Our main character is on the run and she moves to a new city to start a life afresh. However, the ghosts of her past follow. She looks for a place to live in and decides to have female roommates in order to cut cost. All the girls are quite sexy and have the hots for each other. Each girl has her personal character and personality but one thing is for sure. They share a passion for girls. Your choice will determine who the main character will fuck so choose wisely. If you like, she could test them all. Also, if you love lesbian content, bon appetit!
the cat is the GOAT i love him so much he's so fancy
Like Replyspoiler question in reply to this comment
Like Replyso.. he gets in a 2 on 1 fight. Then gets shot. Then gets in another 2 on 1 fight. And 2 seconds later he gets right back up?
Like Replybiggs.... wedge... /salute
Like ReplyI actually had to stop to laugh when i read those names'
Like Replyis this game done?? The story certainly isnt over but it said i got the 'dragon ending'? So im not sure whats going on there.
Like Replynot the "Ariana's perverted Diary" in there, I just read that lol 😭
Like ReplyNot all the way through yet but it seems to have a habit of getting right up to a big moment and then flashing away to something else. A little bit of a let down. One example is finding out how the landlady was. Immediately flash to a later scene. And then we dont rly get to see the reunion between those two either. They both could have have been good scenes to have.
Like ReplyI do love the random cat tho. Not sure if he will ever play a real role or not. But you could have left him out of the game entirely and nothing story wise would change. But his being there adds a great bit of humor and happiness to the story.
Like ReplyWell i guess the last update answered that! There wasnt much to it, but that cat scene made it all worth it. :) I do find it a little weird that i find spoon to be the most interesting and fun character lol I hope that somehow hes the one to save the day. Where ever the story goes with these ppl; having the cat show up at the big moment and saves the day. That would be awesome.
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