Between Him Were Sleeping [Restart]
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Played: 684518
Hentai Games
Over 18
Skill Based
Description: This hentai game presents you with a popular scenario of what to do when you find some hottie sleeping. The popular answer is to fulfil your perverted dreams by playing with her body. However, you must also be careful not to wake her up. If you can be gentle and subtle with your approach, then you can expect to enjoy a lot of ahegao and sumata scenes. If she does look like she’s going to wake up, press the Down Arrow key to hide. You can also navigate through the game by selecting all the chapters from the main menu by pressing the Down Arrow and the chapter menu will appear. Hit play to test your skills at being secretly perverted now! |
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full of shit not working it onlyu open fucking eyes all time asshole game doer
Like ReplyCursor outside the window, just waiting, she wake up. So dumb
Like Replyworst game i have ever seen in my life
Like ReplyBest game ever, fattest nut to this.
Like Replythis shit takes way to long. I got completely soft and still haven't gone through the first level.
Like ReplyTomalio, Edit: I finally beat it. The first day is so annoying but after that it's fine.
Like Replyshe wakes up sooo earlyyyy!
Like Replytoo difficult to operate
Like ReplyI finally beat this god dam game!
Like Replyis there a sequel to this game?or other games of this developer?
Like ReplyI want kill myself after this crap
Like ReplyOigan, estoy buscando un juego donde te invitan a una fiesta y ala final te topas una chica dormida, de ahi tienes que desnudarla y cogerla, tienes opciones como darle pildoras, cloroformo, incluso taparla con cinta. Hey, I'm looking for a game where you're invited to a party and the final wing you come across a sleeping girl, from there you have to undress her and take her, you have options like giving her pills, chloroform, even covering her with tape
Like Replychinoloco, the game you're (or were) looking for is "Sleeping Woman". You'll find it if you look this name up on the adult newgrounds
Like Replymierda de juego no puedo pasar el nivel
Like ReplyGame is a POS. Slow controls, or non-op.
Like ReplyDay 9 - Level complete!
Like ReplyFor the first two days, you need to press the down arrow the moment her eyes open, and watch the light as you wait (her face is barely visible) while hiding to see when her eyes close for good. The moment you get contrasting zigzags on the blush both days, click the running man symbol to finish that day. On the third day you can't do anything wrong. On the seventh day press "No".
Like ReplyThis game is trash
Like Reply他妈的玩个游戏还要翻墙进来
Like ReplySo sad, the game is unplayable
Like Replywhat the hell cant get anything to work it dose thing when it feels like it
Like ReplyDay 1-2: When her face gets the slightest of bit red pess the running man icon
Like Replydesgraça de jogo mal feito , opção de fugir não funciona sempre que preciso
Like ReplyBugged as hell... Even if you do nothing she awakes, and the Down key doesn't do anything. A pity I can't give zero stars.
Like ReplyAlright to get this game working you need to start on day one by fondling her right breast as soon as her eyes begin to open you need to press the down arrow key to duck if you pay attention you will sometimes see her eyes if they are closed you can get back up and keep going until she opens her again this is roughly the same for each round at day seven you need to re close her legs and take off the panties to get the sex scene
Like ReplyHow about some actual instructions, in English, because about two seconds into the first day I'm already caught without so much as a mouse click and then I'm retrying for ten minutes figuring out a pattern for this miserable shit of a game. Nothing has worked so far.
Like Reply드디어 클리어 ㅠㅠ 총4단계로 함 1단게는 여자 흥분시키고 사정 2~3번 하고 도주 하면 클리어 2단계 2단계는 애무만 함니다 사정 시스템 없음 여자를 흥분 시키고 도주 하면 클리어 3단계 여자는 흥분을 않함니다 잠에서도 일어나지 않습니다. 플레이어 님들이 가지고 놀면됌 3단꼐떄 바이브 장난감이 나옴 그걸로 여성을 가지고 놀다가 사정을 기본3~6번 1단계에서는 다리에만 정액을 뿌리지만 3단계에는 배에도 사정합니다 그다음 질리시면 도주를 누르면 클리어 4단계는 섹스를 합니다 4단게초반에 질문이 나옵니다 yes,no라고 나오면 no를 서택하시면 4단계 시작하고 yes를 선택하시면 게임은 4단계를 진행하지 않고 끝 납니다. 4단계는 여성이 처음부터 눈을 뜨고있으므로 아무 불안없이 애무를 하시고 허벅지쪽에 서 다리를 접고 팬티를 벗긴다음 섹스를 하시면 게임 클리어 합니다. 게임 클리어하시면 메인 처음화면이 나옴니다.
Like Replyup and down arrow keys
Like ReplyFirst 2 days just make her blush then hit the leave icon. After that you can do more.
Like Replyneed info for first level
Like Replywould be fuckin nice if the damn screen would STOP SCROLLING
Like ReplyFucking pathetic game, press the down arrow ?? yeah ok, joke.
Like ReplyOn the first day you need to rub her until her cheeks turn pink then hit the running man icon and you will be able to got to day 2
Like ReplyThis game is a piece of junk. I have absolutely no idea how it is possible that the average rating are 3 stars, except for that cheat in the description there is absolutely no way to progress in the game itself.
Like Replythis a joke or what? she wakes up half the time within seconds even if you do nothing, and sometimes she even starts with her eyes half open!
Like Replyfuckin shit
Like Replyyou need to cum on her to get past first level
Like Replywhatever, i came on her and nothing happened??
Like Replyhow do you get past the first level?
Like ReplyThe crappiest controls
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