Double Homework - Episode 14 [Restart]
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The previous episode ended really well for you. You got laid and had a night to remember. Now, you wake up in the morning with happy hormones buzzing throughout your body. That's the ultimate power of sex. You are in bed with Johanna and Tamara who are draped sexily on each side. If it were up to you, you would never wake up from this bed. You want another round with these sexy babes and they gladly make your wish come true. Follow the story and today you will have a chance of fucking these sexy babes separately. So you better wake up and make your cock hard and ready for pound town. You will also have a chance to get laid with Amy, Dr. Mosley and Morgan. Waky waky now, rise and shine, it's time to fuck! |
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Honestly Henry carriers this game #Henrysthebest but also #killDennis
Like Reply<it's clear you have a lot of work to go to get to the state you need to be in> (go? => don't you mean 'do'?) I was so confused with that sentence, had to read it a few times
Like Replygamer, also da instead of dad (uncle Tommy)
Like ReplyCheat code. For this episode
Like ReplyDennis is a fucking bitch. he is a motherfucker whose only aim is to fuck girls.. #KILLDENNIS
Like ReplyPalmer, the creator of this game, has died. If you want more info on what is happening next for this game and others, you can go here R.I.P Palmer
Like ReplyWon't load?
Like Replykilldenis, Can agree!!! The game doesn't need that character, but also wish they'd just get on with the game instead of dragging on with " The Accident ". Like Goddamm fuck the accident that's life.....
Like ReplyJerkfree, Fuck the accident? Dennis knows about how the MC knew not to open the doors but he did anyway. That basically means that if other people hear it, they will know that he commited murder. He could have not opened the doors and let the people live. But no, he was selfish and opened the doors which caused the avalanched which killed I think a dozen of people. Imagine how that will affect his social life.
Like ReplyKillDennis, WTF you have a killDennis, comment name but want Dennis to live?? The Dev could have had him drown or arested for drugs? Something where his character is meaningless!!!
Like ReplyKillDennis, don't people already call him a murderer tho?
Like ReplyNo sex boring done with this boring game boring!✌
Like ReplyA1happyplant420, what do you mean no sex? If you check up on Amy at her studio you can fuck her, 69 *Johanne* in the park, get teased by Tamara(or whatever her name is) in a changing stall, get a handjob by Dr. Mosley (not sexualy), and get a blowjob from Morgan in a car. If you think that isn't enough sex, then you might as well go on pornhub and watch some porn. This game is fucking great, exept for Dennis. But he makes it so that there actually is something to enjoy. #killDennis.
Like ReplyA1happyplant420, Fuck off you little cunt and Gamcore please let me write more in a comment/reply so I don't have to write it in two comments like this one. Thanks.
Like ReplykillDennis, except I've been playing this for hours and I haven't had anything happen with Morgan or Amy. What am I doing wrong
Like Replyidontgetit, It might be because you havent played the other games. For me, i have played all the games and my choices are saved. If you only played this game or maybe one or two others it might not give you the option because you dont have a relationship high eanough. That is the only reason I could have thought of. #killDennis
Like ReplyI'm about ready to give up on this game. All of the MC's problems would easily be solved if he would communicate with others and they could all come together and make Dennis's life miserable but no, this half brained asshat thinks he can do it on his own and keeps digging himself deeper and deeper in the hole. Hell Dennis isn't even that smart. He just looks brilliant up against the single digit IQ MC.
Like ReplyKilroy82, I agree (mostly), the blackmail he has now is okay. however, most people already call him a murderer (so it wouldn't change much), a few more people would call him that, but none of the people he knows or cares about. it wouldn't work on me, it does work on someone who'se only personality trait is be a typical hero
Like Reply14 episodes and this bozo is still a dumbass that can't pick up on the simpliest innuendo and they think Henry is dumb. lol
Like ReplyKilroy82, Henry went through an accident himself, in which he apparently became less smart, this guy is indeed just slow (for the story). making him use difficult words every once in a while doesn't make him smart, I remember in the beginning he didn't know what irony or a flashback was.. the guy is an adult..
Like ReplyGreat game!
Like ReplyVery low episode hope next one will be better
Like ReplyGreat game, as always
Like ReplyFirst to comment. Really liked this episode
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