - +500$ 69tXK5ttrX - Secret panel activated 2BYbjh5ZQv - Items added to your pocket 7fSLhDIL7m - Quest items added to your pocket SeGDBJz634 - Qualification increased qr5woEFiuk - Max stamina increased 0uj9rIB5GE - Back Button 0.41 cheats
Like ReplyIAM not very satisfied with broken down game either fix it or remove off gamcore.
Like ReplyHow do you advance when Lucy's hint says "I need a lot of training before Lucy will not forget me."?
Like ReplyTJ, do you know how to get in the Gym
Like ReplyHow do you get in the gym
Like ReplyWhat it veronica Garcia's real name
Like ReplyWhat do I need to do when that "Think about Fiona" pops up now and then? I just end up fading away after I do the little dialog and I end up back to my house. Is there something I need to do to get the story forward?
Like ReplyHow do you go to the gym with Lucy when it says she like to go to the gym?
Like ReplyJJ, I'm not sure, I just played the game and talked to her in school and such and after some time I just got to go to gym with her
Like ReplyIts a gray screen for me, why?
Like ReplyHow to turn on Angela's facecam successfully.
Like ReplyHow to fuck Verónica?
Like ReplyHow can I get the seasonings for Angela?
Like Replyv.0.39 ve7cVkARNY : +$500 WMiBAvoKPu : Secret Panel 61e2HbFpSu : Gifts/Items jlX16SLmIn : Quest Items UiPSR2Pt8V : +1 Qualification xZQsdZ71va : +1 Max Stamina SYyN3HXczJ : Back Button
Like ReplyThese work for 4.1 too!
Like Reply2EWa5bCOq6IdYfYdIGBv : +$500 RAiu2kPNGsnxKb2AXN93 : Secret Panel QKKjUwLYuOQ8aMxrK1PT : Gifts/Items lEw5LLx5ICpNpZTFVfkD : Quest Items w2JICQAKZyGXx1pADX8n : +1 Qualification 7qdw2KTacldMhe8HCVpi : +1 Max Stamina ri6N0yTGSbBF22ySVe9d Back Button
Like ReplyWhere is Angela's boyfriend ????
Like ReplyHow can I increase boldness?
Like ReplyArosa, walk in the park during evenings or take a public piss during breaks at school
Like ReplyAnyone have cheats for v0.40?
Like ReplyCheater cheater, same as 3.9
Like ReplyI can't find Lucy's home. Please help me ^
Like ReplyHow can I find Marcus to talk about filming my roomate?
Like ReplyRemind me, where can I find Naomi?
Like ReplyAnyone knows Fionas real Name?
Like ReplyJack, Remi LaCroix
Like Replyplease update the game so we have more to do
Like Replywhat thing do you need to get lucy to go to the gym again?
Like ReplyHow do you have dinner with Angela??
Like ReplyHow do you use the virus?
Like ReplyHow do you get to be able to go to Lexi's house?
Like ReplySomebody know how to make angela dinner with you?
Like Replyv.0.39 ve7cVkARNY : +$500 WMiBAvoKPu : Secret Panel 61e2HbFpSu : Gifts/Items jlX16SLmIn : Quest Items UiPSR2Pt8V : +1 Qualification xZQsdZ71va : +1 Max Stamina SYyN3HXczJ : Back Button
Like ReplyAnyone got a save from previous version? Hate to fucking start over every time.
Like Replywhat do you have to do when you meet fiona on the beach
Like ReplyI keep getting a fatal error no valid storage adapters found why and how do I fix it
Like ReplyHow can I increase charisma past 4?
Like ReplyGot it! It is through watchign TV and getting some clothes/accessories
Like ReplyTo MUCH fucking grinding after every update for five minutes or less content. WTF! The devs,, all decided to make these games to where the save from one update dosn't work on the new update!!!!...
Like Reply0.38 ve7cVkARNY 500 cash WMiBAvoKPu Secret panel 61e2HbFpSu Items added to your pocket jlX16SLmIn Quest items added to your pocket UiPSR2Pt8V Qualification increased xZQsdZ71va Max stamina increased SYyN3HXczJ History On
Like Replywhat doesnt angela like at her job
Like ReplyCodes for 0.38 ve7cVkARNY : +$500 WMiBAvoKPu : Secret Panel 61e2HbFpSu : Gifts/Items jlX16SLmIn : Quest Items UiPSR2Pt8V : +1 Qualification xZQsdZ71va : +1 Max Stamina SYyN3HXczJ : Back Button Write them without space at the end.
Like ReplyI'm going to quit playing, what's up with this programmer, each update you have to play the whole game again as the saves even 1 version ago only give you errors
Like Replyhow do i raise qualification? i m hard stuck
Like ReplyI'm stuck with Angela showing the Tip: It might be easier to talk Angela into a photo session if I bring some alcohol to her in the evening. what to do with that? I don't know how to proceed.
Like Replyneedhelp, you need to buy some whisky and come back at 6 pm to talk to her
Like Replyneedhelp, whisky is what you need
Like Replyhow to makethe homemade porn
Like ReplyHow to make homemade porn angela
Like ReplyHey guys, found some cheats online. No idea if every single one is working. But at least the Money-Cheat worked for me. ve7cVkARNY = $ +500 WMiBAvoKPu = Secret panel activated! 61e2HbFpSu = Items added to your pocket jlX16SLmIn = Quest items added to your pocket UiPSR2Pt8V = Qualification increased xZQsdZ71va = Max stamina increased SYyN3HXczJ = Back/Forward UI Button
Like Replyhow can you turn on angelas wabcam
Like ReplyHey guys, found some cheats online. No idea if every single one is working. But at least the Money-Cheat worked for me. ve7cVkARNY = $ +500 WMiBAvoKPu = Secret panel activated! 61e2HbFpSu = Items added to your pocket jlX16SLmIn = Quest items added to your pocket UiPSR2Pt8V = Qualification increased xZQsdZ71va = Max stamina increased SYyN3HXczJ = Back/Forward UI Button
Like ReplyHas anyone been able to play a saved game with the latest update?
Like Replyhammerva, its part of all the games now! Not to be able to load a save, they do that to make sure anyone not PAYING has to Grind all the way thru again. Just to see two minutes of new SHIT!.
Like Replycheats v.0.37 2EWa5bCOq6IdYfYdIGBv : +$500 RAiu2kPNGsnxKb2AXN93 : Secret Panel QKKjUwLYuOQ8aMxrK1PT : Gifts/Items lEw5LLx5ICpNpZTFVfkD : Quest Items w2JICQAKZyGXx1pADX8n : +1 Qualification 7qdw2KTacldMhe8HCVpi : +1 Max Stamina ri6N0yTGSbBF22ySVe9d Back Button
Like ReplyThere are some pics that they don't appear, like the pic when u talk with Veronica (she tells her story)
Like ReplyCan you improve game a bit more?
Like Replycode has intertwined i cant do anything
Like Replyi need help with angela
Like Replyjeff, i cant figure out the photo studio with angela
Like ReplyThis game sux have keep restart to play on this game as you developers your game sux I give no stars need update hardware drive.
Like Replyhow do you get boldness
Like Replyt, Walk in the park at night. Once you get the stadium built at the school masturbating in public does that, too.
Like Replyim stuck on the photo studio with angela
Like Replyany cheats for 036?
Like Replyhey dude. in the next version add some junior porn actor (young guy). because we don't want to play the old guys in this game; and also add some new girls
Like ReplySo unless there is a update button that I can't find, I don't' see the updates that they supposedly did. I loaded up a save and went through the process. Nothing has changed. Maybe it is different if you start from the beginning but not interested in that
Like ReplyV 0.36 cheat codes: ZwNjgmp2Ax = 500 cash jkl862hVgK = Secret Panel LhypHiIHb1 = Items uyVfct9JyV = Quest items TjTEBhR5or = Teacher level yt8mKh0Zn1 = Max stamina increase wknV5wWOOF = Back button
Like ReplyAlso- any success on getting Angela's laptop turned on? I've successfully hacked it, but can't ever seem to open it...
Like ReplyNick, how did you hack it?
Like ReplyI seem to be stuck on a loop with Fiona. I had her to my house, but then it loops back to reading her blog, going to club meeting, etc. similarly, I can't seem to get to the gym. stats are all maxed, but i can't seem to get any movement on any of the characters. any tips on how to catch up with Naomi again?
Like ReplyNick, Yup!!! You grind like hell trying to get somewhere in any of these games it ends that update, Alright YEA!! Another update START OVER.
Like ReplyI cannot hand over the tasks that Carla gave me. It is there, task done, but when I talk to her I can't address it.
Like Replysorry I meant Clara, of course
Like ReplyCurious Gamer, have you done any of naomi is so how do I get past the accepting her offer
Like ReplyStuck on accepted Naomi's offer continue relationship, need help please
Like Replyis there any new cheats
Like Replyworked hard on this for the past 3 days have unlocked all the school stuff went to buy a polo shirt from Camilla store and it wont let me go back from this page gutted and i'm not starting over this is where i'm stuck n the life of any man, there comes a moment when it is time for him to change his image.
Like Replyjay71, When it sticks on my I go to my stats and make a change- either put on different shoes or something else that will prompt the game to move on. Good luck!
Like ReplyIs it possible that the current version is not compatible with the saved versions of the previous version? Because whenever I want to swim or walk along the beach, the game hangs up.
Like ReplyCurious Gamer, Dude all the Developers are Making you start over on EVERY UPDATE!!! Its revenge for NOT $ub$crbing and PAYING TO PLAY.
Like Replyafter shopping for clothes the game does not allow you to leave .
Like ReplyCheats v0.35 please
Like ReplyCheat codes for v0.35 anyone?
Like ReplyThe game was talorable when they had the cheats, don't know if they're back or not? Afterwards it became a big grind infested shit, point being that i just got tired of the bullshit and having to start over with EVERY update... JMO so don't go bullshit troll.
Like ReplySeriously does anyone in the maker of this do any quality control testing. Tons of bugs in it
Like Replyhow do i increase my stamina above 3
Like ReplyHorny Girl, Meditating to mastery will get you an extra stamina point, and you can get another one by drinking coffee and taking a shower. If you want to take advantage of a glitch, get a coffee, then go take a shower. When it awards you a stamina point, go to your stats and then exit out. Each time you'll get extra stamina and burn 5 min... you can get up to a dozen stamina that way before reporting to school- very helpful when punishing the girls to increase their lust.
Like Replyis there a why to use cheets without useing patrion
Like ReplyWhat r the cheat codes
Like ReplySoulReaper526, V 0.47 cheat codes: XnOj8pQ5Jd - Money 9iuGDQymoN - Cheat panel 3S8fRlCmUj - Items IuNR8gHgtj - Quest Items QDgtW97sQZ - Qualification level Cnp6jdxbY1 - Stamina 9IxBxi8GKc - Back button
Like ReplyThere is a bug, i can't leave the room after the first blowjob of the club (after the talk with Sophia)
Like Replyhow to use cheats
Like Replyhow do i enter the gym and make porn videos with angelina
Like ReplyThere is a problem with Fiona and Sophia plugin update. After talking to Sophia, Fiona went to her room, where she was trapped in an endless loop. There is no photo of Lucy in the characters. what is clara scott car duty? There is one thing Angela's photo studio does not like, how will I handle this. How do I find a pearl necklace?
Like ReplyQuestion and Error, Look for shells on the beach. You'll find pearls. when you find enough you can make the necklace.
Like Replyhow do you unlock angelas door
Like Replyknightstardray, it was that you buy a tool box? Maybe that's changed??
Like ReplyJerkfree, i did
Like ReplyHow the fuck do i fuck the boss in school
Like ReplyWhere does Angela go after lunch?
Like Replykenji77, She goes to the bar at the other subway station.
Like ReplyTired of restarting this shit grind every time. Its every update!!! And if the cheats don't work or nobody post the new cheats your SOL left grinding like hell..... JMO
Like Replyv0.33 2EWa5bCOq6IdYfYdIGBv : +$500 RAiu2kPNGsnxKb2AXN93 : Secret Panel QKKjUwLYuOQ8aMxrK1PT : Gifts/Items lEw5LLx5ICpNpZTFVfkD : Quest Items w2JICQAKZyGXx1pADX8n : +1 Qualification 7qdw2KTacldMhe8HCVpi : +1 Max Stamina ri6N0yTGSbBF22ySVe9d Back Button
Like ReplyCheats v 0.34 2EWa5bCOq6IdYfYdIGBv : +$500 RAiu2kPNGsnxKb2AXN93 : Secret Panel QKKjUwLYuOQ8aMxrK1PT : Gifts/Items lEw5LLx5ICpNpZTFVfkD : Quest Items w2JICQAKZyGXx1pADX8n : +1 Qualification 7qdw2KTacldMhe8HCVpi : +1 Max Stamina ri6N0yTGSbBF22ySVe9d Back Button
Like Replyi would recommend not doing whatever the Fiona and Sophia addition is on update. After you talk to Sophia and then go into the Fiona room, you are stuck in an infinite loop. Also still have no clue on the Claire thing with a car
Like ReplyThis fucker is really trying to get the clicks!! The Grind is Stupid and the cheats Don't work!!!
Like Replyri6N0yTGSbBF22ySVe9d - Back button 7qdw2KTacldMhe8HCVpi - Max stamina +1 w2JICQAKZyGXx1pADX8n - Qualification +1 lEw5LLx5ICpNpZTFVfkD - Quest items QKKjUwLYuOQ8aMxrK1PT - Items RAiu2kPNGsnxKb2AXN93 - Secret panel 2EWa5bCOq6IdYfYdIGBv - +500$
Like ReplyRRC.11, the cheats are Rediculasly long and probably don't work????
Like ReplyRRC.11, These Work for 0.34
Like ReplyRando, Yeah they're outragesly long and usually Don't Work!! The game is still a grind fested shit show, where playing is repeat,repeat, repeat...
Like ReplyJerkfree, yea, need the codes for this game to be worth it. Not doing this grindfest for the 10th time
Like ReplyNew cheats? Anyone?
Like ReplyFunny they claim to add and update the Clair quest on three different updates!!!! Goes to show how lazy these assholes are!! Just keep saying they did the same thing????.... WTF!
Like ReplyThey need to make this a mobile app game
Like ReplyIs there anything on this "club" that they are talking about with this teacher? I assume that when she goes to the second floor I have to go somewhere but never get the right place
Like Replywhere were u when club penguin die?
Like ReplyWhat are the Cheat for v0.33
Like Replyjo, this game is worthless without cheats
Like Replyfuck people, like all devs.. now are doing anything and everything they can do to try and Force you to PAY TO PLAY!!! All the while they start with a decent game but then fuck it up... JMO
Like ReplyStill not fixed, my old saves still have <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read property 'LustLvl' of undefined ruining the game.
Like Replysomeone knows the new cheatcodes?
Like Replyjohn, V 0.47 cheat codes: XnOj8pQ5Jd - Money 9iuGDQymoN - Cheat panel 3S8fRlCmUj - Items IuNR8gHgtj - Quest Items QDgtW97sQZ - Qualification level Cnp6jdxbY1 - Stamina 9IxBxi8GKc - Back button
Like ReplyI am stuck on the whole car thing with Clara. I am not sure how to get past it. I have done the Ball thing and going to bar. Went to mall and picked up outfit. So either stuck or waiting for update
Like ReplyV. 032 cheats: E2S9KectURNhnt4FIuS1 - money mDmFBxqB7F4yQ932I0ml - secret panel 386XrX08XXOXYpYQIkxV - gifts/items 9s2VJo18quVMFtuBpEfb - quest items 3Z8AfOoiuU8i3h9osd4a - Qualification vHHRV5HjA8jN2xyJsnok - Stamina uZqw7UwEBYd5QiIiAUO2 - Rewind Butto
Like ReplyYasmin Asbollas, NONE of these codes work!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, V 0.47 cheat codes: XnOj8pQ5Jd - Money 9iuGDQymoN - Cheat panel 3S8fRlCmUj - Items IuNR8gHgtj - Quest Items QDgtW97sQZ - Qualification level Cnp6jdxbY1 - Stamina 9IxBxi8GKc - Back button
Like ReplyWhat do I have to do with Naomi if it says a tip "I agreed to Naomi`s offer. I wish to continue our relations."
Like ReplyIncrease boldness by walking in park at night (after 19:00)
Like ReplyKind of stuck on Lexi part of this. I am at the "need to talk about her behavior after class" but can't see to get there. Is it a certain time or do I have to go through something else
Like ReplyIs there game full of bug lines for other people??
Like ReplyAfter I bought wine the mall became useless: I can t access any shop anymore, it always launches the dinner with Angela script...
Like ReplyI'm stuck on the screen where you enter Angela's room at night to talk. I chose to" talk to her about work". At the end of this dialogue it states that you "need to buy Angela a dress", but there is nothing else to click on to continue the game in any way. It's just stuck on that screen. Any help would be much appreciated!!
Like Replyany cheats for 0.32
Like Replyhubert, E2S9KectURNhnt4FIuS1 - money mDmFBxqB7F4yQ932I0ml - secret panel 386XrX08XXOXYpYQIkxV - gifts/items 9s2VJo18quVMFtuBpEfb - quest items 3Z8AfOoiuU8i3h9osd4a - Qualification vHHRV5HjA8jN2xyJsnok - Stamina uZqw7UwEBYd5QiIiAUO2 - Rewind Butto
Like ReplyIf the Developer hadn't made the game a Grind Festered shit show you wouldn't need cheats! That being said you can see the point.....
Like Replyhow do you talk with lexi after class
Like ReplyHow to finish the clara's request ''I helped Clara with car. Maybe it`s start of something great?''?
Like ReplyWhat’s Angela’s real name
Like ReplyAny cheats for v0.31?
Like ReplyCheats for v 0.31 anyone ?
Like ReplyUe, Su4mL495tjE34csUuPD9 - money 9Hhdz4b8EPc3gb3KN4H3 - secret panel Yrnpg4pS97HiD2L423Auv - gifts/items pK2ZcmAY63M24mcf7S2v - quest items yPA6ktTS56dNm9389dZj - Qualification M9K6FtKX94Dnk66eizr7 - Stamina yXTcun74nn67NtZ92HC - Rewind Button
Like Reply0.31 Cheats
Like ReplyAny working cheats for version 30 game is not worth playing without them because we all have played it so many god dam times now
Like ReplyFuck this game!!!! Tired of having to start over with every Goddamm update, along with all the bullshit grind. The cheat codes are rediculasly long!! Also they are limited as to what they do, why make the damm game so difficult to began with??? Oh!! So you'll join and $upport....
Like ReplyAny cheats for 0.30 please?
Like ReplyCHEAT 0.30 WORKING cheat codes: E2S9KectURNhnt4FIuS1 - Money mDmFBxqB7F4yQ932I0ml - Cheat panel 386XrX08XXOXYpYQIkxV - Items 9s2VJo18quVMFtuBpEfb - Quest Items 3Z8AfOoiuU8i3h9osd4a - Qualification level vHHRV5HjA8jN2xyJsnok - Stamina uZqw7UwEBYd5QiIiAUO2 - Back button
Like ReplyName of monica? pleaseeee
Like Replymonica, Mia Malkova
Like Replycan someone post the cheats for 0.29? i hate having to reset every update
Like Replywhere does angela go after lunch and how to get lexi -Sometimes it`s better just to rest at home and current will bring you to the right place.
Like ReplyTip: The birthday was great. I wonder how Lexi feels about it? anyone know how to clear ?
Like Replycheat code v.0.29?
Like ReplyWhat does error no valid storage adapters found mean it's preventing me from playing games
Like ReplyAnon, you're probably playing in private mode or blocking some content..
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to use the virus?
Like ReplyCheats for 0.29? pls
Like ReplyWhy is there a new update for this game like weekly, but they never actually add any content? GTFO of here with this crap.
Like ReplyHelp with this tip please with lexi The birthday was great. I wonder how Lexi feels about it?
Like ReplyAnyone have the cheats for 0.28? I had to start a new game and I really hate doing the grinding.
Like Replygamingguy, E2S9KectURNhnt4FIuS1 - Money mDmFBxqB7F4yQ932I0ml - Cheat panel 386XrX08XXOXYpYQIkxV - Items 9s2VJo18quVMFtuBpEfb - Quest Items 3Z8AfOoiuU8i3h9osd4a - Qualification level vHHRV5HjA8jN2xyJsnok - Stamina uZqw7UwEBYd5QiIiAUO2 - Back button those are the ones big mac posted BUT.... you need to know that for stamina, money and qualification level you can (and should) put it multiple times and the cheat panel is a little buggy so it's better if you don't use it
Like ReplyI guess I'm stuck. I got confronted regarding that club about me but I can't find it. Also I don't get what I am supposed to do about that photostudio. Can somebody help me? Would be cool!
Like ReplyJerryBerry, visit the photo studio around noon or afternoon after talking about her work in the photostudio
Like ReplyDoes someone know how i talk to lexi about the birthday?
Like Replyhow do we get more bold
Like Replyjeff, dude use the cheats, you'll probably have to start over again in the next update? Have fun GG....
Like ReplyStill getting tons of error messages with new update
Like ReplyStill full of bugs in this new update.
Like ReplyHsfrHthf53Ga7ZuaP2cv - Max stamina +1 vQwv88sNxhFmN4CSmekX - Qualification +1 M4AeTk953gzOXragiPVp - Quest items j2P3qwitWIQ3N2Xz2ngO - Items zSbCVocHhdVNx4rKHaFp - Secret panel crDhYReHQzlOtMu9XpvN - +500$
Like ReplyLots of bugs in v0.27...hope they'll be fixed soon.
Like ReplyHow do you give the pearl necklace to angela
Like ReplyWell, that sucked... I am stuck with the only option being something disgustingly putrid, so I can't continue the game. GL with your fouol path.
Like Replywhat is the cheats
Like ReplyHave had to start over too many times. Unless a jump to,point,is,created or the cheats allowed I'm out. Understand if neither happen enjoyed it while it lasted. Good game keep going.
Like Replywth, the Devs. are abuseing the site and the people its supposed to be a site with Free adult games. Lately its been grind, grind, grind if you don't $ub$cribe!!! The updates have ALL been you join the PAYtreon or start over because the saves only load to ERRORS... Gamcore Fix this SHIT it's turning into a litteral PAY TO PLAY site.
Like ReplyFuck me in the ass
Like Replyhow do I raise qualification?
Like ReplyI can't click wake up. Anyone has this issue?
Like ReplyI'm playing the game in mobile. Is that the reason I could not reload the saved game? Is there anyway to play this in mobile without any issues?
Like Replytyjghfghgtgfcvghi bj jh gbu u j jcm kvnmidvnkd jsvqalkzs,dm vsojzlsdovjldm
Like ReplyWhat’s the real name of Angela
Like Replywho is the librarian SUSAN FREEMAN??
Like ReplySaves from the last update just gives Error's everywhere and i'm Not starting over... Fix your Bugged shit and put the cheats back. People want a good game not bullshit grind and PAY WALLS.
Like ReplyJerkfree, The game was created to make money. If the developers remove what you refer to as pay walls, then no one would pay to play. Not what the dev's want. Makes complete sense to me that there are pay walls. I hate them as much as the next F2P gamer, but.that's life in these games. Bottom line, like everything else, you get what you pay for.
Like ReplyDr.Lust, You miss the entire point of Free To Play!!! The Gamcore site has the free to play logo on the front of the page... Not free to pay!!! The Developers are taking advantage of the site, they should post their PAYtreon contact on the games not make the content available through PAY TO PLAY. Then it keeps the game free and allows people to $ub$crbe, Not forcing you to.
Like ReplyWhere exactly do I go to "get my reward" from Angela? Been everywhere she is and still nothing.
Like ReplyMabalsaRicci, I found her after all tries, one day from bar, arou 6-7pm.
Like Replyhow to deal the tip : I have a strange feeling about Lexi and the park at the weekend...
Like Replywhere do I find Angela after lunch anyone tell me
Like Replyif i wanted any semblance of real world problems, go to work ,Grind to get anywhere etc I wouldnt be here in the first place. Another POTUS Piece Of Totally Unreliable Shit.
Like Replyearlier versions were better, but then they turned an already too grindy game into a way too grindy game and put cheats behind a paywall.... pass
Like ReplyWell once again I have been screwed over, for some reason, I have gotten we have an error which means If I want to keep playing I have to void the game and start again at the beginning, but they say we're working on the problem which means we just screwed for the 2nd time, either fix it or remove it.
Like Replycheat codes: E2S9KectURNhnt4FIuS1 - Money mDmFBxqB7F4yQ932I0ml - Cheat panel 386XrX08XXOXYpYQIkxV - Items 9s2VJo18quVMFtuBpEfb - Quest Items 3Z8AfOoiuU8i3h9osd4a - Qualification level vHHRV5HjA8jN2xyJsnok - Stamina uZqw7UwEBYd5QiIiAUO2 - Back button
Like Replywhere does angela go after lunch?
Like ReplyStill little to no sex!! Every update just adds another way to have to grind, and Gamcore isn't adding anything new for the weekend!!!
Like Replyv0.24 is locking up when I try to wake up.
Like ReplyGamcore.com needs to update their website!!! Can't save on any game and previous saves cause errors.
Like ReplyGod i absolutley love this game. Can't wait to see the whole of it! cant seem to unlock the top left 1 to the right toon but ehh i love this game so fucking hard.
Like Replyhow do i talk to angela about making things hotter
Like ReplyHow do i make Angela drunk, and give he the seassonings for dinner
Like ReplyI drank ten thousands coffees with Lucy, but nothing happens....where do I wrong? And how can I hace access to the gym?? thx at those who will answer :-))
Like ReplyWhy when I successfully peep on Angela in the Bathroom why doesn't my Boldness increase?
Like ReplyHow do I give the alcohol to angela ? I have wine and whiskey it's just the option isn't appearing
Like ReplyWho is Clara scott
Like ReplyDavemusyrt, aidra fox
Like Replywhere can i get the special seasonings for angela
Like ReplyIf you try to use a save from previous update you get errors on every page, and i don't want to start over with every update!
Like ReplyI am not a fan of this style of games, I prefer to watch porn, if the game was in 3D I would play
Like ReplyAbuse this bug to reduce the amount of grinding. Each time you gain a stat, go to achievements or my stats on the left, then close it; this repeats the stat increase so you can just keep doing it forever to max out all stats. You can do this in some conversations to increase lust and friendship, and gain infinite money as long as time doesn't pass by. Teach additional class with this method for money.
Like Replycheat, this also work on random event so if you want to punish a girl or see another scene in class then do that until you find the scene you want.
Like ReplyI loaded my save file and game gives errors.
Like ReplyBloodyBaron, Cmon guys, fix that save problem.
Like ReplyHow to fuck Angela after promoting her lust to Whore of Babylon?
Like Replyincognito, you don't!!! The Developer hasn't added any sex to his sex game just the grind until next year after next.
Like ReplyWTF??? Apologies! An error has occurred. You may be able to continue, but some parts may not work properly. Error: <<script>>: bad evaluation: State.variables.Inventory.find(...) is undefined. Stack Trace: value@https://fgn.cdn.serverable.com/common/flashes/nf/favorite_teacher/index.html?d=20200616002443:14988:17639 handler/<@https://fgn.cdn.serverable.com/common/flashes/nf/favorite_teacher/index.html?d=20200616002443:14990:9495
Like ReplyCheat for v0.24 : vHHRV5HjA8jN2xyJsnok - Max stamina +1 3Z8AfOoiuU8i3h9osd4a - Qualification +1 9s2VJo18quVMFtuBpEfb - Quest items 386XrX08XXOXYpYQIkxV - Items mDmFBxqB7F4yQ932I0ml - Secret panel E2S9KectURNhnt4FIuS1 - +500$ uZqw7UwEBYd5QiIiAUO2 - back button
Like ReplyCheat Man, What is the code tho?
Like Replyque horas e depois do almoço? onde devo encontrar a angela?
Like Replyhow do you raise qualification
Like ReplyReaver, também quero saber
Like Replywhat are cheats for v.024? please
Like ReplyHow can I safe this game?? I play on mobile
Like ReplyAm i the only one unable to gain affection or lust? And that even after the update 0.24? The highest i can go in the affection meter is 1% and that after giving a lot of gift and talking to the same person everyday for a week
Like ReplyBob, of course there is still a way to up these by using the Romantic and Hentai book but still....
Like ReplyThe Developers don't help changing the game over in each update!!!!!.
Like ReplyAll Gamcore.com games are broken just like Gamcore...
Like ReplyI don’t gain affection no matter what i do, even giving gift change nothing
Like ReplyThat game is completely Broken! Lust and affection don’t go up anymore, some actions which are supposed to give stamina don’t work.....
Like Replycheat codes for v0.23 h4ARtgJnlSjaaPzfSiBF - Max stamina +1 22prPLdz5xs1zB4EdRqh - Qualification +1 fv1Pu3MInX4bl3zFLdU3 - Quest items OvGqpY5UYepHF1rU2KFA - Items tuzIcYeVrVwABMOcgiVy - Secret panel ol6p49j9h0Pj9xSz1QHn - +500$ 6cxwPvwWoVXx81q7oZEY - back button
Like ReplyGiraffe_shlong, none of them work
Like ReplyName of lexi and monica?
Like ReplyMia Malkova and Lexi Lore
Like Replycheats for 0.23?
Like ReplyDecent game, and not much of a grind at all if you know how to use the exploit!
Like Replywhat do you need for seasionals breakfast and dinner??
Like ReplyMe, buy 2 aphrodisiac. use one at breakfast. One at dinner.
Like ReplyThis has nothing to do with the game, more on the error notice which you seem not to want to fix, this is the second time it has happened to me but your inability or not caring to want to fix is the troubling thing
Like ReplyWhat's the patron codes for 0.23
Like ReplyWhere can you find Angela when she goes to somewhere after lunch? I can't find her
Like ReplyXBeliever411, she is supposed to be at the photo studio.
Like ReplyXBeliever411, take subway, she's in the bar.
Like Replywe I upload a file; Error: cannot execute macro <<check_all_achievements>>: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
Like ReplyWhy does STAMINA start at 3 instead of fill to max? I have new mattress so Stamina should start higher after sleep. I used tools on roommate door but still can't get inside whenever I want. What good are the pearls you find on the beach? I have the books for the student but can't give them to her in school. Is there any way to make this less of a grind?
Like ReplyWhat's the patron codes for 0.23
Like ReplyOh and almost forgot? None of your saves work without ERRORS everywhere and Gamcore has everyone locked out with game quota bullshit!!!
Like ReplyAnyone notice how much grind they've added? Instead of good content they just keep adding shit to grind. The stamina is bullshit at max 4? Boldness goes nowhere you get Little to NO sex and the updates are nothing? JMO.
Like ReplyWhen i stopped at recently angela go somewhere after lunch, i stucked at there..can you give the clue
Like Replyhttps://dropmefiles.com/qZTyn h4ARtgJnlSjaaPzfSiBF - Max stamina +1 22prPLdz5xs1zB4EdRqh - Qualification +1 fv1Pu3MInX4bl3zFLdU3 - Quest items OvGqpY5UYepHF1rU2KFA - Items tuzIcYeVrVwABMOcgiVy - Secret panel ol6p49j9h0Pj9xSz1QHn - +500$
Like ReplyI played until every dam page had a ERROR messages, and the progress stops.
Like Replycheats for v0.21 : h4ARtgJnlSjaaPzfSiBF - Max stamina +1 22prPLdz5xs1zB4EdRqh - Qualification +1 fv1Pu3MInX4bl3zFLdU3 - Quest items OvGqpY5UYepHF1rU2KFA - Items tuzIcYeVrVwABMOcgiVy - Secret panel ol6p49j9h0Pj9xSz1QHn - +500$ 6cxwPvwWoVXx81q7oZEY - back button
Like Replyyeeyee, doesnt work
Like Replyhow do we get the reward from Angela Moore
Like ReplySooooo how do we enter the gym??
Like ReplyDecent game and not much of a grind at all if you know how to use the exploit!
Like ReplyWhy did it go to spanish when you talk to momac?
Like ReplyDoes anyone know the name of the camgirl wearing lingerie cumming with the vibrator
Like ReplyReally i couldn't find much of anything New? Still not allowing you to have sex with roommate! Just more grind to reach the same ending.
Like ReplyAwesome game can't wait to see how it develops! One thing noticed - when you load a saved game, the Stamina value reverts to $Stamina making the save unplayable...
Like ReplyI getting very tired of these updates as half though game when load the game goes into error means I have start over again I not a happy player of these errors of all these games.
Like Replyhow does it work with seasionals food?
Like ReplyWhere is she going after lunch?
Like ReplyAwesome last updates.. But are there some achievement bugs? The three ADEPT achies definately do not work. The furious teacher is not really working for me.. maybe i'm too stupid. and the two hidden (???) ones.. but they are hidden.. xD
Like Replycheat codes h4ARtgJnlSjaaPzfSiBF - Max stamina +1 22prPLdz5xs1zB4EdRqh - Qualification +1 fv1Pu3MInX4bl3zFLdU3 - Quest items OvGqpY5UYepHF1rU2KFA - Items tuzIcYeVrVwABMOcgiVy - Secret panel ol6p49j9h0Pj9xSz1QHn - +500$ 6cxwPvwWoVXx81q7oZEY - back button
Like ReplyCheats are: ol6p49j9h0Pj9xSz1QHn - Money tuzIcYeVrVwABMOcgiVy - Cheat panel OvGqpY5UYepHF1rU2KFA - Items fv1Pu3MInX4bl3zFLdU3 - Quest Items 22prPLdz5xs1zB4EdRqh - Qualification level h4ARtgJnlSjaaPzfSiBF - Stamina 6cxwPvwWoVXx81q7oZEY - Back button
Like ReplyVersion 0.22 is broken, when I sleep and wake up I get Stamina: $tamina... and now I can't earn any stamina or do anything that requires it!
Like Replytwo days in, yea same
Like ReplyHi Guys... how i can fuck the director?
Like ReplyName of pornstar?
Like ReplyThe browse model function on laptop is useless. It would be nice to find the teachers some times in the cafe, or the bar. Another idea, Angela could enter your room while the students come over.
Like Replythis game has a real potential to grow. There are so many girls to interact with. I hope to do it in the future. I love the graphicals, but the clicking is somehow repetitive and useless. The sleep button should be always active.
Like ReplyWho are the actresses in this game?
Like ReplyThe real tough part is the stamina and the chance to lose all money. I literally quit your game after earning a bunch of money after like an hour and half of time spent and one bad night walking to boost my boldness stat and lost all work that took an hour and a half to gain. If people are quitting your game for that reason then you should probably adjust things. My suggestion is more money able to be made and more stamina for actions and that should clear things up really quick.
Like Replyit was ALL GONE, thats ridiculous, either lose some or make it so that you can fight if strong enough and not lose your money. Or make it easier to make money. or at least faster. And seriously no one can accomplish anything with 4 points of stamina at its max, There are WAY too many actions that take stamina you should be able to start with at least ten and then build up your stamina rather than get the right order of daily routine to get up to 4.
Like ReplyWhat is Monica real name? And Lexi?
Like Replyjust here to give you some constructive criticism on your game. It has great potential, however the "flirt" lines and other lines in the game are insanely cringy. Furthermore, Its nearly impossible to make good money until you have completed all content to date. And then you go walking at night and all the money I spent three weeks in-game and prob an hour or more making and
Like ReplyIs it even possible to fuck anyone in this game. All I get is Lexi BJ, Lexi anal & I used to be able to put the math Teatcher to sleep & fuck her at her house but I cant seem to get past meeting her anymore?? This game kinda sucks. Please let me know if & how I'm wrong...
Like ReplyFor the Angela storyline I have reached the beach tip. What do I do? I went to the beach at all times but nothing really happens. Managed to find a pearl but what do I do with it? I can't give it to her during nighttime?
Like ReplyNever mind, u make the necklace at your room.
Like Replyhow do I use the secret panel
Like ReplyWhere do I buy seasonings?
Like ReplyYeah appreciate the cheat codes which are outrageously long and not necessarily needed. But it's all useless until Gamcore fixes the game save issues!
Like ReplyJerkfree, I put in the codes but none of them worked for me which kinda sucks. Did I get wrong codes?
Like ReplyCan i turn on Angela's webcam?
Like ReplyAnyone know how to enter the dormitory?
Like ReplyMagnum, have some whisky and try after 16.00
Like Replywhere is the library in v0.21?
Like ReplyWhere does angela go after lunch?
Like ReplyHow do we fucking save tha game ,. Playing on phone
Like ReplyFuriousa, Good Question haven't been able to save for over a month! I've deleted all my history a dozen times but still get Sorry you've Exceed your Quota! Its Gamcore's shit with limiting amount of saves.
Like Replycheats for v0.21 : h4ARtgJnlSjaaPzfSiBF - Max stamina +1 22prPLdz5xs1zB4EdRqh - Qualification +1 fv1Pu3MInX4bl3zFLdU3 - Quest items OvGqpY5UYepHF1rU2KFA - Items tuzIcYeVrVwABMOcgiVy - Secret panel ol6p49j9h0Pj9xSz1QHn - +500$ 6cxwPvwWoVXx81q7oZEY - back button
Like ReplyThey changed the cheat codes! Well hell when someone knows the new codes i'll try the game Again?
Like ReplyTip: Recently, Angela goes somewhere after lunch. I should find her. where is it this place ?
Like Replynickswe, take the metro to find the heaven bar
Like ReplyAnother problem is that if you load a save from your system ALL pages show a ERROR!!!.
Like ReplyStill can't save some shit about local storage has exceeded Quota! That's Gamecore! I can't save the first save so how have i exceeded the Quota!
Like ReplyJerkfree, This is problem with your browser cache. FF has limit of 2gb of local cache. other browser have different limits
Like ReplyHow do you improve grades? I've tried the four different levels of working and it always goes down
Like ReplyWhere i can get seasonings?
Like Replyhow do I complete the apology dinner with Angela? I tried purchasing aphrodisiac at the pharmacy and brought both wine and whiskey at the all in one store. am I missing something? Thanks in advance.
Like Replywho do is resolve the error in kitcken because i m unable to procede in "time to buy some seasoning n make breakfast
Like ReplyHow do you increase stamina?
Like ReplyHow do i raise my stmina its at 2 right now
Like ReplyCheats for version 0.20 38kZLFpPgQT4kH6b9WiN - Max stamina +1 tVLq4QarswKdeEXWt9vQ - Qualification +1 7OgjgJiPaIBztQbgn45c - Quest items neUpqwgDzHSkaFi9tHgT - Items IoGa7Qgp0nhVWJdNBSMn - Secret panel 8bX1tCTn1Gwaxi0IMxxy - +500$
Like ReplyGiraffe_shlong, the quest items code Does Not work.
Like ReplyThe stamina code Does Not work!
Like ReplyGiraffe_shlong, the secret panel takes you to a cheat to set the relationship and lust of the women in the game along with bouldness charisma, stamina. BUT NONE OF THEM WORK!.
Like ReplyGiraffe_shlong, sorry the code worked and didn't work it set the affections and lust way up but did not effect the game play?
Like Replywhen do I go to the gym to talk to Angela's ex
Like Replyi cant find angela in bar haven why
Like Replywere can i find angala wen she has lunch
Like Replyhxs, the bar in the far subway station
Like ReplyPhillerbo, but she is not there in bar heaven is it a specific day or ...
Like Replywhat is the "Time to buy special seasonings for breakfast and dinner?
Like ReplyNickname01, I don't know a whole lot of code but it seems pretty clear that there's some code error when you go into the kitchen that has to do with this quest
Like ReplyPhillerbo, I have to prepare dinner to be forgiven by Angela
Like ReplyNIckname1, who to do it ?
Like ReplyNot enough happens in this game
Like Replyi cant find where angela goes after lunch
Like Replyjeff, the bar in the far subway station
Like Replyjeff, it worked when i went at 16:00
Like ReplyStack Tracer you have exceeded your Quotas!!! WTF can't save one game and it saying i've surpass my save limit?? That's Gamcore shit, i've cleared all my history and saves.
Like ReplyJerkfree, You know that you can save to your computer instead of saving it here, right? Just do save to file, that gives you unlimited saves
Like ReplyPhillerbo, that's true But, when playing the game its a pain in the ass to load from the system save. Also it cause issues like the Errors every part of the game.
Like ReplyAnother Bullshit is that bouldness is set up to walk in the park in the evening BUT its rigged for you get robbed each time and FAIL!!!. Like WTF.
Like ReplyCan't save the game
Like ReplyCheats V 0.20 38kZLFpPgQT4kH6b9WiN - Max stamina +1 tVLq4QarswKdeEXWt9vQ - Qualification +1 7OgjgJiPaIBztQbgn45c - Quest items neUpqwgDzHSkaFi9tHgT - Items IoGa7Qgp0nhVWJdNBSMn - Secret panel 8bX1tCTn1Gwaxi0IMxxy - +500$
Like Replygood game-
Like ReplyAND the saves don't work Gamcore fix the problems with saving the games. It's pointless playing this shit until you get off your ass and fix the problem.
Like ReplyDamm there's ERRORS everywhere again!!! WTF they updated and the game is Error on almost every page??
Like ReplyWhat are the cheats for 0.20e ?
Like ReplyHowt to fuck the director?
Like ReplyIt seems we can't get to Grades > 10, is there a preferred action for this ?
Like ReplyHow do you have sex with angela
Like Replysexgamer, you DON'T the update was bullshit! Developer only added NOTES everywhere to say if you join you can have content!.
Like ReplyThese " Developers" start the games then they don't update them unless its to get back to the front page at Gamcore.
Like Replyhow do i get the grades up?
Like Replywho is angela moore
Like ReplySorry I didn’t see the last comments.. I was looking for new comments on the top.. my bad..!!!
Like ReplyCan anyone tell the cheat codes..?
Like ReplyHow are we ever to build up Boldness when you are to walk in the park to obtain the skill, BUT each time its a Repeat of My Legs are Tired! Really WTF.
Like Replycheats for 0.19 and slutty star g8ixxHmuyYQIzNFDnFKG - stamina +1 DmnTOMQRkezKYZldYPeU - teacherlvl +1 lWtHnhbcvY4MyLuUmlb0 -pill, dress, whisky, camera, tools +1 puTNqSi1FRYiC5syjmqa -chocolate, teddy, perfume, cigarette, romantic book, hentai +1 BsZid7d6MdFnQ8YiX7LD& - secret [annel ojINopwJjA7kz7BTKZzu - money +500
Like Replyidk i think the game lost it's potential a bit with this latest update, in my opinion. and your guy doesn't bother to join the gym now it is there. I still love the game, and need to learn to accept this changing.
Like ReplyArcade666, i'm having the exact same issue, have you found a solution yet?
Like ReplyWTF?? last version save not working with this!! 0,18 save not working with 0,19 version!! full bullshit
Like Replykulkuri84, I Can relate even though I'm not having that issue, they only changed a few things like Boldness is gained by taking a walk in the park at night BUT you Can't! You get message Everytime MY LEGS ARE TIRED!! WTF.
Like ReplyHow do i save?
Like ReplyThis is STUPID I've got Angelina's STATS to 100% and still can't have sex with her WTF.
Like Replywhat are the cheats
Like Replywhat are the cheays for this game pls tell
Like ReplyWhat are the names of all porn stars?
Like ReplyAny suggestions on how to raise the mood?
Like Replyhow do you raise the obedience
Like ReplyDo any know the cheat
Like Replyhow do raise stamina
Like ReplyIs it just for me or i can no longer teach classes?
Like ReplyHow do I get intellect, strength and charisma in this game? I am watching TV, training, running, reading every day and no increase.
Like ReplyNickname, you can only do those things once per day (Strength can actually go up twice, Running in the park & in the Lounge) to go towards an increase, every time it goes up, the number for the next increase also goes up (it now shows you how many times you need to do it)
Like ReplyThere is no numbers. There are only these titles: CHARISMA, STRENGTH, INTELLECT.
Like ReplyProblem with upgrading the game: all previous progress is broken and you have to Restart :(
Like ReplyDon't matter what you do! You can't have sex with roommate or others
Like ReplyJerkfree, have you tried... turning on the Laptop? o_O
Like ReplyJerkOff, yeah done everything still No Sex with Roommate
Like ReplyAnd where is it that you put the codes?? I've seen nowhere to put any.
Like Replyin your room on laptop
Like ReplyCheats for 0.18 Qlp41l8eoenphDJYrYHN +500 cash XR2v8XY9CNBAG2BKloz3 - secret pannel WCIa91EiHgIJIx5ZIWXG - items wfJcHhdsCvj6GCFGyIFw - quest items lyLb6yvk46Fk9oyjvVIa - qual +1
Like Replyborednight, only the secret panel code works
Like Replyohhellyea, no all codes worked for me
Like Replynoche de aburrimiento, noche de aburrimiento,
Like ReplyAnyone know any cheats?
Like ReplySomeone has the cheats codes?
Like ReplyI can't increase strength, intellect and charisma
Like ReplyAt home watch tv in living room for charisma, do push ups in living room for strength, in your room on laptop read book for intellect, in park go for run for strength
Like ReplyThis game isgood
Like ReplyA little slow because you only get two stamina a day one extra for a coffee sleep needs to give you more stamina.
Like ReplyKCIceman, buy the mattress at the mall. It adds one to stamina when you wake.
Like ReplyStill can't have sex with roommate WTF.
Like ReplyWhat are some cheat codes
Like ReplyHey anyone know the codes
Like ReplyAnyone know what the cheat code is please tell us.
Like ReplyThey added very little content indeed... When they actually add sex i'll try again.
Like Replyhow to get weed ?
Like Replygo to park after 1800 when dealer appears
Like ReplyCan't wait for the updates.
Like ReplyJose, same here without all the errors showing on every page
Like ReplyJerkfree, when they update, you have to restart because they changed the game (at one point, you got Reputation, they removed that, so having that stat still in the game causes an error)
Like ReplyHell i've given roommate at least 25 box of chocolate done everything her LUST will NOT go up, but Can't give $20 because her lust will NOT go up !!!.
Like ReplyTo give her $20 in morning before 800 Monday - Friday, you should see Angela n street from home list go to street and give her money
Like ReplyGoing to say the Veronica quest stops after the park!!!!! They're not adding much content.
Like ReplyJerkfree, you can actually raise Ronnie's lust to max using the Glory hole in the school toilet (ignore what it says about needing Stamina, you can go into the negative and still fill her mouth, as long as the school is open, keep pumping away)
Like ReplyYou actually need a camera and whisky for roommate to advance, give chocolate and buy a dress. Do a photo-shoot
Like ReplyOh and have time chart on a Seeable menu on one of the top upper left or right hand corners and a phone to to go along with, where you can call any character. And a lot more freedom in the apartment and with Angelica with the activities you can do with her and too her
Like ReplyNot a bad games just need more interactions with the characters and more sex scene especially for the roommate cause I kept getting stuck figuring out what to do after the yoga part it loses interest after that part like you can’t go forward with her anymore
Like Replywere is the weed
Like Replydaved72460, go to the park in the evening (after 6 or 8 pm)
Like Replywhat am I to do with the sleeping pills.
Like Replycaged_hell, Have to go to the neighbors and put it in her coffee during the week in the evening.
Like ReplyOr you can use it on Math teachers coffee the second time you go to her house
Like ReplySaintIsidore, how do you go to the neighbors part of this game? Thanks
Like ReplyAdd more sexual options with Veronica and Monica. More options when you invite them to your house. Add more sexual options with Angla. And I cant invite Monica to my house. Is that a bug? Fix it please.
Like Replyhow do you get boldness?
Like Replypeek on Angela in morning while she showers, success = boldness, failure = affection loss, however need to keep her lust low otherwise she invites you in to shower with her.
Like Replyjustin9797, or you can buy the gym and at mid day you can choose to masturbate there.. your boldness will raise and you cant fail or get caught
Like ReplyDamn all my progress with every charactor got reset and i spent so much time on affection and lust levels
Like ReplyEvery page is Covered With Error this Error that ERROR ERROR ERROR WTF
Like ReplyJerkfree, every time they update, you have to restart because they changed the game
Like ReplyJerkOff, i always seem to have the same issue. Not just this game. Starting to rethink being a gamecore fan.
Like Replywho plays veronica
Like ReplyHow to increase boldness
Like ReplyPe, around 18 o clock walk in the park
Like ReplySauvegarder ?
Like ReplyNot any menu to save ...
Like Replyprogress stops very quickly. then its just the same thing over and over with no progress
Like Replyi would really like if you could set up a spy cam in the bathroom
Like ReplyI can't do any progress withMônica... It a bug? Even I try everyday, her lust stats don't change like the others.
Like ReplyThe game is too slow. It takes too much time to do any progress with girls.
Like ReplyHow do I save the game on mobile?
Like ReplyAdd a better way to see the progress with the girls and a cheat mode cuz the game is too slow.
Like ReplyWhat is the name of the roomate?
Like ReplyNope, the roommates name is Kayden Kross
Like ReplySo they took away the characters stats and save game WTF
Like ReplyJerkfree, had no problems with loading the last saved game (get errors because of stats that are no longer there, but it still loaded), everything in Inventory and Stats are still there
Like ReplyI can not see the character lust etc.. and i can not get the pass for the gym after i have paid the membership
Like Replyi wish that if you would modify the door and enter when angela is sleeping you could rape her
Like ReplyHow can you get stamina over 4
Like Replydick rogers, it's like having sex in the game it never happens, have Angelica lust and affection at 100... Maxed but all you can do is shower with her and give her a rub at breakfast WTF.
Like Replyyou have to progress math teacher to get her to unlock the gym at the mall, work out there takes 5 times to get stamina increase, and it requires 1 stamina to work out each day
Like ReplyWho is Linda the receptionist?
Like Replyburritosupreme6969, Nicolette Shea
Like ReplyThe new games don't even load, they've NOT updated any of the older games Gamcore is looking like a Broken Record.... JMO
Like ReplyI cannot drink coffe with lucy, i go to math class, and then to cantine, and she also isn´t in the street
Like ReplyYou have to go straight to the canteen after class, you can't do any of the after class options, you have to leave class room and go down to canteen
Like ReplyI drink coffee because of taste.... Wut?
Like Replyhow do we get further with everybody? tells me i need to give Angela a dress, did that already and every time i go to her room it only asks if you want to give her chocolates.
Like ReplyHow do I fuck people? I’m stuck.
Like ReplyGuy, (1) whip out penis (2) get it hard (3) insert into fuck hole (4) move back and forth.
Like ReplyOf course, I thank you for publishing my game on this site. Nevertheless, at the moment a new version has already been released, in which there is more content and fewer bugs. https://mega.nz/#!wckTQSwI!SDSwQKyQ_cz2_e-hdhSZtWOLWYOLPL7xfTgqkygPq9Q Here is a link for anyone who is interested =) Have a nice day. P.d. Please treat the game with understanding, this is an early release and my first game, over time everything will be much more interesting =)
Like ReplySluttyStar, Good game man id love to send you some scene links to some pornstars i think can add content and value to the game
Like ReplySluttyStar, for anyone who reads SluttyStar''s comment the link takes you to a site where you can the download the supposed updated game file. Otherwise if you want no hassle then this site will have to do
Like ReplySluttyStar, to when more updates and newer version of the downloadable game?
Like ReplySluttyStar, need decryption code
Like ReplySluttyStar, how do I fix tv, I bought tools but stills tells me to buy them and check it
Like ReplyGood in theory but it takes too long and then for Angela it says go see where she works and find what she doesn't like but she is never at the studio???
Like ReplyKCIceman, please help what do you do?
Like ReplyAnybody know´s Angelas full name?
Like ReplyLooking4Angela, Kayden Kross
Like ReplyLooking4Angela, her full name is angela moore
Like ReplyJack, Recently, Angela goes somewhere after lunch. I should find her where?
Like ReplyVerinoca ?
Like Replynew favorite game, i hope an update to come soon. keep it up!
Like ReplyHas great potential, I hope it's updated soon. I don't mind grind games, passes the time when you have nothing to do.
Like ReplyWho is the girl on the "laptop" backscreen?
Like ReplyWell, I found it myself. Emma Glover.
Like ReplyLou, good job man :)
Like ReplyÁngela affection 57, lust 59, I could not kiss her, or put her finger in it, repetitive park, mall with nothing .. few illustrations
Like ReplyJust a bit too grindy. Be nice if there was more content along the way to keep you motivated to grind. Great start though
Like ReplyI'm stuck. Angela is on 51/62/17 and says I need to give her a dress, but I already did and nothing happened. With the students too, nothing to do and I don't know where Lucy's house is for coffee
Like ReplyGood demo, looking forward to the finished game: the four girls in the Quests are, apparently completed, can't go back to Lexi or Lucy's houses, the English Teacher hasn't even been added yet. Just hope when they add more we are not forced to start all over again
Like ReplyAdd a cheat mode... It takes too much time.
Like ReplyThere is actually, if you open up laptop in your room, but you gotta know codes
Like Replyit is a sexy game
Like ReplyxXThotSlayerXx, actually its really easy. just use inspect element and go to console , and type sugarcube, im tired so i wont write but you can search in google. you need some javascript skills to understand what you are doing but its quite easy. just search in google how to cheat sugarcube games.
Like ReplyGAMCORE you need a different Server or ISP you're getting to much traffic and the GAMES are showing it. All I've got today is LAG the games Don't even work
Like Replythe typical teacher who warms up with his students
Like ReplyGirl at yo house..takes too much grinding to do..and game is kind of fun to play..except that it needs literally more lines interactions..Is Veronica stalking us? I mean after a certain point with messing her,she at the park every time after yo done running most of the time...
Like ReplyHow do I have sex with Angela?
Like Replyhow to go for movie with angela
Like Replyfuckin cyka noob
Like ReplyHow to I unlock the math teacher?
Like ReplyGot Angelina's affection at 100, lust 98 ?? I guess. She's not available in this part!!! Well Hell
Like ReplyHow to save game?
Like ReplySinA, i don’t know too
Like ReplyNot Bad, But there's Still a BIG Issue with the game SAVES getting big message saying that i've Maxed the amount of saves? I saved twice!!! WTF
Like ReplyJerkfree, had no troubles with saving _three_ times, maybe stop playing on your little sisters phone. Get a job and buy a real machine
Like ReplyGetANewMachine, Maybe you go suck your daddy's dick again! That's how you got that New Machine Right!
Like Replyhow do you get Reputation
Like Replyjim, Find Veronica via school surveillance and give her cigarettes to get reputation, It is unfortunately a grinding game and you only get one chance per day to do it.
Like Replyya mum games shit
Like Replyhow do i get coffee with lucy
Like Replychina, When it's lunchtime go to the Canteen she will be there for a coffee
Like ReplyHow do you get a coffee with the math teacher
Like ReplyKeizer, its easy, on first day teaching visit math room first, you will get to have coffee in canteen after school. That is when she will give her address for coffee.
Like ReplyGood and like it
Like Replygoota take them sloppy seconds
Like Reply