You live with your grandfather as an 18-year-old who spends most of his time gaming in his room. Gramps was an ex-army officer who had designed his own bunker. Just when you thought it would never happen, you go into the bunker for 15 years. When you finally emerge, you realize the world have changed completely. You will need to work your way back into society by using your skills (and your cock!!) to make your mark.
code for 0.54 please?
Like ReplyVeron, for what are the Codes? And how to Use them?
Like Replycheat code for 0.55 "wanderer"
Like ReplyCode for 0.54
Like Replycheat code is darksun
Like Replyyou need to fix version 54 it has problems
Like ReplyHow do you get the crossbow?
Like Replyblspare2, Go on explore and you find it one time
Like Replybrilliant game,love it but since 0.54 update cant use any of the packs....sad times
Like Replyv0.54 code?
Like Replybuba, 0.54 darksun
Like Reply0.54 code " darksun "
Like Replyputting people too work as a hunter or the mine don't work
Like ReplyHow do you get the slave girls to Neegan?
Like Replyblspare2, add them as companions
Like ReplyJe n'arrive toujours pas a utilisé les animaux de mariage 💒
Like Reply0.53 code?
Like Replyaxe, body armor, gas mask, knife: I forester (woodcraft); body armor, bow, gas mask, knife: I hunter (woodcraft); body armor, gas mask, knife: III companion (doctor), III companion (fighter), I garage (mechanic), III guard (doctor), III guard (fighter), III hospital (doctor), III nightclub (fighter, slave?), I scavenge (scavenger), II shop (shopkeeper), III streets (fighter, slave); body armor, gas mask, knife, pickaxe: III quarry (fighter, slave?);
Like ReplyCode for 0.53 pls
Like ReplyNope, 0.53 ruinedworld
Like Replyso iv married multiple girls and after some updates it says im not married to them and i can marry them again, also cant have sex with them because they said they are married, please fix
Like ReplySatan, cant marry them, not can
Like Replyadd femboys and being able to turn dudes into femboys, we already have trans women
Like ReplyWay too repetitive and gets boring
Like ReplyHow do you get the slave girls to Neegan?
Like Reply0.52A code please
Like ReplyGru, radplague
Like ReplyGru, pay for it as intended, as supporters do myself included
Like Replyradplague v52
Like ReplyCode for V0.52 is: radplague
Like Reply0.52 code please
Like ReplyMole, .52 is radplague
Like Replyso the game deletes girls im married to?
Like Reply0.51 code please
Like Replydusksurvivor
Like Reply0.52 code please
Like Replykurcho, radplague
Like Replykurcho, radplague
Like Replykurcho, radplague
Like Reply0.50 code please
Like ReplyAPG, raiderking
Like Replydon, thank you. You are a peach
Like Replyhow to get isabelle pregnant
Like Reply0.49 code please
Like Reply0.49 code pleasee
Like Reply0.48 code please
Like ReplyLiah dy, no_mans_land
Like ReplyLiah dy, what or where is .48?
Like ReplyIs there a way yet to sell milk from your milk barn, or to get people to live in the small houses you build?
Like Replythere needs to be a way to see and up eve's corruption level to continue with her quest. going at it blindly you only interact with her when she comes to the base or roger asks you to go searching for something.
Like ReplyHow do I increase my relationship with Octavia? I can't find the medallions
Like Replyblspare2, fuck her
Like Replyblspare2, wolf pelt
Like ReplyHow can i get the car?
Like Replyyou really should add femboys and let us turn them into femboys, you already added shemales
Like ReplyWhat is code 0.47?
Like ReplyGD, ruinedc1ty
Like Reply0.46 radium
Like ReplyCode for .46 is radium
Like ReplyHow do i get the car?
Like ReplyIt is clear now that the Dev(s) of this game doesn't really know where he wants to take this game story mode is a literally Apocolyptic world where you can add anything and anything,yet you(the Dev(s)) are updating the game with little tweaks here and there with every updates..This could've become another game like "Become someone" that drops new new story mode contents with new updates every updates..#such high expectations and shame
Like ReplyYo did one of the updates add an ACTUAL snake pit?
Like ReplyIs it just me but since wood wall was added to base management building, I have not been able to build anything there no matter how many resources I have.
Like ReplyViper, what I had to do is just collect more stuff and do some more quest and then I had option to build more stuff but that’s what I had to do but idk if it will work but just trying to help if it works for you aswell. And have you got the blueprints of the other building/base stuff to build
Like Replyradium is code for 46a
Like ReplyCode please?
Like ReplyCode for 0.46, Please
Like ReplyWho is isabela
Like ReplyWhen will the new update be released?
Like ReplyWhy once you finish the wall do the outsides just keep coming in
Like Replyi do enjoy, but why is it so hard to get glass, i am on day 180 and have only gotten 5 glass. something that should be so common is impossible to get. am i just unlucky???
Like ReplyZdeadd, you need more scavenger. do anyone have the code for 0.45
Like Replynikkk, code for .45 is sombra
Like Reply045 code please
Like ReplyMole, the code is sombra
Like ReplyCode for v45
Like ReplySam, code for .45 is sombra
Like Reply0.45 code please?
Like Reply45 code plss?
Like Replyduudd, atomworld
Like Replyduudd, code for .45 is sombra
Like ReplyCode .44 atomworld
Like ReplyCode for 44?
Like ReplyJBDKN, atomworld
Like Replycode for .44 please
Like ReplyWhat's code for V4.4?
Like ReplyAnyone got the race stadium introduction? can't seem to get it
Like ReplyTook several in game days of car explore attempts for me.
Like Reply0.44 code?
Like ReplyAPG, atomworld
Like Replycode for v0.43 nuclearwinter
Like Replywhat is the 0.43 code?
Like ReplyCode . nuclearwinter
Like ReplyCode for v4.3
Like ReplyHow do I increase my relationship with Octavia? I can't find the medallions
Like ReplyHello, anyone know what is the code for V0.43?
Like Reply.., 0.43 code is nuclearwinter
Like ReplyColde 0.43 Please
Like ReplyAnon, is nuclearwinter
Like Reply0.42 code please
Like Replywe should be able to turn guys who are slaves into shemales and femboys
Like ReplyV0.42 code is fallfuck
Like ReplyGod, thanks ....
Like ReplyGod, Thank you!
Like ReplyGod, WE NEED YOU AGAIN! in ver 44
Like Replyasf, atomworld
Like ReplyGod, can we get the new code please?
Like Replyyou should be able to interrupt and join them when your girls are fooling around
Like ReplyAnyone know the name of the pornstar playing Eve the preachers wife?
Like ReplyI trained my scavengers right,craft them body armors and gave then knives and a why the hell Dev(s) do they keep on dying like every other Days for?..and I also keep on finding more Latinas in slave market then any other races..I personally think the knifes should have been swords..and finally being to give guards guns like in the "Surviving the Aftermath" this game is after..
Like ReplyI also don't use the prostitute feature cause I think it is lame,I can spam playing blackjack fine if I need in bulks of moneys at the bar..I also thought the Slave Market is where we could go and give them the traits of the slave we wanted,after gaining their trusts,after coming back to this after a while,the whole system have changed..this is kind of sad
Like ReplyLastly when giving girl Dumbells and skipping Days,I don't think they grow in strengths at all or I least I think..I thought I would have come back with lots of story contents but it seems to be still more flavor texts based stuffs,maybe 1 or 2 more settlements by now with more engaging in game story progressions..but..o well
Like ReplyMarcos123, And the raids! The raids are just ridiculous! Ten people to fight? Or pay 500 caps?
Like ReplyCreeper, True to that should be able to build out a "refrigerated warehouse" too so your Foods won't depreciated that much in numbers..There should be a guard captain that trains the guards and takes care of the raids automatically when you don't want to..and finally a fishing trait for people to fish fishes..
Like Replywhere do u find glass
Like Replyblakdog122, send out "SCAVENGERS" in numbers..hopefully they will bring back some at the end of each Days
Like ReplyV0.41 code is sacrifice
Like Replyv[0.41] code: sacrifice
Like ReplyAnonymous, [V 0.41] code is sacrifice, if you’re trying to correct me do it right
Like Reply0.41 code please
Like ReplyHow to get glass, I am stuck and can't get it?
Like ReplySnape, You need to assign guests to scavenging.
Like Replywhere can i find metal?
Like Replysammenon, Shop at Sanctuary
Like Replyadd ballgag, collar, harness
Like ReplyCode 38a is bunker
Like ReplyCode 39b is bunker
Like Reply0.40A code please
Like ReplyV0.40 code is newreno
Like ReplyWhat's the new code for v.40?
Like Replywhat's the new code
Like Replyhgjkl, new code is: newreno
Like Reply0.38a code pleass
Like Reply.39b code?
Like ReplyHow do you get more tribe thingies? I found 1 showed it to Octavia, now I need 3 more but got no idea where to look for them...
Like ReplyTherese, Enter the newreno code in support. Once it accepts the code, you can go to cheats and get them there.
Like Replyyou gotta add the ability to turn male slaves into femboys or trans, you already added trans so why not this
Like Replythe companion list is glitched and comes up as an error in the game
Like ReplyV0.39 code is moonwalk
Like ReplyCode for v0.39?
Like Replylnflknf, the fact that they have given a seperate website where it gets updated first, but we still need codes from here😂 my guy...yes code .39 please
Like ReplyThe game and the idea look like good, and i m in love with true videos! xD but interface is not enough good, even i know you working on, and maybe the script have to be work. because good ideas in a lot of of things.
Like ReplyV0.38 code is bunker
Like ReplyCode for 38? Please
Like ReplyPlayer, its bunker
Like ReplyCode for v0.35 is stimpak
Like ReplyCode for 37?
Like ReplyJack, code is vault77
Like Replywhat's code
Like Replyv 0.36 code please.
Like Replyshelter is the code for 0.36
Like Replystimpak is the new code
Like Replycode for 0.35: stimpak
Like ReplyHow do I feed my slave?
Like ReplyTomasz, you just need to have food, they eat themselves.
Like Reply0.35 code plz -3-
Like Replywhere is code
Like Replywhat's the new Patreon code
Like Reply34b cheat code
Like Replypatron code to 34b pls
Like Replyif your going to let us have trans females let us turn male slaves into femboys or trans girls, and add more gifs or whatever to trans girls
Like Reply0.35 code is " stimpak "
Like ReplyWho got that 0.34 code?
Like Reply0.34 it was a typo
Like Replyv0.34 code please
Like ReplyNew code please?
Like ReplyTiny T, mainlander is the code for 0.34
Like ReplyAnyone have the code for v0.34
Like ReplyKilljoy, mainlander
Like Replyjack, thanks for that
Like ReplyHow to I find Tribe medaillion?
Like ReplyCode for v3.34?
Like ReplyNew update is out
Like ReplyO.33 code please ?
Like ReplyFreddy, megaton :)
Like Replyjack, it doesn't work
Like ReplyFreddy, thats strange. megaton works perfect for me right now
Like Replyv 0.33 code please
Like Replymegaton is the new code
Like Replyjack, it isntt the new code
Like Replyjayjay, it works for me bud. make sure you dont have an empty space before and after the code
Like Replyyou cant fuck Octavia, its glitched
Like ReplyTheBlackKaiser, I can't even get to her always die in the fight even though I have 6 companions ony saying I have 3 how you winning the fight ?
Like Replythere really needs to be more trans gifs/videos and we should be able to turn males into femboys
Like Replywhere should the riley reid mod be put to make it go?
Like Replywhen trying to have sex with olivia errors pop up and block the screen
Like ReplyCan you give companions weapons upto the bit to rescue Octavia and keep dying
Like ReplyFPSZEALAND, Yeah think they are gliched I go into a fight and I have 6 companions but when i go into the fight it says I only have 3
Like ReplyHow got the newest code and wants to share?
Like ReplyH, its nukacola
Like ReplyT, where to write this code?
Like Reply0.32 code pleasee!
Like Reply0.32 code????
Like ReplyMole, the new code is nukacola
Like Replynukacola is the code
Like ReplyAfter pelts what to do with Octavia?? Cant figure it out
Like ReplyWhat to do after pelts with Octavia says I can't further relationship
Like ReplyJenkins, you need to keep exploring to get tribe medalions to give to her
Like ReplyLucifer, have been exploring still haven't found any tribal medallions do you jist have to keep clicking the exploring bit and hope for the best or is there another way to get them
Like ReplyDefinitely need the new code!for .32
Like ReplyHey can anyone help me I once found a tab to edit NPCs but I can't find it anymore. Please help.
Like Reply0.32 code?
Like ReplyWould've been nice to have a face slap option)
Like Replyadd a possibility to kiss o force kiss
Like Reply0.31 code?
Like Reply0.31 code please
Like ReplyJuggdrasil, nukaworld
Like ReplyI have like 60 bullets, but can't find a gun, and have 12 gas masks, but my companions can't wear any when searching the cave?
Like Replyblspare2, Blair should give you a revolver if you complete her quest to find her friend in the underground city
Like Replyrandomperson55, I did that, and never got one.
Like ReplyHow can you go further with Octavia after you can't further relationship with the wolf pelts?
Like ReplyTwo questions.. 1st How do get the metal so can make the dumbbell? 2nd Who is the actress named Blair?
Like ReplyShalltear Bloodfallen, Was curious about the metal as well. All I seem to do in this game is work out with the girls so they don't die in a day on the street. Not fun.
Like Reply0.30 code please?
Like Replynew code: pandemic
Like ReplyMole, nukaworld
Like ReplyCode for 0.30 anyone?
Like ReplyCode for 0.30
Like ReplyAnon, it's pandemic
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to get the locked trait’s unlocked?
Like ReplyHow do you assign slaves to jobs
Like Replyhow the fuck do you get guests to use the dumbbells
Like Replywish you could marry trans guests and do things when its peoples birthday
Like Replyanyone know why im stuck on the part where you give isabel the gas tanks because everytime I go to underground she is no where to be found
Like ReplyWhat are you supposed to take to Octavia?
Like Replyslayer, wolf pelts!
Like ReplyHow can i get girls to accept the offer of living in the guest house?
Like ReplyAnyone have the code for v29?
Like ReplyKilljoy, kellogg
Like ReplyEnragement Child, thanks
Like ReplyGot an error with this att, Lost my save
Like Replythere really should be a way to increase guests strength better, it goes up by 1 or 2 by working out
Like Replyi really dont know why when our guests are at 100 we still have to work our way up the sex menu, like we only start with 3 options unless we force it, very dumb
Like Replyyugis I am having a lot of problems to follow the game in discord and the error screen that appears suggests that the invitation has expired or that I don't have permissions .... :$
Like ReplyCode for 0.29 ?
Like Replyhow to cure bleeding
Like Replyhehe, buy bandages in the city
Like Replyhow do you give your woodcraft girls a bow to assign them to hunting?
Like Reply0.28 code please
Like ReplyJuggdrasil, it's either minutemen or minuteman
Like ReplyJuggdrasil, the code is minutemen
Like Replyhow to get blair pregnant
Like ReplyDakattack7971, Just keep fucking her. Make sure you use a fertility position to increase the odds.
Like ReplyI see people asking for code for the game.. WHY? There is a cheat button and you don't need a code for it..
Like ReplyShalltear Bloodfallen, there’s more cheats and scenes with the code
Like Replythere should be a punish icon for guests if the guest likes to be punished, also sad the squirting gifs are gone for squirters
Like ReplyBruh can anyone tell me how to put girls to work in greenhouse or streets
Like ReplyBighairyniggaballs_69, Increase their relationship to 30 for greenhouse and I believe 50 or 60 for streets. there is a limit of 8 I think for how many in the green house
Like ReplyI'm sorry that I'm not good at English because I'm Korean I don't know how much my opinion will be conveyed Anyway, I have a suggestion 1. why blair beauty score just 90s? 2. we need more scenario about blairs pregnant 3. Npc needs a jealous moment because I'm the only man Especially, I want to see the jealousy of Blair because she is a first wife 4.I want a video that fits the race, age (anal sex = just white girl)
Like ReplyCode for 27a?
Like ReplyNew models suck 0.27 code is crow
Like Replyis there a certain time you can get Blair pregnant been trying for two weeks no result
Like ReplyHow about put more black trans
Like Replybababab, that's just up to rng
Like Reply0.27 code Crow
Like ReplyNobody, wrong code
Like ReplyNah, "crow" worked, just dont use capital C
Like ReplyU, lowercase. So crow
Like Replyhow do i give companions weapons
Like Replynoname, when you select a companion you should see a little bag icon top left of her screen, select that then give her a knife if you have an extra one in inventory
Like Reply26A code anyone?
Like ReplyNek, boone
Like Replyboone, it is This one
Like ReplyHow do i take 2 companions with me to vincent?
Like Replyafter the mission with dom, is enything can happen
Like ReplyThey can make self driving cars, but they can't make a Save button that works after an update! It usually only happens on Ren'Py games, but now I have lost my saves here.
Like Replyblspare2, not related to game as save files works even if you open save from 0.01 version. For html games saves, it not saved are stored in cache, so might be that your browser cache has been cleared.
Like ReplyThis was more of a little technical update then a story driven one..I will wait till the next update then to see if there is more to the story line..
Like ReplyI can't progress with the quest to go to the Rodger's settlement. Is it a different one than the one with the church?
Like Replyhey how do you find glass to build a lab
Like ReplySend someone for scavenging
Like ReplyI think it would be great if you could implement two buildings or structures:
Like Replyon the one hand, a small hospital or infirmary, something with a medical background, maybe related to laura's lab or not, a place for the npc doctor, with a few beds, oriented to the recovery of wounds and / or diseases or something similar
Like Replyon the other hand, a barracks area for guards and/or hunters, beds, there could also be storage for weapons, armor, etc. maybe some space or training room and/or maybe connected to the previous building, which could then be like a field hospital
Like ReplyI know these aren't completely new ideas, there have been similar suggestions before but these buildings or structures could be the basis for future functions, options, expansions, scenarios or images of medical/hospital and military type that could be fun
Like ReplyHow to make a companions... I don't get it
Like ReplyAnyone know the code for 0.25?
Like ReplyAnonimus, it's vegas
Like Replythere should be femboys in here since we now get trans girls
Like Replyvery stupid that now most of the girls in my camp arent attracted to men
Like ReplySatan, You can disable gay/trans content in settings. Won't change old girl orientation but will work for new ones.
Like ReplyTo the Dev(s)..1)we need hunters to hunt meat food even if we go vegetable in the greenhouse I don't know where we get these meat cans from 2)Also need an extension of the greenhouse to farm more food output..I have like 30 peoples in my thing and the daily food they're produce isn't sufficient for the settlement 3)we need people to fish,I know they is a river somewhere cause we went with Vincent there that one time
Like Reply..4)we need an infirmary,tired of giving birth to my kids on the floor..also a place for my slaves with the "doctor" perks to keep people health in check as well as my own 5)we need our guards to be more relevant,by that I mean when the gate get breach for them to attack with us to in combat 6) we need to see an overview of the settlement other then the front gate,and the walls that surrounding it..that one is optional
Like Reply7) we need 1 or 2 guards to accompany our scavengers when they venture out the settlement..8)we need to be able to capture girls at the nightclub too..9)we need a potion to prevent girls from getting pregnant 9)we need a nanny girl to feed the kids baby milk and takes care of them 10)we need more populated settlement..#Just food for Thoughts
Like ReplyMarcos123, absolutely agree with the 10 points
Like ReplyI think I'm stuck: I read at the inventory "go to the nightclub", but I go and nothing happens ...
Like Replyelenrk, sometimes you need "reputation" for a quest to continue..check your stats in your bedroom..if its low then a quest might not trigger..only way to get reputation if to fight in the ring or do bounty quests..or you can try to go to nightclub do all the activities there,and see if it still not triggering
Like Replywhy nonstop error?
Like ReplyOctavia about to be the ugliest chick I seen in an H game and finding ourselves working for her is just urrrk!!!..apparently she has that off-screen army that we "supposed" to be scared of,but I just don't give a shit..the game lack a proper Villain like Negan from the walking dead..and Dev(s) tells us one gas can canister runs a whole Undercity town,I don't buy this shit,maybe 5 trucks loads but danm..the story lacks coherent well plot to back it up
Like ReplySure we started with the greenhouse but as we grew bigger,farming plots of lands should be more adequate to accommodate our growth in population for food sustainancy..I would've liked for the Dev(s) to continue more on the story rather then adding flavor text contents to it,like orientations and stuffs,whom cares,this is the apocalypse my dude(s)..we(the players) don't give a shit bout anyone else feelings,thoughts,or whatever the fuck they fancy but..our own
Like ReplyMarcos123, as for content, I am not a writter and I like more to code so story is secondary for me. If I would need to choose to add some unique mechanics or add few story events, I would always choose unique mechanics. Right now working on vehicle implementation. Will be used to explore places where you can't go by foot/horse and might later maybe add some car race, like a death race or something similar
Like ReplyI have in my bodyguard my daughter, her daughter, her granddaughter, her great-granddaughter, her great-granddaughter, and of course they are all my daughters, and they are all the same age, 18 years old!!!! !!He he he!
Like ReplySome of rhw gifs arent working after the recent update
Like ReplyPBO, can you name some of them?
Like ReplyAnyone know the code for 0.24?
Like ReplyGamerman, The code for the V0.24 is vault.
Like Replypay 5.00 and you get it free
Like ReplySo...How are we doing with this game ?...I want to be able to do as is suggested by the " D"!. Sandbox. Do as you want,!. I treat my slaves as I see fit. I don't give a shit how the story goes! After all, Armageddon is already HERE.!
Like Replythere should be something where if a slave is at 100 we can put them in the guest house
Like ReplySatan, you can release them to the guest house
Like ReplyAnyone know the code for 0.23b?
Like ReplyI forgot how to get the baby to grow fast lol
Like ReplyAm I the only one that thinks scavengers or resource gatherers should be escorted out by a guard or two to lower Deaths risks?..I mean it is what I would order them to do if I was to ever be a dissolute Ruler of a small apocolypstic settlement world..and we need women with "Hunter" traits to hunt down animals for pelts and clothing..oh wait there isn't a weather nvm
Like ReplyMarcos123, As for weather - that's actually planned. Starter idea is to add some "storm dust" weather ir "toxic rain" days. In storm dust you won't be able to go outside your camp and in toxic rain food harvesting is not happening. Yeah, it's porn game but I would like to players to struggle with survival a bit more too.
Like ReplyBest apocalypse game, ever. Keep up the good work man. I enjoy checking on all the new stuff you add.. Hope you add more porn stars as you go but I really appreciate the variety of non traditional porn you added to make it seem more edgy, the outdoor and horror porn. If you slap a hotty like Ava Addams or some of the younger gals out there, mmboy, the skies the limit. Well written, and enough instant death scenarios to make you mind your "saves" 6/5 stars
Like ReplyAnyone have the new code for v0.23a?
Like ReplyHelp, The Code is peacock
Like ReplyIt's great, I recently managed to past the first year. At some point you became a sort of super-human. Able to kill any enemy with one attack, way too healthy to be defeated. You will still bleed to death if you don't use bandages after being hurt, but other than that you are safe. I like it a lot. An in world explanation to PCs extraordinary biology would make things more immersive, I think. (if there is one, I missed it so far)
Like ReplyTHE CODE FOR V0.22 IS: codsworth
Like ReplyAnyone have the new code for v0.22?
Like ReplyAt what time do we need to go check our hookers to trigger Dom's Quest?..I have like 12 hookers on the street by the 100th day,checked all day and I didn't see my hookers working there..and tips for the Value money problem for the Dev(s) why don't we get to build a cold storage for the food that keeps on getting spoiled and the components that needs to build them are expensive eh shit and also
Like ReplyWe can get to build that makeshift car blueprint Vincent gave us after we build our settlement..and also those parts would be expensive to buy..I then asked what the use to put guards on duty if when we get attacked,I am the one dealing with the Bandits?..alone..
Like ReplyIt is almost impossible to find a "shopkeeper" now at the slave market with this update..the waterfall event was the likely place you can find one and young 19yrs old too (now that's behind a pay wall with Blair date event)..glad to see morality still in factor in the future apocalypstic world too cause even purchase a 17yrs old slave,you cannot even put them to work in the garden or do stuffs like the others,sacarsm at best here..
Like ReplyMoney/currency has literally no value in the game there is no reason to make it aside from the earlier (-) 50 days you can spend to grind for it whether you spamming it playing blackjack,bounty hunting,scavenging for woods to having hookers in the streets(to initiate Dom Quest) or the shopkeeper is nothing but a flavor text based stuffs that you do for self-pity..
Like ReplyThere is a reason why Currency like caps or silver works in apocalyptic games like Fallout or Surviving the Aftermath is because you can meet various settlements that has things you actually NEED to a components to make generators and have electricity..or antibiotics to combat radiations..all fall into places at once..there are no radiations in this game as of right now thinking bout it
Like ReplyGreat game! Beautifully balanced! Survival strategy is NOT my coup of tea, and, despite that I am loving it. Took me 3 attempts to reach day 100, and I will certainly try again. Learning curve is comfortable. Only thing missing is magic powers, but I think we can forgive that flaw on account of the fact that setting here is a Post-Apocalyptic, not Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy. Congratulations.
Like ReplyCheat code pl?
Like ReplyV0.22 patreon code?
Like ReplyWith the latest update i get beauty score= [number NaN] when interacting with girls in basement, eventually all of them change.
Like ReplyI think that the collection system is not working well, I don't receive neither wood, nor plastic, nor ropes ... the food collected from the greenhouse is arriving well, but I think that what is collected from the forest or scavenging is not. does it happen to anyone else? I have also lost 2 girls from the street without notice bug?
Like Replyelenrk, have you built storage? Items primary will go there instead of backpack
Like ReplyDev, i ll double check it
Like ReplyYou see Dev(s) this is how your make Blair a bit likeable with giving her tiny bit of random events like in the bed or taking her out and such..even I still don't want to become a husband in a world where I can play KING of the Hill obviously,but I am (as a Player) less inclined to sell this dumb bitch away now with her random events encounters..As also thumbs up on the Dom re-worked first encounter it makes more sense from a
Like Replynarrative standpoint now the way it has been presented..I also asked how the girls ages in the game because I stacked my basement with a bunch of 18yrs old that in a spam of 150 days ages rapidly to 22-23yrs old and I'm wonder how the fuck that happened if a Year,in game,hasn't passed yet..Nothing wrong on the Octavia add-ons so thumbs up all around..Good work..will be looking forward to your next update
Like ReplyP.S Old man in the Women bathouse too old to be our main character,we supposed to be 18yrs..this mofo has gray hair for God'sake..also if you can find better Big Booty black girl videos to put in there,it would be most appreciated like evansiveangel or Roxy Reynolds at her prime or something I dunno..(these black girls are kind of ugly with no big asses) to my likings..thanks!!!
Like ReplyWhat’s the name of the pornstar that plays eve?
Like ReplyWhat is the name of the pornstar that plays the character eve?
Like Replyanyone able to find a shopkeeper yet? if so where?
Like ReplyLucifer, slave market is where I found mine. If you don't get one right away; use the back button to refresh it. I ended up with to many shopkeepers.
Like ReplyTheres a game called Condemned Town which looks really good. Would love to see it on here one day :)
Like Replyhow to get plastic
Like Replyif their trait says anal or deepthroat or whatever, they should enjoy it, like when their trait says anal, the text still says they grunt uncomfortably, they should be moaning and loving it alot, especially if anal is at 100
Like ReplySatan, Yes. Already implemented few other texts as for 0.21 (For anal only now)
Like ReplyIs there an easy way to get plastic?
Like ReplyPatreon Code?
Like ReplySpider-Gwen, do you really not tried "fallout"? xdd
Like Replyfallout doesn't work
Like ReplyI do i keep my horse from starving
Like ReplyImmortal, buy hay from Rodger settlement shop
Like ReplyHow can you fix bleeding?
Like ReplyWily, get a bandage. Then open your inventory and you'll see "use" button under it
Like ReplyMind me asking a couple of questions to the Dev(s)..1)What is the Death ratio for any girls you send out on errands cause mines drops like ants when I send them out on a daily,also it 1 to 5 or something?..2)Why there isn't plastic vendors yet? 30 plastics to build shopkeepers and that loot drops on random for scavengers..3)Why can't we give weapons to companions to be more proficient in fight..4)What is the Max Lvl for our MC to OP eh shit?
Like ReplyThis assholes "Vincent" had us risked our lives over a Shop blueprint?..I dunno I wasn't following the story quest properly..why asked us to Marry your daughter when we literally Have pussies on Lock?..haha..this is such a dumb requests from the dumbest NPC I ever encounter in a game..I would have handed Blair to Dom with 2 horses and a thousand of moneys for free if I had the option to do while screaming "Here take the dumb bitch off my hands"..smfh lol
Like Reply1) Death ratio is 5%. If you increase their strength, it drops to 3-4%. If you do Dom's quests - you can get his protection and it drops to 1% 2) Who knows. No one ever suggested it. Will add in next tech update 3) Game is fairly new and as there's only one person. It's planned but doesn't have any ETA on it 4) There isn't anything max for MC. Probably will be added later. As for Blair. I had an idea already that I might do something with her. Someone kidnaps her and
Like Replyttyrke, ..thanks for the per question 1 if we upgrade their strengths to what number? I have my girls on 40+ yet still they die..can we also get a blueprint to build a mini-house for individuals too or put miniguns on the walls like in fallout 4 for Blair whatever you do with her I want it to be a surprise so please no spoilers :) ...
Like Replyhow do you increase blair's relationship after building the nusery
Like Replyalexandria, ...fuck her
Like ReplyThe game (v.018) just broken
Like ReplyBres, gamcore is using old version. There was already 0.18a patch with fixes. 0.19 is already out
Like ReplyHow to use bandage to stop bleeding?
Like ReplyPepe, open your inventory and there you'll see "use" button under bandage
Like ReplyHow do you win the part with Vince how high does the grils you take need to be? and where and how do you fine the mob boss in this ?
Like ReplyWolf69, gamcore dont have newest version of the game. That's a bug who' s fixed in 0.18a patch.
Like Replywhere and how do you find then boss Vincent ? how high does my rep need to be?
Like Reply"Error: <<companionList>>: errors within widget code (Error: <div>: bad evaluation from attribute directive "@title": State.variables.guests[State.temporary.compKey[1]] is undefined; Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: State.temporary.girlVisual is undefined;
Like ReplyError: <div>: bad evaluation from attribute directive "@style": State.temporary.girlVisual is undefined; Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: State.temporary.girlVisual is undefined)" ---THIS IS WHAT I GET UNDER THE HORSE PROFILE PICTURE FOR THE COMPANION WHEN VINCENT QUEST FAILED RIGHT NOW
Like ReplyAnd why the fuck the Dev(s) refused to give us an option to put One in between Vincent temple or his dumbass daughter for?..and yes I'm talking bout both killing Vincent and Blair..Blair because her dumbass idea to make a settlement and now Vincent cause of this stupid ass broken questline..Matter of fact Kill us Dev(s) instead cause your in-game missions quests objectives are starting to get ridiculous
Like ReplyI am going back to play Corpo Life least that Dev(s) listens to his peoples..I put like 8 hookers in the streets and the Dom Quest isn't even advancing and they get killed every now and then,the quest objective is so goddanm Vague too..smfh
Like ReplyI had 4 companions with Me and still got jumped alone by Dom's man in the Undercity Streets..mwahaha..I have a gun and 56 bullets in my inventory and still have no choice but to accept Dom Scripted "one way offer"..It's like gaming a game with premeditated deaths or your choices don't matter much,I was laughing my ass off..This is not a RP game at all but a Visual novel game
Like ReplyMarcos123, your given error is not related to quests in any way. Thats companion list bug.
Like ReplyYgs, That's exactly what I happens after Vincent quest failed..for me..I have never used companions before Vincent asked me to take them along with me..
Like ReplyHow long does it take for the babus to get bigger?
Like ReplyWolf69, Right now the usual (1 year). Planned some kind of a growth potion or something like that when new character (some scientist chick will be introduced)
Like Replywhat else do you need to keep going with Blair when she at 43 %. are they any other steps or do I need to do something ? or build something I have the gate made and that
Like ReplyDoes anyone know the video of the brunette bent over the bathroom counter
Like ReplyOn mission Vincent instead, despite her strength of 95 and 100 in each of them kills the girl. Get ready and meet Vincent at the farm (two companions with strength 40+)
Like ReplyMarkhgfgh, gamcore isn't newest release. Check discord
Like ReplyHow many hookers you need to have working on the streets in total to finish Dom(undercity boss) Quest?..Like I know the Dev(s) doesn't truly take suggestions from peoples here,but how would it be if a player didn't want to have hookers works in the street,does that means the Quest freezes out for them or what?..Also the new Vincent Quest doesn't trigger I already have a 100 Rel with Blair and nothing happening
Like ReplyMarcos123, 4 hookers, 100 in game days and 150 player reputation. I try to grab suggestions from each place I find but you're partly right - I don't like gamcore commenting system and comments easily get lost.
Like ReplyWhat is the point of hunting if you miss all the time
Like Replyhow do you get Blair pregnant
Like ReplyDskattack, you can't right now. Planned in the future. Right now only npc's can get pregnant.
Like Replyttyrke, what about the baby growing?
Like ReplyCap, what about them? Babies grow, just it takes full year for one year. It's planned to add some kind of a growth potion, to speed up that process
Like Replyttyrke, how to get growth potion
Like Reply@Dev(s), purely a suggestion, but I think it would be comical to have an option to just shoot the old guy in the head when he asks you to kill him. Like just hardcore have the option to kill him roughly, softly, or quickly. I have more ideas, but it's your game, and I still enjoy it just the same.
Like Replywhere do i find plastic?
Like ReplyCompanion scaveging usually takes 3 to four days to get enough plastic
Like ReplyHow do you save Blair's friend Ashley?
Like ReplyMastermind, Get really strong, and get really fit. Then you can tank a lot of damage from that guy. I recommend getting above 150 for each stat (except INT), and then you can really steam roll the guy. It gets easier to train those stats once you unlock the gym, and you can buy the knife for added damage.
Like Replywhere do you get plastic?
Like Replyanonymous, Go exploring, or assign guests from Guest house to go scavenging.
Like ReplyHow does the baby grow?
Like ReplyTata, Very...fucking...slowly... Day by day. Month by month. Year by Year. Unless there is a potion or some mechanic I haven't found yet @devs.
Like ReplyNightshade, There isn't potion yet BUT it's planned. Probably will some new character (girl/scientist who could help with other stuff too)
Like ReplyNightshade, There isn't any potion yet but it's planned in the future
Like ReplyWhen you hover over the "intelligence" perk it said the higher the number the better crafting you'll be able to craft on items,so I grind it up to 100 and doesn't matter..You still crafted that corny nursery for Blair from the "Surviving the aftermath" game for her to whom which she proceeds to "not good enough at hiding her dissatisfaction for it"..
Like ReplyAnd the Mistress should've been able to "exercise" the girls in the gym too as well as bathing them,make sure they clean the house as well as feeding the babies milks..I think the Dev(s) take the whole "slave" thing too lightly during the apocalypse..I usually finished the game within 60-80days then I see baby 3+yrs will start consuming food?..there isn't much to do after the 70days mark
Like Replydid anyone notice that the endurance training scene is from heavyweights?
Like ReplySo my straight male "old and still" character before the update went to bed and woke "bisexual",okay Dev(s) wtf and why?,I don't plan on recruiting dudes on my shit..this was weird as hell..and what do we need the "intelligent" perk for,I'm trynna find a use for it..Can we also have a potion to replenish stamina/energy cause it capped max out at 140 and I think we need a way to find a refill of it
Like Reply*and I meant other use for the "Intelligence" perk then Higher crafting outcomes..we need more in game story mode content too..I have had this Blair in game Bug warning,I wonder if that happens if i tried to impregnate her,I reload an old ass saves with loss of hours of gameplay,then I was able to bypass it
Like ReplyMarcos123, what do you mean by woke up bisexual?
Like ReplyI saw you can capture dudes now..I was wondering if you planned to take it somewhere I freaked out a bit cause in the "Horny meter" bar so you can cum I saw both sex things inside of each other..
Like ReplyMy last saves was in the morning..and the icon of the "horny meter" was both genders mixed together I freaked out..went to explore the city knocked up some dudes saved a girl and it said "capture the dudes" I dunno if it happened cause I had that Blair broken quest warning,cause you tried to get her pregnant saves crashes..least from what I experienced on my far
Like ReplyMarcos123, about Blair bug - Its fixed in 17.b version. gamcore isn't using newest version. As for other suggestions/bugs. Better would be to report them in discord as I don't come here often and there are no notifications if someone replies to comment, etc. I'll go through all comments and check what's there for the next release.
Like Replyhow to make a kid?
Like Replythe man, In the infinite wisdom that is Eric Cartman, you stick it in and pee.
Like Replythe man, gay don't make kids? only adopt
Like ReplyWhen is the next update been weeks..
Like ReplyMarcos123, update comes out once in two weeks. 0.16 release was out in 14.06.2023, so 28.06.2023-ish. Tech update
Like ReplyNew version similar problem, new message " Warning! Game has detected a game breaking bug for Blair!! Please save the game to the file and report it as bug without making any other movements." Also keeps recurring - really, no tsting?
Like Replypeterg136, Fix is on 0.17a or b version. Gamcore uses old version where fix isn't implemented yet.
Like ReplyALEX, Better would be to report bugs on discord. There you can add save file and dev can take a look at it.
Like ReplyI don't know how to safe Blair's friend.....
Like ReplyTime80, At home, at the fireplace, increase your strength and endurance until you reach triple digits. By increasing those stats, it increases your damage given and reduces your damage received. I beat the guy with just a knife with 125 Strength and 120 Endurance before the gun was unlocked. If I read the changelog correctly, you can random chance find the gun which may make the fight easier for you. Alternatively, you can fight at the fight club area to bring up both stats at the same time.
Like ReplyNightshade, getting the stats required? Easy. But never been able to find her before she got killed in the streets, thats the problem
Like ReplyTime80, I don't think you can save her. I think it's meant to look like as if the player actually tried to help Blair.
Like ReplyJohny, You can save her. Just need to do that in two days. Otherwise you'll find her dead.
Like ReplyI cant get passed the area when you sleep in the cabin it just keep showing error.
Like ReplyDoesn't work on the gamcore browser, gives error when games launches and plays through up to the point you sleep after cabin then gives another error with no way to progress.
Like ReplyHow do you assign slaves to work?
Like ReplyHow do you get the plastic?
Like ReplyHave a guesthouse build..then "release" a girl that have high relationship level,she ll ask to live with you..move them to the guesthouse..and set them "scavenge" for etc..and then wait for the RNG god to bless you and gives you the plastic..maybe
Like ReplyMarcos123, Thanks!
Like ReplyKeep getting an error message about a picture being embedded every time the screen changes, reallt annoying, the previous version was broken by the same message, now you can continue... kinda
Like Replypeterg136, could you join discord and show your screen with bug and your save file there? I'll take a look at it.
Like ReplyThe videos in the basement been restored..except I get this "Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<elseif>> clause (#1): person is undefined Back" ..From time to time now..and the "gifting" system kind of lame as you can already f..the slaves to level up relationship to 30 with you already..ain't no need for no gifts craps..
Like ReplyAnd the Daytime system seems to pass too quickly now can barely do 2 or 3 things before nightime seems to hit..mostly before the energy level cap is 140,time should flow less abruptly to give us well "time" to do some stuffs daily..Anyways..Great work Dev(s)..will be looking forward to your next update
Like ReplyMarcos123, Thx. Noted. Gifts more was added so you can increase relationship faster, or for example for girls who got -100 relationship (captured from the gangs). Will add more depth to that probably later too. For example some girls won't like flower, etc.
Like ReplyMarcos123, as for the basement bug. You can join the discord and add your save file there. I'll take a look at it.
Like Replyttyrke, The negative( -100) ..I sell to the Slaves Market..after I sample them of course..ain't gonna waste time turning them into I said the days are shorter now,it takes a whole days to cut 60 woods with the Axe and some other stuffs..Guest should be able to scavenge for ammunitions and antibiotics(for battle pain wound) aside the bandages..
Like ReplyAnd Dev(s)..You knew putting up that Gate would peoples up and still did it..I'm getting events from the same guy claiming to be a Doctor like recurring more than usual after I kept on throwing him away..that's why I wondered when If I could told Blair "fuck no" as soon as I get to the part to put up the Gate in the Quests Journal
Like ReplyI think the Basement error happens every time that there are girls that wants to get laid and are asking you to bone them..but You have low energy level..then the events file gets broken..I am not so sure..though..just a thought
Like ReplyMarcos123, Yes. It's already fixed but as it's not game breaking, I'll release it together with 0.16
Like ReplyMarcos123, Those first events are with really low percentage and just two/three of them now. More lika a concept. Probably will need ot think a way to tell him "get lost" forever or at least for x days he won't bother you at all. Sorry, gamcore comment section isn't very intuitive. Probably will miss some of your replies. If you want to give cleaner sugggestions/bugs join discord, if you're not there yet (Just assuming that you're not there as you comment here)
Like ReplyI was hoping to see the Underground City Boss Vincent is so afraid of by now..I mean we can go there everyday,gets reputations and he doesn't seem to be fazed by it..and Is Anyone else having trouble finding Bullets..plastics or antibiotics now with this version ).14.C too?..The slaves woman needs to be on "Auto" shower to get their hygienes and beauty points back up..tired of doing it for like 10+ of them..
Like Replyv0.15 is out and has slave fixes traits have been tweaked a little and a ton of things are coming soon
Like ReplyI would give this game 5 stars if it had a sub route but it does not because the game is focused too much on vanilla where the guy dominates the girl thing.
Like ReplyGames like these need to have both sides of dominance and players to choose which route to take is all I'm saying.
Like ReplyJohny, that is being worked on (being able to capture the males and have them as slaves/guests)
Like ReplyHow do you get the house party to work
Like Replyifk, ..get the champagne by the Priest Roger quest..then talk to Blair in the morning...she ll tell you to come home around or at 20'oclock..go to fireplace and select the option there
Like ReplyMarcos123, After that i still can't invite guests back to my bedroom
Like Replyifk, you have to have a guest in the guest room
Like Replykjk, i have one guest in my house and i keep doing the party and i still dont have a way to invite guests back
Like Replyifk, where did you find the guest?
Like ReplySome new videos with the slaves in the basement are broken..glad to see the "exercise" in the cage gives you both strengths and endurance now..Dev(s) needs to add more variants slaves well as letting us discover the "Sanctuary"everyone keeps talking bout..anyways Good work Dev(s)..will be looking forward to your next update
Like ReplyThis game has potential, though it needs a bit more variety in the events when exploring.
Like ReplyGrindy as hell and fairly repetitive.
Like ReplyThe Blair in kitchen videos are not working
Like ReplyNick, all of them or some of the,m?
Like ReplyI think the Dev(s) should up the price tag of the Bounties between 100 to 350..instead of their original prices..if you gonna burn out a whole day seeking them, I thought it be something more exciting..but was let down..I also think there should be in game radiation or mutated animals events,everybody else aside the MC seems to be fine breathing the atmosphere air after everything gone to shit..#food for thoughts
Like ReplyYou should also be able to use the Bow in fights too..have girls you have negative relations points with be able to escape and Your MC track them down to re-capture and hopefully make the other ones submit while watching that you can easily get them back if they try to escape..Also more variety vids for slaves sex scenes,it tends to be repetitive after a while
Like ReplyWait a minute..I didn't realized I was playing "Surviving the Aftermath" but with girls..As soon I got the gate set up I seen it..and Yes guys we can use the gun in fights,but we have to explore the map and find the ammo for it,if the RNG system doesn't load up on the event..load it back up again..and I would agree with Blair on most things..but setting up the Gate and put us on the goddam map is the dumbest idea ever
Like ReplyI never found any girl with fighting traits..or could use ANY weapons,so telling EVERYONE ''we're here..come kill us for?"..if the Dev(s) plans on adapting the console game,I hope they also deliver to the same magnitude cause they had the Bomber dude asking for shelter in the first encounter..I was LMAO cause I knew this guy is a villain from the game
Like ReplyHow do you do the "Bounty" hunter quests at the bar?...please
Like ReplyNever found a gun, that would've been nice when fighting 4 guys at once. The underground city has a shop, can purchase a knife, does significantly more damage in the random encounters where you get attacked. To do the bounty hunter quests you have to get there early in the day and check wanted posters, it appears to be a random chance every time you check a wanted poster "look around" for them (about 25%), follow the directions on the screen if you do find them.
Like ReplyThanks for the info about the return *Spoilers..Blair gives you the gun once you return her friend to her "ALIVE" not tell her she died if you failed to rescue her(you need to be able to defeat her captor)..the ammos can be found by exploring the City..if you don't find it,have a hard save then re-load till you will pop up can do that endless times too
Like ReplyRescue Blair friend alive..Talk to Bartender at the Bar..then go look for her in the "Street"..I done it the whole day..but I'm kind of sure the RNG kicks in at nightfall..if the day passed..she will die..You need to be strong enough too..if you fail to defeat her captor you ll die or get injured or knocked out..don't be afraid to train a lot before taking that quest as it is the only mean the gun as it is right now
Like ReplyBtw ADMINS 0.13 is out on f95
Like ReplyWhere’s roger?
Like ReplyNickname, In the settlement. Priest
Like ReplyError: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Unexpected token ?
Like Replymeh, meh, same, no game as it happens as soon as getting to the cabin :(
Like ReplyFuta, can you go to game discord and post your save file there? I'll take a look
Like Replyttyrke, don't have discord, get an error as soon as it loads, before using any saves
Like Replymeh, This appears usually when you assign or add companions. If you kill them, or throw them in the cell while assigns that message error box appears. If you had not killed them just sent them back to the cell then you can just bring them back out of the cell and they will join back with you but note to relationship level because they can just leave at that point if too low. If you killed them, well just restart the game.
Like Replymeh, Basically what I'm trying to say is this here, "don't do anything too stupid with anyone till you remove them as your companion, and once you do remove them then and only then can you do other things." You also have to train each companion in exercises to getting stronger. They are useless without getting fitter. Mistress's don't count other then the first coupe workouts that the player can do with them. They train on they're own.
Like Replyttyrke, probably a question asked many times over but how do you get women to come to the cabin?
Like ReplyKCIceman, if you mean how you can get new slaves/guests, there are few options. If you have built guesthouse you can meet girls in nightclub and ask if they want to join you. Other option would be to buy slaves in market, or find them while exploring. Another option would be a win a fight where there are girls as enemies and you can capture them.
Like Replyttyrke, Worked it out just needed it wait for it.
Like ReplyIs the gate the final upgrade to the story? Good game honestly. Thanks.
Like ReplyFailed coomer, Yes. Gates are final story scene for now. Next update will be more mechanics and after that I might continue either gate place or add some random events regarding it and focus on some other character story.
Like ReplyIs there anything else to the story once you get to the house party???
Like ReplyDgonzo71, more things for the party are being worked on, and the next update will have more story added (if my memory is correct)
Like ReplyGamerdad, Hi. DEV here! Next update will be smaller and more focused on mechanics. After next release I'll work on more story/event passages.
Like Replyttyrke, we have chatted a couple times on the f95 thread i normally play on the link there and then seen it added here so i did a playthrough here
Like ReplyDgonzo71, you need to have a girl in the gust house for a three sum other wise nothing happens
Like ReplyUses the same photos and clips regardless of which girl you are interacting with.
Like ReplyJayafterdark, in f95zone there is a manual how you can MOD girls. Basically you can put seprate image/video folders for each girls and make them unique.
Like Replyi can"t advance i used the champagne for the party but never really get any where after that.
Like ReplyPI, invite any of the guests to your bedroom. Blair will join you for the threesome.
Like Replyttyrke, how do we invite the guests into our bedroom? It wont work for me
Like ReplyIs there any way to permanently increase the slave's beauty score?
Like ReplyAnon, not yet but there a thoughts about that, but right this moment the only way is to edit your save
Like ReplyExcellent do you assign the girl to the greenhouse?..I had it built but I can do anything with it..on another note has anyone found a gun yet too..I keep on getting beaten by every bandits I encounter..or if I try to ambush someone..aside of these..Great work dev(s)..will be looking forward to your next update
Like ReplyMarcos123, there is a gun that you get later in the story but no uses have been implemented yet, train your strength to about 50 (at the fireplace) then fights will be easyer. once you unlock the underground you can get a knife to use in fights as for the greenhouse guests/slave relationship has to be high enough then you can assign them to it
Like ReplyGamerdad, ...thanks
Like ReplyMarcos123, Hey! DEV here. You probably need to increase relationship with the girl. (30)
Like Replyttyrke, ..But why though..aren't they supposed to be slaves?..I recon raising love affinity shouldn't be an issue..there also needs to be more when you go out to explore the world..or more different types of sex scenes with the slaves..or maybe you can take out the combat fighting slave girls with you on exploration to help combat bad Guys..Least that's what I'm thinking
Like ReplyMarcos123, You have to work out at the fire place at the shelter you found, where you sleep shower and masturbate like a craving dog. It's not that hard to do, but you have to put the time and effort in it. Nothing is given on a silver platter and it's not one of those games where you just can skip to the seen which I like about this game. I do wish though there were more options to assign slaves to.
Like ReplyMarcos123, I'm sure down deep inside your character's slaves hearts they think your the bad guy. I mean think about it. The honest way of capturing a slave would be if they attacked you first in battle and they surrendered after you've won, but the ones you find out and about and just capture for fun, those will be the ones that would resent you for capturing them without real substantial motive or reason.
Like ReplyThis really look promising but right now i cant even go after the sleep scene in the cabin due to an error... but the outline seems really freaking sick !
Like ReplyLolipop747, this issue shouldn't be happening. it dont happen i just played via f95 and this issue dont happen maybe something broke during the upload process
Like ReplyLolipop747, I guess you use Chrome. Game try to use autosaves, but your storage is over. So, game fails to safe. It is not current game problem, try almost any other html game and you have the same. Good news, you just need to press "esc" button.
Like ReplyLolipop747, check support link. There' s a discord link, you can provide your save file there and I' ll check it out.
Like ReplyFails after sleeping at cabin on gamcore browser
Like Replyawesome game. I hope to update this game more often. because it's finally a game that I'll be coming back to
Like Replybb, Hi, DEV here. I usually post new release twice a month. Can't do really more often as I am doing that on my only free time
Like Replyttyrke, Well what are we standing around for lets get to it! We have a world to conquer damn it. There should be a twist though to the game. It looks too basic. That and make it more challenging for players as well. You know slaves can revolt and make there masters slaves as well. It's happened all the time through out history. Personally I will always believe woman do a far better job at dominating!
Like ReplyBreaks down after the prologue, but is rather interesting as a premise.
Like ReplyThen again maybe it works on web browsers, using the launcher currently.
Like ReplySo far lots of potential. I hope the Dev continues with this project & good luck to them.
Like ReplyDragonLayer, i talk in the devs forum all the time and there are major things coming
Like Reply