This is a story about a guy who lives with his mom and his two sexy sisters. One day, you receive a generous gift from your father - a big house with everything you have ever wanted. The sudden rise from poverty is a heady delight and all you can think of is how many girls will swoon at the sight of your newly found wealth. However, there is a catch. You have the house but you do not have the money to maintain your status. That will be your main task in this game - get money then get laid. Capiche?
It remains the same, it does not let you advance, what you do one day you lose it the next day Alice's mood is 59% the next day Alice's mood is 57% and so it is impossible to play
This game needs money cheat ... How the hell are you supposed to get all that money to buy everything ????? i mean my god this takes way to long ... if there isnt going to be cheats then fuck it im out
Réparé votre jeu par rapport aux sauvegardes avant de faire de nouvelles mise à jour ! Parce que si à chaque nouvelle mise à jour les sauvegardes sont perdus alors à quoi ça sert ?!
bomage que le jeux est tro coure pour joue j'epert qu'il auras une mise a jour de se jeux v0* 0200 j'epert qu'il auras v0 400 avec plus possibiliter pour jouee plus lonhtemps
nothing change this game is imposible withouth money you cant do anything and is very hard almost imposible to obtain the money and theres not even a cheat option
This is my review after playing 10 hours:
- the storyline is very fucking long for nothing
- the hero personality is trash (if you need to put another
hero you don't have to make the first hero personality
bad and weak)
- his sisters and mom hates him just like he is the one
who killed their father
- earning money very difficult .
I think If you fix these mistakes it's going to be the best game ever.
Unless you have 48 hours to put into this AND get nothing back, play it. HOWEVER grind to long, walk thru, if you can call it that, is harder to read than the budget bill from congress. If your smart pass on this until it get reworked to a playable state. Items purchased on line arrive WEEKS later. Also needs a roll back button.
Hard to get money,. Money is required to get ahead of your enemy male in certain quest and then my progress got block before I even get to 9 day to cheat money
every browser i try this game stops as soon as the aunt is in a swimsuit. i even downloaded the gamcore browser and it does the same thing. i like this game but it was just getting to the good stuff. please fix this soon!
First the computer, now this, and the worse is that I had already pass this part in pass without any problems, but I lost my save and I can't even pass the swinsuit with the aunt
Make a point of exporting your saves, you'll need to put several hours aside (6+hrs to get near to the the end of the current version), is is grindy and I think that the next update needs to have some kind of pay off for time invested for at least more household member.
Effing shaved people!! That very mini image was extremely discouraging and I not gonna start this whole thing because of that... Blooody porn for shaved fetichists...
The old version was somewhat better... You actually got to have sex with the mother and sister,,, i like the added characters in the new game but the lack of sex kills it... JMO
The in game laptop freezes when you go to use the 'sites'. Something in the java script about audio start/end not recognizable. Needs corrected so you can advance through the 'opportunities'.
Badaktor, here is the actual message:
Uncaught Invalid State error: Failed to execute stop on 'Audio Scheduled Source Node' cannot call stop without calling start first (see Java Script console for details)
this game is boring and has nothing to do at all. WHo in their mind thougth this was a good idea? I mean, you cant even talk to the girls, the chance of getting them to like you is 0%
There is no other optiosn to increase any stats or get money
After grinding this game for hours, and getting cameras in EVERY location. Gaining 5000$ plus, the only fun i had was with the aunt, you actually got good scenes with her. The rest however holy hell what a chore, plus the "landlady" path isn't even finished. At one point the game has the audacity to force the player to give 500$ a week to the antagonist so he doesn't try to get ONE of your "roommates". This is the most grindiest game I've ever player.
Bugged game. Full cams, earned 10k$, used all (3?) clothes, persuasion 462, stealth 542 ....and no way to progress relationship or unlock something else in shop. wtf?
So you name the game Big BROTHER but insist its not family but roommate/ tenant bullshit.
Dev grow a set and word it properly and stop pussing out with the tenant/roommate
NormaL, seems all the devs are forgetting WTF incest is? The Moderators are regulating it to where games are strictly for the LGT community!!!! Give another six Months and you won't be allowed to even write Incest in the tag....
NormaL, This is common practice, mostly because most of these games are distributed on, and they don't allow incest. The 'Room mate and landlady' trick is how literally everyone gets around that ridiculous rule. Get the actual game and the appropriate patch and it changes the relations to what they're meant to be. -- Side note: It actually already says that they're your sisters and mom in their character bios in game. They didn't censor it there.
Jerkfree, most of these games are funded through patreon. and patreon doesnt allow incest so the devs have to use roommate/tenant in order to stay on patreon.
Deathwarrior, Fire the PAYtreons.... It should be on the majority votes as what the gamers are allowed for content. NOT a 70 year old facist that Can't get a erection, even if a beautiful eighteen year old virgin girl spreads her leggs in front of him.
NormaL, well dummies thats because patreon does not allow incest games to be on their sight. So if the developers actually want to make money off their game they have to do this. Also most developers could give a shit less if you get errors on their game you didn't pay for. Hate to tell you that they are not in here reading your stupid comments.
This game has no content. You just wander through the house and barely ever talk to anyone. The online store is completely empty, there is no way to know how to respond to the "opportunities". Come on, make the game a bit more functional before releasing it. I like the women, at least.
Futa, Common practice. Most of these games are hosted on, which doesn't allow incest as a theme. Most games will have a free patch that can be applied to restore it to its intended version.
If some one says the game not buddy yes it is. Yes the game is new but things like the inventory bug out after I buy a book on the laptop and went to use the book and it bug at is a BUG
het ziet er allemaal goed uit voor een nieuw begin spel ,beter nog maar effe wachten met spelen en na 10 update eens zien hoe het dan vooruit gaat ,tot nog eens
I loved this one, please make more games like this and updates of other games that are the best of the best, thanks and have a good day. Give your best in this new week.
People are dumb and think its bugged. It's not just keep getting through the days and things will happen. Not saying its a well designed game but it does work
maybe its just me, but this game runs like dogshit for me, as in like my cursor goes single digit frames per second across the screen. there's got to be a way to improve the way this game runs.
It remains the same, it does not let you advance, what you do one day you lose it the next day Alice's mood is 59% the next day Alice's mood is 57% and so it is impossible to play
Like ReplyWeiss jemand den Code der schwester?..schaffe es nicht..ärgerlich
Like ReplyHow what's the correct symbols to hack Alice laptop please
Like ReplyDoes anyone no the symbols to hack Alice laptop please
Like Replyplzz tell me that because i wan to further in this game plzz help me out
Like Replyhow to crack alias computer plzz plzz tell me that because i wan to further in this game plzz help me out
Like Reply3 Years old, only minor update, lazy dev bitch
Like ReplyActually i have 7 quests and all have "in future version". This game is incomplete or what?
Like Replyyolo, Yes, the game is incomplete, it doesn't allow you to advance
Like ReplyThis game needs money cheat ... How the hell are you supposed to get all that money to buy everything ????? i mean my god this takes way to long ... if there isnt going to be cheats then fuck it im out
Like ReplyRéparé votre jeu par rapport aux sauvegardes avant de faire de nouvelles mise à jour ! Parce que si à chaque nouvelle mise à jour les sauvegardes sont perdus alors à quoi ça sert ?!
Like ReplyOf course. New version incompatible with old saves. If I have to start over every time an update comes out, then what is the point?
Like ReplyIt urgently needs an update worth of the name. By now you spend countless hours clicking around getting just nowhere. Pointless!
Like Replythey literally removed the whole point of this game.. "big brother" has now been turned into big roommate
Like ReplyAnyone found out how to get stealth lvl 2? The skill bar is full since a long time allready...
Like ReplyEverytime I try to turn on Max's laptop, the game crashes.
Like ReplyI can't get to level 2 Stealth and just wander around trying to talk to someone. Help!~!
Like ReplyDeerhunter, You're not the only one, I have everything maxed out and it doesn't change to level 2, I'm tired of doing everything for nothing
Like ReplyAggiorna per piacere e uscito il nuovo aggiornamento GRAZIEEEE
Like ReplyBugs and erros!
Like ReplyDev should let the players classify the relation to the characters
Like Replygreat version but missing some options, functions, name changes and cheat codes
Like Replyalso add Polish language
Like Replybb, dont add this trash language
Like ReplyWhen I use the laptop, the game breaks down immediately. How can I fix this? Can anyone help me??
Like Replyi think Updated need 10 yers more ^^ at tim i die ^^
Like Replyhow to get stealth level 2 after max stealth level 1?
Like ReplyWhat to do is all a blur for me
Like ReplyI read the book to make my site and the option doesnt show??
Like Replybomage que le jeux est tro coure pour joue j'epert qu'il auras une mise a jour de se jeux v0* 0200 j'epert qu'il auras v0 400 avec plus possibiliter pour jouee plus lonhtemps
Like ReplyAt the end of the 6th day it said "to be continued" and the game was over. Is it normal cause ı didnt remember something like that
Like Replygame incompleate ? it goes to menu after sleep on 6 day
Like ReplyHow do you get passed the first part on head of the family
Like ReplyWithout cheats or current money suply It's way too long and boring. You play a hopeless loser. Not that much to enjoy
Like Replywow another version of big brother, the next update probably will be in 2 years. awesome!
Like ReplyA pity that any previous progress is lost and that even new saves don't survive reloading the game.
Like ReplyThis new rebuild is very good
Like ReplyWell at least gamecore mad an improvement. Now it does not load . Just like 90% of games here. HHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA Consistancy is thier motto.
Like ReplyEric deleted game please
Like Replynothing change this game is imposible withouth money you cant do anything and is very hard almost imposible to obtain the money and theres not even a cheat option
Like ReplyThis is my review after playing 10 hours: - the storyline is very fucking long for nothing - the hero personality is trash (if you need to put another hero you don't have to make the first hero personality that bad and weak) - his sisters and mom hates him just like he is the one who killed their father - earning money very difficult . I think If you fix these mistakes it's going to be the best game ever.
Like ReplyThe game keep freezing up on me thin my tablet shutdown I'm try to get rid of Eric how do I do that
Like ReplyV0.09.2.03: запрос на обновление
Like Replywhen is the sequel?
Like ReplyOne of the dumbest, most drawn out unpleasant games I've ever played.
Like ReplyHow to join for yoga? Or advance massage (done courses and given hundreds of massages)?
Like ReplyPlease update.
Like ReplyThis game not yet updated since December, version is still at V0.09.2.03 , im waiting too Löbel,
Like ReplyI'm on day 12 and still can't cheat in money through the laptop even though it says bank opens on day 9
Like ReplyIs this really getting updated? Because it’s still the previous version last year
Like ReplyThe Cheat money option is not working and I'm on day 12
Like ReplyAny updates? They got errors not me works on android phone fine
Like ReplyGame crashed, now the language is stuck on russian.
Like Replythe cheat menu does not work
Like Replywere is the cheat memu accessible from
Like ReplyUnless you have 48 hours to put into this AND get nothing back, play it. HOWEVER grind to long, walk thru, if you can call it that, is harder to read than the budget bill from congress. If your smart pass on this until it get reworked to a playable state. Items purchased on line arrive WEEKS later. Also needs a roll back button.
Like ReplyI can't get the cheat code what did I do wrong or how do I get it
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how topass Blackmail on Eric part?
Like ReplyThe grind is to hard
Like ReplyThe game crashed in the scene kiss praticing scene with the aunt. Now I can't even lood the game
Like Replyforget my previous commetn, it was a one time bug
Like Replyhow do i progress on the blog? i watch through the cameras but nothing happens
Like ReplyGame crashes.
Like Replyhow do you sure the money cheat?
Like ReplyHard to get money,. Money is required to get ahead of your enemy male in certain quest and then my progress got block before I even get to 9 day to cheat money
Like Replygame freezes when u tryna massage with lessons
Like ReplyDeadshot, Never mind :)
Like ReplyBroken. Doesn't work.
Like ReplyGame doesnt even load says error . I bet this game wasnt even updated either?
Like ReplyYou play some young guy without secondary school qualification, no job or perspective. Not fun playing a looser. the game is boring very little to do
Like Replynot all of the cheats work. when I try to add money after the 9 day nothing or if I try and decrease eric manipulation nothing
Like Replystill crashing when kira arrivees
Like Replystill crashing
Like ReplyWhy has this not been updated? Still crashes when the Aunt first arrives.
Like Replystill crashing on the aunt arrival, the game is good, just needs to be fixed
Like Replylol very god
Like Replyevery browser i try this game stops as soon as the aunt is in a swimsuit. i even downloaded the gamcore browser and it does the same thing. i like this game but it was just getting to the good stuff. please fix this soon!
Like Replysomeone tell me who the patreon is so i can download it myself because i get java script error strait up
Like ReplyFirst the computer, now this, and the worse is that I had already pass this part in pass without any problems, but I lost my save and I can't even pass the swinsuit with the aunt
Like ReplyYeah it's still crashing on the aunt scene
Like Replyplease fix the bug where the game stops working when aunt is trying on a bathing suit
Like ReplyEasy way to get money?
Like ReplyWc, use the cheat menu
Like Reply0.09.1.04 still has it crashing on aunt trying on swimsuit. ignore doesnt work. cant fix on gamcore program
Like Reply7ksc7, same problem here
Like ReplyI don't have the cheats codes for big brother with anoter story how can I get it
Like Reply7ksc7, its fixed now
Like ReplyThe computer is fixed but the aunt's arrival freezes the game when she tries the swimsuit
Like ReplyThingdong, yeah its really frustrating
Like ReplyI a see a no pussy wa
Like Replyi have the same issue
Like ReplyWont even let me load my saved game WTF?
Like ReplyBri55, Got it to load only for exceptions to happen and it kicks you off. Fix the game its fucked
Like Replyafter the aunt kira scene the script doesnt work anymore
Like ReplyLöbel, yes same problem
Like ReplyLöbel, i got the same problem over here too
Like ReplyLöbel, have you already managed to get past this error?
Like ReplyNeed to fix the moblie version being grinding on that and keeps crashing wtf man fix it
Like ReplyShould remove the game if can't play it. Seems that it crash's for everyone who tries to use lap top.
Like Replytired to use choices from walk through and it said to search laptop. but as said before it crash's when use laptop. so Remove Gamcor
Like ReplyThis game is to buggy
Like Replyhow can skype alice?
Like ReplyThe game stops when we use the computer. Needs to be fix because is one of the big elements of this game.
Like Replyerror: script error. (see javascript console for details)
Like ReplyMake a point of exporting your saves, you'll need to put several hours aside (6+hrs to get near to the the end of the current version), is is grindy and I think that the next update needs to have some kind of pay off for time invested for at least more household member.
Like Replyejogo e muito legal pessoal.
Like ReplyGame won’t start
Like Replywhat the hell! The description said you live with you MOM and SISTERS! then you paly the game and it's your landlady and roommates. WHAT THE HELL!!!
Like ReplyEffing shaved people!! That very mini image was extremely discouraging and I not gonna start this whole thing because of that... Blooody porn for shaved fetichists...
Like ReplyI would love to play The Coven on this site.
Like ReplyCOME ON ALREADY FIX THIS GAME! You load your saved game an a exception error happens and you cant play the game. FIX IT!
Like ReplyIt always crashes when I'm trying to use the laptop.
Like ReplyLatromme, same bro it’s dumb
Like Replyfix this game cant load saves and play them
Like ReplyWhat the hell is up with this landlady/roommate shit? The description clearly says, mother and sisters...
Like Replycant even play since the new update came out
Like ReplyThe old version was somewhat better... You actually got to have sex with the mother and sister,,, i like the added characters in the new game but the lack of sex kills it... JMO
Like ReplyDamn the comment was for the game Sweet Affection.... My Bag
Like ReplyI will not play this before Max starts fucking Alice. Also, please drop the "roommate/landlady" bulshit.
Like ReplyThe in game laptop freezes when you go to use the 'sites'. Something in the java script about audio start/end not recognizable. Needs corrected so you can advance through the 'opportunities'.
Like ReplyBadaktor, here is the actual message: Uncaught Invalid State error: Failed to execute stop on 'Audio Scheduled Source Node' cannot call stop without calling start first (see Java Script console for details)
Like ReplyWhen aunt kira went to the house the game freeze, pls fix it
Like ReplyGame crashes when you try to use the computer
Like ReplyChi, non riesco ad andare aventi con il lap top il sabato mattina in camera Potete aiutarmi? grazie
Like ReplyCrashed when opening the store on computer.
Like Replyanother game where imports will not load, saves will not save, OK whats going on?
Like Replymark1776, get what you paid for.
Like Replylol, true that
Like Replybugs and errors with old save
Like Replythis game is awesome. but this page this game does not work
Like Replycomputer freezes the game when you click on one of the subjects on the screen
Like ReplyPlease repeat fix on computer
Like ReplyHelloThere, plz do
Like ReplyWhen the fu'k is the update????
Like Replythis game is boring and has nothing to do at all. WHo in their mind thougth this was a good idea? I mean, you cant even talk to the girls, the chance of getting them to like you is 0% There is no other optiosn to increase any stats or get money BAD GAME!!!
Like ReplyAfter grinding this game for hours, and getting cameras in EVERY location. Gaining 5000$ plus, the only fun i had was with the aunt, you actually got good scenes with her. The rest however holy hell what a chore, plus the "landlady" path isn't even finished. At one point the game has the audacity to force the player to give 500$ a week to the antagonist so he doesn't try to get ONE of your "roommates". This is the most grindiest game I've ever player.
Like ReplyI read book on internet and researched the camera but I cant do web site?
Like Replygrind no reward bad game
Like ReplyBugged game. Full cams, earned 10k$, used all (3?) clothes, persuasion 462, stealth 542 ....and no way to progress relationship or unlock something else in shop. wtf?
Like Replyi can't talk to the girls i click on there pic when i go to the rooms there in but nothing happens
Like Replytro de bug se jeux c'est pas cool
Like ReplySo you name the game Big BROTHER but insist its not family but roommate/ tenant bullshit. Dev grow a set and word it properly and stop pussing out with the tenant/roommate
Like ReplyNormaL, seems all the devs are forgetting WTF incest is? The Moderators are regulating it to where games are strictly for the LGT community!!!! Give another six Months and you won't be allowed to even write Incest in the tag....
Like ReplyNormaL, This is common practice, mostly because most of these games are distributed on, and they don't allow incest. The 'Room mate and landlady' trick is how literally everyone gets around that ridiculous rule. Get the actual game and the appropriate patch and it changes the relations to what they're meant to be. -- Side note: It actually already says that they're your sisters and mom in their character bios in game. They didn't censor it there.
Like ReplyJerkfree, most of these games are funded through patreon. and patreon doesnt allow incest so the devs have to use roommate/tenant in order to stay on patreon.
Like ReplyDeathwarrior, Fire the PAYtreons.... It should be on the majority votes as what the gamers are allowed for content. NOT a 70 year old facist that Can't get a erection, even if a beautiful eighteen year old virgin girl spreads her leggs in front of him.
Like ReplyNormaL, well dummies thats because patreon does not allow incest games to be on their sight. So if the developers actually want to make money off their game they have to do this. Also most developers could give a shit less if you get errors on their game you didn't pay for. Hate to tell you that they are not in here reading your stupid comments.
Like ReplyThis game has no content. You just wander through the house and barely ever talk to anyone. The online store is completely empty, there is no way to know how to respond to the "opportunities". Come on, make the game a bit more functional before releasing it. I like the women, at least.
Like Replyi played all the way up to level 50 and didnt experience anything not even money (Bad Game)
Like ReplyWhat's with the stupid 'landlady' and 'roommates'?
Like ReplyFuta, Common practice. Most of these games are hosted on, which doesn't allow incest as a theme. Most games will have a free patch that can be applied to restore it to its intended version.
Like Replydoes anybody know who these pornstars are in the lounge tv porn scenes? especially the name of the dark haired busty girl?
Like ReplyOpportunities botton gives error screen, also the bag is bugged after geting the book about cams
Like Replyi dont care if the game doesnt work the women are a bunch of bitches anyway
Like ReplyGame doesn't function as stated in the walkthrough. From the choices given, your meant to take a back seat to the other male character.
Like ReplyIf some one says the game not buddy yes it is. Yes the game is new but things like the inventory bug out after I buy a book on the laptop and went to use the book and it bug at is a BUG
Like ReplyToo grindy.
Like ReplyLads just go to pornhubgames it's not bugged there
Like ReplyI help the homies out, its
Like Replythey better have the powers they have from the porn comic strip
Like Replyhow u make $$$ in the game
Like Replyjeff, kinda hard to do this game without $$$
Like Replyhet ziet er allemaal goed uit voor een nieuw begin spel ,beter nog maar effe wachten met spelen en na 10 update eens zien hoe het dan vooruit gaat ,tot nog eens
Like ReplyI can't communicate with anyone unless they start it. "Let's chat by the pool" No option to do it or anything
Like ReplyI loved this one, please make more games like this and updates of other games that are the best of the best, thanks and have a good day. Give your best in this new week.
Like ReplyPeople are dumb and think its bugged. It's not just keep getting through the days and things will happen. Not saying its a well designed game but it does work
Like Replyhavepatienceyoungpadawan, You should be able to get an allowance from "Landlady" every day at 8am in the kitchen.
Like Replycant do anything one off the worst games
Like ReplyThe game is buggy and you can't make money in it.
Like ReplyThe models look incredibly ripped of another game, my new life or something, but this game is way buggier and crappier looking
Like Replymaybe its just me, but this game runs like dogshit for me, as in like my cursor goes single digit frames per second across the screen. there's got to be a way to improve the way this game runs.
Like Replywait I suppose I should clarify that it was only doing that in the options menu, sooo WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?!
Like Replysame guy, Try F11 to play it in fullscreen mode. See if it changes anything.
Like Replymost of the features in this game don't even work
Like Replygame is broken. cant do what it should do
Like Replyhow the hell do you make money or start your own website
Like Replygame is bugged. cant conversate or do anything
Like ReplyNickname, easy, you need 100 dollars
Like ReplyHow do u get the cheats codes for big brother with anoter story
Like Reply