Meet Ryan, the game's main character. His father's imprisonment leaves him burdened with a hefty debt owed to the mafia. To settle the score, Ryan must make weekly payments, navigating the complexities of this criminal obligation. Amidst this challenging scenario, players can explore unique relationships with Ryan's mother and two sisters. You could choose to have a sexual relationship with the three of them. It's all about keeping it in the family while servicing your hot mom and sisters. Their wet pussies will distract you from the hardships and the debt you owe. Allow them to take care of your wildest desire and get lost in their juicy holes. Relax and let them fuck you. Enjoy it Ryan while you still can!
Also, I appear to have come across a bug in the latest update - when I check the bathroom, jacky and Matt are having sex (the cuckold storyline here in terms of joey and matt rather coming out of nowhere, given id prevented the earlier task getting that far). It then sends me outside to Lauren, who, solely for this bit of storyline has now supposedly lost the election (ignoring the fact I had her win, thus have sex with me and not matt), and is now dating matt alongside me (whereas elsewhere she
Like ReplyIs only with me (admittedly, I had a little fun before having her win, but that doesn't explain this single story thread ignoring the decision to have her win). I'll admit, this error/bug is kind of spoiling things for me.
Like ReplyQuery, I have a task called (iirc) 'window display', hint says to visit Lauren in the lounge in the evening - done this a couple of dozen times, trying all outcome options given, but nothing new has occurred to complete this task (all other tasks currently completed). Any ideas?
Like ReplyI have been playing this game for a long.. time.. Still I couldn't fuck anyone..
Like Replyi hate how these games dont save progress
Like ReplyWhy are my loads no saving when I get back on
Like Replyhow we cqan fuck the mother
Like Replywhy I cant reach the stad to fuck the mother
Like ReplyHad a tough time completing the school election because I didn't know and I'm not a big fan of making me lose a few weeks in a row just to advance the plot, should have been another way to get the school popularity by just having money and paying for influence. kind of like how its described before you start the challenge. Still a great game and all the dudes whining about NTR are just very insecure with themselves.
Like ReplyLog, Replying to myself because I just finished the election. To anyone playing this part, stock up some money (maybe like 8-10K, I had more) then let Lauren lose the first 3 weeks of the polls. It's much faster and simpler than getting her reputation to full and having to wait an entire week for her standings to drop.
Like ReplyLog, Oh yeah, Let me kiss them after we fuck! Come on Will, you know how hot that is!
Like ReplyLog, Alright. Now I'm getting bugs . Shortly after Lauren's election, I become unable to change anything concerning the game.
Like ReplyLog, This sucks man, up until this point I was having a lot of fun but now there is just no single time on any day of the week that your mom is master bating in her room which is the only way you can progress. 5 weeks I spent checking each time period just for each time to be a disappointment. Come on man, you gotta put more effort into this.
Like ReplyLog, You prevent her masturbating at school, then in the bathroom, then in her bedroom. Then go to lounge and she kicks her sister out of the room due to her frustrations. You should then be able to complete the associated tasks by repeating this process on weekdays.
Like ReplyWill this game get finished or is it abandoned?
Like ReplyJenova, According to the patreon, they are working on not only the next big update but many more for the future.
Like ReplyGamcore great at breaking shit that wasn't broken.
Like ReplyPotter story book : i did not read the book immediately . now i cant get any option to read the book.. the game concept is good
Like Replyanyone know what favour I need with the school to win or do I have to side with Tyler dating my mum in order to win it?
Like Replydo I have to Side with tyler and let him date my mum or can i still with school favour if so how much school favour do I need
Like ReplyBro what the reason/special thing when someone using or register account here?
Like ReplyThe game aborted unexpectedly. More information may be available in the browser console or contained in the log. Aborted(both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed) failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: RuntimeError: Aborted(both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed). Build with -sASSERTIONS for more info. The game aborted unexpectedly. More information may be available in the browser console or contained in the log. Aborted(RuntimeError: Aborted(both async and sync fetching ???
Like ReplyI see lots of complaints in the comment, but i have had 0 problems. No crashes, no bugs. There is way more content than i expected going in and its been a blast to play. Clever, funny, and even enthrawling at the more serious plot points. Definitely the best game of this type i've played. 10/10 Looking forward to the next update. Keep up the truely great work.
Like ReplyCan't update 8 version still
Like Replywhat do i do after completing all the achievements the is stilll avoiding and do i get to do anything wit the aunt and cousin did i finish the game?
Like Replyzero, visit laurens room when mom avoiding. I did after 2nd date
Like Replyloyalty route kind of a scam joey still fucked her
Like Replyzero, Didn't happen in mine. Must be something you did. Gotta pay every week. And i told him to take a hike on the dates.
Like Replyhow do i pass the election her school influence is over 20 and it still says im gonna loose the elections
Like Replyas a step "event: Collect'em all" description : wouldn't it be great if you mom owned all the best selling lingerie? I don't know how to complete that part
Like Replycan someone tell me how to proceed after the beach ?? , ive done everrything i can think of and even waited weeks ,months actually ( by sleeping ) but alway says she needs more time , its actually starting to piss me off because i cant progress any further
Like ReplyJust give her time, she comes to your room then you have to go to the classroom on Saturday afternoons. TabooDesire,
Like ReplyTabooDesire, i have the samestion maybe we completed the game idk
Like Replyzero, question*
Like Replyi know it says the game is finished but could we get an update to progress with the info gathered by sidney at the club please , hopefully i can at least get the girls pregnant anyway ... and get rid of dias but id love to tell joey to go fuck himself if i could get some dirt on him ... aside from that , im hooked on this game , absolutely love it so far only issues on occulus quest is that the sound glitched a few times and the gaame froze too ( separate occations ) not developers fault though
Like ReplyGame doesn't load.
Like ReplyI totaly love this game! Lauren is for me the sexiest girl. Please update fast
Like ReplyHow you become an VIP member n the club ?
Like Replyso um what wus the update.....
Like Replyi have read the books how do you get the last question my charcter says merlin
Like Reply*Spoilers.The main protagonist is a dumb ass,Charlie the chinn could've solve his problem in one go but he couldn't let it happen cause he isn't that intelligent to wait out the outcomes..the FBI agent chick pisses me off and having to pay $2k each week to both the mafia and her,I wanted Charlie to kill them both..but whatever,this game is heavily derivative toward an NTR gameplay anyways,I wonder why the Dev(s) have such a hard on for that..
Like ReplyCan't download the game on android
Like Replyhay un problema con el juego
Like ReplyGrindy trash with minimal payout.
Like Replywtfisthis, You only have to grind as much as you want to. theres cheats built in
Like ReplyAre we going to get updated to version 4 on Renpy? According to some walkthrough that's when the aunt and cousin get into play.
Like ReplyBro this shit does not load big man ting
Like Replya good game, no doubt! but one thing i can't understand, i played through the game following all the instructions until the event "smoked joey's cigar" and suddenly i get the message event failed "almost there"? why? such an event was not announced? i went back and tried to play through this passage the other way round a few more times, but i keep getting the same result?
Like ReplyNothing in this game makes any sense and it takes WAY too long to progress. It could be an amazing game. Mom is cool with jacking off her son, but not giving him a kiss despite all of the previous text implying she would be? re
Like ReplyLiterally cannot fuck the mom. She's cool with you dry humping her, jacking you off, being naked in front of you, but don't you dare ask to watch her change, or give her a kiss. Braindead.
Like ReplyGuys, please tell me how to play the game? My saves have been deleted(
Like ReplyGuest, try to export your saves , theres a small box with 3 bars in top left screen , click / tap it, select export and download the files to your device , this works with other renpy games too, when you load up again they shouldshow , if not select import from the box i mentioned
Like ReplyBEt a woman made this game, a shit ton of waiting, therre is no order to to these so called "QUEST" (which is stretching that hardcore.) you then make it so you can barely follow the quests and the chaacters are all connect too much. It has 0 story, you then give the option for nft yet you put nft in the non nft story? make that make sense you fuckinhg idiot(creator of this game.)
Like ReplyThis game is an absolute joke, but has massive potential. They reactions make ZERO sense. Mom is pissed at me for trying to kiss her, but has already done basically everything besides bang with the character? What sense does that make? Also the fact it takes longer to progress in this game than a damn MMO is 100% unacceptable. Button it up a bit and offer reasonable progression and it'd be great.
Like Replyanother cracking game that now doesn't load since it was updated same with photohunt that doesn't load long story short just freezes the whole time
Like ReplyFix this game! it freeze before begining
Like ReplyGame wont load and now ive lost hours of gameplay
Like ReplyWhy am i not surprised for the game to freeze on the Renpy loading page!!!!
Like Replyyeetmymeat, lol clown
Like ReplyJerkfree, try a different browser. Google chrome words well.
Like Replyyeetmymeat, Wow I guess the vast majority here have a shitty PC huh dipshit?
Like Replyyeetmymeat, Instead of useless comments, u could tell that it might be the browser that isnt compatible with the game. Why is it that some people just cant keep their mouth shut when someone ask a question?
Like ReplyGame not loading!
Like Replyraven, its woring fine now ,at least for me , and im using browser on an occulus vr
Like ReplyUgh hate when games fore you to do weird foot stuff... it's a boner killer for normal people, let us skip it... gross ass creators forcing us to indulge in their weird virgin fetishes
Like Replythis game is fucking stupid
Like Replyupdate plss...
Like ReplyNoooo, le dio una mamada al alumno pendejo y a mi nunca me chupo el pene :(
Like ReplyHello all, been looking at some of the comments and i think that some of these problems u guys have is coz of the browser u use. When i tried this game in Chrome i also had the crashes in the internet store but when i play it in Firefox it dont crash, still buggy as fuck though.
Like Replycan any one export their saves and sned it here cuz the game has restarted and ia cant find my saves
Like ReplyMC is a straight up bitch just to let yall know, he gets bitched by matt (basketball president) and even his whole family tree and he just takes it doesnt stand up for himself just starts stammering, so if you wanna bitch made MC that just sucks wit smaller dick than side character (matt) play this, but if you want alpha mc that can actually fight and stand up for himself play: Where The Heart Is or Being a DIK. Conclusion the MC is a pussy ass bitch lol.
Like Replycan't buy items from online it crashes the game !!!!
Like ReplyEnjoy this game but i can't get pass the talk with sidney at the club learning anything from armani all i get is this story will progress wit future updates doing me nut in
Like Replyu need to meet her on a monday or sum, it says so on the phone
Like ReplyRespect and apathy aren't really the two words that go together, seeing as Apathy means a total lack of interest, which is kind of the opposite of Respect!
Like ReplyHow to complete the Van Quest from diaz
Like Replyooh fuck this random update it wiped all my progress ._.
Like ReplyOne simple matter that has totally ruined this game for me: I try to go do the online shopping, and in seconds the entire game crashes, no matter what I do: I cannot proceed w/o the ball gag, and cannot obtain one. Never recommend this game for anyone again.
Like Replybill, I find that if you complete the purchase and get the heck out of there as soon as possible, but yes crashing every time doesn't help.
Like ReplyI GOT IT, you have to pick up the items after you buy them online! go to the warehouse and select the pick up option, then try to go to the shoot event
Like ReplyNo idea how to proceed here; the computer in his bedroom keeps locking up the game with 'bye' no matter what I do.
Like ReplyThe game crashes when you go to buy anything online.
Like ReplyThe women look more natural here, for the age, yet the young lad, has an over size penis ... why cannot makers of Games have normal size penises, instead of, HUGE BOOBS, over size ASS and guys with over size Dicks... I mean can no one jus make a game that is looks like normal people with normal private parts. Just saying, not every woman like HUGE Dicks, this is a 100% Fact, only the few Whores who had too many need to feel something. just make games that are normal with good Graphics and story
Like ReplyS.O.L, you are a fuckin dweeb
Like Replyhow does one use any items from the back pack? I found if you go and press the phone, and then at the very top righthand side there wil be an I-con click on this and you can choose to add or remove anything, plus, you can also up the cash as much as you like, but you still have to do the deliverys every afternoon. evryday.
Like Replythis game has crashed like 4-time, now, and one has to go all the wa back to over a week and then do everrything all over again, its crazy that this keeps happening every time. not complaining, just letting you guys know, there may be a bug or something that causing the problems. But it is indeed a very good game vry good Graphics and a very good story line, and with an female agent who spanks your sister ass. and she wants more kinky stuff.
Like ReplyS.O.L, Ever heard of saving before you go to the computer to buy something, then you can just press restart and load you saved game and try the computer again.
Like ReplyThat isn’t a big it is just bad coding
Like Replygood game so far but saves keep disappearing
Like ReplyThis Browser is pretty good and seems to be designed for Games. [ Opera GX ] --- brings the gaming lifestyle to your mobile/computer/laptop. Express yourself with custom skins, discover free games and the best deals with GX Corner, share links easily between mobile and desktop with My Flow, and much more. All in a secure, private browser. Designed for gamers.
Like ReplyS.O.L, The company should pay you a commission! ie if people are here they have a computer they are happy with we don't need to be sold a computer.
Like ReplyCan't progress with mom's photoshoot, i bought the balkl gag early and now when i try the photoshoot it says i do not have it and when i try to buy it again it says i already have enough of them.
Like Replyptor, Most of these games it is better to just buy things as you need them. why do you think there is no spy cam on the website.
Like ReplyGames crashes when in the VIP room
Like ReplySounds like a fun game but it won't load past the renpy loading screen.
Like Replyhow do you do task 83 stop mom from masterbating in her bedroom the scene just plays and i cant interupt it
Like Replybananaz, When you have her at Libido and Frustration 10, go to school in the afternoon and block her again in her office. Straight after, block her in the shower in the evening. Straight after that go to her room at night. Cami will leave the room giving you your opportunity.
Like ReplyHow do you sneak past the girl in the locker room when you want to set the spy cam? It's some kind of a game, but you aren't given the rules. It's the same game for printing posters for Lauren's attempt at student council, but if the rules were given there, I missed them.
Like Replyoogieboogieman, haven't even found those yet, and have reached Quest 70 :(
Like Replyoogieboogieman, As you are sneaking into the locker room, a small window will appear. within that window is a white line with a small purple section in the middle of it. click your mouse on the purple section at the right time. Make sure your cursor is on the purple section. Be quick. It's the same for the poster mini game.
Like Replyoogieboogieman, you may also skip mini game.
Like ReplyWhy does Libido cap at 10?
Like ReplyHow do you get Loyalty Event #7?
Like ReplyOh, so _that's_ how you get it
Like ReplyWhy the fuck does all the saves keep getting removed?
Like Replyheadhunter, not the saves, the gallery unlocks
Like Replyheadhunter, Because they have updated the game.
Like ReplyWhen do you get to fuck mom and the sisters?j
Like ReplyThere is an internet browsing error on the computer in the room of the main character of the game. This option seems to be necessary for the next chapters and I cannot progress. The game does not progress and crashes. I request this error to be fixed.
Like ReplyThis fucking sucks, it takes way too long to do anything. Has potential but dev you need to step it up a notch, it's slow af moving to warehouse which is really annoying and everything is laggy af. remove some of the bs.
Like ReplyPlease consider getting rid of the scooter to and from the warehouse. The game is grindy enough without the laggy load of the scooter animations. Also, the ballgag doesn't register so I couldn't complete the cosplay. Trying to shoot the Perry Hotter would fail saying that I needed to get a ballgag from the online shop but I already had one in my inventory. The store wouldn't let me buy another ballgag, but the studio wouldn't recognize that I had one
Like Replyimp, you can skip the animation
Like ReplyWhere can I find the bathrobe?
Like ReplyNeedHelpInWeek1Tues-Night, top drawer of mom's dresser
Like Replyhujiph, just says "why would i go through mom's underwear"
Like Replysolid game
Like ReplyHow could I buy a spy cam? to pc I find only chocolate, gift card and flowers
Like ReplyElena_91, play longer
Like ReplyKCIceman, or use the item giver from top right of phone
Like ReplyGame randomly stops keeping saves. Will show as you play but will not be there when you relaunch to load. Old saves will be there but can lose a lot of time
Like ReplyYou can't use the MC's PC the game will crash every time.... So you can forget this game for another month or two, or if the Dev ever fixes the bug.
Like ReplyOn Porngameshub its Version 0.08 v1a supporter + walkthrough so at Gamcore i'm confused as to what version this is suppose to be....
Like ReplyJerkfree, bro, does porngameshub work? I cannot enter it almost since last month.
Like ReplyJoss, You need to be using Firefox browser, it does work for me so far??
Like ReplyJoss, You may also try deleting the site and reloading it from search.?
Like ReplyJerkfree, bro I use also firefox. The site is just loading and cannot open. I miss that site,broo
Like ReplyJoss, try deleting the site again.... Including from your history?? Also try reloading the site a couple of times? If you succeed SAVE that page? Otherwise you could delete your browser and history and download fresh?? Just suggestions.... IDK anything else bro??
Like ReplyPS: after you have deleted everything and reload a fresh version of Firefox shut down your PC and restart, then use search for PGH not from your history....? Just more suggestions? I'm not aware of your PC issues so I'm trying to avoid doing a total hard reset to factory, which deletes everything? Which is my next suggestion,,, SORRY....
Like ReplyJoss, Empty your browser history
Like Replyglitch when you use the browser to find gifts. doesn't go any further than fooling around at night.
Like ReplyAs soon as you click on the search button game crashes.
Like Reply