Community Service [v 2.9.2] [Restart]
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Description: It is your first day on Community Service. Together with your housemates, you get into an atypical lightning storm. This storm caused you and other characters to have special powers. Also, bored by being indoors you can't help but think how sexy and luscious your landlady and housemates look. All you want is to be inside them. Luckily, the storm has given you powers to alter the future meaning you can have all of them in alternate timelines. Alli, Caroline and Lexi will not know what hit them when you unleash your jackhammer. It's the least you can do for the community, thoroughly service their holes! |
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None of the actual videos are showing up
Like Replywhy is i never found lexi at the pool
Like Replyhi can someone please tell me how to Interact with Ana?
Like Replyhow do I make toe video autoplay with sound
Like ReplyCan't save total trash erase garbage!✌️
Like ReplyWhy did this game get updated? This has been abandoned for ages.
Like ReplyI can't finish lexi quest in chapter 1, because she's never in the pool area, any fix for that?
Like ReplyAn heads up for anyone waiting for an update to this game, the developer has decided to stop making this game. If you want more information, you can find it on his discord (which will probably be deleted at some point).
Like Replywhat am I supposed to do with Cory and Haley? it mentions strange noises but what do I need to do?
Like Replyace, There is a time if you check the notes correctly. Try to get it close to the exact time.
Like Replywhen do i meet adria at the health care cener
Like ReplyWaiting for the next update im stuck at vision
Like ReplyIs there any content for Lena (post Alessa break-up), or does Alessa forgiving her terminate her storyline.
Like ReplyIf you just want to fap, go to redtube or pornhub. This is a story-based game and states so at the beginning. It is not convolution, does have story and options, which many people here prefer.
Like ReplyToo convoluted, im here to fap bro, not to be invested into the story of some text based rpg game.
Like ReplyDoes anyone know what the secret Question marks are for? I don't know what they do, are they gonna be used in the next update??
Like ReplyBasically, it means you can't go there yet/now. The place exists, but you either haven't unlocked the location, it is closed, or the location will be used at a later time but has not yet been implemented.
Like Replybeuatiful game when the update?
Like ReplyWaiting for Haley content
Like Replyyou just stole the plot of misfits
Like Replycan't play .see only >>Error: <<locations>>: errors within widget contents (Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'location'); Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'location'); Error: <<set>>: bad
Like ReplyI've enjoyed the game, and have almost completed gaining everyones trust, but the game crashes when I try to finish Megans storyling. Anyone else have this problem?
Like ReplyRockstar, just press fast travel on the side bar to progress past
Like ReplyWell... Final sex scene with Megan crash... have finished every missons but this one and I thus won't be able to see the full story... Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: expected expression, got '<<'. value@ handler//index.html?d=20210901001754:100076:9495 value/<@
Like ReplyTrying to complete the Megan quest but after you have sex with her at her home (on the workout ball) the "Continue" button gives an error that will not let you advance. Kinda puts up a big roadblock for that quest line.
Like ReplyI feel like there needs to be a seizure warning for the lightning flash so people with epilepsy don't have one. (Not including me I don't get seizures.) By the way anyone one know Carolina's actress's name?
Like ReplyTreadneckTravis, Carolina sweets
Like Replyi remember that you could go to the forest in an earlier version can we still do that or did they get rid of it cause one of the side quests is to check out the forest but i cant find it im on pc
Like Replythey broke it
Like ReplyMy save is stuck in the town center but it doesnt exist. Any way to move when theres no buttons available?
Like Replychicken man, A lot of location names were changed in the code for this update, and whilst measures were put in place to prevent this happening, the Town Center location was missed. This has been solved for the BugFix but an alternative can be done if you have access to an older version of the game. Loading in the old version, moving to a new location, and creating a new save to be loaded in v2.5.1 will avoid this issue and allow you to play the game as normal.
Like ReplyWhen you fix this : You are in Lauren's Home. Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <<if>> Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <<if>> [ Event ] Join Lauren and Maya for some fun. Error: <<if>>: no conditional expression specified for <<if>> clause
Like ReplyJAS, This bug was fixed with several BugFix patches made available for the offline versions. Since I don't manage the online versions on sites like Gamcore, it's usually down to the admins own preference as to whether they update the versions with the patches or not.
Like ReplyWhy is dean winchester in this game now i cant proced because i love thisa serie.
Like ReplyFun and entertaining! And not a Ren’Py game, so iOS users can play it. I’ll be looking forward to the next update. It would nice to see the story develop to the point that the crisis can be averted, maybe even to the point of starting to get some of the harem pregnant.
Like ReplyThere are a lot of comments here about old saves not working. Due to the amount and the span of time I won't be replying to them add individually. Please note that currently, saves older than v2.1.1 are NOT supported. This is due to a major code overhaul that occurred several months back. I try to take the time to address every bug and BugFixes are released after every update to patch the game. Most of the code is self taught, so I'm learning this as I go.
Like ReplyBlue Phantom, you are the creator of this game right? I have been trying to play this game on my IPad on this website, but, as I have seen with other games too, the pictures just won’t load for me. For example, the titlecard just says titlecard.webp or something like that. Could you please look into it? Thank you very much
Like ReplyThe game has potential, the story seems ok, but my god the developer is a dope. Fix your damn code dude. Every single update breaks previous saves and there are more red if statement errors on my screen than actual options :D Clearly self-taught coder.
Like ReplyShakyGibbon, It is self taught code. But most of the bugs are usually patched within a week. Whilst Gamcore may currently be on v2.4.1, BugFix v2.4.2 was released on Friday, and BugFix v2.4.3 is due to be released on Wed 30th June. Also, please be aware that saves older than v2.1.1 are no longer supported as noted inside of every changelog.
Like ReplyWhat is Chloe pornstar name, the lady in the small clothing store
Like Replyfor the boys, Chloe Lexx. Scene is: 18eighteen - Servicing the Customer
Like ReplyOh wow, so many beautiful Women.
Like Replywhat the porn star names.... like Chloe's last name?
Like ReplyJayBones, Chloe Lexx. Scene is: 18eighteen - Servicing the Customer. Also the credits button now links to a full cast list.
Like Replyfix your game. loading old saves fucks up the game all we get are error codes.
Like ReplyAftwe that first Eric and Jen scene, I feel awkward saying this, but this game has some Tarantino vibes. Obviously minus the violence and profanities.
Like ReplyTired of starting the game over and over again every update due to load of new errors. New one now is to due with questStatus if statements.
Like ReplyHere we are again!!!! The saves we did to our system will NOT work!!! Another way the Devs, make sure if you don't $ub$cribe you have to grind alway from the beginning!!!! Fuck Off Greedy Bitches!! I'd never help you!!
Like ReplyWho's the pornstar for Alli
Like ReplyAah, Actress for Alli is Alli Rae
Like ReplyOld save makes game crash, dude....
Like ReplyBloodyBaron, Yes,same proble. After charging save file, I can't see the notepad,tutorial buttons. This message appears Error: <<silently>>: error within contents (Error: <<locations>>: errors within widget contents (Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot set property 'location' of undefined; Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot set property 'location' of undefined; Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation:
Like Replyno, That makes all the grind we did dissapear. I dont want to see old scenes or doing, reading what i done before...
Like ReplySo far I played through up to the unfinished content, made different choices each time, and it does not affect the outcome. It only changes the narrative slightly, but then gets right back on the same track. However, I have kept coming back. The added scenes in both clothing stores added to the "porn game" feel that he wished for in the beginning. You would though expect Lauren to be a part of that as soon as she returns the next day to the community service center.
Like ReplyBonifiedPrince, Some choices have minor changes in dialogue, some have more immediate effects, others are story related and will after the main questline in future chapters.
Like ReplyWTF!!!!! Old saves Don't work with the updates!! Shit is getting old!! Having to start these fucking games over with every update!!!...
Like Replyis there even an office?
Like ReplyHow do I exit the notes? I can’t leave
Like ReplyVideos arent loading on ios, the game is not working and i would like a sodebar where u can save, go back etc. :)
Like ReplyHere we are!!! The videos are completely absent, when you try the pc game and try to do corruption you only get ERROR stating the field is not implemented!!!. Proof enough!.
Like ReplyWTF has everyone gotten so use to removal of content that its never a topic any more? The only way to get content back is to Quit playing the shit until their greed stance is broken. All these fucking DEVS are making the games a grind fest and removing content just to sucker more Players to join.
Like Replylots of errors
Like ReplyYou need to add Kristen picture to the forest bar
Like ReplyGreat update, but I can't talk to the Doctor or fine Riley at the bar to continue yet.
Like ReplyAnswered, stupid me I haven't Chatted with Megan at the CS, now Hoping that will allow me to talk to the doctor. and Alli could do with more. And maybe both sister come in and Go oh gosh can we get some too.
Like Replymore content please
Like ReplyPlzzzzz update
Like ReplyBrilliant potential, just needs a save feature, a back button and a sidebar with all relevant information displayed for Android phone use.
Like ReplyHas all those things
Like ReplySave doesn't work. I keep getting an error every time I try to save
Like ReplyMay I know how to move to the new version 1.9.1?
Like ReplyYou can almost see the shit in every game now!! They remove the videos for just the $ub$criber$!!! If you don't PAY you get a picture of what the sex scene is???
Like ReplyJerkfree, No video clips are removed from the game, it's possible they weren't loading. Also, I don't put content behind paywalls.
Like Replyadd some scenes with the auntie and cousin as well as the Lauran
Like ReplyThis is the plot of misfits
Like ReplyPictures work but not getting any videos at all... WTF!
Like Replyall my html games are refusing to work.
Like ReplyThe pictures don’t load on my iPad
Like ReplyI keep getting a error storage adapter not found why
Like ReplyWhats Alli name?
Like ReplyNigga Albino, her name is alli rae.
Like ReplyWhats mom name?
Like ReplyNigga Albino, her name is lexi luna.
Like ReplyI'm mostly just tired of having to start every game over on every single update?? It's getting old quick... And the updates are more broken than when the game originally posted.
Like Replythe Bar never triggers anything after the first time. And eventually it disappears without completing Megan's line. Many links are broken (mostly photos but at least one video with Lexi if I recall.)
Like ReplyAnyone else having problems viewing everything but text?
Like ReplyMagnum PI, yes me too I’m playing this on my iPad, what about you
Like ReplyThis is a pretty solid game, good concept and will be fun interaction, but it definitely needs more content. Its too short at the moment, it needs to get a bunch more and not leave us hanging like the game "The Company" did.
Like ReplyDrDoom, They turned that game to Total Shit,,, JMO
Like Replyi dont know if you are gonna see this comment but i have issue when i come to any place where my mom is there is no option talk to mother? fix this and update lauren, skin, alex, and aunt house. this is best game ive played.
Like ReplyI started a new game and still not getting sex with mom..... Can't see anything new in fact.
Like ReplyThe sex scene from Mom doesn't work.
Like Replyokay, I found out it was because I didn't start a new game that is why it doesn't shows the sex scene from mom.
Like Replyhow do you get Megan Rain content?
Like ReplyAdd a go back button. And add Carolina content.
Like Replyhow do i save the game
Like ReplyAlessa's path in the locker room does't work. Same for the option "peek at mom" during the night. Fix coming soon?
Like ReplyIs cool game but the videos are not working in my ios fuck
Like ReplyKobra, yeah i noticed must be locked behind $ub$cription bullshit
Like ReplyGetting blank screen on mobile when trying to peek in Lexi room
Like ReplyAdd a save button
Like ReplyThe videos won’t play if you’re playing on an ios device. Improve this.
Like Replyhow can i finish the game. I'm left with Alesha and alli
Like ReplyI can not finish the game
Like ReplyThere is really only content for Alli. Needs much more content before it is worth playing, though.
Like Replygood potential but too short. Keep it up!
Like ReplyThe function of saving his game experience doesn't work after the beginning of chapter 1.
Like ReplyHow bout fuck off with the incest u lannister worshipping cuntnuggets
Like ReplyCreep, lol your a idiot!!! First off none of the characters are actually related, 2nd is if you don't like that part your Not forced to do so.... Go play your mincraft shit leave adult games to the adults
Like ReplyJerkfree, That's funny coming from person that bitches bout different stuff in games but still plays the games..
Like ReplyShalltear Bloodfallen, if everything worked in the games as they should then i wouldn't have to comment would i asswipe.
Like ReplyJerkfree, Ha ha ha I must just be a sicko I change housemate to sister and landlady to Mother. That said your right if you leave it it isn't family.
Like Replyam to getting nothing
Like ReplyGame doesnt load
Like ReplyYou need to add a back button on the changelog screen cause I can't back out
Like ReplyIt has potential. It can become really good and I can't wait for the update
Like ReplyThere is no content in this game it might be good in the future but as oh now it a hard pass
Like ReplyFinished in thirty minutes not enough for a tarter but good, so am looking forward to more.
Like ReplyI can not finish the game. Can you help ?
Like ReplyAll I can say in oh WOW who is the actress playing Carolina.
Like ReplyKCIceman, Carolina sweets
Like Replythis one has potential to be really good, too bad there's not much content just yet I get why a dev would put a game up so early, it gets them more attention and in turn more patrons on Patreon and in turn more money in the long run, but it really sours the game a bit when you put it up and it's like just been started. guess I'll check back in like 3 months
Like ReplyBullshit .....
Like ReplyDoesnt work on phone
Like ReplyBoring as fuck. Wouldn't play it on a dare
Like ReplyIs it just me, or is this game basically a porn version of the Misfits tv show?
Like ReplyAlmost no content whatsoever in this version (1.3.1). I won0t be playing it again until a much more complete version.
Like ReplyMisfits was a great show, let's see this game...
Like ReplySeems cool, can't wait for more.
Like ReplyI actually like it a lot, lookin forward for more content
Like ReplyThe same plot of Misfits, we see if is good.
Like ReplyYou gotta add save and back buttons. Also the vids don't work on IOS.
Like ReplyPussy to a good Act
Like ReplyDefinitely looks like it could be a good game, but hardly any content so u barely even get 2 play waste of time 4 now! I look forward 2 playing it again when its completed or at least close! But i'm also not putting any money into it i never do 4 porn games. I am not a fan personally of playing a game getting into it then not being able 2 finish it bcuz people who made it want money dont get me wrong people who do the work should get paid. Just put a fuckin begining middle and end atleast!
Like ReplyPlease add more Kristen content. And Skin.
Like ReplyYou just need to hit restart and it should fix it
Like ReplyHow bout making the fucking game work for phones asshole
Like ReplyThis has got potential, and I like the concept, but more content is needed. Looking forward to future updates.
Like ReplyKamenriderfan, Coming back to this game about a month later, and this game has gotten some more content, and has far improved. I think that the characters that dont have quest lines obviously need them, and some of the other characters that were introduced need any content at all. These are obvious, but I think more world interactions would make it feel more alive. Something like events that really show how the MC's powers are affecting the world, or encountering other people with powers.
Like ReplyCould of been a good game but to unfinished and boring sad!
Like ReplyWhy the videos are not open for me in phone and i cannot save ?
Like ReplyFun, but definitely a 0.131 version, not a 1.3.1.
Like ReplyThis Guy, this game is terrible. Hardly immersive and you have to hit a woman. Skipped through most of the talking up until it required violence. The photos are obviously stolen. The whole thing reeks.
Like Replyits a porn game why are you getting so worked up
Like ReplyIt is not for my taste, I always get tired of the same stories, there is nothing original, women are beautiful
Like ReplyThis games plot sounds partially inspired by the show "Misfits" and i like it. This seems like an average HTML porn game. Nothing extraordinary and also nothing bad about it.
Like ReplyAs of version 1.3.1 it is not alot there, an intro and barely anything after.
Like ReplyBack button doesn't seem to exist for navigation screen on Android
Like ReplyBack, Try turning on "Desktop site" in your browser.
Like Reply